A shland ASIILAXT) climate Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. daily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (In tern atio n al News W ire Service! YAT SFN SOLDIERS N 0 W HOLD CANTON ♦ MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive ihree months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. POLICEMAN D E N IES HE a ' a a « , a ; a a a a a Heavy Fighting Is Now in a a Progress Around the a Outskirts a CASULTIES ARE 2000 a a V ictorious Troops Engaged in a a Ixxiting City of V aluable a Store o f Treasurers a Canton, China, Oct. 20. — Re­ a ports from thia district today In­ a dicated th at the troops of Sun I a WAS SHOT AND KILLED ----------- Defeats Stick-Up Men a W IFE IN T E R FE R E D WITH BATH, WANTS DIVORCE :: ----------- 8 8 LOS ANGELES, Oct. 20. 8 8 — Charging his wife with 8 8 causing him extreme men­ 8 8 tal suffering by continu­ 8 8 ally interfering with liis 8 8 weekly bath, Andrew 8 8 Hanson has filed suit for 8 8 divorce here against 8 8 Blenda G. Hanson. 8 8 Hanson started in his 8 8 complaint it always has 8 8 been his custom to take 8 8 a bath every week, but in 8 PORTLANDERS PROMISE AID FOR ASHLAND WHEELING, W. Va., 8 Oct. 20. — The character- » istic rem ark of the immor­ « tal Mark Twain th a t the S i report of his death was “grea/ly exaggerated” w as' » ! echoed here today by Pa­ ¿ i ' . $*• ï.L' trolm an H arry Rice. 8 .......k 4 N A Pittsburgh newspaper « ** I I published an account of 8 Big Airship on Way Home More Ballots Sent G. 0. P. Rice’s death, but the « Business Men Speakers at fter Its Trip to Camp Supporters Than to the "victum ” refused to be­ » Luncheon Held in Hotel Lewis, Wn. Democrats lieve it when he read the 8 Ashland article. » BUCKING HEADWINDS CHARGE FAVORITISM » the last three years he de­ 8 NEAR HUNDRED HERE Rice recently was shot » t ---------- 8 clared his wife would do 8 and wounded by Dave 8 D aughter o f tli<> Sk ies on R eturn P oll Show s O verw helm ing Trend 8 all in her power to pre­ C orbett, of W ashington, 8 8 Aid hi D evelopm ent of Southern Trip to M ooring M ast at Lake- in F avor of P resident 8 vent him. She would turn 8 D. C., who was sentenced 8 burst, New Jersey Oregon* Is Pledged by 8 off the heater and refuse 8 C oolidge to seven years im prison­ 8 ______ the V isitors 8 him the use of hot w ater 8 ment in the State Peniten­ 8 | SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 20. — WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. — 8 and soap, according to the 8 tiary for the crime. In 8 Successfully completing her trip Promising their entire co-opera­ Criticism of The L iterary Digest 8 complaint«. 8 tion in making Ashland and publishing the story, the 8 to th e west in a record-breaking straw vote was voiced today by 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Yat Sen are in full control of the J 8 Pittsburgh newspaper 8 flight, the naval dirigible Shen- Jackson County more prosperous, the Democratic national commit­ city and all outlying districts. 8 stated Rice had been 8 andoah is homeward bound today. making It a gateway to the great­ tee in a formal statem ent, which There is much heavy fighting in , 8 ‘•killed.” est scenic section in the world, The huge air-liner, which left pointed out th at such votes in the progress around the outskirts o f , 8 Rice was swamped to­ Camp Lewis yesterday, the far- seventy-five Portland business past han been misleading. the city, the losers attem pting to 8 day with congratulations and profesiJonal men, members western goal of her maiden tran s­ The D igest’s ballot, which this horass the victorious troops in a of hi«, rem arkable recov­ of the Portland Chamber of Com­ continental flight, was today year shower an overwhelming th eir occupation of the etty. a ery by friends who had merce annual trade excursion to­ speeding down the Pacific coast trend to» President Coolidge, will More than 2000 casualties are a read of his “dem ise.” day pledged their support to any to San Diego, where she will turn go out to the voters- in the ratio estim ated as the losses of both R t $ 8 8 8 8 t t 8 8 8 8 $ $ 8 her nose eastw ard for her home civic improvement attem pted by of three Republicans to one Dem­ sides during the recent fighting i Ashland. The members of the mast at Lakehurst, N. J. ocrat, the statem ent today charg­ The victorious troops are now- excursion party, together with Chased by a storm from out of ed. W ill be Candidate for O ffice of engaged in looting the pity, which members of tho Ashland Cham­ tlie north, the dirigible's propel­ G overnor in Com ing E lection, contains many valuable a rt treas­ ber of Commerce met at luncheon lers whirled all through the night A ccording to R uling ures. A steady stream of refug­ In the Hotel Ashland. in a race with the elements. The ee» continues to flee toward Hong Merchants, bankers and busi­ dirigible bucked headwinds down AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 20.— The ness men were included in the Kong. H undreds of people are 1 the coast and did not reach here last vestige of the ancient bar list of those who spoke. For the fleeing from the city, with little until shortly after noon. against women in office was swept Asihland Chamber of Commerce, o r none of their personal effects Thousands of people packed the saved. away by the Texas supreme court George A. Briscoe, superintendent streets and points of a vantage Varied Career E njoyed by Dead Saturday in holding Mrs. Miriam of the schools welcomed the visi­ on the hills and buildings, ac­ A. Ferguson of Temple and all tors. He was followed by Henry R esident o f A shland. Was claiming in wild delirium and ' The G eorge W . B ates and Co., bank in P ortland which w as held other women in the state eligible Enders Jr., who added the wel­ Member P ioneer F am ily noise as the big dirigible circled up by five robbers on W ednesday, O ctober 13. P atrolm an Andy Ixir- UNIVERSITY of OREGON, Eu- to elective positions. son w lio is show n below, w as p assin g on a street ear, and seein g neo- over the city. come of the Kiwanls club. Grand 20 — (S pecial)— The Atemptp to bring out of the pie in the bank w ith th eir bands stu ck up, jum ped from th e ear ami gene, Oct. Judge Volney C o 1 v i g, High Fizz Miller of the IJthlans ran to the bank. The robbers h astily departed as Larson began shoot­ num ber of full-tim e students in j dim past and establish as present­ welcomed the visitors in behalf who was stricken with paralysis in g Below are th e bank doors, w hich w ere shattered by the bullets l y University of Oregon this fall day law the figments of an old and died at his home in Ashland of his organization. exchanged by the bandits and P olicem an Larson. has reached 2728, according to, order were cast out by the high- on Friday was born at Athens. Following the speeches of wel­ the report of R egistrar Carlton est court of the state, which pro- come, Chairman Briscoe called on Ohio, on October 27, 1840, and Spencer, who predicts th at before; n°unced women as independent several banker? who explained the lacked only a few days of being the college year 1924-25 ends the entities on an equality with men. work .being done by the banks to 84 years old. ROSEBURG, Oct. 20. — That While holding th at Mrs. Fergu­ aid the city in pushing forward enrollm ent will climb to 3000. He came to Oregon with his Jam es G. Snider, Peel packer and son is qualified to vote, the court to her proper position among the The 2728 total includes 206 med­ guide, “ was purposely ,a n d parents, reaching Portland on the also held unconstitutional that 'ities of Oregon. J. W. McCoy, ical students in full-time attend- maliciously shot with a gun by 15th of October, 1851. His father ance in Portland. The full-time pari of tbe statu t® which seeks Cashier of the First National, V. Fred Parazoo,” was the verdict moved into a small house ad- PEKIN, Oct. 20. Fighting enrollm ent in Eugene is 2 522, or conier on a private citizen the O. N. Smith, Cashier of the Citi­ returned by the coroner’s ju r y ! joining the Oregonian office which between the Invading Manchurian a 15.5 per cent increase ove»- th e ! rigbt t0 brinE 8uit testing the zens National Bank and W. J. following an inquest held Satur- had been started th at fall by T.j forces of General Chank Tso-Lin registration in the fall term last I qua,!,lcation* of a candidate for Moore.' president of the State day morning. W hen co nfronted! J DrYe r- Judge Colvig, at th a t and the resisting arm ies of the governor. This right belongs to Bank of Ashland were tho men with evidence showing th at h l s ' time a husky boy, and though Pekin governm ent is being car E n ough P led ges O btained to Give M anila Is Scene o f P itch ed B attle year. legislature, the court said ailed upon. Him O ffice as Leader of Leg- j Amohj^ Shopkeepers and Bands stepfather had been killed while onlY 11 years of age,, he was the j rled on with such increasing vio In e h d m s the reg .etrafo n in ' 4b€ T1]e first motive power of th a t g r e a t. lence and still reclining in a rocking chair. Answering for the Portland isla tiv e Body o f F ilip in o Looters the exteDMon division, the s „ n - clate Thi)ma> added intensity at Parazoo adm itted to officers th a t newspaper, The Portland Ore­ Shanhaikwan th a t the outcome delegation. O. W. Mielke, of the m er school, and the correspond-! WOOd said- his victim was still leaning back gonian. On Saturdays he would may decide the w inner in the con­ Blake-McFall Company of P ort­ PORTLAND, Oct. 20. — In the MANILA, P. I. Oct. 20.— The X tU,dy ,CT ’ Xth * tO; al en'! “ A parpfal analysis of the con- in his chair and had not reached j turn tbe crank of an old Frank flict for control of the central general political shuffle the man- fierce rioting between the Fili- r ° Jntent of all students for the. trolling sections of the eonstltn-’ land explained ia what manner for his gun, as declared in t h e ' ,in Pres3 and assisted a p rin ter i Chinese government, according to euvering for president of the state pinb and Chinese residents of this college year wild approximate tion, in the light of the proceed- he Portland organization was at- original statem ent. When ar- named Frank Hill in getting out j observers who returned Saturday senate has been lost sight of, but city, which started yesterday, con- 6500 or more. • ! lngs of the C(m8titutk)ual con/ ei.ipting to aid the cities of Southern Oregon. In his talk, raigned on a charge of m urder about 400 copies of the weekly j from the Chihlian-M anchurian while others have been d iscu ss-1 tinued unabated today. More than The full time enrollm ent at Eu- vention and of the term s of pre­ following the verdict of the cor-1 OrGK°nian. and later in the even- i front. ing presidential and m u n icip al! 300 Chinese shops have been gene shows an extraordinary in- vious constitution*. makes it en- Mielke sa: sldered th e most rem arkable ob-; ______ ___________ has resided in this state more especially for the trade excur- hom estead to work on his c a b in ., gon Cavalry Volunteers. During (the M anchurian flanking forces. stacle to Moser's ambition to. p re­ OREGON A’ afflr* P arazoo’s place, and stayed enllstm ent -he was the commls- i eral Chang Tso-Lin had been of the upper house of the Oregon U J? mUKUMC bUoFECT. mative qualification which the con around there for dinner and then sary seargent. A fter his dis­ forced to weaken his lines at legislature, made no effort to tie . stitution _ declares requisite to sat down and played the violin. charge from the arm y in the fall Jehol and Chihfeng to stiffen his up votes, and the result is that SALEM, Oct. 20. 1 p i-.-.- Q , ,0' ’ r n o r ; eligibility, and being under no At 2 o ’clock his m other came, of ’65 he located a t Canyonville, attack around Shanhaikwan. In Moser has. on the surface, cap- rn r L,ur MEDFORD, Oct. 20. — S. G. born child. NAME PORTLAND AS that have terrorized fashionable the shoulders of the party of their i Snider and his wife have been children whose names are as fol­ gained a decided advantage in the Ehl, San Diego, and George W. affiliation. 1S25 MEETING PLACE New York for weeks wa?. identi­ having domestic difficulties for lows: Elm er Colvig, Josephine lighting thus far. It was said FLAPPER BANDIT IS Laidly, Medford, indicted for al-i Tr fied as Mrs. Helen W eyworth, 22. some time, and the woman said county: Mrs. Ida Craddock, of ¡ ^ eL 7 o ^ u W i c Sl indP,aCing e n ? ,n g u p o n the advlc" of A tto rn e y PORTLAND. Oct. 20 — Selce FREED OF MURDER divorced wife of a Chicago mil- she had been ordered from home P ortland; Dora Gillette of Ash­ head of the Pekin government, , tion of Portland for the 1925 con Vonalre. try men on public lands,, were ac- Oeqer a i Van W inkle, Monday on several occasions. land; H arry Colvig of Los An­ aad not yet launched a serious PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 20. — vention of the Oregon State Fun- quitted here Saturday a ftern o o n .' night certified According to indications, the The investigation made by the geles. Calif.; Frank Colvig of offense, being satisfied flapper ban- eral D irectors’ association was to pro- The case accupied the fe d e ra l! cie rv8 i Violet Dickerson, thieves held her, while others officers revealed th at the bullet A shland; Anna Sanford of Ash- , ' ec4 his lines against surpri&e co u rt 11 days. Judge Robert : a , , , the nom l„a t,on8 0( Jo h n , i <•“ " ' ^ acquitted today of the announced at the closing s c i o n went up to her apartm ent where fired by Parazoo, after penetrat­ land and John R. Colvig of this movements on the part of the in- Bean presided. Allen A. Byron, I and p , „„„ wl„ , (a I urd t-T ot L° u ” Hlr!“'h - age<1 ha' 01 a fhree day “ n“ l,al »■ « "» « »' ing Snider’s chest, went through City’ „ , ! fading forces while additional Portland, assistant d istrict atto r- office on September 30 an d th t , b e rd a s h e r’ w ho w as kH ,ed in 1,13 j Lbe B enson h o tel F rid a y n ig h t they got $900 worth of her >25,- th e back of the rocking chair Mr. Colv:g was county judge o f « Kekin troops were being sent to ney, appeared for the governm ent,! the acceptance of Furuset was fil ' tO,e here la£t Novpmber d a ri»e > T b e annual banquet of the as- 000 collection of jewels which were in the apartm ent. and into a tru n k on the floor. The Josephine coupty from the years the front. and George M. Roberts and Por- ed on October 16 while th at of &n atterapted bold«P bY tbe g irl j sociation was attended by mor- The robbery was striking in ____ !_____ ______ angle taken by the bullet 1886 to 1894, two term s. te r J. Neff. Medford, represented , Johns was filed Friday The c r 8nd her eompanion’ Cbarle« O ef-> than 200 delegates and their sim ilarity to the methods used proved th a t tfie man never got the defendants. h lllo n d o n a tte n d .d to. 'tb o se c re t: ' ' nBer- J " , 1, ' " ’ '?;'*" ° i hy the m urderers of “ Dot King k few, .« ' ’ if w any ’ “„’ enemies. I " ? .” His ALIENISTS DECLARE to his feet. When this fact was) had but The sections upon which entry tary of state, *- a* - - _~ | Seattle, Wayne E. W healdon of and Louise Lawson, “ Broadway KID M’COY FEIGNS In the opinion of shown to Parazoo he adm itted only chance to acquire an educa-J Portland, Lloyd T. Rigdon of butterflies.” APPARENT INSANITY men were placed were la rg e ly ' Kozer and Van Winkle, ha? per­ TAMPA PREPARING to tire officers that he fired the tion in the early days of Oregon i Salem and G. N. Sletten of Chi- FOR A HURRICANE form er grant lands of the Oregon formed his full duty under the fatal shot as Snider leaned back was a year’s attendance at M on-’ ___ _________ __ aw...w.u , aw'.c.cu a«a iaw . ■ cago, secretary of the national as- LOS ANGELES, Oct. 20. mouth college, about the Year] When Kid M cC o^took thV m i d - p and In the chair. a c k California ^ n w u n V railroad, " EhV ’a located n 7 ^ W i n ; ! X n t y ^ The ^ r k next r a n d step ^ D e is m up o w to a U the c TAMPA, Fla., Oct. 20— Having sociation. were the principal ROBBER GETS STIFF 1857. SENTENCE IN CALIF. dlew eight championship fro m : are tim ber and land specialists party. : been advised th at a tropical hnr-. speakers. TVIANV TAKFN AT Oregon., n of Medford, Tommy Ryan in 1897 he did it by and collected a fee of $1 per a c r e 1 There rem ains now. in most of licane was beaded for Tampa and Rigdon was elected president SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 20.— M A H Y B W P A A A B JI A 1 and George W. Colvig of the cunning of his brain. j entered, the testim ony showed, of the counties of the state only one strike here late today, clti- Die Oregon association, suc- William Connors, alias “ Big Bill,” BREITENBUSH RACKS, G rants Pass are brothers of the McCoy is using th at same! which 135 was paid iu advance means oh getting a new nan e on zens and officials today ordered reeding Wayne W healdon. Other deceased. was given an indeterm inate sen- method to clear himself of Some client* were disappointed the ballot. r t That That is is bv use of of public schools closed and officers are: E. G. Swink, Port ♦cnce in the superior court S atur­ MILL CITY. Oct 20. — The by lhe lhe use Judge Colvig war always inter- land and Earl W hitlock, Klam­ th ird large shipment of salmo i i ested in the welfore of Ashland m urder which were placed against t with the lands, while many are stickers and the law provides th a t warned citizens to take precau- ath Falls, vice presidents. Glenn day of from five years to life eggs from the racks near B reiten -! and was enthusiastic in telling him after Mrs. Teresa Mors had satisfied hom esteaders at present.! such event the suitable stickers ' tions. S. Macy, McMinnville, secretary, after having pleaded guilty to the ; --------------------------- m ust be furnished by the p a rty ’ --------------------------- bush was found out Thursday b y ! to u rists of the wonders to be been shot to death. and Fied Fortm iller, Albany, robbery of jewelry valued at >99.- Two (alienists gavfc out this ! ARGENTINE FLIER TO interested. LeRoy Ledgerwood and taken to found here. W henever he had SUPREME COURT SAYS treasurer. Officers of the Oregon 000 from the Houston-Gilmore CONTINUE BATTLE the hatchery at Mehama, of which a chance he boosted for Ashland opinion Friday when they put Me- , LAW CONSTITUTIONAL Carket company, the Great North- Jewelry company here. He will Coy through a series of test? after he is manager. Approximately and cjty ^ as always upper- be sent to San Quentin prisog. TOKIO, Oct. 20. — Major P e - . UNTERHEVEk AIDS ! WASHINGTON, Oct. 20— The < rr.ern Casket company, the Port- 2,000,000 eggs were in the ship- most in his thoughts when he was his show of insanity. Connbrs is also implicated in TwtreernT« AniTAv suprem e court , cf » the United States a L'Cil Chemical company and the ‘ A case of m alingering,” the dro Zanni’s agent, Patrick M ur-' m ent, which makes a total of 4,- away INVESTIGATION „ ,, . „ t u a bandit raid on the Prudential ** » Portland Crematorium were hosts j phy, is leaving foe Osaka tom or-j 000,000 eggs taken to this hatch-j The funeral was held this after- physicians said. todfty Affirmed the action of the ftt tfce banquet Loan company of Los Angeles in The alienists who examined M e-! j row to obtain vessels ves?els to accom- accom-! ’ NEW YORK, Oct. 20. — Sam- ! Texas courts in holding legal ery this fall. It ia estim ated th at noon at two o>ciock from the fan„ t 1 ne anenist» Me- which money and valuables to the approxim ately 3,500,000 egg? are lly re8idence at 900 Oak street. l ° th ® C° U" t y ' P&ny thC A rgentine world f ,ie r , uel Untermyer, noted Yonkers at- > “ the strictly white prim aries” .in extent of $200,000 were taken, yet to be taken. ¡In term en t will be in the mauso- J 1 a tte r the f,g h ter’ whose many j to the Kuriles, prepatory to his j torney, decided today to aid Frank I Texas STORM STRIK E and in the robbery of $9000 from love affairs led finally to robbery 1 flight over the Pacific. i W alsh, as counsel for Senator La leum. the Maywood bank of Maywood, and m urder, had spent days in { M ajor Zanni’s plans have not Follette in bis prosecution of the LAKELAND, Fla., Oct. 20 Los Angeles county. H untington — Mill of 15(1 tons actions which resembled those o f , yet been revealed, but he is ap- Senator’s charges of a 4,?lusli P rairie City Surfacing of j Several A tlantic coast line bridges Connors is believed to have daily capacity lo be installed at Eugene— Two-span bridge be- an insane person. parently determ ined to make the^ fund” raised by the Republican! John Day highway to Austin coni- around here were washed away been the head of a bandit gang Bay Horse mine. Construction ing erected to Goodpasture I s - ' --------------------------- attempt^Sespite the lateness of the; party, before Senator Borah andj pleted and road in perfect condi-, by a bad storm which struck here th a t operated throughout south­ to begin about Jan u ary first. land, for high water use. fh e Tiding’s Ads Bring Results season. the investigating committee. tion. this afternoon. ern and central California. NOW FLYING DOWN COAST MISLEADING SAY BOURBONS I ID BALLOT PIONEER RESIDENT OF OREGON STATE RECORD H U B ) OF STUDENTS REGISTER PARAZOO HELD ON EOF GÖS MOSER CLAIMS W IN G CONTINUES OF SEÑALE SEWED EHL, LAIBLY FREED CHINESE RESIDENTS E J ' !,' m z a T