moi mm Asauim mar mnra« «ai PROFESSIONAL member of the »wo orgßttbatiflfte m in in g milk. Though he came of Ported from th« royal «tables in pians te tufi on the American Will be prenant to help Welcome a racing strain, sired by Silvester England, which he eventually tu tf. Classified Column the teachers. ) J,, he gave no évidence, either ini The patrons and patroflesses for appearance or gait, that he m ight’ Classified Column Rates the occasion are Messrs and Mes-J be a money winner cn the track.! One cent the word each dames, Louis Dodge, A. N. Hum- i This Spring, however, Tony’s time. phrey, Rev and Mrs. P. K. Ham- owner decided to give the horse a To run every Issue for one YOU AR E mond, Superintendent Bristoe, ' chance. He took him off the milk Dentist Others tie the scarf in a bow month or more, fcc the word While walking down a crowded knot on the shoulder, making a j end Qaley route and put him in training for Special attention given to pyor- each time. . . i city street the other day, I six weeks. His debut among the, — rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver , I i, heard a little urchin „ to a com-' puff and letting one long end hang ■ blue "bloods of the Saskatchewan! down the back. Still others tie • Water Buffalo Milk Is Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. rade turn and say: FOR RENT the chocker at the back of the Urged as Flesh Builder track was not impressive. His DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac­ “Say, Jimmie, you know I'd be neck. , first race was a mile, and he trail-] happy as a clam FOR RENT- -Furnished house, tice limited to eye, ear, nose anu ed badly behind in the first two For evening w rear there are HONOLULU, Oct. 17, —Drink 36— Imo 478 Boulevard. throat—X-ray includirg teeth. If a feller was de feller dat his rabbit chokers dyed rose, green,, milk from water buffaloes*If you heats. Then hi3 ^g-cing, blood mudder thinks I am. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc blue, orange, apricot, and every; want to get-fat, is the advice of began to _ tell, and Tony romppd< _r . , FOR RENT—Completely fur­ 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, other evening shade, to m atch' no less an authority than Dr. J.^ome in the lead for the three The Bee-Vac Electric nished apartment. 75 Bu3h St.' “Spe t ’inks I am a wonder and Ore. the gown. They are tied around! Carl O. Levine, head of the De- final heats. He duplicated his 37—tl! *" knows her little lad Cleaner for easier, the neck with long streamers of’: partment of Ainimal Husbandry at success in his next performance, DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic, Would never mix with nuthin’ that FOR SALE ribobn of the same shade, which i Canton Christian College. Dr.-Le- and since then he has been win-j was ugly, mean or bad. and Electro-Therapy. Office better cleaning are allowed to hang down the vine was a delegate to the Pan i n5ng regularly, FOR SALE — Daffodill and] phone 48; residence 142. First I often sit and t ’ink how nice it back, adding a touch of trimmipg. pacific Food Conservation Con- ] Now Tony tilts his equine nose ] would be, gee whiz! Narcissis bulbs, Phone 251-L. National Bank building. These choker scarfs must be made ference, which met here recent- whenever a milk wagon crosses If a feller was de feller dat his 39—3 of furs that are soft and crush-l»iy. Tire milk of the water buf- his path. His owner believes he THE SOUTHERN OREGON mudder t ’inks he is.” able, to drape around the neck falo is much richer than that of will soon be champion of West- CLINIC FOR SALE— 23 1-2 acre irri- . . 1st National Bank Bldg. , _ , , . . ... gracefully without too much bulk. the common milch cow, according; ern Canada. * _ | gated raneh, 3 miles from center • Me