Fiai m u «BUS» » am naïves. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS tot the ring. Detective Mellyer, ill charge of G. W. Milam C o lu m n the investigation, spent the great­ Independent C lassified Colom n R ates er p art of the day with a moving Candidate for County School One cent the word each Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ van, collecting stolen furniture time. ty, Oregon. from homes and bidding places To run every issue for one about the city. Detective Mallet, month or more, %e the word ANNOUNCEMENT co-operating with him, again raid­ each time. In announcing myself as an Independent candidate .for Cor-i FOR RENT oner for Jackson county:— I do so with the firm belief th a t the FOR RENT: — Clean, cozy, people do not want m inority rule. , three-room furnished apartm ent. It is proven th a t the direct Private bath Southern exposure. prim aries are a failure, only 30 A dults only. /»7 Vista street per cent vote was cast at the Phone 122. 41— tf spring prim aries, which is not a — ---- I voice of the people. In this elec­ FOR RENT— Furnished house, 478 Boulevard. 36— lm o tion all parties have the privilege of voting for their choice. FOR RENT— Completely fu r­ I need no introduction to the bished apartm ent. 75 Bush St. people of Jackson county where 37— tf I have lived for 15 years, and given the best of my life, time FOR SALE and money for the upbuilding and ! FOR HALE— 6 room house, betterm ent of the entire commun­ first class condition, Garage and i ity. I have been assistant to the woodshed. Lot 50x145. Fruit present coroner for eight years trees, berries. Includes $700 and understand every detail of w orth of furniture, fruit jars, the w’ork, therefore I am compet­ garden tools, etc. Reasonable for ent to handle the affairs of the quick sale. Call 132 5th St. office. 43— 6 Yours for clean, progressive and efficient women and men in FOR SALE— House and 2 lots, term s. Inquire 824 Beethman St., office in Jackson county. NELLIE M. PERL. Medford. 43— 3* Classified M M Only results can w in su ch a record ! ANNOUNCEMENT FOR SALE— Few nice Wyan- Cftunty Coroner dott fryers; also two choice bar­ In announcing my candidacy red Rock cockerels. Phone 273-L for the office of coroner, I ‘feel 43— 2 j th at I am no stran g er among you, FOR SALE: — 12-inch body j a » 1 was duly nominated at the fir, $3.50 per tier. Address W. R. May prim ary on the republican j Williams, Rt. 1, Ashland. 41— 10* i ticket for which I am thankful. And I hold out the same belief FOR SALE — Pigs, inquire W. now as then th a t the m ajority L. Moore Belleview. Phone 10F4. should and m ust rule and am at 40— 5* all tim es willing to strictly abide 6-ROOM Modern House, 2 by their decision. Regarding the blocks from H aw thorne school office for which I aspire, will say on paved street, well furnished. th a t I still hold out the belief Lot 80x160. P arty leaving town. jth a t the office should not continue F o r quick sale $3250, on good for the fifth term under the same term s at 6 per cent. W. W, Robi- i m anagem ent however efficient it ■on, 63 North Main St. 38— t f ' niay be> and should it be placed in •------------------------ ■--------------------- i my charge I shall surely exercise nungslow s— L o t. I the samc 1’,dsn,ent and efficiency I have some fine Bungalow, " 'hich ‘ alo n i has b r" ',Bl" ab ° " 1 r * m • Ash- » I my success as an . undertaker. Houses and Building Lots j . ... . . I Trusting th a t by your voice at land for sale, will accept good , .. „ T t , i . the election polls I may be plac-1 Bonds, Notes or Mortagea on . . ‘ x , 1 . ed in a position to be of greater! payments, and give easy term s on 1 service balance. Se me before buying a I tru ly remain. home. H. W. CONGER. A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. Medford, Ore. Box 422, Ashland. Pd. Adv. Medford. Ore 35— 1 Mo. Buy b etter milk. Phone 257-J for it. 33— 1 mo.* ®0AT SINKS, RUINS BIG TRIP TO ARCTIC PORTLAND, Oct. 22. — Prop-' FOR HALE — or exchange for erty valued in excess of $7500! $35,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ stolen from local stores by the vated, free water, lots of it. 20 i th eft ring now under in v estig a-' head of large size Registered Jer- tion, was recovered by the police j •eya, the finest strain in Oregon. yesterday and through lack of 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, space in the police property rooms, 200 W hite Leghorn chickens, team was stored in a warehouse until of Registered Im ported Perchon the courts release it to its own­ m ares 1900 lbs. each. About ers. $3000.00 w orth of farm equip­ No arrests were made yesterday m ents, modern house, large barn i in connection with the operations and other buildings. W ill take of F rank Taylor, H. C. Ban field Income property up to $20,000.00, long tim e on balance at 6 per cent. and W illard O akes,, the alleged ringleaders of the gang now held ! Courtesy to brokers or agents. J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland in jail. The police moved cau­ Oregon. 33— 1 mo. tiously, m erchants and business i men were not willing to swear FOR HALE— Reed baby cart in to complaints unless positive e v i-' good condition; reasonably priced, dence of dishonesty was fo rth ­ Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St. coming, so the police spent the ‘ 32— tf day d a rin g a num ber of local, homes of household goods, fu r-| MISCELLANEOUS nitu re and a rt objects said to have been furnished by m em bers’ W ILL take on good Jersey cow in milk fdr pasturage.. Talent, Box 137. Phone H-F-5. 43— 2 WANTED— Plain and fancy sewing, address 140 Central Ave. 42— 5* WANTED— W ork by competent experienced janitor. All or part tim e. W ill do anything. Refer­ ences 218-Y. 32— tf CORDS and BALLOONS rim Unnecessary Legislation The Dairy Industry is prospering. Only a small portion (leas than 30 percent) of total milk production is used in the manufacture o f butter. Consumer should have the right to choose his food as well as his clothes. Oleomargarine is d e a n , sanitary, healthful. M anufacture o f Oleomargarine is supervised by Federal Government. You know exactly w hat you are buying. D o not let selfish interests dictate People of O regon--W hy must you be bothered each election year to vote on measures that you have given definite assertion you do not want? You decisively defeated one “Anti-Margarine” bill just four years ago by practically a 2 to 1 vote. They are trying to hand out the same old “chestnut” again. It is Class Legislation - -a n attempted Monopoly. Protect Your Home and Pocket Book V ote N O o n the Anti-Margarine B ill Novem ber 4th [ bwo m v u t is u s s t ] PU R E M ARGARINE PR O D U C T S COMMITTEE By F. J. BLAKELEY, Chairman your food. or w h e e l ch a n g e) Leedom’s Tire House VOTE 307X NO/ greatest achievement in cereals ! N E W STYLE H -O O A T S are entirely different. They cook quickly into granular oatmeal with wonderful flavor. A new breakfast delight. '•‘••»«♦•«•SI A n experienced food critic says: "Your new style H-O Oats has the best flavor and is the best cereal o f any in the country. How do you do it?” Goats Bred by registered buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain,, low Oh&rges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 miles south on Pacific Highway. 14— 1 mo.* CREAM WILL CLEAR A S T M -U P HEAD If your nostrils are clogged and your bead is stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure, antiseptic cream into your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage, sooth­ ing and healing swollen, inflam ­ ed m embranes and you get in­ sta n t relief. Try this. Get a small bottle of Ely’s Cream Balm at any drug store. Your clogged nostrils open rig h t up; your head is clear; no more hawking or snuffing, dry­ ness, struggling for breath is gone. You feel fine. , . Dont Let the Whole Country' Laugh at Oregorfc Freak Legislation w I The meaty granules provide roughage ancj vigorous digestion. The wealth of nourishment contained gives vim and energy for the day’s work. WANTED: — Nursing. Will consider house work. Am a post graduate of N. W. school of mas­ sage and electro-therapeutics. Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. Instantly Opens Every Air Passage—Clears Throat, Too, N 1923 a group o f tire experts from th e E ast b egan m a n u fa ctu re o f a tire th a t w as to represent th eir com b in ed life tim e experience. No pains were spared to make that tire the most worthy tire on the market in material, workmanship and actual service in mileage. Their massive non-skid treads affords sur­ prisingly long wear and safety! Today that tire is the best selling tire made in any exclusively Pacific Coast factory. It is the C-T-C! We are proud to represent the C-T-C tire in this town. Stop in and let us put one on your car. ( w ith o u t tV<*dn