pAtifc h , e » ASÖLAff» ß A f t f TtbtöÖS — ■■■!■ iniilM W iii.íw fa iiai¿ .p lim I M ■■■ f l Saturday, October 18, Ì 9 Ì Ì W I . . I . . I I ■■■ PoHldrid; plumbing ahd heating, J party of 14 to I6i i content of between 15,00 and 16,-' cere can be done before the coal TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY The roads to the caVes are still ' 000, free from im purities and ash, is Sent to m arkets the saving will in good condition. George SabTu, I ------------------------------------------------and a product which the owners run into millions of dollars, it is I OR SA LE A few Jersey of the process say is equal to an-j contended. m anager of the resort, states th at cow3. High Testers. Fresh Cep- thracite, but which can be pro- The Trent concern claims to it will be advisable for those go­ A D aily C hronicle o f th o se w ho com e and go, and even ts of tem ber and October. A. II. Davea- duced much cheaper. have perfect a process by which ing up on rainy days to take the local in terest 41 3 ti 1 g $ i 00 000 p|ant t hat ¡s be_ the oil can be extracted from the road th ro u g h . Holland, as the hill, Valleyview. LONDON. Oct. 18. - LOST __ Large canvass sheet inS built by the P ittsburgh Trent “ bullet" in the form of crude ben- mier Baldwin opened his campaign Shea, Portland, heating, $13,977.' other route becomes quite siip- on Oak street. Finder retu rn to Company a t Bi