A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich’ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1924 NO. 45 COOLIDGE CAN LAUGH AL JOLSEN PROVES IT tt tt ---------- tt tt » WASHINGTON Oct. 23. tt: tt — Presidential and state » tt tt hours clashed recently at tt » tt the W hite House. John n » tt Drew, Al Jolsen and about ttj » tt 40 other members of the n « tt Coolidge and Dawes State » » tt Club won in determ ining tt tt ---------- ! « tt the hour for a breakfast tt President Says Business In- » Seattle Commissioner Said « engagem ent by arriving at tt Making Personal Tour In terests Have no Control i « to Have Taken Money in n 9 :3 0 ,-after the President « Buckeye State in Final Trolley Deal ’■ had waited an hour and a tt, Over Affairs ! » Campaign Effort half past his usual break­ tt _____ » tt IS BASIC « 8 MILLION REFUND AIM » fast time. _ RUNNING BEHIND BUSINESS IS _____ « The actors entertained 8 ' ¡8 W itness S tates Not Enough Mon- tt Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, not tt T ells A ides to Spurt in Last Min­ C hief E xecu tive S tates Busincw» ’ and A rrest on Charges o f tt only with songs but with n ey Paid for Deal Involving a a a a a a a a a a a a a P eo p le H ave R ight to Consid­ for Ohio's 24 i ute Drive tt impromptu speeches. Jo l­ :: Treason Are Feared Such Large Am ount eration by O fficials E lectoral Votes tt sen mixed in a few “ pre­ « BERLIN, Oct. 23. — The news SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 23. — tt sidential jokes” and was «I WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. — ABOARD DAVIS SPECIAL, th at President E bert had decreed That T. H. Bolton, Seattle civil 8 successful in. his th reat to «I ENROUTE TO CLEVELAND, Oct. President Coolidge today replied • softly but pointedly to his political ! the dissolution of the reichstag service commissioner and ex-city tt make Mr. Coolidge “ laugh 23. — John Davis, Democratic » candidate for the presidency, to ­ came as a surprise to a great m a­ councilman, received $1000 for tt out loud.” opponents who have been criticis­ voting for the purchase of th e ! t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t » day carried his personal drive jo rity of the deputies, who either ing his adm inistration, claiming are in Berlin or on the way here municipal street railway system it was now too intim ately identi­ into the middle of Ohio’3 three to attend the session of p arlia­ was testified by E. D. M in ic h 'a t! fied with the big business in te r­ cornered presidential race in a today’s hearing before the coon-j ment, which was to have begun final effort to capture the Buck­ ests throughout the country. Speaking to the members of the Those Who Knew Great Emanci- tomorrow. Political circles had cil efficiency committee. The eye State's twenty four electorial pator A re W anted to A u to­ votes. hoped for a compromise which money was said to have been executive committee of the New graph Book for P resident would enable the m ajority cabi­ given Bolton by R. B. W hiting, While Davis remained hopeful York Business Men’s Republican net to continue in office, espe­ of an Ohio victory, he received an employe o f-th e Puget Sound Association Coolidge said, “ this! Pioneers who either voted for cially as the cardinal problems . Power and Light company, in confidential reports as soon as Is a business country, pre-emint- of Germany’3 foreign relations ! April, 1919, after the city had he entered the state, that he was entally, with all kinds of busi­ Abraham Lincoln or who knew been definitely solved running second to President Coo­ taken over the railway system nesses, both industrial and agri­ the great American Em ancipator, had and delivered $15.000.000 in util­ Chamher of Com m erce O fficial lidge in pre-election forecasts. cultural and w ants a business are wanted to furnish their a u to -! through the governm ent’s accept- Says County Has Prospects Davis told his “ board of strategy” ity bonds in payment therefor. movement in the executive posi­ graphs for a giant autograph I ance of the Dawes plan. Equal to Any in Oregon The party organs of all shades book which is being prepared, and he could sweep the entire state Answering a question today. tion.” have inaugurated the campaign which will be presented to Presi­ Minich said th at he really believ­ of Ohio if his state machine “ I do not mean a government for the elections, which will be ed Bolton should have received Fn the interest of Oregon state spurted in its drixe for votes un­ by business o r.fo r business, but dent Coolidge. The Coolidge-Dawes-Lincoln held December 7, with columns of I mean a government which will more on so large a transaction. wide development, R. R. Howard til election day. In h ’s campaign of Ohio, Davis Minich also testified th at Mayor v’aa a reepnt visitor in Jackson understand business. It is not Caravan, which is composed of crim inations and recrim inations possible th a t a country like ours i neighbors o f. President Coolidge which indicate a pre-election sea­ ! Brown had employed him to help ; county. He is officially represent- has entered one of the Repub­ can pick business up in a ginger- from Vermont will be in-Ashland son of violent and acimanious in an investigation of the whole lbe land settlem ent and the lican strongholds in his attem pt politics. ly fashion and set if off to oneside ' next Tuesday m orning about street railw ay deal, with the ex- m arketing departm ent' of the to swing it from Coolidge. The In a personal statem ent C han­ for careful examination as if it 10:30 o’clock, according to S. A. A n other trium ph of love over parental ob jection s because of pectation of proving fraud and j Portland chamber of commerce, Buckeye Rtate, notoriously Re­ were something apart from the i Nye, chairm an of The Jackson cellor Marx recapitulates the gen­ youth w as revealed here recently w ith the announcem ent by Mr. compelling the Puget Sound Pow- j collecting inform ation for public- publican, is one of the states Coo­ rest of the country as a whole. It [ County Republican C entral Coni- esis of his negotiations for the and Mrs. G eorge T. H arye of W ashington, D. C., and B u rlingam e, i er and Liglif company to return j ity articles to appear in the Port- lidge was certain of from the W ash., of th e engagem ent o f their lH-year-ohl daughter, H e lm , j is p art of our national defense, m ittee, who called at The Tidings creation of a coalition bloc which pictured above, to M archese A lberto Arnold!, of Rom e, an Italian ! to the city not less than 58,000,- land papers and the Oregon agri­ start, and it will take a super­ would be ‘‘nationally inspired,” cavalry officer. Six m onth s of absence from each other, calculated { and as 3uch. is entitled to as much office yesterday afternoon. cultural press. On his present human effort to wrest it from °F the purchase price, The Coolidge-Dawes-Lincoln and which would gather ‘‘under to »eveal the truth of th e w ell-know n lin es an eiit inspiring love, Minich said the m ayor had trip he already has visited Doug­ the Republicana this year. consideration as any other part of th at defense. In fact,, the gov­ caravan is m aking up the giant one h a t” all factions from social­ have now passed and th e m arriage o f tjie young couple is scheduled form ed a little syndicate to carrv las, Coos and Josephine counties. to take place in W ashington, fo llo w in g th e debut there th is F a ll nn „ The caravan ists to nationalists. ernm ent of the United States is autograph book. on this investigation, and had ex-J and he left recently to visit in HALF OF DRYDEN IS of Miss Marye. based upon business and the busi- started from the A tlantic Coast i pected when ready to prove fraud K lam ath, Deschutes and Crook DESTROYED BY FIRE ness interests, should receive the several weeks ago and the book ' TO CHARGE MINEAR * to get the council to authorize counties. by j WENATCHEE. Wash., Oct. 23 consideration of the officials of now has been autographed payment of a 25 per cent com­ ‘‘One of the outstanding things WITH MURDER TRY the governm ent in the same de­ hundreds of pioneer men who vot- i mission on any sum recovered. I have noticed on my trip ” , states — F ile believed to have been — Tf gree as do the other interests of ed for Abraham Lincoln or wo- j PORTLAND, Oct. The prospective $2,000.000 of the Mr. Howard, “ is the new spirit started in an ammonia plant early men who knew the great eman­ Merle Minear, Medford pear grow­ $8,000.000 rebate was to split be­ of cooperation th at is prevailing this morning, razed half of the th e country.” cipator. * er, who yesterday killed his sis­ tween the mayor and his syndi­ every district of Oregon. Com­ business s?ction of Drydpn, 18 T h ^ caravan will be in Ashland cate associates. ter, Mrs. W. Nickerson, wiUi a m unities are realizing, as never miles west of here. .F iv e build­ PARENTS OF DEAD for an hour or two. They will hatchet, recovers from his subse­ before, th a t they have m arket­ ings were destroyed. TRAFFIC OFFICE'» quent attem pt at suicide, police Eight peisons, trapped upstairs ARE STOPPED HERE a'so be at M edf ° rd a t i : 3 0 p . m . ing and land settlem ent problem^ SLEEPING MAN IS the same day and at C entral Point will prefer a first degree m urder KILLED BY TRAIN which can be solved only in a com - are re p o rt'd to have saved them ­ 120 K illed D uring 1023 as Com- V’inin g E xtends Invitation to P r o ­ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. H arris, and Gold Hill later in the same charge against him, they announc­ ---------- 1 munity way And these commun selves by using a rope. Orchard p e n s i W ith Toini o f 113 for pie o f P ennsylvania to Inspect WALLA WALLA, Wash., Oct. ities also realize that these loca' praj’ers were used to combat the parents of Gordon H arris, who day. This is one of the most uni- ed today. It will rem ain for the Y ear o ( 1022 Oregon Country wa3 instantly killed in a shooting que political caravans which has defense attorneys to prove him 2®— The taking- of a nap on a m arketing and land settlement ire. No estim ate has been made affray near Lewiston, Idaho, y e s-! ever toured the country and lias- sane. Captain Moore stated. speeder on the O.-W. II. & N. problems only can be solved b; of the loss. WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. — An invitation to Pennsylvania attracted considerable attention Minear has a good chance of re­ terday, were stopped here tracks near Page station, this state-wide cooperation between Oregon had 120 autom obile fa- tourists to visit Oregon has been Those who are eligible to au to ­ covery. n ig h t and notified of the county, proved fatal about 1 a. in. com m unities.’’ MEMBER OF FIRM TO talities in 1923 as against 113 in ; extended in several eastern cities —'---------»----------- accident. Mr. and Mrs. H arris had graph'» the Lincoln book should . “ it is a realization of thia new today for Tom Robbins, 55. CONSTRUCT HOTEL 1922, 103 in 1921 and 87 in 1920.' by Irving E. Vining of Ashland, been touring the country and word report to The Tidings or to t h e . RAILROADS WILL ¡w atchm an for the railroad. A spirit and need of cooperation P ortland had 37 fatalities in- President of the Oregon State MOVES TO ASHLAND FIGHT NEW LINE wa9 received here yesterday to Republican county central com- i 1923 as compared with 40 in; Chamber of Commerce, according train struck the machine, killing which prompted Portland busi- PORTLAN d “ Ö ^ 23. — Rail- have them stopped and sent to m ittee previous to next Tuesday. Robbins instantly. I ness men to raijie a fund of $300,- E. L. McNeil, member of the 1922, 38 in 1921 and 34 In 1920.1 to a letter to A. S. Dudley, secre- Lewiston. Chief of Police Mc­ --------------- ---------- i 000 to be expended over a two- firm of Hoover and McNeil of ¡ road attorneys announced today W ashington state had 240-fa ta l-! tary of the Oregon state eham- Nabb, in order to do this, gave GREAT NORTHERN I year period on a d8fln,te program Albany, contractors for the con­ I that the lines of the Northwest Itles in 1923, compared with 173 her. each tourist a Blip of paper, ask­ would oppose the highest court, in 1922. Seattle’s fatalities in ' LOSES R A T L CASE ^ ree ° n state-Wide development struction of the Lithia Hotel, a r­ L etters and telegram s telling ing them to present it to the ---- _ This program included three well- rived in Ashland lust night with j t h e recommendation to the In-, 1923 were 55, compared with 44 of the enthusiastic reception ac- VVASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 23 defined departm ents of activity. his family. He is registered at couple, who were in a Dodge car, terstate Commerce Commission on the year before. , ' cording Mr. Vining, who went bearing the W ashington license, The petition of the Great adm inistered by the Portland the Hotel Ashland. the Central Oregon railroad con- --------- : East to attend the organization N orthern Railway company f o r ; chamber of commerce. W ith the 76675. ______ j struction. The Union Pacific will McNeil intends to start con­ WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 23. meeting of the ^so ciatio n of of- They arrived in sAhland about re-argum ent of the application of exception of necessary headquar- struction work on the new hotel Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 on j file exceptions to th e tentative — A total of 14,412 deaths from! ficials of state chambers of coin- six o’clock last night, going im­ the High School field, Coach report for the line between Bend th e W enatchee Southern Railway ters expense, this entire fund Is as soon as it is possible to do so. accidents during 1923 caused byj merce at P ittsburg, have been m ediately to the telegraph office Hughes will tro t forth his hope-1 and Lakeview. company for authority to coi}-j being expended outside of Port- As soon as the excavating work automobiles and other m otor ve- j received by officials of the Oregon w here the new’s of the shooting fuls for the 1924 season, .giving ! hides, excluding motorcycles, wasi state body. Mr. Vining, on his struct a new line of road in the. land. This is considered a good is completed, equipment and ma­ aw aited them . Leaving their car the fans of the city their first I __ shown in statistics assembled by; tour, has spoken at Pitt3burg, W enatchee valley, W ashington,!business investm ent for the reasor. terials will be moved to the site, here they took a train im m ediate­ peek at the boys, when they ta n g le ' |f the census bureau covering t h e ! H arrisburg, Philadelphia and a has been denied by the interstate i th a t Portland necessarily will ad and the work will be under way. ly for Lewi3ton. with the Myrtle Point gridiron ! vance with the advancement of The contractor intends to re­ death registration area' of the; number of sm aller places through-! commi'rce commission Gordon H arris was a traffic of­ stars in a practice game. the state as a whole, and only main in Ashland until the •com­ United States, which contains i out Pennsylvania. The local outfit took a 14-7 ! ficer in Lewiston and ¿was shot with the advance of the entire pletion of the contract awarded I 87.6 per cent of the total popu­ w hen attem pting to stop four men spanking at the hands of the state. - his firm. It is possible th a t the lation. INDIAN WOMAN, AGE In an automobile, who were sus­ G rants Pass w arriors Saturday, These three departm ents ot other member of the firm, Mr. This total represents a death 102 YEARS IS DEAD pected of being implicated in a while the Myrtle Point gang took work include publicity, land set­ Hoover will also locate in Ashland ra te of 14.9 for each 100,000! bank holdup several hours pre­ the Roseburg eleven into camp tlem ent and m arketing. The pub during the construction of the MONTREAL, Oct. 2 3 — Public YOSEMITE. Cal., Oct. 23. —- vious. The occupants promptly to the tune of 7-0 in their last interest in the Prince of W ales is persons, compared with 12.5 in licity work includes broad adver building. 1922, 11:5 in 1921 and 10.4 in Lucy Brown. Indian, credited in ' opened fire. shooting Gordon start. Outside of their victory so great, members of hi3 staff tising to a ttra c t tourists, with 1920. the annals of her tribe with b e -; through the heart. The men were over the Roseburg outfit, little said here today, th a t certain news­ the realization th a t a certain per California topped the list with ing 120 years old, died suddenly! driven from the machine, two of is known concerning the Myrtle papers have not hesitated to in­ centage of these .tourists will be them escaping. The other two, Point outfit, but from all indi- dulge in the creation of fabrica- a rate of 32.6 deaths for 100,- yesterday. KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 23 — business investors and land set Chester and Jame3 M arrs of Pen­ cations. th eir victory over the tions concerning him when no ac- 000 population and Wyoming was Liberty was of brief duration here tiers. / second with a rate of 24 1. Among! dleton, Oregon, are being held in Roseburg gang shows them to ; tual newa existed. this morning for A rthur Lewis, In the land settlem ent work a 68 cities for which statistics were'j jail. suspected n arco tics'v en d o r, and state-wide program has been work have a power defensive outfit, j was said that these publica- gathering Cameden, N. J., led Elm er Winslow, alleged thief, in ed out, in which nearly all of th< even though from the low sco re,' tions take advantage of the with a rate of 35.4 and Scranton, SAN BARNADINO, Cal., Oct. SENATOR LODGE IS their ingenious but X. unsuccessful counties of the state are ocoper 23— The heroism of Mrs. T. Kelty, th eir offensive does not seem to prince’s position and the fact th at Pa., was second with 29.2. REPORTED IMPROVED come up to snuff. escape from the Klam ath county ating. These counties have ap 31, who repeatedly slashed her- [ he is a visitor in a foreign land BOSTON, Oct. 23. — Henry jail. W orkmen were employed pointed land settlem ent commun •elf with broken glass in order Coach Hughes will probably i t 0 say- things about him which in repairing the jail windows and ities for the purpose of the defin Cabot Lodge, United States sena­ start his first string outfit against an ordinary citizen could meet by o feed her blood to her five- FORMER DRY LEADER roof on the top floor of the court­ ite listing of lands for sale, with year old niece as they lay at the tor, who was operated upon a the invaders tomorrow, for he lias 1 court action. MUST CONTINUE TERM second time yesterday, was re- j some working* over to do in pre-! They know th a t the prince house. At the same time the two brief descriptions. These listing.' rottom of a canyon near here for LOS ANGELES, Oct.' 23. — prisoners crawled out of a w in - |are filed in the Portland office hree days, following au autom o­ ported at the hospital today to ; paration for comhig games. Since . -would take no notice of their ALBANY, N. Y. Oct. 23.— The D uring the height of a dram atic ! dow onto the roof, with offers to I and are scattered wherever op be getting along well. ; the affair is a practice session, falsehoods, ra th e r than intensity court of appeals today unanim ous­ scene within the staid courtroom ' help the carpenters. The la tte r i portunity offers. It is the further bile crash in which her husband He passed a good night and ; Hughes is liable to run in a bunch the fOCus on himself, -vas killed, will probably cost her his condition was “ most satlsfac- j of his men before the tussle is As a pa8g ja point, the spokes- ly upheld the conviction last of Federal Judge McCormick, Mrs. 1 thought they were sent there by plan of these commities, as fa’ je r life, physicians who are at- wjfe oj mjn jon. i the contractor. to ry ,” Dr. J,. H. Cunningham, the j over, in order to get a line on his : nian for the prince’s party cited spring of W illiam H. Anderson, g as possible, to work out county .ending her here today said. I ntl ‘ *aire oil m agnate who is the ta r-; A fter a few m inutes of work. wide „ Ivtt program s of aid to incoming m aterial. surgeon, said. a story in a New York paper yes- ex - superintendent of the Saloon league of New Yoi s ate, Ql «government attorneys , Lewis pememSered he needed a : settlers, to see th at they find ex : terday which 5 h e prince’s name of third degiee foigery. who are attem pting to cancel val- screw driver, and calmly walked actly the land th a t they desire to BONES OF INDIANS was coupled with th a t of an ac- Anders-on is seiving a term of uaj,je ie^Bea he holds in the Elks ! down through the courthouse to farm and are most fitted to farm. FOUND AT KLAMATH tress who was “ reported to be from one to two years in Sing HiUg Reaerve found that the mi l - ; freedom. This part of the program is based -- sailing for England on the same Sing prison. ling p a rt of the $100,000 Doheny A moment later Winslow decid-j on th e proved fact th a t the besi KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 23— ship.” : Fall note, which had been the , ed he needed some more tools so advertisem ent th a t any commun Skeletons of 12 giant Indians, rel- The story included an alleged ; object of search by governm ental; h§, too, left the roof. 1 jty can have is well-located, sat- ics of pre-historic times, were un- telegram from Gerenal Trotter, FOR WORTH, Texas. Oct. 23. I operatives for the past year, re- j Deputy Sheriff George Dietsch 1 .ge distant on K lam ath avenue. He Fuller. .ion.” An average of over 60 ered near the skeletons. night during his stay in Mon­ greesives. fund, hurled by Senator La Fol-, reserving his constitutional right, started on a, run once more and j Jackson county has many thous miles per hour has been m ain­ treal. La Follette said th a t the th re a t lette, Progressive candidate for: 8ince he ¡8 UndeY indictm ent in this time overtook Winslow, who ands of acres of irrigated land tained since the ship left San “ Why shouldn’t he dance all Bend — Paving at north en­ of closing down factories in the the Presidency, was brought into Washington D. C. His son also was m aking a speed trail toward only recently improved for set Diego yesterday morning. The trance to city, to cost $47,000, to n ig h t?” he said.^ “ It is done by the two million dollar class to­ refused to testify for Lhe same case of his election was being us­ liberty. I most healthy and norm al young tlem ent. Jackson county can pro dirigible will likely reach F ort ed by the W all Street operators In be contracted for. In less than an hour from the duce w onderful yields of fruit W orth this afternoon, should the ' men of 30 and the prince is both day, with the announcem ents of reason. th e ir endeavors to coerce workers received I healthy and norm al to a high de­ additional collections, tim e of the escapes both prison­ speed m aintained so far be kept in to voting the old line tickets. (Continued on page 4) from Chicago and New York. ers were back in jail. Tidings Ads brings results. There is wisdom in reading ads. up. gree.” PA PA COOLIDGE 1N! SHORT ANSWER TO OPPONENTS EARNS MONEY, DISSOLUTION 0 F REICHSTAG JOLTS BODY MAMA SPENDS DOUGH ---------- a CHICAGO, Oct. 23. — a WTho spends the money in a tt¡ the United States Women spend 85 per a cent of it, answ ers Miss ai Mary L. Downes, High a Chief Ranger of the Wo­ tt m en’s Catholic Order of « I Foresters, one of Ameri­ tt ! ca’s large fratern al so­ a Majority of Members of cieties operating both for a Body Are Surprised, Com­ Bodv Ai and by women. The fair a munists Scared sex is becoming more and a more the money investing a RADICALS STAGE MOVE half of the domestic skfetch a a A ll C hances of Im m unity Gone the expert asserts. Love’s Dream Not Shattered O FFICIAL IS CHARGED WITH TARING BRIBE DAVIS TRYING T 0 TAKE OHIO FOR BOURBONS -L N ASHLAND SOON ISTRICI 1 EASTERN PEOPLE Ï0 VISIT OREGON SIATE POINT TO TANGLE! JAIL BREAKER A Í M A Ï H HAS SI) IT LIDIE FREEDOM HURLED BY PAPERS IN DOHENY TRIAL ILDI LA FOEEEHE CLAIMS WALL STREET ACTIVE OVER EL PASO, TEX,