Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 18, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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A shland dailí irbtNös
Saturiti», Öitüik* ÍK 1024
motto "Every member present on ' Yde’s denial as wa3 accorded the that Ihe paper would not retract
time, with Bible-and offering.” original story in the Republic.
the story, that the information
Sermon fcy pastor, “The New
Paper Not Em barrased
came from a reliable source, and
Birth.” Evening sermon by visit­ j ROCKFORD, 111., Oct. 17. — said that he could easily see why
ing pastor. Junior C. E. 4 p. m. j Barney Thompson, managing ed. Yde was embarrased, but that the
Senior C. E. 6:30. Westminister i itor of the Republic said today Republic was ‘not embarrassed."
Guild, 6:30 p. m. Second chap­
ter "China’s Real Revolution.”
The Pioneers Monday night; Jun­
ior room. Wednesday, Prayer
meeting 7:30 p. m. Wednesday
Club, Wednesday afternoon 2:30
in Church Parlors. Ladies Aid
Friday afternoon.
J. C. Mergler, Minister
■SB m
Classified Column
Cla-vrified Colum n R ates
One cent the word each
To run every lss»ie for one
month or more, *4c the word
each time.
S o e ie ty
office. Phone 91.
D en tist
Tall gums and poplars arabesqued
. . ln ■T?*11*1’
., , , ,
, .
And, written fine, bird hieroglyphs
th tejj
Where in this forest-flowered
stillness sparrows dwell,
And splendid cardinals robed in
- crfmson light.
Special attention given to pyor-
rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver
Block. Phone 178-J.
FOR RENT— Furnished house, DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Pyac-
tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano
36— Imo
478 Boulevard.
throat—X-ray including teeth.
FO R R E N T -— Completely fur­
Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc
nished apartment. 75 Bush St. , 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, The path is lost; the old familiar
37—tfj Ore.
____________________________ i A thing of memory; the shadow
DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic I
many a lily used to lie and
FOR SALE — Pigs, inquire W.
phone 48; residence 142. First
L. Moore Belleview. Phone 10F4.
A chain, long-linked of broken
National Bank building.
40— 5*
white and gray.
All delicate, feathery things find
and Newtown apples, 50c per box
1st National Bank Bldg.
here a place
bring boxes. 125 Scenic Drive, j Medical
O bstetrical
With not a breath to mar their
Phone 440-J.
40— 2
D iagnostic X-ray
W. Stearns, M. D.
FOR SALE or Rent — a large R.
R. E. Green, M. D.
The meanest bush wears here an
7-room house suitable for re-rent­
R. W. Sleeter, M D.
angel’s dressy
Off'ce hours 2-5 p. m.
ing rooms. A. L. Lamb. 178 A St.
lowliest weed is draped in
Phone 238-R
40— 6
priceless lace.
FOR SALE — Daffodill and
The light grows dimmer, over­
Narcissis bulbs, Phone 251-L.
head the sky
Draws slowly earthward, and a
FOR SALE:—Saddle pony and
little flake
B lair G ranite Co.
saddle. Inquire 49, 4th St. 38— 6*
Comes trembling down as if it
feared to break
FOR SALE:—Good Spitzen­
Office 175 E. Main
The sleep of silence with Its fall­
burg Apples — Culls at Bagley
R es. P h on e 444-Y'
ing sigh.
Canning Company packinghouse,
Ingram Crockett in Youth
Talent. 50c per box, Bring your tKx GIRL IN TROUBLE— May
communicate with Ensign Lee
• * #
of the Salvation Army at the
fl-ROOM Modern House, 2
WhiteShleld Home, 565 May-
blocks from Hawthorne school
Oct. 21. Civic Club
fair Ave., Portland, Oregon.
on paved street, well furnished.
will meet at club house. Mrs.
Lot 80x160. Party leaving town.
i Perozzi will speak on “The Wo­
For quick sale 33250, on good
man Voter.”
terms at 6 per cent. W. W. Robi­ FORDON’S SASH AND CABINET
Thursday, Oct. 23. Ladies Elks
Cor. Helman and Club will meet in club room, 2:30.
son, 63 North Main St.
Van Ness.
Saturday, Oct. 25. P, E. O. will
FO R SAI j E —Dark Jersey Milch
meet at the home of Mrs. Shoudy.
cow. 700 Terrace St.
37— 6
FOR SALE—A bargain — 6-
room house partly furnished, gar­
age and woodshed. Lot 50x145.
Inquire 132 5th St., city. 37—6*
B ungalow s— Lots
I have some fine Bungalows.
Houses and Building Lots in Ash­
land for sale, will accept good
Bonds, Notes or Mortages on
payments, and give easy terms on
balance. Se me before buying a
A. L. LAMB, 178 A St.
Box 422, Ashland.
35—1 Mo.
Buy better milk. Phone 257-J
for it.
33—1 mo.*
FOR SALE — or exchange for
335,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­
vated, free water, lots of it. 20
head of large size Registered Jer­
seys, the finest strain in Oregon.
30 head of registered Duroc pigs,
200 White Leghorn chickens, team
of Registered Imported Perchon
mares 1900 lbs. each. About
33000.00 worth of farm equip­
ments, modern house, large barn
and other buildings. Will take
income property up to 320,000.00,
long time on balance at 6 per cent.
Courtesy to brokers or agents.
J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland
33—1 mo.
FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in
good condition; reasonably priced,
Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St.
WANTED— To hear from own­
er of good. Ranch for sale. State
cash price, full particulars. D. F.
Bush, Minneapolis, Minn.
5-4 sat.
WANTED: — Nursing. Will
consider house work. Am a post
graduate of N. W. school of mas­
sage and electro-therapeutics.
Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or
Phone 153.
33— 1 mo.
WANTED— Work by competent
experienced janitor. All or part
time. Will do anything. Refer­
ences 218-Y.
Gouts Bred by registered
buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain,
low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2
miles south on Pacific Highway
14— 1 mo.*
W hittle T ransfer A Storage Co.
Experienced movers and pack­
ers of household goods. Deal­
ers In coal and wood. Phone
Office 89 Oak St. near
Hotel Ashland
* « •
E n tertain Teachers—
In pegtop shape of plain colors. ed to all the meetings at the
Chinese pajamas have wide trous­ Methodist church.
ers, almost resembling little skirts
and Turkish ones have a lery full
A nnouncem ent
lower part, with only a small
The Church o f The Nazarene
joining at the ankles.
Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m.
Satin pajamas, in flowered or Preaching at 11:00 a. m.
plain patterns and bordered with
Evening service: Young peoples
contrasting bands, are the most ' meeting, 6:30 p. m. Preaching,
practical and wearable. One de­ i 7:30 p. m.
signer Is showing a very nice set i Midweek prayer-meeting, Wed­
in black and white satin, the coat nesday evening, 7:30. Young
being black and edged with white people prayer meeting Friday
rabbit, which is on the collar as evening, 7:30.
well. The trousers are rather
A cordial invitation is extend­
wide and have a deep cuff and are ed to all. Come let us worship
impeccally creased.
the LORD together. Our aim is
to hold high the blood stained
banner of The Prince of peace to
the lost of our land, as the only
means of Salvation.
O. R. Reefer, Pastor
T/ie Shenandoah
Sails Over
F irst C ongregational Church
W. Judson Oldfield, Minister
Boulevard and Main Street.
Sunday school at 9:4fr a. m., with
classes for all grades and ages.
Bring your Bible. Morning ser­
vice at 11; subject, "Herod Hears
of Christ/ Junior Christian En­
deavor at 4 p. m. Christian En­
deavor at 6:30. Evening service
at 7:30. The evening service and
sermon will be by one of the min­
isters of Medford, on the ex­
change. Give him a good hearing,
or you will miss it. Prayer meet­
ing every Wednesday evening at
7:30. The subject for next week
is “Jesus The Revelation of the
Father..” The public is cordially
Invited to ’•all these services in
the Congregational church.
T rinity Episcopal Church
Vicar the Rev. P, K. Hammond
Holy communion at 8 a. m.
Church school at 9:45. Morning
service and sermon at 11.
Evening service and sermon at
7:30. Sermons of interest and a
welcome to all.
F irst Church o f C hrist, Scien tist
Pioneer Avenue, South
Sunday service at 11 o’clock.
Subject of lesson “Doctrine of
Sunday school at 10 o’clock.
Wednesday evening meeting at 8
Reeding room open daily from 2
until 5 p. m., excepting Sundays
and holidays.
B ap tist
"The Highest Attainment in
Christian Life,” is the theme for
the morning service. Bible school
9:45 a. m. Young people services
6:15 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed­
nesday evening 7:30. We will
have an unusual service Sunday
evening. Two surprises. Those
who do not come will be disap­
pointed. We will tell you when
you come. Both will be interest­
ing and helpful. Other services
as: announced from the pulpit.
You are cordially invited to at­
tend these services.
B. C. Miller, Pastor
Church of Christ
Large audiences at all services
last Lord s day.
Services next Sunday at the
usual hours. Bible school 9:45
a. ni. Communion at 11 a. m. Ser­
mon at 11:15.
“ Putting on Christ" will be
the subject. C. E. at 6:30 p m.
Average attendance at C. E. about
30. Evening sermon, “The Last
Will and Testament of Christ.”
Baptismal service both morning
and evening.
The Civic Club and the Parent-
Presbyterian Churcli
Teachers Association gave a de­
school, 9:45 a. m. Our
lightful jSarty for the teachers at
the Civic Club last evening. About
a hundred people were there
and the evening was enjoyed
greatly by all.
r. L. PO W ELL— General Trans­
A short program w’as given,
fer—Good team and motor during which Miss Lolita Pierson
trucks. G tod servlee at a rea­ charmingly played a selection on
M ethodist Episcopal Church
sonable price. Phone 83.
the piano. Melvin Beagle played
The Sunday school will meet
several pieces and was enthus­ at 9:45. Classes are provided for
iastically encored. The audience all ages and all are welcome. The
Transfer — Express — Storage w’as delighted with a cornet se- Sunday school is growing in num­
Hauling — Dray work of all i lection played by Lawrence Wag- bers and interest. “The Surprise
kinds. Quick motor service. Dry ner. accompanied by Mrs. Woods. of God" is the subject of the The above sketch was made
wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Mrs. Louis Dodge gave the ad­ pastor’s sermon for the morning from an actu al photograph
375 B. St.
112-tf dress of welcome in behalf of the church service. Yhere will be
Parent-Teachers association. Mrs. special music by the chorus choir.
Hammond, president of the Civic Mr. E. O. Smith is th^leader for
Club welcomed the teachers into the Epworth League meeting at
that organization and Mr. Forsy­ 6:15. A pastor from Medford of
The street car jumped the
the gave the response. Mr?. A.
Hatcher & Benson, Floral & Seed N. Humphrey introduced the another denomination will be the track and crashed into this au­
speaker at the evening church, tomobile that was parked along
Co., temporary location 399 speakers.
service. All are cordially invlt- the curb.
Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and
Collision Insurance pays for
Toward the close of the even­
damages caused by collision
floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo ing ice cream and cake were serv­
with another vehicle either
ed by a number of ladies. The
moving or stationary. Make
sure today that you are pro­
remainder of the evening was
For a smooth shave spend in dancing, and a merry
OCTOBER 10, 1024
Call on th is agency o f the
aud quick service go time was enjoyed by all.
H artford F ire In surance Co.,
to the Shell Barber
* * *
for a ll form s o f A utom obile
Ladies and Paris S ty le H int—
children get your hair
PARIS, Oct. 18. — Pajamas for
bobbed and marcel women are becoming such a neces­
sary article in the wardrobe that
Fruit with Whipped Cream *
Paris designers are showing great
Estab. 1883 »
W. A. SHELL, Prop. numbers of them in their new
Celery and Ripe Olives
Real Estate & Real Insurance
>32 A. St. Ashland, Ort collections’.
41 E. Main St.
Phone 211
Roast Oregon Turkey,
The women who saw the Aut­
Cranberry Sauce
umn Opening at Molyneux’s last
Fried Half Spring Chicken
Country Gravy
POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS [ week wanted to go home and pack
Baked Young Chicken
their trunks with nothing but pa-
with Dressing
G. W . M ilam
jamas and hie away to Lido. For
of Veal, Dressing
it appears that this particular
Fried Belgian Hare,
Candidate for County School i style of garment is permitted in
Cream Sauce
Superintendent of Jackson Coun-1 the celebrated Venetian resort at Garden Peas
Mashed Potatoes
ty, Oregon.
any time of the day — or night.
T-Biscuit & Toast
This english designer, who has
owned and operated by
become so famous in Paris, is fa­ Choice of: —
Ashland citizens, w li o
Banana Cream, Pumpkin or
voring pajamas with trousers but­
In announcing myself as an toned around the ankle halfway
Loganberry Pie
have thoroughly tested
Chocolate Layer Cake
Independent candidate for Cor­ up the leg and then left to bulge
A La Mode
oner for Jackson county:—I do out very much like riding-breeche3
Chocolate, Strawberry or
so with the firm belief that the One set, with trousers of jade j
Vanilla Ice Cream
people do not want minority rule. fulguarante, has a coat of black i COFFEE
and therefore can and do
It is proven that the direct georgette, embroidered in white I
recommend them.
primaries are a failure, only 30 and silver and banded by thick
per cent vote was cast at the black fur, except at the neck,
spring primaries, which is not a where It is rounded off simply,
voice of the people. In this elec- I Another handsome set comes with
tion-all parties have the privilege silver lame trousers and a shell- FROM 12 NOON to 9 P . M.
of voting for their choice
pink coat of crepe, bordered with
I need no introduction to the gray squirrel. There is any num­
people of Jackson county where ber of charming combinations.
I have lived for 15 years, and
Sometimes the pajamas are us­
given the best of my life, time ed for sleeping garments and
and money for the upbuilding and sometimes for negligees, in the
betterment of the entire commun- home or on the beach. There are
lty; .
I Pers>an pajamas, with little jack-
I have been assistant to the | ets of brocade and the ,ower
present coroner for eight years i
and understand every detail of I
the work, therefore I am compet-:
ent to handle the affairs of the j
Yours for clean, progressive
and efficient women and men in
office in Jackson county.
the almost perfect fuel, is guaranteed 88 per
Expert Cook, who has
The car had been
left at the curb
CHICAGO, Oct. 17.; — Judge
Kenesaw, Mountain
is, high
commissioner of baseball today
transmitted to the Rockfor^, 111.
Republic, a statement frfcm Emil
Yde, star Pittsburg pitchh£, in
which Yde denied knowledge of
an article appearing in the Re­
public on October 7, charging that
members of the Pittsburg club
broke training the night before
the last series between the Giants
and the Pirates. The wire asked
that equal publicity be given
The Shenandoah, “ Daughter of the Stars,”
is now visiting the Pacific coast as part of her
nine-thousand mile journey over the United
The dirigible left her mooring at Lake-
burst, N. J., on the morning of October 7tli.,
and in three hours was soaring majestically
over the plant from which originated a vital
part of her engines—THE AMERICAN HAM­
more, Maryland—where nearly a thousand of
thd factory’s employes turned out to cheer and
wish her God-speed on her record-breaking
This great airship of the navy, without
crew, fuel or supplies, weighs 74,360 pounds.
She is 680 feet long, 78 feet in diameter and
carries 2,500,000 cubic feet of helium gas to
support her in the air.
Caps & Table Favors, etc.
Bogie Books
Suggestions for
Hallowe’en, 10c
McNair Brothers
Dras s/or° <
It’s annoying
to say the least, to have to
wait your turn in the bath
room. An additional bathroom,
or even an extra toilet and
washroom, w’ould prevent much
of this annoyance; and is in­
expensive to install.
Driven by six .300 horse power Packard en­
gines, equipped with American Hammered
Piston Rings, the Shenandoah, with the excep­
tion of a few stops for food and fuel, traveled
day and night, at a rate of speed greater than
that maintained hv the fastest express train,
until she covered every mile of the course laid
'out for her.
Designed in America, Built in America,
and equipped with American Hammered Piston
Rings, the suffessful flight of the Shenandoah
is adding another page to the history of Amer­
ican achievements in the air.
American Hammered
Piston Rings
Private toilet facilities in
the guest room show refine­
ment and hospitatlity.
Let us plan these extra con­
veniences for you, economically
Jerry O’Neal
Across from the new 9-storv Tourist Hotel
Billings Agency
W. & N. Service
Stop "dosing" rheumatism.
It’s pain only. St. Jacobs Oil
will stop any pain, and not one
rheumatism case in fifty requires
internal treatment. Rub soothing,
penetrating St. Jacobs Oil right
on the tender spot, and by the
time you say Jack Robinson—out
comes the rheumatic pain and
distress. St. Jacob Oil 13 a harm­
less rheumatism liniment which
never disappoints, and doesn’t
burn the skin. It takes pain, sore­
ness and stiffness from aching
joints, muscles and bones; stops
sciatica, lumbago, backache and
Limber up! Get a small trial
bottle of old-time, honest St. Ja­
cobs Oil from any drug store, and
In a moment you’ll be free from
pains, aches and stiffness. Don’t
Buffer! Rug rheumatism away.
w w
a —<
is a Combined
M G O lC ilie T r e a t m e n t ,
Save 310.00, walk upstairs to
Orras tailor shop.
Seth local and internal, and has beer
successful in the treatment of Catanl
for ov .-40 years.' Sold by ell druggists
CO.. T oledo. O hu
Miss Murdock
made Universal Electric
R a n g e Demonstrations
H ere Y’esterday—
Karl Knutsen, special agent of here several ztimes, will
the Northwestern Mutual Life demonstrate this range at
Insurance company of Portland,
this store for a week, be­
was in Ashland yesterday visiting!
ginning Monday, October
Geo. H. Yeo.
20th. She will again give
Ashland housewives her
Classine«! ads bring results.
wonderful recipes.
H a ll’s C a ta rrh
The Ashland
Electric Shop
240 East Main SL
B riq u ets
cent heat producing substance, and is the safest,
the most economical and most dependable fuel
on the market.
There is a total of only 2 per cent moisture
and only 10 per cent of ash in DIAMOND
BRIQUETS, which is a lower moisture and ash
content than most coals on the .market, guar­
anteeing you the best results.
Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co.
‘In th e H eart o f T ow n”
5 i
The diversity of oui Classified Advertisements
makes them read by almost every reader of onr
For the person who is looking to buy or sell any­
thing—and who isn’t in this crowd—the classified
pages of The Tidings present a bargain counter
which would stretch across the continent.
T he A sh lan d T id in g s
Phone 39