• ASHLAND CLIMATE W ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Thia is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. ASHLAND. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1924 NO. 44 MAX O. K.ED BY A OPPONENTS OF DRY i f l y in g GAME b i r d 8 MOVE SUCCESSFUL ---------- 8 Wealthy Dancing Teacher 8 ---------- 8 » VICTORY, Wis., Oct 8 8 CHRISTIANIA, Oct. 22. « » 22- — It is illegal in Wis- 8 , 8 — Elections to the Stor- » consin to take ducks from 8 8 thing were held through- 8 a boat in open water. It 8 8 out Norway yesterday and 8 « is also illegal to take them 8 ' 8 the voting was exceptional- 8 8 a fte r sundown. B ut 8 J : 8 ly heavy. 8 8 A rth u r Tulloch of this 8 ! G loria 8 Only a few results have 8 . 8 village did both. Mr. Tul- 8 8 been announced but they 8 iiou ld loch puts in a plea of 8 Bishop, 8 appear to indicate succes­ 8 Commission Urges Building 8 self-defense for the illegal 8 Committee Reports Route Four of Injured Men Dead « ses for the conservatives 8 $500,000 Will be Expended in private life of Several Extensions in ’ » demise of the duck. 8 Mapped Out to be as Result of Explosion » and the peasants’ party Mrs. H enry A. Eastern Oregon » Tullock was standing in 8 by County in Roads Feasible on Trenton i 8 and a setback for the Left. Bishop, Jr., the bow of a launch with 8 in District Voting for the Moscow ---------- i« TO C O S T $5, 000, 000 » a lantern in his hand while 8 NO ROAD AT PRESENT you n gest AS YET UNEXPLAINED » Communists was light, but 8 MUCH WORK COMPLETE dau gh ter of ---------- ¡ ** crossing the Mississippi 8 ----------- 8 L in es \ \ ill Ai MEDFORD, Oct. .2 2 . M. and the two Interior decorators creating the board of censors was i the pa8t two years- lower than originally planned, admitted had been stolen from ' constitutional, and he declared' peratures for cooking. Yesterday Minear. 41, a fru it ranch owner this receiving the benefit of sev­ j censorg were jn a b etter posl- Miss Murdock baked bread and , near here, killed his sister, Mrs. oca stores. WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 22. rolls, which are now on display I W. Nickerson, 31, with a hatchet eral springs which would not be ---------------- --------- - | tion than he to determine whether WINDOW IS BROKEN — President Coolidge today di­ available under the form er plan. BY BULLET FIRED in the window. She will be b a k -p n her home here this afternoon, Arbuckle’s appearance would be rected th a t the office of alien Hosier also reported th a t 3.2 PORTLAND, Oct. 22. — A new BY GANG OF BOYS subversive of public morals. ing cake almost every afternoon ' .then cut his tliroat and is In property custodian be placed in miles of path had been cleared baseball plant, costing a half mil­ and will be glad to make any­ a serious condition charge of William W. Wilson and Young boys, hunting on bear between Ashland and Neil Creeks lion dollars, a new manager, and thing on request. Minear recently released from Sewell W. Abbott, present general creek near the city Saturday, were as a fire prevention move. The the consummation of several deals, a sanitarium , and police believe m anager and assistant general careless with the guns, and as a city had form erly authorized the designed to bring a first division he was deranged at the tim e of counsel, respectively, of the bur­ result W. T. Bostwick will have expenditure of $300 on this work, club to Portland, were announc- the m urder. W hile unconscious. MOVIE ACTOR DIES eau. to replace a window in his home, and Hosier reported the money ed today by Tom Turner, who, DOING STUNT ACT though breathing with difficulty, Babe R uth, m ightiest of home- The two men will serve until and Chief of Police McNabb is on had been exhausted. The council aided by John Sbibe, part owner — ; Minear 3aid She tried to poison j run sw atters in the m ajor base- November 15 when the president the lookout for the youngsters. declined to appropriate more of the Philadelphia Athletics pur­ LOS ANGELES, Oct. 22— Wil- me ! ball leagues, and Bob Meusel, expects to make a perm anent ap­ Bostwick reports th at his w ife ! money for the work. chased tjie m ajority stock of the liam H arbaugh, 25, motion pic- ---------- ¿ an o th e r star of the New York pointm ent. The office was made heard a shot and heard the bullet j The petition of four residents Portland Baseball Club from Wil­ Amercian league team, who are vacant recently by the resigna­ tu re stu n t man, wag drowned in PAST COMMANDER strike the window. She went of the district immediately west liam Klepper, president. WASHINOTON, Oct. 2. OF LEGION SHOT touring the country, were in Ash­ tion of Thomas W. Miller, who the Colorado river, northeast of dow nstairs and discovered the of the city limits, requesting that Turner, scout for the Portland Chairman T. O’Conner, United land this morning. leaves the country soon to assume Yuma, Ariz., today after enacting GRAND RAPIDS, Mich,, Oct.) broken pane of glass, and found , they he allowed to buy w ater for club, said the Philadelphia club th e’ off ice in’ Pan's as president of , a -struggle in the w ater with an' They were scheduled to play in States shipping board expressed 22— Colonel F. Emery, past Na- the bullet on the bed, where i t n irrigation from the Talent Irri- would have nothing to do in di­ the Interallied W ar Veterana' a a -! <«l> " ”>»» >" a «*■“ > de»,cUn«! tlonal V o m n i d n d e ^ f “ “ M bib' " M basebal‘ Bame tbla b*,orei; ' be ^orah In- „„nun™ events following the dynam iting T - , rl ¡afternoon at Dunsmuir, Califor- vostigating committee, th at funds had dropped after its force was gat ion district was laid on the recting the policies of the P ort­ 1 ■ 1 :,a ".„L; g'„0” . and„candl<,ate tbe ma. and In ordar to get tie n , there " » » R » » l» were being received spent. That no one was injured table. land club, that Shibe had been In receiving the resignation o f ) °F a dam, according to word re- United States Senate, was shot seems a miracle, for the room in Action was taken to assess the of assistance to him in financing on time, C. D. P ainter and E D. *n tbe United Stats to aid the Mr. Miller the president express-' ceived bere tonight. arm h® here e d 'th e hope th at the custodian! The pretende,! struggle before ‘ in the , 6 left ‘ arm re today by Pelts, members of the D u n sm u ir. candidacy of Senator La Follette. which the window' was broken is property owners on the west side the deal, but was not personally ¡of G ranite street for the work o f ' interested in the purchase of the ed the hope m at m e » ______ ___ Chedell Simpson, husband of one r.lnno Lions club under whose auspices ’ Under Under ouestioninr questioning hv by Rnr»h Borah, used a great deal. would be able to continue in office the cam era was over and Har- As a result of the shooting, laying the sidewalks, recently club. of Em ery’s stenographers. Em ery th e exhibition game will, be play- O’Conner said he had no actual and it wa3 explained today at baugh was preparing to retu rn to Bostwick has decided to refuse completed. The expenditure of! It is believed by sports w riters will recover. j ed motored to Ashland and took evidence th a t funds were sent the W hite House th a t it was hoped the river bank when he was On the way to the jail, Simp-; the players to the California city. from Russia to this country. In the boys fu rth er permission to the city of $200 as Its share of th at Duffy Lewis, m anager of the Mr. Miller might be able to re­ caught in a whirlpool. j Salt Lake club is the most likely son said, ‘I wish I had killed in this way, they can arrive there connection with the visit of a hunt near his home on Bear this work was authorized sume his duties after November Creek, The expenditure of $300 for th e ' candidate for the m anagership of killed him .” The shooting oc-* in tim e for the game. hundred ‘‘labor leaders0 to the 15. ---- ---------------------- ! lay:n«r of a w ater main, to be! the club. It is known Lewis is curred In Em ery’s real estate of­ R uth and Meusel attracted quite W hite House on Labor Day, with DEER STRUCK*BY CAR j used as a reserve main to supply through at Salt Lake, and would following an altercation with a crowd of baseball fanp at t h e ! hi™ 88 head, O’Conner adm itted LITTLE INTEREST IS LOS ANGELES. Cal., Oct. 22. ON ASHLAND ROAD fice, the Lithian Hotel was authorized, like to catch on with some other he advanced $385 to Joseph Ryan, Simpson. Mrs. Simpson, who is station. SHOWN IN ELECTION The. main will be laid on first l Coast League club. — Advices from W ashington, D. president of the International The num ber of deer crossing a beautiful woman, had begun ac­ C., th a t the office of the alien street between Hargadine and Longshoremans Union to pay rail­ A Tidings i epi esentative at the Main streets. A total of 235 feet property custodian there had been the A shland-Klam ath Falls high­ tion to obtain a divorce, and the boys have whistles road fares and bills, but that the court house Tuesday was unable placed in charge of General Man­ way has attracted many hunters argum ent between her husband 483 CASES Or BOOZE cf main will be laid. ABE TAKEN IN RAID money had been repaid him. to stir up any political arg u m en ts.1 ager Wilson and A ssistant Gen­ out th at way during the past 48 and Emery arose from this. The Tidings carrier boys were Joseph Grundy told the commit- everybody being busy and n o t! “ You broke up my home,” eral Counsel Abbott of the bur- j hours. F. R. Olds says th a t Sun- supplied with whistles Tuesday VICTORIA, B. C., Oct. 22. — tee (hat the campaign fund col- much aroused up by the election eau by President Cooiidge r e f e r . day night he tam e suddenly Simpson shouted as he fired. W heeler — Grading alm o3t1 a Dern °on. with instructions to The Canadian fisheries patrol an- leettd by the Republicans in which occurs in two weeks. Those j to a step in office routine neces- j around a curve and the car Mrs. Simpson worked in Em ery’s sitated by the absence in the w e s t' struck a doe th a t seemed blind- office for three weeks, gaining nounced here today that the pow- Pennsylvania, outside of Pltts- w ithout opposition, such as Miss completed on Brighton Jetty sec- b' ow them when they throw cop- j *es °F the Tidings to the subscrih- er boat Impala, with 483 cases of, burg, totaled $355,000. Grundy Stevens for county clerk and tion of Roosevelt highway.* of the custodian. Thomas W. Mil- ed by the headlights. Olds got employment by answering an ad­ Theft Ring— 30 ............................... ers. Notice what the Tidings whiskey aboard, ha£ been seized is chairman of the Ways and others, are only waiting for the ler, according to a statem ent h e re ! out and went back but could not vertisem ent in a newspaper. ■ whistle sounds like and then in Dodge Cove, near Bam field, on Means committee in the Pennsyl­ votes to be counted, while those The Dalles today by A. M. Shaw, the c u sto -' find the deer though the fender Emery is m arried and has two the Pacific ocean on the west Nearly $400,000 whenever you hear the whistle you vania Republican state commit­ with opposition Are not doing d ian ’s secretary. on the car was bent considerably. daughters. building permits issued for first will know the paper is w aiting side of Vancouver island. tee. much campaigning either. seven months 1924. for you at your door. I OREGON R A IL L IN E S TO BE M ADE BETTER COAST OUTLET PLANNED FOR THIS CO UNTY MORE D IE AS VICTIMS OF BIG POWDER BLAST DOCTOR GETS YEAR FEDERAL -JAIL DF CIIY CDDNCIL THEFT RING LOOT I ARBUCKLE BARRED INCREASED J75D0 i FROM TACOMA BILL FOLLOWING RAIDS Bi STATE COURTS TWO NAMED TO ACT MUCH WORK IS ■PLANNED FOR EXTRA! IN ASHLAND TOMY SAYS LA EOLLEITE