PAGfc R.t» M H ¡JgmSDMttŸWMSOâ IM ihy, (M otor 1», ' and « tha fallowing 6fiifieP9 elect- in the wsrld’a foreign trade and Vermont versus Springfield at I V. M. L. versus Virginia at for ftsxt Monday, has Uen w it- edi GSdrgd Barrons, president; is gaining a g reater portion 6f B urlington; Vt. Lexington, Va. ¿»otted until October 17, owing tp OtfHlU H a lt vice-president and new trade than any other nation, j Bowdoin versus-Colby at W ater- W illiam ahd Mary versus B an-, the absence of one of the a tta r- ( Kenneth Hobson, sec re ta ry ;. The im ports of gold for Sep- Ville, Maine, dolph-Macon at W illiamsburg, Va. j ueys. Thia caee is attracting wide West tomber were -value.d- at $6,555,-\ Carl Loveland, le’ a dfer- of the Mercer versus Chattanooga at attention in Ashland, and prom- A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of These notes are w ritten for band is devoting all of his tim é 1 341 against $27,803,961 for Sep- Michigan versus Illinois at Ur- Chattanooga, Tenn. - iaes to be hard fought, with a local in te r e st.................... this paper by members of the I and energy to the betterm ent of tambor, 1023. Gold exports last bana, 111. V. P. L. versus M aryland at score of witnesses on each side journalism class at the local the band. | month were valued at $4,579,5-01 Chicago versus Indiana at W ashington, D. C. : The Black's were m arried in Mon- high school There will be no more city agaiP8t >862,697 for September, < Chicago Missippi A. and M. versus tana, and the wife i3 35 and the On Business— , MARCEL AND CURL LAST Wisconsin versus Minnesota at Mississippi at Jackson, Miss. , band practice until the first of 1923. husband 60 years of age. H. H. B ihart made a trip to LONGER after a Golden Glint Silver im ports during Se-ptem Madison, Wis. Kentucky State versus Wash- the year so as to give the high A decision in the M erritt di- Many Forensic Members— Medford this morning on business. Shampoo. Ohio State versus Ohio Wesle- > ington and Lee at Lexington, Ky. school the advantage of th a t n ig h t• her uer were valued a t ?6,916.402 I vorce, involving two well known The Forensic Society organized against $8,517,971 for Septem­ yan at Columbus. Pacific Northwest for practice. J people of this city and Jackson- in 1921 has at the present time Save >10.00< walk upstairs to ‘ R eturn Home— Iowa versus Lawrence at Iowa ber, 1923. Exports of Silver last California versus Olympic club ville, will be handed down hy Mr. Loveland hopes to tu rn out Mr. and Mra. C. 8. Darling re- a membership three times as great Orrea tailor shop. 17— tf month totalled $10,345,205. City. at Berkeley, Cal. Circuit Judge Thomas on Mon- turned home last evening from ■ as ever before» Forty-nine mem- a “ cracM” Hi schooil band and en­ against $8,123,460 for September N orthw estern versus P urdue a t I Stanford versus Oregon at Palo ! day, October 27. te r it in the state contest. Portland where they have been t*>r’ were initiated into the so- V isiting H e r e - last year. Evanston. Alto, Cal. Milton Nealey of Copco is in spending the past month on b us-.ciety Monday evening. Three of N ebraska versus Colgate at L in -, W iv erslty southern Californ these were post-graduates, seven WORLD FLIERS DUE Ashlaud for several days visiting iness andi pleasure, coln‘ | versus Oregon Aggies at Portland, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TO STOP PORTLAND ---------- ' seniors, seven junior«, eleven w ith relatives. - ‘ --------- K ansas versus Kansas Aggies Ore. ---------- I We deliver the goods— Detricks j sophomores and twenty-one fresh- I at M anhattan. W ashington versus Montana a t • FOR SALE — Pigs, inquire W. PORTLAND, Oct. 17>— AmerF > ♦ - 94-tf , men. I hope the women of Ashland • Missouri versus Iow a State at Seattle, Wash. ca’s globe girdling aviators a re ' L. Moore Belleview. Phone 10F4. ______ A fter the candidates had taken will make this the best and b ig -. Ames. scheduled to arrive here this 40— 5* Leaves Tomorrow— , their oath the meeting was called gest election ever held in Jack-! Drake versus Grinnell at Des afternoon from Seattle on. th e ir G rant Helman, who lias been to order by the president, Barn- DIVORCE EPIDEMIC IN eson county. My num ber on the Moines. FOR SALE — Cull Spitzenburg trium phant tour which will end B allot ia 72. 38— 3) visiting in Ashland with liis ard Joy. Minuses were read and COUNTY STILL CONTINUES and Newtown apples, 50c per box C enter versus Transylvania at a t Santa Monica, Calif. A big brother, Otis Helman for the p a s t1 the election of secretary was held, Danville, Ky. I bring boxes. 125 Scenic Drive. parades is planned here, together NEW YORK, Oct. 17. Im- two weeks, will retu rn to his; Albie Beck was elected to fill this Goeg 1« E ast— (Continued from page 1) D etroit versus Columbia at Phone 4 40-J. 40— 2 with a dinner dance in honor of p o rtan t football games scheduled W. E. Moor left for the E a s t,! home tomorrow in Pe-taUima office. I :------ -------------- —------------------ the fliers. The fliers will leave for Saturday, Oct. 18, in the east,,1 Detroit. FOR SALE or Rent — a large Michigan aggies versus Chicago J ‘lgai l3t W. A. Black, both of Ash- Monday, where he will spend sev­ A short talk on the- program for tomorrow for Eugene, where they west, Pacific northw est and south Y. M. C. A. a t Lansing, Mich. , and’ lllvolving the custody of a 7-room house suitable for re-rent­ Have th a t old suit made new. eral month visiting with friends the two following meetings and will stop overnight. They will* follow: ing rooms. A. L. Lamb. 178 A St. M arquette versus John Carroll oy’ ° " nership of a house Phone 119, Paulserud’s. 33— tf explanation of the aims and work and relatives. then hop to* Sacramento. , E ast 40— 6 university at Milwaukie. ! and ^o t’ and an automobile, set of the year was th en , given by Bucknell versus La Fayette at South ' the president. Best m ilk— Linin •r’s Dairy, : Het Fine Result«— Lewisburg, Pa. Last night was an excellent one Alabama versus Sewanee a t: 10c quart. Phone 396 and 369J. Tuesday, October 28, an elec- H arvard versus Holy Cross at for radio enthusiasts Birmingham, Ala. 26—tf Stations tion rally will be held at the high Cambridge. at Pittsburgh, Penn., Hastings,^ school at 7:30. Discussion of A uburn versus Howard a t Au- ; Yale versus D artm outh at New burn. H ere Today— Nebraska, and other far away each of the presidential candidates! Haven.' Centenary versus B utler at In -'j H. O. Voget and E. M. W atson, points, to say nothing of the coast will be given and a very interest- Cornell versus Rutger^ at j c'anapolis,- Ind, state bank examiners, are in Ash states, were heard distinctly. ing cA'iiing is planned. The WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 16. Ithaca. I Florida versus W ake Forest at land today conducting the semi­ public is urged to attend this — The exports of m erchandise Princeton versus Navy at Prin- Tampa annual examination of the banks. meeting and witness the work from the United States in Septem­ ceton. Cliff Payne makes drawers. Georgia Tech versus Penn that is being done by the F o r­ ber were valued at $427,000,000 Army versus Notre Dame at State at A tlanta, Ga. Hennafoam Shampoo, 50c, Mc­ Suffers Stro’-e— ensic Society. against $381,433,570 for Septem­ New York. Georgia university versus F u r­ N air Bros. Volney Co -zig suffered a stroke — o— ber, 1923. Value of im ports was J Brown versus Boston uftiver- man at Augusta, Ga. - NOW ON of paralysis yesterday morning “ A” Club Organized— $285,000,000 against $253,645,-! sity at Providence. Tulane versus V anderbilt at E n ters H ospital— and is a t the home of his daught­ An “A” club has been organiz­ 380 for Septem ber 1923, the ex- , Syracuse versus Boston college New’ Orleans. Mrs. Ida Elders of this city er, Mrs. Sanford on Oak street. ed in the high school for those ports exceeding im ports by $ 12,-1 at Syracuse. has entered the Community Hos­ Mr. Colvig is a well known resi­ who have made letters in any 000,000. Pittsburg versus Joli-ns H o p -, AT pital in Medford for medical dent of Ashland. kins a t Baltimore. The increase in both imports bmnch of athletics. The organ- diagnosis. Georgetown versus .Quantico izatk n ¡s »under the direction of and exports for the past nine Nellie M. Perl has always been Mf. Forsythe and has a large m onths over the pre-w ar year of Marines at W ashington, D. C. N o agen t in Southern Oregon loyal to Ashland. When we tried A m herst versus W esleyan at membership. The club comes as 1913, on the prfe-war basis, has While This ¿Jar Lasts can w rite better A uto insurance to go over the top with the Nor­ been nearly 30 per cent, according Middleton, Conn. a long felt need, among the ath ­ or a t low er rates titan th e Staple« mal, she came over ami worked Bates versus Maine a t Orono, YOU W ILL BE GLAD YOU VZAITED FOR letic boys, and is expected to es­ to Secretary Hoover, who, in an ­ A gency. hard for us. 38— 3 tablish a perm anent place among nouncing thp figures, declared the Me. expansion was the largest over the Columbia versus Pennsylvania the organizations of the school. Back In Ashland— In T o w n - pre-w ar average of any country a t Philladelphia. — o— Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Hicks re­ in the world. He added th a t the W ashington and Jefferson ver­ Buddy Burton, who w ith his Ashland Hi Band Meets— turned home last week from a m other has been conducting danc­ figures signified th a t th e United sus C rnegia Tech nt W ashington, The Hi School band m et a t the We Now Have two weeks’ trip on the coast vis­ ing classes in Ashland and recent­ States is taking a larg er position Pa. City Hall Tuesday evening at iting with relatives. ly moved to Hornbrook to conduct 7:30 for the first meeting of the classes there, was In Ashland t o - l year A (ter practlcln. to r , n - A * ♦ * ♦ » ♦ « Big Ben Aarm Clocks, McNair day on business. i lloar a bn8lncss lneet1ng WM h((W FOR Bros. »♦♦♦♦»■♦ o h u h h o « I h m » »♦♦♦»»♦■♦ L o cal■ Personal fiotes Ashland Hi Notes SCHEDULED FDR THIS FOREIGN M IS H A RD Y B R O T H E R S Potato Sale No. 1 Netted Gems $2.00 per Hundred Pounds HARDY B R O T H E R S Exclusive Selling Agency Imogene W allace, Piano and Sweet cream for whipping and Harmony Studio, Second floor i coffee— also fresh milk, always Beaver Bldg. 30 on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf Has Position— P u rcliases H om e— Mrs. Gerald G u n ter started J. M. Poole of Colorado Springs work yesterday as sten o g rap h er' has moved ot Ashland and pur­ and bookkeeper for the Automo chased a home at 126 Van Ness tive Shop. i avenue from Mr. Dickey. He has now returned to th a t place to Complete line of Ashland Can­ get his family. Mr. Poole is the ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf brother of Mr. Poole of this city and is delighted with Ashlaud. Homo from Schools— Kerr’s Feeds & Suppl ies V Harvest Sale! TH E THEATER BEAÜTIEU. TODAY and TOMORROW WHERE THE CROWDS*GO M f e s f ç y J 3 a . r r j / ¡ n "G éû R ûe W ashington J r ’ 0000020202000202022300050100020100010201020702000001020000021110010001100102010108010001010102010100000001000000010000020206020209051002000006020108040111110302 • W arner B roo - cöasx : o f Not Sam e P erson— T o G reen Springs— J. K. McWilliams and A. W. Moon made a trip to the Field’s and Moon Lum ber company on th e Green Springs road this m orning expecting to spend the day there. New Coats made of all wool Blocked Polair, Blocked Ve­ lour, Downey Wool, Chevo- sheen, High* Lustre You are welcome to compare my Automobile rates with any other rates in Jackson or Jose-1 phine Counties; you can be the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. 30— tf Mrs. Percy S tratton, who lias been confined to the hospital since th e first of August, due to a brok­ en leg, was removed to her home on Iow’a stre et yesterday. The heavy cast in which her leg was Suit Postponed— set was taken off and a lighter The suit of Alice I. Black one put on. against W. A. Black of this city, involving custody of a boy, own­ Pay less and dress better— get ership of a house and lot and your Fall Suit at Pa lserud’s. an automobile, set for next Mon­ 33— tf day has been postponed until Oc­ 8pecial Auto Accident Policy tober 27, due to the absence of for $6.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo one of the attorneys, according to of course. 24-tf the Mail Tribune- This case is a t­ tracting wide attention in Ash­ land and promises to be hard O. A. C. Club— The O. A. C. club met last eve­ fought, with a score of witnesses ning and) officers were elected. on each side. The Blacks were Oliver Anderson was elected pres­ m arried in Montana, and the wife ident; Byrl Jarm on, vice-presi­ is 35 and the husband CO years dent and A nnette W eatherford, of age. secretary. A large num ber of peo­ Dance Hot Springs Sat. night. ple were present and plans were 40— 2 made for a Hallowe’en party to be given a t the H. H. E lh art home on Hallowe’en, October 31. Rogue News— W ith Vernon McGee as editor', Henry Holmes, business m anager Dance Hot Springs Sat. night. and Kenneth Hobson circulation 40— 2 m anager, this year’s Rogue News Pilot Rock Encam pm ent No. promises to be one of the best 16, I. O. O. F. will confer the th at has been Issued y e t The first Royal Purple Degree Monday edition will probably be ready evening, Oct. 20th. All members for distribution Wednesday, atid are requested to be present and is eagerly aw aited by the high The assistant __ visiting patriarchs are especially schooil students. editor has not been chosen yet Invited to attend. R efre sh m e n ts will be served after the lodge but will be announced later. The fact th a t there is a journalism closes. P. M. SNIDER, C. P. class in the high school this year GEO. W. TREFREN, Scribe also tends to make a better paper. 40— 2 Dr. Del Hawley who was over from K lam ath Falls W ednesday and Thursday exhibiting the fire extinguisher has been confused with Dr. Maude Hawley of this I city, by several persons. Dr. H aw -! ley of Ashland has nothing to do 1 with the fire extinguisher agency t/te S c r w n . _ COAT VALUES Are Here Among those W’ho will arrive When W inter comes try one of home tonight from th e ir . schools fg| Paul8erud’s Over Coats. 33— tf are Misses M argaret D ougherty,! K atherine Parsons, Velta A ckley,1 f a Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ Mildred Beeson, Mrs. L etta Fast- H I ity Bread, from tho oven over burn and John Galey. th e counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6 R em oved to Horn«'— The Best on the Market. Prices Right as Always and Pile Fall rics. F u r Collars and Bolivia Made with some with F u r Collars and Cuffs. Priced 16 95 1 9 75 2 2 50 25'°° 2 9 3 2 .50 Women’s Coats m ade.of Chinchilla, Cut Angora, ;; Sedeue, Froshona, and Plushes, with beautiful F ur Collars of Beaver, Muskrat, Oppossum, Viatka, Sealene. Coats priced 3 4 .5 0 4 2 - 5 0 4 7 .5 0 53 75 8 5 oo 35 00 100 Dresses for you to select from Silk Dresses made of Satin Crepe, Canton Crepe, Charmeuse, Ben- galine and many others. Priced 1 9 75 2 2 50 2 4 50 2 9 75 3450 Vaudeville Native Hawaiians playing and singing popular songs in th eir own novelty way. FEATURING Women’s Wool.Dresses, made of Poiret Twill, Julian Cloth, Por- iet Sheen and Flannel. Priced Marvelous Benny W izard on any string. Big time vaudeville star. Champion Ukalefle play­ er of the world— with 1 4 95 1 9 75 2 4 75 29 75 3 2 s Princess Elena Dance Hot Springs Sat. night. P ledged to Sigm a Upsfion — 40— 2 Word was received here today th a t H erbert Prescott of the Uni­ E ith er th ru m istake or malice versity of Oregon has been pledg­ it has beem rum ored th a t I am ed to Ye Tabard Inn of Sigma j opposed to w ater up the canyon. Upsilon, w riters’ honorary o r­ I will say I have always stood ganization. for w ater up the canyon and it will be found so on the records. Let us fill your'pall with Swifts Regular Admission I am for a good clean city and Silver Leai lard. Costs less than Pictures ..................... 7:15 law enforcem ent. shortening. Goes farther and Is Vaudeville ...........................9:00 Signed— H. G. WOLCOTT. more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf Pictures ...............................9:30 Famous Hula Dancer A wonderful stock of Children’s Coats for you to select from. 3 to 16 years. Priced ^.48 to g g .S O E. “The R. ISAAC & CO. Quality Store” i Splendid JMeca D resses $16.75, $19.75 and up Really wonderful materials and better than usual workmanship are put into our dresses at 50 pretty wool dresses of Botany Flannel, Charineen, Twilleen and Poiret Twill make up a wonderful assortment at $16.75" 1 $19.75 $16.75 $48.50 Any Size ( ]oat You Want Is Here Junior Coats 13 to 19 Misses Coats 16 to 20 Children’s Coats 4 to 14 A new Coat and Tam set for children from 4 to 6 size. Comes in a heavy napped coat­ ing in jade, rose and copper and with heaverette collar and buttons at $8.85 Stylish Stouts * 41 to 49 Regular Women’s Sizes 30 to 44 Genuine Tricosham Petticoats at $5.00 and Princess Slips at $5.50. Tricosham is service­ able, will not snag or run. Princess Slips made of heavy Directoire Satin ..............$5.75 w See the Special lots of W inter Underwear GOODS Girls’ Brushed Wool Slipon Sweaters $3.95