paöe n , m AÖRLAXC Ö Afrt ü o e al ; P erson al flotes A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of local Interest Here— Here M o n d a y - Il. L. Burdlc, Sr. was in town Mis. Sondreal of H ilt was in yesterday and shipped a carload Ashland Monday doing shopping of cattle for D. H. Barneburg. | anad man the other day. It would i ake me so weak and nervous at t'm es th a t I couldn’t stay on my feet. D uring these attacks my heart would act in a peculiar way and I felt miserable all over. F in ­ ally it got so th a t I had to lay off work every few weeks. A friend advised me to try M. A. C., the guaranteed stomach tre a t­ ment. I did so, and -soon got complete relief. Today I feel like a different person. Smith Bros.’ M. A. C. is a re­ m arkable tonic th a t cleanses the system of waste products, im ­ proves appetite and helps to re­ store the weak, nervous stomach to proper working order. It is sold on a guarantee of money back if he first bottle should fail to re- icve any case of indigestion, dys­ pepsia, heartburn, bloatjng. nausea, sour stomach or excessive gas. Ju st take a spoonful after meals and see what a difference. Contains nothing injurious. Has a most agreeable taste. Price $1.25. East Side Pharm acy will supply you (m ail orders accepted). iMi $2 N o W aste—N o Failures Once Tried—Always Used caccmit THE WORLD’S G R E A T E S r tn 11 35 to J2 We have a table for our broken lines in ladies’ and misses’ shoes where you will find your stvle and size. Regardless of cost these go at • $3.00 per pair ' BAKIMG POWDER N o Kitchen Complete Without It ■ aim a1/, Tnos moot or antothkr brand Good Shoes Good Shoes C Z a m p c in y •W here Y our D ollar H as More C ents’ ♦ » ♦ ♦ • ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a »» -• ♦ <