Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 21, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    puh : t u r a
latAM) B i t t i ftbiKöS
Mr. *and Mrs. Geo. Yates have LONGER after a Golden Glint
moved from 085 East Main St., Shampoo.
to the M cFarland residence at 6 92i
■ - • « ■ .
B street.
A D aily C hronicle of th ose w h o com e and go, and even ts of
local in terest
* A ttend C raterian Theater—
SEATTLE, W ash., Oct. 21. —
Among those who journeyed to Attacked by her infuriated hus-
Medford last evening to attend band during an alleged family
On Businessr—
D e M olay M eeting—
the opening of the H unt’s C rater-' quarrel, Mrs. Daniel Welch, 38,
Millard Grubft made a trip to
R egular meeting of Litbia)
ian T heater and view Elliot Dex-! was believed to be dying today in
C hapter -will be held at Masonic Medford this morning on business
te r in “ The Havoc” were Mr. and! a local hospital. Her th ro at was
H all, W ednesday evening, Oct. 22.
Mrs. H. K. Tomlinson, Mr. and 1 slashed across with a razor, said
All members are ur d to attend.
Best m ilk— Lininger’s Dairy, Mrs. V. V. Mills, Mr. and M rs.' to have been weilded by her hus-
10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. John Enders, Mr. and Mrs. Henry hand
26— tf Enders, A hlstrom s, A rthur Pet-
$3,000,000 IS OBJECT
ers and Anna Luman,
Cliff Payne makes sa9h.
Purchases Property —
Return H om e—
In Town—
LOS ANGELES,, Oct. 21. —
Theodore Lockhart has pur-
Mrs. R. E, Detrick and Miss
E. J. B arrett of Porti, nd is in
loot of an Aztec tem ple —
i chased the Dr. Mattie Shaw place
town for a few days on business. Helen Detrlck returned yesterday
on A lid a through the Yockey gold, jewels and rare ornam ents
from Portland and Vancouver
Realty company and will move in valued at more than ?3,000,000,
Vicka Vapo Rub, 35c, McNair where they IWive been visiting fori the first of the month. The Lock­ is the object of a treasure hunt
several weeks.
harts have been living on G ran­ launched here by three Californ-
ite street.
You are welcome tb compare
Buckeyebread, the only bread.
The tj'A su re Is believed to be
We put up lunches for travelers. my Automobile rates with any
in Antelope Valley, not far
B utler, The Buckeye.
- 41— 12 other rates in Jackson or Jose­
To The Property Owners, Tax­
phine Counties; you can be th e '
payers and Voters of the City of
M oving—
Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course.
Alden Powell is moving from
30— tf
I wiah to make herew ith a brief
his form er home on B street to
statem ent, which has been delay­
Palm avenue.
Miss Murdock will give an elec­
ed for some time on account of
tric range- dem onstration in the
private business cares.
We deliver the goods -Detricka sales rooms of the Ashland Elec­
As a candidate for the mayor-
94-tf tric Supply every day this week.
ship, I am in favor of progress:
bocal * Personal fiotes
Pioneer Couple
Wed Fifty Years
an improved w ater system, a clean
city in every sense, continually
moving forw ard; clean streets;
green lawns and favorable public-
ity, and as much of this as we can
I am in favor of a sufficient
bond issue for the construction
of a w ater system, not only for
can w rite better A uto insurance present needs, but for a greater
Tee, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ or a t lower rates than the Staples population and greater need.
ity Bread, from tho oven over Agency.
( A fter a long, slow, hard pull,
th e counter, 8 and 12c., 31— 6
■ Ashland is nea» the sum m it where
i v,-e can get a b etter view of the
Miss Mnrdock will give an elec­
Members of B urnside Relief future.. I think we should all have
tric rang» dem onstration in the Corps No. 24 are requested to at- ; faith in our city and work to the
sales rooms of the Ashland Elec-: tend funeral service of our S ister,' end th a t we may increase our
trie Supply every day this week. I Mrs. Belle Butcher tomorrow a t population, for In this is our hope
two p. m. from Stock’s Chapel.
of reducing taxation.
R eturns H om e—
We surely have, this season
Mrs. Agnes Herndon returned
had some unfavorable publicity
last night from a visit in Seattle, Is Im proving—
throughout our to u rist travel and
P ortland and Fall Creek.
Word has been received here this should not occur again, if it
that Miss Dorothea Abraham is is possible to prevent an occur-
Special Auto Accident Policy slowly Improving- but still v ery lren ce. A reasonable bond issue
for >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo weak. She has been seriously ill j for an adequate w ater supply by
of course.
24-tf in China, since Ju ly 31.
Miss the most practica1, and economica1
Abraham and Miss Howell are method, and a judicious, care­
Hallowe’en Decorations, McNair training for m issionaries and ful expenditure of the money vot-
when the hot w eather came thfc ed w’ll, I think, solve the prob-
sunnner moved to R uling to get Ienr
M any See Fuel's—
away from the intense heat The* WWle we bave many problems
A large num ber of Ashland peo­ night they arrived in R uling Miss before 1,8 to so,ve during the next
ple journeyed to Medford last eve­ Abraham became ill.
few years’ the relief of o u r pre8’
ning to see the world fliers, who
ent condition as to an adequate
w ater supply is our greatest prob­
spent the night there.
Come in, look thiem over, P aul­ lem — which m ust be solved.
serud’s Suits.
’ 43— tf
Tf elected, I will do my best
Save >10.00, walk upstairs to
in all m atters th a t may arise.
O rres tailor shop.
17— tf
H. W. Conger, candidate for There is nothing sentim ental in
has som ething to say un­ being elected mayor or council­
Miss Murdock will give an elec­
tric rang» dem onstration in the der th e head of political “An­ man. They are positions of tru st
sales rooms of the
hland Elec­ nouncem ents” elsewhere in thl3 and service and mean a sacrifice
issue. Read it.
42-4* on the p art of every one accept­
tric Supply every d
this week.
ing such positions. If elected, I
will endeavor to perform all my
W eath er Ideal—
duties in accord w ith the re-
The w eather at C rater Lake
yesterday was ideal and there was about ten dftys a8° and delivered quirem ents of law and my un­
no snow on the road except a lit­ a lecture sermon at the C hristian derstanding of the situation ■ or
tle between government w rap and Church on the subject of “ Gene-j the m atter in hand, w hatever it
the lodge, according to people sis versus Organic Evolution,” was may be, in a careful business-like
who returned from a trip to the asked to retu rn and deliver two way. I pledge myself to the en-
lake last evening. About twenty or three more lectures on the forcem ent of law and ordinances
cars of sightseers visited the lake same subject, or along kindred in a reasonable m anner.
lines. Hie is to retu rn to Ashland
d u ring Sunday.— Mail-Tribune.
for Thursday and Friday nights
Complete line of Ashland Can­ of this week, October 23rd and
ned Goods at Detrlcks.
94-tf 24th. He will speak at th e Chris­
tian Church both nights on the
of “ The Bible versus Evo­
Modern Science.” Dr.
All members neighbors of
not class the theory
W oodcraft are requested to meet
a t I.O.O.F. Hall tomprrow (W ed.) of evolution with scientific teach­
1 o’clock p. m. to attend funeral ing. as he says it is the most un­
scientific thing in the world. No
services of Mrs. Belle Butcher.
admission fee is charged to hear
these lectures and all are invited
Let us fill your pall with Swifts to attend.
O pportunity to ask
Silver Leaj lard. Costs less than
questions is given.*
shortening. Goes farther and is
more nutritious. Detrlcks.
Have R eturned—
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Darling and
For Corvallis—
K enneth, have ju st returned
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Humphrey,
a vacation trip spent in San
Mrs. E. M. Berg, Mrs. Huxley of
Bellview and Mrs. J. A. Ruger Francisco and Berkeley, Calif.
left early this morning for Cor­ W entner, who took them on a
vallis where they will attend the W hile in Berkeley they m et Lyle I
Parent-T eacher convention held most interesting trip through th e ‘
University building and points of
th e re this week.
interest on the grounds.
Sweet cream for whipping and
coffee— also fresh milk, always graduate of he local high school,
•u Ice at the Plaza.
239— tf who is now attending the Univer­
sity of California.
Lost, P. E. O. pin
m arked
B ertha Denton on back, Return
to Ju n io r High School. Reward.
42 — ! •
W hen our label is in your H ere for F un eral—
clothes, you are well dressed,
Mrs. W innie Hoak of Klam ath
P aulesrud’s.
4 3— tf Falls is in Ashland to attend the
funeral of her m other, Mrs. Belle
M oving—
Butcher, wh > died in Klam ath
A. Chase has returned to Ash­ Falls Sunda r evening.
land and is moving into his new-
home a t 736 Boulevard.
N o agen t In Sonthern Oregon
MEDFORD, Oct. 21. — Pion­
eer tales and stories of the dang­
ers incident to crossing the plains
by ox team in 1858 and 1860 were
recalled recently a t the town of
Ruch on the Applegate riv er in
Jackson county when Mr. and Mrs.
Aris Throckm orton celebrated
th eir 50th anlversary.
Throckm orton
plains in 1860 ».when he was 7
years old, andRMrs. Throckm orten
came across in 1858 when she
was 2. Before h er m arriage Mrs.
Throckm orton was Sarah Bost­
wick. She was born in Missouri.
Throckm orton was born in K en­
They were m arried May 6, 1874
a t College City, Sacram ento val­
ley, California. In 1884 they came
to Jackson county and have since!
made th e ir home here.
The Throckm ortons’ 'nave the
following children living:
W. H. McDaniels, Applegate, Or.;
R im o. Throckm orton. Applegate,
Or.; Mrs. E. E. Scott, Central
Point. Or.; Mrs. W ill Hansen.
Tue«day, October ¿1, iòdi
M idford, and Lester Throekm or-i way and Benton streets. A lone
ton. Eague Point, or.
Bandit in an automobile flaeh-
They are still living on t h e ' ed a gun on Taylor, took the
same site on which they settled
when they came to Oregon In
1884, although the home has been,
Although both were too young
to retain direct memories of the
six m onths' trip across the plains,
Mr. and Mrs. Throckm orton pos­
sess a great store of knowledge
i and reminiscences concerning that
journey, as a result of stories told
them by th eir parents and others
who were in the historic caravans.
W ILL take on good Jersey -cow
in milk for' pasturage.. Talent,
Box 137.
Phon» H -F-5.' 43— 2
The P. N. G. Club f Hope Re­
bekah Lodge will ho 1 a special
m eeting for transacting business
relative to the coming bazaar,
W ednesday, 2 p. m., I.O.O.F Hall.
The New Junior
FOR SALE— 6 room house,
first class condition, Garage and
Lot 50x145.
F ru it
trees, berries.
Includes >700
w orth of furniture, fru it jars,
garden tools, etc. Reasonable f o r ;
quick sale. Call 132 5th St.
43— 6 and a supporting cast
mpmx J rone ^
The B e st I r o n e r
WANTED— Plain and
fancy including Enid Beil-
sewing, address 140 C entral A ve. 'nett, Lloyd Hughes
42— 5»,\Valace Beery
FOR SALE— House and 2 lots. -1,000 p l a y e r s .
term s. Inquire 824 Beethman S t.,'
. glamorous romance
’ • A
of the Barbary coast
FOR SALE— Few nice W yan-j
dott fryers; also two choice bar-
red*Rock cockerels. Phone 273-L
43— 2
elem ental
Does your little girl beg to help with the ironing
when she comes home from school on Tuesday?
Of course she doesn’t, because ironing is the week’s hardest
task. But with the new Junior Simplex Ironer in your home,
they all want to help because it is so much fun to iron with
this attractive iittle machine. Seated comfortably in you k it­
chen, you simply guide the pieces through. How fascinating
it is to watch the smooth beautifully ironed linen glide from
the Simplex Ironer, and the work done in such’ an amazing
short time.
hates in which a
Cornish gentle­
man becomes a
roaming pirate
FOR SALE— it: Douglas county, Sheik of the Sev­
16 miles north of Roseburg, two en Seas.
miles from the highway— 320
acres, would make a nice moun­
tain home; good spring w ater,
good black soil, a little orchard.
Mrs. E. J. Spence, Ashland, Ore.
43— 1
Try a pair for wear
AVe still have a few of those eolton blankets
60x78 for ..............................................................95c
The Army Goods Store
Biggest Little Store in Town
H unting License
It is no larger than a sewing machine and as easily
will he at our store
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
October 23,24 and 25
You are nil cordially invited to visit our store at
this time
Matinee ..................................... 1:30'
Evening ...............................8 p m.
The Jordan Electric
A dm ission ........................10c & 50c
T hey Are!
Our Futnilure Buyer is in Portland
this week and we must make , room for the new
stock that he will purchase, therefore we are mak­
ing some SPECIAL prices on BE1) ROOM and
DINING ROOM SUITES that will interest von,
don’t fail to come in and see them. W e have a full
line of the following:
WINDOW SHADES, any width and length de­
and high grade, DUST MOPS—CARPET SWEEP­
INTRODUCTORY PRICES to introduce the
FAMOUS CIRCULATOR made by Bridge Beach &
Co., takes the place of a Furnace. Requires less than
one-half the amount of fuel to heat the Home.
P. Dodge & Sons
Reliable Housefurnishers
Hecu Dresses
Being displayed today for the first time. These models are
marvels—Their newness commands appreciation They are
the spic models of fashion’s latest. Look them over in our
No. 2014. Black Sat­
in, Canton lace and fur
trim .
Semi - tailored
lines. Priced at
No. 1269. Black Sat­
in Crepe. Double fillet
lace collar and cuffs—
Puff Ball sleeves. Tail-
o r e d, embroidered;
dress line finished in
blue and red.
chic. Priced at
$ 2 2 .5 0
No. 113SB. Navy Sat­
in-Canton, straight line
panel effect.
trim m ed. Tunic bead­
ed. Very clever. Pric­
ed at
$ 1 4 .9 5
No. 1297.
Satin Crepe.
Sun and shadow braid
trim m ed. Tunic over
drape s k i r t ;
Priced at
$ 2 2 .5 0
No. 1159. Ladies’ Co­
coa Brown Satin Crepe
with tan georgette col­
lars and puff cuffs.
Button trim ; straight
line effect. Priced at
$ 2 2 .5 3
No. 1177. Black Sat­
in; long sleeve; tail­
ored effec’ ; ra?h tie;
button trim ; panel tie
effect; lace collars and
cuffs. Priced at
$ 2 2 .5 9
No. 3151B. Black Satin, Shirred waist
line; Over tunic effect; embroidered
Georgette trim; lace collar and cuffs.
Priced a t .................................. $12.95
Many Beautiful Designs from which
to select. Order now to avoid delay.
Values In clothes th a t will open
your eyes a t P aulserud’s. 43— tf
“ Mother, may I iron
daddy’s shirt?”
PORTLAND, Oct. 20. — Satur-
days police records showed th a t
five gasoline stations were visit­
ed by hold-up men Friday night.
Fifty ^dollars of the company’s
money and >10 of T. R. Taylor,
an employe, were taken a t the
Union Oil station at E ast Broad-
R eg istra tio n Grows—
The school registration
G rants Pass has shown a steady
city schools had only 952 pupils,
increase since 1920, when the
D uring the four years, the a t­
tendance has increased 247, or
a little over 25 per cent. These
figures are taken from th e rec­
ords a t th e end of the first sport
m onth. The registration by years
follows: 1920, 952; 1921, 1048;
1922, 1074; 1923, 1119; 1924,
1199.— G rants Pass Courier.
Cjüst ÍÍke-pkñf
Guns— A m m unition
money and disappeared.
Aeeerdlng to his report. V. C.
The same person is believed td Oasiow, Union Oil station attend«
have held up R.. H. Randall at the ant at Bast 12th and Clay streets,
Standard Oil station
at East i had just locked up his money and
Eleventh and Broadway. Sixteen was leaving for his home. He was
dollars was taken.
approached by a man and told to
“ N othin’ doin’ ” shouted W al-jh an d over his money. When he
ter L. Miller, attendant at N o .! explained it was locked up, the
869 Union avenue, who didn’t feel man uttered an oath and left.
like turning over his company’s,
P. J. Cooper, of the Standard
receipts. He drew a gun. fired Oil company’s station at East 10th
at the intruder, who had stuck and Hawthorne avenue, aiso was
his head through the door, and held up after he had left the sta-
the man ran.
J tion. He lost nothing.
V^OU And your family might he driven out at
* night, as thousands have been before, by the
fire fiend! No time to look for valuables! Not
presence of mind enough to locate documents!
The knowledge that valuables and documents are
secure in our fire-proof safety boxes, is worth a
dozen times their small rental!
No. 3114B. Black Satin dress; plaited
over skirt effect; Gobelin Blue vestcc
and double collar. Priced at $10.95
Dozens More on the Racks
•W here Your D ollar Has More Gent»’
First National Bank
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