Hut© TwS lì I s Y i t L i V i Saturday, October IS, lO Si ÁSMLATO itA ttt TíéttM A S H L A N J D A IL Y T ID IN G S : vestigatlon of the m urder of J. well-nigh beyond endurance, those who sailed the aid lane thousands of miners would flock thither and the rapid set- PUIPAPn Til I Snyder, 35, trapper, who waa • (Established in 1876) 011 the ZR-3 were warmly housed, confident and comfort- tlement of this beautiful valley would quickly follow; nor u i i i U n u U I U L shot and killed by his step soû, able. As they voyaged they spokewitli the world, and the realize that they were the pioneers of all this greatness. T i i r i pT n r F ATIKip Fred Parazoo, 23, near here yes­ P ublished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by world with them. They were looking upon a. picture grander than the pencil I IlL Alt I Ul LftllnU terday during a quarrel over méat £nd vegetables wlpch.. Parazoo THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Eric the Red, a man of temper, drew his sword and of the most skilled artist could paint. They could have Snyder owed him. CHICAGO, Oct. 18. — Eating contended vmimwu ~ _________ __conception of .thé changes that were rapidly to trans- Bert r . Greer ................................................. ........................................ Editor struck down an equal in a manner ____________ not sanctioned - by the Parazoo claimed u« he ou„ shot v ™ in self George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager* lenient laws of the time. He fled from Norwegian justice, form this beautiful landscape, nor the human suffering,! th . . faueht'th© nub defense, saying his step-father - refuge * • in Greenland. - ' ’ savage wars, and final extermination of the wild bands „c • t ne taught th e pub made . a move to grab ----------------------- a gun near KntemHu th^Ashiai^h Oregon Postofficeas second ciaiw M aii witter charged with murder, and sought him during the argum ent. Deputy that then dominated this wonderful region. The natural Delegates to the American ------------------------su b scrip tion P rice, l i e i i v i r e d " ¡ T ^ y ----------------------- |And southward from that bleak northern island fared his Sheriffs have gone to the scene meeting One Month ............................................................................................ $ .65; son, Leif Erickson, beaching his galley somewhere in Mew resources hidden away in the panorama before them were Caterers’ Association of the shooting. Parazoo is be­ 1.95 England, men say, or perhaps a trifle to the north. There 1 undreamed of, which their coming and that of others toI ^ ' e r Z t i o n o f 7 X u Y Y a Y ing held in jail. Three Months 3.75 Six Months one Y e a r ................ ,.............................................................................. 7.50 ¡s no record of the time required for these cruises, but'follow would stimulate into discovery. Theirs were to ing school to be located ju st out- By Mail and R ural Route» be the first wagon tracks to he made through Rogue Riv-i side the Loop. Behind their plan Letterheads, statem ents, t o _______ One Month ............................................................................................ $ .65 ¡their hazardous nature yet commands us to respect the your order at the Tidings Office. Three Months ....................................................................... .............. 1.95 intrepidity of the Norse seamen. Even as Columbus, they er vallev. soon to be followed by development that would is the ldea that tutors wil1 be We have a good job printing de­ Six Months startle the world. Their route hence was to be that which ! ( in restau nQQtQ,iron who runs amUck with every new “ mental 1 Alabama ............... 3,100 6,965 820 2 Arizona ................. 3,725 1,750 1,959 bicycle rider of today, as compared to the one of a few,tegt„ criminaiS; wiwra experienced and crafty rascals INVESTIGATE DEATH 3 A rkansas ............. 3,297 6,387 1 068 weeks ago? Have you seen how careful each rider is ,L fool to tlie top of ben t;” and who wastes on red- 63¡029 OF MAN, ROSEBURG 4 California ............. 73,198 9,797 5 Colorado ............... 17,979 4,459 5,670 when reaching a corner to give the proper traffic signal, kandcd scoundrels the attention, and the sympathy, and 6 Connecticut ........ 8,549 1,216 1,514 ROSEBURG, Oct. 17. — Au­ designating in which direction he is to turn? If you the praetieal championship he should bestow upon their 7 Delaware ............. 1,335 654 162 thorities have resumed the ln- 8 Dist. Columbia .... 2,602 804 766 drive an automobile about the streets of Ashland, you j victims 9 F lorida ................. 4.451 6,067 1,476 cannot help but notice it. In the past the bicyclist of 10 Georgia ........... .. 2,971 9,150 1,278 11 Idaho ......* ............... 5,389 3,280 1,392 grammar school age was a reckless, wild riding individ A “ BEAUTY SPECIALIST” 12 Illinois ................. 95,180 18,835 37,545 ual, caring no more for his life, it seemed, than for the 13 Indiana ................. 52,876 18,937 10,587 A “ beauty doctor” in Los Angeles is under arrest D Iowa ...................... 41,568 9,293 19,817 books which occupied his attention for a great part ° f j or causjng the death of an elderly woman whose face 15 Kansas ................. 29,606 8,424 8,263 16 K entucky ............. 4,834 1,284 the day. But now, things have changed. As a result of gjie <