ASttLÁfcÍ) !>AtLŸ TÍDÍNG9 HB Monday, Octobér 20, 1024 'f •*— ~ feolored “hankies” of linen or tance from the hem. Some plain J The entire freshman "classes ~of ’ bringing news that in November Odd Fellows Dance—* The Odd Fellows Hall was fill-! cambric have hand-scalloped bor­ white handkerchiefs are given a the two colleges will compete in ■ two especially noteworthy films five events and at the close of PHYSICIANS would be shown. A “Lincoln” film ed Friday evening at^ the first ’ ders of white, which show de­ band effect by a series of heavy the competition the averages will Classified Column Nov. 4, 5, and 6 and on the 14th benefit dance. This is the first of licately against the pale pink, old threads woven into the fine linen be made. This will give the of­ Clarified Column Rates OR. HAWLEY—Above Tidings i and 15th the second of the a series that will be given to blue, or yellow and apricot of the somewhat above the hem. Others ficials some idea of the physics' One cent tbe word each office. Phone 91. show a hemline stripe of color' ' Chronicles of American—“James­ rawe money for tbe convention handkerchief itself. ability of entering fresmen in time. The newest thing, which gives by way of a border. THE HOUSE BY THE SIDE OF town” are scheduled. that will be held here.. T here; DR. C. W. HANSON the two sections of the country To run every issue for one THE ROAD This is of particular interest were a good many couples from i the touch of bright color so neces­ Dentist The events in the test include an month or more, V4c the word There are hermit souls that since the D. A. R. was one of the Medford who attended. The sary this season, is the checked Colleges Conducting eight-foot fence vault, a twenty- Special attention given to pyor.‘ each time. live withdrawn organizations sponsoring the fist ■ evening was spent in dancing and handkerchief with a colored hem. Unique Competition five foot rope • climb, 100-yard rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver In the place of their self-con- of the series1 la3t year, playing cards, and cider was ser They come in white linen, with dash, 50-yard swim and the high Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. FOR RENT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON,! Jump. _____________________________ tent; After the program Mr. Stearns ved as refreshments. Everyone borders, wide or narrow, in bright OR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac-' There are souls like stars, thai was given a vote of appreciation present enjoyed it greatly a n d ; green, blue, scarlet, or any other Eugene, Oct. 18. — A compara- ■ FOR RENT: — Clean, cozy for his presence and the part that art- anxious for the next one to i color of the rainbow. The checks tive physical ability test between 1 tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano dwell apart, three-room furnished apartment. he had taken.he had taken. The bt given. There will be an Odd are formed of fine thin lines, in the University of Oregon fresh­ throat—X-ray including teeth. a fellowless firmament; Private bath. Southern exposure. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tci There are» pioneer souls that blaze social chairman, Mrs. Jennis Qll-J Fe ’ows dance in Medi^rJ Mon color, to correspond with Ihe bor­ men and the first year men of Adults only. 357 Vista street der. These handkerchiefs are us­ Williams College, Williamstown, their paths bert, assisted by Mrs. O. A .' dsy evening, Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, I Phone 122. .4 1 —tf ually larger. Mas3., is now being conducted. Where highways never ran— 1 Stearns and Miss Blanche Hicks i ♦ * * Ore. Color has even invaded the Paris Style Hint— But let me live by the side of the served dainty refreshments. FOR RENT— Furnished house, PARIS, Oct. 20. — Even the men’s wardrobe in the form of road Mrs. W. E. Blake was hostess 478 Boulevard. 36— lmo DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic! little handkerchief changes fash- brightest handkerchiefs, which And be a friend to man. at this interesting meeting and and Electro-Therapy. Office FOR RENT—-Completely fur­ Mrs. C. E. Peil is hostess for th e ! ion ever so often. It first came smart shirtmakers are displaying. phone 48; residence 142. First into being as a round bit of fancy Some are in pink or blue, with nished apartment. 75 Bush St. Let me live in a house by the November one, which will be National Bank building. work, so history tells us; and in stripes, two inches wide, banding 37—ft side of the road given in the evening. SERVICE THE SOUTHERN OREGON » * • France square ones were not seen each side of the square some dis­ Where the race of men go by— FOR SALE CLINIC until under the reigh of Louis The men who are good and the Stone-Winn Marriage— 1st National Bank Bldg. XIV. men who are bad, A very pretty wedding was Surgical Obstetrical FOR SALE — A few Jersey Medical There are plenty of charming Diagnostic X-ray As good and as bad a3 I, solemnized at Adams, Oregon, cows. High Testers. Fresh Sep­ I would not sit in the corner’s Wednesday, October fifteenth fPne* to be found in Paris, which tember and October. A. H. Daven- R. W. Stearns, M. D. R. E. Green, M. D. seat when Mr. Harold D. Stone was is really the paradise for ’ker­ hill, Valleyview. 41—3 R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Or hurl the cynic’s ban— united in marriage to Miss Vir­ chiefs. Probably the most de­ Office hours 2-5 p. m. SHELL GASOLINE and OILS FOR SALE: — 12-inch body Let me live in a house by the side ginia Winn at the' home of the lightful ones are those edged with Phone 238-R The Tested Products fir, 13.50 per tier. Address W. R. of the road. brides mother, Mrs. John A. Winn real Valencinne lace, applied to in all sizes. One or two around Williams, Rt. 1, Ashland. 41— 10* the edge in curves following the the house entrances will save And be a friend to man. of Adams. Simpson’s MONUMENTS design of the race. The Maison your carpets. The groom is a graduate of the SEED OF ALL KINDS— We I see from my house by the side Ashland High School and the de Blanc, which specializes in Hardware are wholesale dealers in all ASHLAND GRANITE these little articles, is showing THE ASHLAND FURNITURE of the road, Oregon Agricultural College and , kinds of seed, including all kinds MONUMENTS By the side of the highway of the bride is a graduate of th e : them made of the finest linen, COMPANY of vetch, pasture mixture, clover Blair Granite Co. school of music. University of i hand-woven by old women in the life, 88 N. Main Winchester Store BOULEVARD and SHERMAN seed and all field seeds, cheat and PENNISTON, Manager California. After a short trip the north of France, sheer enough, The men who press with the ardor Tangier peas. Oregon Seed Co., Office 175 E. Main couple will make their home a t ; indeed, for any queen. The lace, of hops, Junction City, Ore. 30—4 mon. Res. Phone 444-Y The men who are faint with the 1418 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, ‘ too, of course, is all handmade Even Paris still has her lace strife— FOR SALE — Pigs, inquire W. ilCl GIRL IN TROUBLE— May California. makers, who sit about in the pub­ » * * L. Moore Belleview. Phone 10F4. communlckte with Ensign Lee But I turn not away from their lic gardens, making their three smiles nor their tears, 40— 5» of the Salvation Army at the Entertains Friends— Both parts of an infinite plan— WhiteShield Home, 565 May- Mrs. M. E. Nixon entertained hundred and one bobbins fly a3 FOR SALE:—Saddle pony and Let me live in a house by the for a few of her friends at her fast as the wind. fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. saddle. Inquire 49, 4th St. 38— 6* Simpler in effect, but equally side of the road, home Friday evening. A delic­ beautiful, are the linen handker­ PLANING MILL And be a friend to man. ious four-course dinner was ser­ tt-ROOM Modern House, 2 chiefs with wide, openwork bor­ ved, with a beautiful background blocks from Hawthorne school JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET ders, which form a piece of lat­ I know there are brook-gladden­ of yellow and white, carried out on paved street, well furnished. WORKS, Cor. Hetman and tice-work above the hem. Small ed meadows ahead, v/ith chrysantheums and. other Lot 80x160. Party leaving town. Van Ness. 19^tf And mountains of wearisome decorations. Following the din­ For quick sale $3250, on good height, ner a delightful evening was terms at 6 per cent. W. W. Robl- TRANSFER AND EXPRESS ■•a, 63 North Main St. 38—tf Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. That the road passes on through spent in conversation. * ■» * the long afternoon for SERVICE. FOR SALE—Dark Jersey Milch And stretched away to the n Valley View P. T. A.— Experienced movers and pack­ O E S E R ’ S cow. 700 Terrace St. 37— 6 night. The Valley View ?arent-Teacli- ers of household gopds. Deal­ And still I rejoice when the trav­ ers Association met at the Valiev Ashland Service FOR SALE—A bargain — 6- ers in coal and wood. Phone elers rejoice v iew school house and held their room house partly furnished, gar­ 117. Station And weep with the strangers first meeting of the year last age and woodshed. Lot 50x145. Office 89 Oak St. near that moan, Thursday. Th~ meeHng was in Inquire 132 5th St., city. 37— 6* Hotel Ashland Nor live in my house by the side ihe nature of an ail-day sessior, Bungalows—Lots of the road, and Miss Ada Brewster, home Individual (single) Gar­ * V, T. L. POWELL—General Trans­ I have some fine Bungalows. Like a man who dwells alone. demonstration agent was present. ages for Rent by the week fer—Good team and motor • * * Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ Committees were appointed for trucks. G md service at a rea- or month land for sale, will accept good CALENDAR OF EVENTS the year and the plans for the souab?e price. Phone 83. Bonds. Notes or Mortagea on Tuesday, Oct. 21. Civic Club year’s work were discussed. payments, and give easy terms on will meet at club house. Mrs. FEHIGE-ROACH balance. Se me before buying a Perozzi will speak on “The Wo- Transfer — Express — Storage Benz Springs i man Voter.” borne. Hauling — Dray work of all A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. Wednesday, Oct. 22. Wednes­ kinds. Quick motor service. Dry The Ford car delivers more useful, care-free, Box 422. Ashland. day Club will meet at Presbyter­ wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R T he T ouring Car Old Standard economical service per dollar invested than ian church. 35—1 Mo. 375 B. St. - , Anti-Mist 112-tf any other car. Its sturdy, rigid construction Thursday, Oct. 23. Ladles Elks $ Buy better milk. Phone 257-J for a clear windshield in Club will meet in club room at FLORIST is striking evidence of enduring materials. for it. 33—1 mo.* 2:30. Rain, Snow, Sleet, Fog Every minute operation is scientifically tested Run-tbout - • - $265 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Saturday, Oct. 25. P. E. O. will D em ountable Rima FOR SALE — or exchange for and accurately checked. • and Frost and Starter $85 extra From meet at the home of Mrs. Ada >35,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ It is Guaranteed Control of natural resources and complete $525 Coupa - - - vated, free water, lots of it. 20 H atcher & B enson, Floral & Seed Shoudy. 590 Tudor Sedan - ♦ * * manufacture in large volume have made pos­ Co., temporary location 399 Fordor Sedan • - 685 head of large size Registered Jer­ 35 Cents A ll price» f. o. b. D etroit D. A. R. Meeting— sible value that is the one standard by which seys. the finest strain in Oregon. Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and You can buy any model by The October meeting of the floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo making a sm all down-pay­ every motor car must necessarily be judged. 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, ment a n d arranging easy Mount Ashland Chapter of the AUTO 300 White Leghorn chickens, team terms {or the balance. O r The Ford car is tbe logical and necessary McDAMIT D. A. R. was of especial interest you can buy on the Ford SPOTLIGHTS of Registered Imported Perchon W eeltl? P u rc h a se P la n . in that one of the old pioneers choice of th e buyer who wants to get 2 in 1 T h e F ord dealer in your mares 1900 lbs. each. About For a smooth shave neighborhood tr ill g la d ly was to be present and give some the utmost from every motoring dollar. >3000.00 worth of farm equip­ explain both plans in detail. and quick service go RADIATOR CLEANER bits of Southern Oregon history and ments, modern house, large barn to the Shell Barber STOP LEAK end other buildings. Will take Shop. Ladies and in which he figured. The topic was to be “Reminiscences”, but income property up to >20,000.00, children get your hair , 50 cents when the time came for the meet­ D e tr o it ¿X long time on balance at 6 per cent. bobbed and marcel ing Mr. Stearns was unable to Courtesy to brokers or agents. led. talk to the chapter, so Mrs. J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland • EE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED Stearns kindly read excerpts from Our Phone 82 Oregon. 33—1 mo. W. A. SHELL, Prop. FORD DEALER THE UNIVERSAL CAR DR. OBSER & SON Ashland *32 A. St. Ashland, Ore a chapter written by Mr. O. A. Main - Plaza FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in i Stearns in the “Centennial His­ good condition; reasonably priced, tory of Oregon,” in which the Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St. ! story of the land speculation in 32—tf POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Southern Oregon was graphically told.. and the part he played in O. W. Milam MISCELLANEOUS trying to stop the graft during his Independent WANTED — Ford or Chevro­ Candidate for County School term in the legislature. The ex­ let bug. Must be in good condi­ Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ periences of Mr. Stearns in those » •i times reads like a romance and tion. 885 B. St. 41—2* ty, Oregon. it is a delight to listen to the his­ tory of the early days in which WANTED: — Nursing. Will ANNOUNCEMENT he took so prominent a place. consider house work. Am a post At the regular business session, graduate of N. W. school of mas­ In announcing myself a3 an If they’re real people—householders, farmers, sage and electro-therapeutics. Independent candidate for Cor­ reports from a number of the professional men, business men—chances are that Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or oner for Jackson county:—I do , committees were heard. The one one out of ten owns Copco Preferred Stock. Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. so with the firm belief that the on the granting of prizes by its i chairman, Mrs. H. O. Anderson WANTED—Work l>y competent -people do not want minority rule. i was of considerable interest, in Approximately ten per cent of all the customers It is proven that the direct experienced janitor. All or part of this Company are shareholders. that the giving of prizes, in the time. Will do anything. Refer­ primaries are a fa*ilure, only 30 school was to continue, with those - Preferred Stock of The California Oregon Power ences 218-Y. 32— tf per cent vote was cast at the securing highest grades to com­ spring primaries, which is not a Company earns for them a profitable return of Goats Brad by registered voice of the people. In this elec­ pete for the prize, differing in 7.74% on the surplus funds and monthly savings buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, tion all parties have the privilege plan somewhat from the follow­ ing year. they have invested in this substantial security. low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 of voting for their choice. Reports were given from the I need no introduction to the miles south on Pacific Highway. 14— 1 mo.* people of Jackson county where different committees concerning I have lived for 15 years, and their own particular branches of DUBLE CEMENT given the be3t of my life, time work and a special committee, through its chairman, Mrs. Louis NOTICE OF HEARING ON and money for the upbuilding and In order that all of our customers may avail betterment of the entire commun­ Dodge, who reported on “Films” FINAL ACCOUNT themselves of this unusual investment opportunity, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ity. Copco Preferred Stock is being offered direct to the I have been assistant to £he THE STATE OF OREGON FOR public under a liberal m o n th ly p a y m e n t plan, present coroner for eight years JACKSON COUNTY. THIS is an extra with interest allowed on all payments. In the Matter of the Estate of and understand every detail of the work, therefore I am compet­ PHEBE J. WELLS, deceased. heavy asphalt ready NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ent to handle the affirtrs of the ilUlUUUUUUU Any member of our organization will gladly fur­ roofing with the fa­ Chew it after that the undersigned administra­ office. nish you with full information. Ask for it—today! Yours fbr clean, progressive j every meal tor with Will annexed of the mous Carey patent Estate of Phebe J. Wells, has fil­ and efficient women and men in I t s tim u la te s lap. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY ed his final account in said Court, office in Jackson county. a p p e tite and NELLIE M. PERL and the Hon. G. A. Gardner has a i d s d ig e s t io n . Offices: set November 1, 1924, at 10 o'­ It m akes your Carey Flexible Ce­ clock A. M. at the Courthouse in OREGON fo o d d o y o u m o re ment roofs applied in the days of high nnramB g o o d . N o te k o w Jacksonville, Jackson County, WASHINGTON RANK FAILS Medford Grants Pass Klamath Falls Roseburg TO OPEN DOORS TODAY I t r e lie v e s t k a t s tu ffy f e e lin g Oregon, as the time and place wheeled bicycles are still giving good CALIFORNIA a f t e r k e a r t y e a t la g . for a hearing-thereon. Yreka Dunsmuir OLYMPIA, Oct. 18. — The W h ite n s te e th . AH persons having objections service today. American State Bank at Ritzville • w e e te u e to the same are required to make b re a th a a t lt*e the needy such objections on or'before the failed to open its doors Saturday The same quality that made these morning, it was announced at the time set for said hearing. TH E CALIFORNIA OREGON POW ER COMPANY office of the Supervisor of Bank-1 GEO. W. DUNN, roofs last 30 years is being put into TOUR PARTNERS MEDFORD, OREGON ing here. Administrator. IN PROGRESS Carey Flexible Cement roofing to­ H 24-4-Mon. Please send m e full information about your 7% Preferred PROFESSIONAL S o c ie ty SEE US for Expert Greasing C O L O N IA L Cocoa Door Mats Auto Accessories Pipeless FURNACES W. & N. Service Station The L o g ical Choice oS the Careful Buyer Silver Beam $3.00 Murphy Elec. Co. NOTICE THE FIRST EN PEOPLE YOU MEET! MONTHS TO PAY OOANG WRIGLEYS day. 1 Jefferson — State and railroad company unite to spend >25^000 improving highway from Jeffer­ son to Marlon. Six grade crossings will be eliminated. Ask us for prices and samples. V a p o R ub For All Cold T rou bles Ashland Lumber Co. Ask any member o f our organization —or ¿Mail this coupon —today! Stock and special partial paym ent plan. Name. cAddresa.