A shland D aily ASHLAND CLIMATE M ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of astlipia. Thig is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4.3. MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. P ur domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1924 ALBANY FIRM AWARDED TOTEL CONTRACT BURGLAR CONTENDS HE IS GREATLY O VERRATED D IR IG IB LE IS » NOW MOORED ATS D E ST IN A T IO N : ' 8 Shenandoah Arrives in Camp 8 Lewis After Stormy Trip 8 Up Coast BIG BAG IS DEFLATED O fficers R eceive C ongratulations of T housands I’pon Arrival in W ashington ----- PORTLAND, Oct. IS — Ben Tanner, a youthful stick-up man, doesn’t like to have the newspapers and, incidentally, the pub­ lic, misled. Ben, who is only 17, adm its th a t he and Donald • Kelly used a couple of re- voivers July 19 to per- suade certain members of the Congress club to relin- quish what cash chanced "to be on th eir respective persons. Ben was ar- rested W ednesday night. “ But the newspapers said th a t we got $65,’’ Ben told rep o rters-at line- up this morning. “ That ain ’t so. We only got $55.” 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a WOMAN CARRIES OWN COFFIN ON SEA C O O L ID G E IS LEADING IN THEl D IG E S T POLL': « Returns Show President Is 8 a Far Ahead of Other * *, Candidates «i ---------- « MORE STATES TO COME N E ff MYSTERY ■DEATH FOUND :IN SA N DIEGO 8 ; ----------- , 8 8 D istricts K nown to be F avorable; « » 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 «1 to D avis and La F o lle tte Still ’* to be Canvassed MEN l T l i n r 0F PORTLAND , I U l i n ERE MONDAY NEW YORK, Oct. 18. 8,' — Mrs. C. Creed, a Lon­ don woman, who said she bad a ffear of burial at sea arrived today on the Lan- castria. bringing her own coffin. Ten years ago her husband died while cross­ ______ I ing the A tlantic and the 8 1 sea became his grave. - « Nude_Bodv of Woman Is The casket will again Fount d in Home in Construction Work Will Start on New Building Within cross the ocean when Mr3. Creed retu rn s to London, Next Ten Days Says Member of Firm Receiving the a fte r a visit to W ashing­ Award on Lithian Hotel. Portland Firms Receive ONE SUSPECT IS HELD ton, she said. [IM F E OFFICIAL PLANS FOB COUNTY. CAMP LEWIS. Oct. 18. — At All the 48 states of the union the end of her transcontinental hav e'co n trib u ted to the huge to­ journey, the giant Navy dirigible tal of alm ost 2,000.000 votes 8 8 8 8 th e Shenandoah arrived here at now gathered and tabulated in the 7:15 this morning. The big ship Literary Digest straw vote, ac­ was badly hampered in landing cording to the latest issue of th at by the heavy fog which hung over publication. • the camp. She cruised about un­ The Digest states: “ W ithin this S ta te ’s D istrict Has P ossib ilities til 4 p, m. and circled about the for Land S ettlem en t Equal to issue, the returns may, for the arm y reservation before making A ny in Oregon first tirrte. be considered fairly fast to her mooring mast. representative of the nation as a W hen Rear Admiral Moffett W ith the idea of attem pting to whole. It is notew orthy th a t the and Commander Lansdown dis­ Democratic percentage has risen standardize and stabilize Jack- em barked, they received the con­ slightly, with a corresponding fall son county products, and to work g ratulations of hundreds of army Dem ocratic Candidate to Leave in the Republican percentage. out plans for land settlem ent In for E ast F o llow in g Speech officers and civilians who were The total votes for the three lead­ thi3 county, R. R. Howard, public- in Cleveland aw aiting their arrival. ing candidates, 1,066,214 for Coo- ity director of the m arketing de- The Shenandoah's supply of lidge; 385,205 for Davis; and Pa r'm en t of the Portland Cham- Helium, which the bag is inflat­ ST LOUIS, Oct. 18. John 432,660 for La Follette, express-1 ber of Commerce was in this city ed, was badly depleted, due to the W. Davis, Democratic candidate ' ivj in percentages, shows 56 per today conferring with leaders in severe headwinds encountered for the Presidency, who in v ad ed , „ont civic work. during the run up ,h ..C a lifo rn ia ■ trans-MIs»,M,pp, soil to m ake a ocratlc ’and «ni Howard is head of the land and Oregon coasts. The bag m a y ' final personal appeal for votes in Progressive settlem ent and m arketing depart- bo refilled a , Camp Lewis. .th e Middle W estern states, will! ..The Democratic m auls of the P ortland Chamber , P° r t ' i eaV6 L° 8 A f° r ” M hvine- T enn" ' may he expected to rise sill! f t - ' o t Commerce. and has been carry- Physician R eports W om an Had B een Strangled to D eath F o l­ low in g T errific Struggle Contracts for Other Work. Chamber of Commerce Will Entertain Sixty-Six Visitors ARE HERE FOUR HOURS Ashland to be V isited by Portland W ith a bid of $129,990, the firm of Hoover and Mc­ < haniber of Com m erce on Neil, well known builders of Albany, were awarded the' lo u r o f Oregon SAN DIEGO. Oct., i s . - The¡contract for the general construction work on the new' police here — - v -ii • . I Ashland will act a? host on 1” r'i i Li«hi«'> Hotel, , C.e directors of the I.ith ian Hotel Asso- Monday to sixty-six members of new m urder the finding late ~ last night of the . , following the opening - ______. .. Ciatlon of 29 bids last night. T ___ in* tb e P o rtla n d C h _____ a m b e r I of . Com- practically nude body of Mrs. j ot’ Hoover and McNeil was $8,340 lower than their,’ merce.when ,hat body ar«iv^s in Anna Williams Loor in her h o m e. ' nearest competitor, the Hedges and Hubs companv of C*!y °n the atar‘ of ,heir Stephen R ichards of this city, P o r t l a n d ’ inspection of O regon. T he mem- 42, who found the body, and re ­ bers of the Portland booster or- Aecoiding to Is. L. McNeil, a member of tbe firm,) &an'za"°n will arrive in Ashland ported his discovery to the po­ lice. later adm itted th a t he had who was present to witness the opening of the bids the, at 9:30 Mondav morning, and «ii • ’ will remain in this city until 1:30 r™ X ” y H W e“ t being h X '- v i . 1g e q„ip,„e„t to Ashiand. „„ j U 1 • i r c di x a ’ P * M’ when tfaey will be trans­ in the jail here w ithout bail aU<1 ,ls . LS beliel that construction work will be under ported to Medford by members while the story is being in v est!-, within ten days. Work will be pushed as rapidlv a s lof tbe Ashland Chamber of Colli­ gated by the police. ) possible, and McNeil, stated lie believed tbe work would meA rce' The county autopsy physician |,0 c o m n le te d bv Timo 1 According to J. H. Fuller, sec- who examined the body, reported ¡, • | re ta ry the Ashland organiza- th a t the woman had been strang- - ’ W ll‘ . 1,le P o i,c y Of the firm in this construction tion- the Portland visitors will ed to death, a fte r a terrible etrug- work, McNeil stated, to purchase all materials possible in bring with tben* a ten P*ece k,lt,e gIe- ¡Ashland, and to use Ashland-labor, with the exception of band’ whiich wil1 be ,ued in PpP- ----- ---------------- a few men, in the construction of tbe building. Since they ' through '«h e ‘ state.8 ° D OFFICIAL HAS THE ;10i1''ze tile hotel construction is a civic proposition, tbe Fuller announced this morning JOY BEING PINCHED builders will co-operate in every wav in utilizing home i!*at the vi3it0ls would be met at labor and materials. “ J1”?™ ? by membera of Ash- T ;' ’ *»«• « < « succeeding returns, I » • * >" -v e r a l sections . land Chamber of Commerce, and ASTORIA, Ore. Oct. 18.— Law­ aenting a great picture as shej in appreciation of the support of- since the states in which Demo- of tbG state during the past few ---------- :------------i - ----------------------- ' The firm of Hoover and McNeil escorted into the business dis- rence Anderson, deputy state land pushed along in the starry moon j fered him by the states m aking up cratic strength Is confessedly m ontbs- , has been a prom inent one In trict °f 'b e city. They will be light of the morning. She passed the “solid south.” strongest are amqpg the last ones' D urine the course of his work commissioner, enjoyed the th rill building circles in Oregon for the asked to inspect the stores of the over Portland at an altitude of Following his visit to N ashville,1 to _____ ___________ ____ How „ of being handcuffed and dragged report. Many Democratic witb tbe P ortland Chamber. I past 20 years. Many of the Pnn his campaign, has fo l-' the campa igng of Coolidge and ! the coast section- so th at a fixed wife, but was released when the the work planned by the firm of cou has becn ari’angpd by Fuller. lowed closely in line with the ( La F o llette, aud therefore P p r‘Ce ls obtained for th eir pro S reac . It a PPeared can d id ate Will Invade East Fol- T ourtellotte and Hummel, archi- i,lcludiRS Mweehes of welcome by be considered to the ad v an tag e; ; auci8> ducts wel1 ab<>ve the price ob- that the poilice officer had made CAMP LEWIS, Oct. 18. — The other men . on the ballot, in first , low in g H is Speeches in j tects on the hotel building, has several of the leading business Shenandoah floated lazily o v e r, campaigning the Middle W est be- of the Democratg th a t th eir tained under the old order of the a rrest" on w hat he said was Om aha been completed by this form. men of Ashland. Although the Camp Lewis today, aw aiting sun- fore turning his attention upon Ftrongholds are being heard from things. identification of Anderson by a --------- | They are now engaged in con- speakeis have not been definate- down when the Helium gases will j the East, where they are now pre- com parativeiv late in the poll Howard stated while here, tha* fu rn itu re dealer as a man who re­ WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. The structing buildings in the Coos ly selected. Fuller announced that have cooled sufficiently to allow : Paring for a list minute, intensive I Thla fact may compenaate for a n y . the district surrounding Ashland cently had passed a w orthless the complete program would be check at th e latfxxr-o o * v,: > *Ea8t is the real battle ground Bay district, under plans drawn the air cruiser to be moored a t campaign, advantages being given the Repub- ! offered sP'^ndid possibilities for .neck at the la tte r s establish- of this cam paign, antl j decided up: n this evening her m asthead here.. The sun ex­ - ......... - .......................... ’m turning^ up by Tourtellotte and Hummel. ! licans and Progressives” . ¡‘land settlem ent, since the new ment Following the luncheon, the The dealer nn mho u , 1 f,om O ^ a h a .” Senator La McNeil stated last night th a t panded the gases, and w ith a “ The Democratic candidate is i ®’m 'S ran '- Creek dam will bring . members of the excursion will be , . ’ 1 0 °'bi*r hand, Follette, Independent candidate both . shortage of gasoline, the ship be- Portland Couple, now shown to be leading in ' under cultivation much land denied in ° . and hid as3Ociatea would taken to Medford in automobiles having pointed Anderson tor the presidency sa ¡. , . came so buoyant th a t she could ,d :. l ’nOVe tbeif famiHe8 to Ashland by mernbers of the Chamber of eleven states, with a vote so close ! which wiU « tre m e ly valuable Hurt in Car Crash the officer._______ t a telegram to his running m a te ,' ag 8oon ag construction work had Coni not be pulled down. The Shen­ Still at Hospital in two others. Kentucky and Ok- when the w ater for irrigation merce. Fuller urges every Senator Burton K. W heeler. been sta r ted andoah will likely s ta rt south ; lahoma, th a t a small readjust- purposes is obtainable. member of the bodv, who can W heeler is now campaigning in Sunday morning. SALEM, Oct. 18— Mr. and Mrs. It is the hope of the Portland the Pacific Coast states, following p° ‘ S' possibly do so. io tender the ,,se W. W. Savage, No. 1151 East Chamber of Commerce to stab­ (Continued on Page Two) hh earlier campaign with La Pol- X ° ? ,h W” T ° , ’ *” ”r " 'l!" '8 ' h'S ilize m arkets for Oregon products G rant street, Portland, injured in lette fn the middle west i ! C? n lr° “ tor ‘h” '" '» » » " 5 of visitors from Ihe train, and in in mnph the same m anner as they an automobHe collision on the P a ­ the plumbing and heating equip- transporting them to Medford, In announcing his decision to have been stabilized in other sec­ cific highway near Chemawa, ment. Their bid of $26,000 was Included in the personnel of the retu rn to the East, La Follette tions of the country, thus assuring north of here, Sunday are still $477 lower than th a t of their visiting party will be represen- autom atically cancelled w hatever the farm ers of a dependable m ar­ In a Salem hospital, although their plans his supporters in the F ar • Rear^ ‘ comPp"to>". the C. E. Kiaft tatlves of most of the banks of ket. condition was reported as not ser­ Portland, many of the leading West had for his invasion of the Heating Co., of Portland. ious this morning. is a m erchants and business men, rep- Pacific Coast section in search o f ‘ Tbe b lemming company WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. — CABARET SINGER IS Mrs. Savage, who suffered a we’ . l known firm in Portland, and rese n 'a "vea of the newspapers. Henry Ford has form ally w ith-, votes. KICKED TO DEATH fracture of the pelvis bone, will ! they have handled the Installation and heads of the lpa‘" nS manu- Siskiyou, Oct. 18. — D eterm in­ IN DRUNKEN BRAWL drawn his five million doliar of-1 probably be confined to the hos-j of heating and plumbing equip- ^actu r' n6 plants In th a t city. ed to break up what they declare The party will leave Portland pital for some time yet, but Sav-I ! t7on,.0Hi«.h,' . ? ° u ' ' n 7 en‘„'K n llrate S0N OF GOV. SMITH ment in many large buildings to be a crime clique in Siskiyou SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 18. — LOS ANGELES. Oct. 18 Mo-1 properties a t Muscle Shoals; it on October 19, and will visit Ash­ age suffered only a few cuts' ELOPES, RECEIVES i throughout the state. county, C. E. Johnson, district Two suits, asking a total of $150,- tive underlying the brutal slaying was officially announced from the land, Medford, G rants Pass, Rose­ about the face and is expected to MOTHER’S BLESSING NePage and McKenny, well attorney and A. S. Calkins; sher-i ‘lllu l to qqq arp on f51e at gacram ent0 to of M arjorie Donovan, cabaret en- W hite House today. The with- burg, North Rend. Marshfield. ; known Portland electrical firm. iff, are on the trail of two m o re 1 e 10s'Jita !n a f*-‘w day»- day against certain members of tertain er, killed in a m idnight drawal was contained in a t?le- Powers, Myrtle Point, Coquille, SYRACUSE, N Y., Oct. 18- wns awarded the contract for the members of tile group who elud­ the congregation of the F irst Bap- hrawl, was being sought by police 8ra m from Ford to President Coo- Bandon, Reedsport and Eugene, “ God b'.ess them both.” ' installation of the ed Deputy Sheriffs Ritz and Ma- j I tist church of Ceres, Cal., and as investigation of the “ party ” " d6e electrical returning to Portland on the These were the words of Mrs. t quipm ent in the building. Their^ nIng of October 25 goffey when they raided the j i against the N orthern P aptist con­ continued. In the telegram , Ford re m in d -; w ui™ . u nz-». __ .i.,... headquarters last week and caught I vention, with headquarters in W alter Weiroan, said to have ed the President th at his offer had , 20.year.old 'Ber’tha Gott o ^ h i a bld ' or the work waa >3953 Ac- San Francisco. five members. kicked Miss Donovan until s h e i been Pend*n8 since July 8, 1921,1 ’ co,d,n£ t0 specifications, the new was not willing i ^ i e H i ° C e X r y ^ R e d 1 r T * 1, °f Allie O’Grady, the reputed The suits were filed by the Rev. died a sh o rt tim e later, while t h e 'and said th a t leader and who has been in the W. M. McCart, ex-pastor of the two were members of a J a m a ic a 'to waIt any lonEer for the gov-' , tw en tieth Century Limited, hghted buildings of its kind in; SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. IS. _ ; cburch. and who left here fori to ger CGiebratI on i n a C entennial ®rn m ent to act upon his p r o p o s - '^ ’10 s.t epPed tbp fam »y of the country. The company re-i prize rings of northern California, is held on a c h a r e e '“ * Ab a result via the cejvlRg tbe contract has been,' and his brother Jam es were sen­ W ith part of her bridge sw e p t' A n n v i l l e . Ore. They were ‘ of tbe w ithdraw - Governor Alfred E. Smith ............. .. h a tenced to serve six months each away and carrying an injured of- j A ed d I n t thG al of the offer; It is probable th a t elopenient route when she became identified with the electrical Ua,ted States district t j of 8U8pIcion 9 of m urder. In the county jail here when th e y ; ficer and 30() excited pa8Sengers ! co»rt aRd charge "slander and: the governm ent will be forced to tbe bride of Alfred E. Smith, J r. equipment business for many A grim angle* in the affair was appeared before Albert H. Thomas the Hner H p Ajexander arrived' scandalous, false and defam atory) M|sa |develop the Blant plant8- U9ed on'y | 11 Was an elopeme«t with all years in Portland, and the results ..........Satnrdav. , tatomantB | reveaiea m m e story ot during the w ar time, for the pro-J " ‘e atten d an t romance. The of thelr efforl8 are to 8ften ,n justice of the : peace, Saturday. ' Thurgday afternoon eight ... hourg statem ents They were charged with vagrancy behjnd scbedule aftef “ Those named in the first suit ®®£‘e ^ ^ ¡ J ^ l w X ^ o m e ' dUCti° n ° f n ‘tr8teS' “ Sed in ^ x - ; co«P'e were m arried in Green- buildings throughout'th7st"ate together with H enryJC eaton, ag- tbrough one of the WQrgt 3t°orm g for $100,000 are Jeroffie B. Tup- tim e after she and ‘ wich, Conn., Tuesday morning. SAN DIEGO, Oct. 18. — Two The Otis Elevator Company, Miss - Dono­ P ed 17, and his 3ister Edna. Young encountered on tbe p a<;ifjc coa3t per, Milton R. Helse, Paul H. men were killed instantly and a ! A telePbone call from Green- m anufacturers and installers of K eaton was given two months in -n years Jaeger and two others designated van went to bed early yesterday third had a miraculous escape There is wisdom in reading a d s .. wich brought the news to “ Mother elevators were awarded the con- Jail and the girl received six: The vessel ran into a gale which as John Doe and Ri«hard Roe. and found the other woman dead and Dad.” : tia c t for the in8tanation of the from death at 2 o’clock Thursday m onths, but her sentence was sus- bJew mileg hQur shortly and in the second suit the Baptist beside her. afternoon in a mid-air collision : elevator in the new building. The “ I went in and told the men) pended during good behavior. after ghe lgft Tuesday convention. 1300 feet above Coronado of two Otis company is probably the best naval Vought airplanes. Girl Taken Home Thg gtorm reached jtg According to the complaint th a t Margy was dead,” Miss Fow-I COURT RESTRAINS elevator construction com­ The men were arrested on an highegt point at 11:01 A M Wed. Rev. Mr. McCart was accused of ler said. “ They said we couldn’t! The dead: FURTHER SUIT known pany in the country at the pres­ open charge last week when the negday whpn tWQ glant wayeg misconduct with three women do anything to help her, so I wept) Ensign M erritt J. Flanders, 24. fath er of C harlotte Davis of E tna struck the sh .p one after the members of the Ceres congrega- back Jo bed beside the body and SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 18— A ent time. attached to the transport Vfcga. perm anent injunction restraining 11 wil1 be noticed that the total charged them with plying his Qther carryjng away part Qf her tion while he held th a t pastorate, we all slept until 10 o’clock. Then j Robert H. K err, aviation chief daughter with liquor. The girl bridge and superstructure and says the complaint. Those named we called the police.” YREKA, Oct. 18. — Leo, 6- Miss Evan Burrows Fontaine, cost’ which includes the site, ex- machinist mate, naval air station, was taken home by her father. breaking mucb giaga. in the first suit caused to be read plumbing, K err resided in San Diego and year-old son of I. B. Marley, an form er Foliea dancer, from ever ' ava" on- building, Following the arrest, it tran s-j p G Keyeg> fourtb officer of *n tbe church on October 18, 1923, employe of the California & Ore- suing Cornelius V anderbilt W hit- beating, wiring, elevator and ar- leaves a widow and three small pired th a t two members of the thg ghjp w&g burJed (0 thfi d p ck ' a letter alleged to hav[e been DEER TO BE SLAIN ' gon Power Company at Copco, ney was issued here by Federal ckitect’s fees- approximately children. gang had kicked in the doors of gnd gwept along by thg waveg written^ by the m inister to Mrs j PREVENT EPIDEMIC was shot and instantly killed by Judge John S. Partridge acting $7S0° morp than th e original Gunner W illiam Cole escaped the homes of Ernest Robinson and g^ffe rjng a broi{en arm Flooded J. G. Tupman of Cerea the fath er in an accident yester- favorably upon a petition to th at iAliaran' ei‘<^ estim ate. This in- with his life when he walked out effect made by Oscar Sutro, at- erease is caused by the changes en the wing of his Vought and The m inister denies the auth- ! SALEM, Oct. 18— Under an or- day. Bessie Snelling and at the a tta r 8 stateroom s of the passengers home in a m idnight raid had caused Captain E. P. B arlett of orFhip of the ,etter and tbe ln' . der issued by the agricultural de- Marley had been out h u n tin g ! torney for the young m illlonaire which have been made in the or- Plunged head first to the ground, brutally choked the old woman. the ship to order all passengers ferences contained in it and ac- partm ent of the state of Califor- the day before, retu rn in g late.) Tbe in ju n c tk n is in the form ig'nal plans and specifications, by his parachute opening after he In addition to this, the hold-up on deck. Much of the passeng-' cuse3 the Northern B aptist con -I nia all deer on two ranges there He left his rifle loaded over n ig h t. of a perpetua, (,rdev K bi„h ,)arg the addition of the club dining liad fa" pn 500 feet. vention in the second suit for I are being slaughtered as a . pre- an<^ yesterday of Fred Cleland. a Yreka man. is erg, baggage and the carg0 of th e . in the second suit f o r , are being slaughtered .p r e - a »d morning. In ex- Migg j ontaino from every coiirt lucm, interior work and finish in Tllp m id-air collision occurred also laid a t their door. The ' ship w ” as " ruined _ _" by th e . w a te r.1 >50,000 of having inserted in i t s : caution against any fu tu re out- tractin g the shells, accidentally, . , United «i in ib.« lobby, the dining room, th e 1 v'^’on R er'' dived with his Vought *---------- ............................................... - discharged — — - ---------- accor“ ng m tlu s ^ e c U ladieg par|or , plane QUt Qf a charges will be held in abeyance of the ships in stru m e n ts,' ............ buIletin tbe ,o ---------------------------- " owine statem ent: “ i breaks of the foot and m outh the piece, -------------- the bullet I by the state. ' jnciuding the radio, compass and • “We re ?ret to report th a t at a ) disease. striking the boy, who was stand­ Sutro i W ithout these additions the trave" n g faster than 115 miles ing close, in the heart. ¡th e gyrocompass, were damaged. I Recent council of the Central as- The action of the California of­ Yesterday young W hitney was "°8t ° f the structnr« would have an hour directly below, did not The coroner’^ ju ry brought in To Attend Schoo!— T h e v e ss e ll has cancelled her sociation- Rev. W. M. McCart, pbs - ficials was based on a report pre­ victorious in Judge P artridge’s beGn $S°° m° re than the o r,&ina' , see K err’s plane until the crash. E verett Redifer of Myrtle trip tQ Log Angeles and win not i to r of the Ceres church, we found pared by federal veterinarians, , a . verdict of accidental death. Mar- court when a jury trying thej eSt!mate‘ This CO8t Is offset to j « , 'ey came here two weeks ago from Creek arrived recently in Ashland gaJ1 for Seattle SatUrday as sched- puilty of charges of gross miscon- who held th a t deer GLENDALE. Cal., Oct, 18. — were carriers , form er Follies g irl’s $1.000:0’0 0 'qUite an extent by the fa<* th a t Soda Springs, Idaho. The family and will attend the high school. uled officiala of the p aclfic duct brought against him and the of the disease. Lieutenant - Commander G rattan consisted of the father and breach of promise suit a g ain st1 8 rental of >100 Per month for C. Dichmnn of the aircraft squad­ Mr. R edifer was an Ashland res- steam ship company announced council recommended the wlth- mother, a brother, 18; sister, 8, him returned a verdict denying 006 addltlonal fitore room will he roni, battle fleet, stationed a t the ldent several years ago. I today. ih e Tidlng’s Ads Bring Results and little Leo. (Continued on Page Four) Miss F ontaine’s claim. j ( C o n t i n u é ? -------1 (Continued on page Four) LA FOLLEIIE WILL ra ra i GANGSTERS GET SIX MONTHS IN JAIL AS RESULT OF PARTIES EX-BflPTIST PASTOR BIG LINER BADLY FATHER KILLS SMALL