PM® «M S m * ASÖtAtffc ÎUÎtl? »»88 Príday, October ASHLAND DAILY T ID IN G S way« be applied td persona who seefcl to have less spiritual week*. Inoffeneiy« looking Chi­ each packing his “ rod” , h afe • decency than those about them? Doubtless there were nese, This is Ashlands (E stab lish ed in 1 8 7 6 ) been pouring in from Newark, minor infelicities in the married lives uf the two who have where* Chinatown moved almost Place To Find P ub lished E very E ven in g E xcept Sunday by just obtained divorce that they may wed each other. en masse when vice and gamb­ What It Wants THE ASHLAND PRINTING GO. Doubtless there were minor regrets, minor heartaches. ling were stopped in New Y ork’s To Eat Sunday B ert R. Greer ................................................................................. ...... Editor But what we most desire to know is whether the marriage Chinatown. The police knew the war was coming, but they were George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager deserters were certain about their grievances.- It is a powerless to prevent it. OFFICIAL CITY PA PER ........................ 7........ ?.......... .„.Telephone 39 The stoily gates back twelve tVe AswiaTo«^"p^tofficei«« ^ ^ c i ^ M ^ M l t t « ' proved fact that temperament is often mistaken for acute Let us fill your pall with Swifts years. In 1912 two tong men Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than indigestion, and vice versa. A confirmed sentimentality, Subscription P rice, D elivered in City went to the electric chair in shortening. Goes fa rth e r and Is One Month ....... .......................„V..?.......................... 5 .65 attended by cardiac disturbances, may have no more S tate’s Prison a t Ossining, N. Y., i more nutritious. D etricks. 94-tf Three Months s ix Months08 ................................. . ........1............."... 3.75 va^d genesis than an injudicious salad. It is always best for m urder. Their bodies did One Y e a r ....................................................... ........................................ 7.50 ¡for husbands and wives to weigh these considerations, not go back to-China, as ail good B y Mall and R ural R outes dead Chinese do. One Month ......................1........................................................... .„...... $ .65 before they go moaning about in search of soul mates im p o rtan t business men, judges Three Months .................................4..—............................... *............. 1.95 Setting aside the indigestive theory, such matings lawyers and assistamt district a t­ Six Months .................................... -.............. :...................................... 3.50 F razier & S on One Year ................................................................................................ 6.50 are seldom happy. The same traits which made for in­ torneys got the leaders of the On felicity in the first home wil make for infelicity Leong Tong and th e Hip Sing DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES Single insertion, per Inch ............................................................ $ 30 in the second. The same selfish cruelty that in­ Tong together a t a great peace Seed Rye, per cwt.............$3.50 banquet, and th e hatchet was z Yearly Contracts One insertion a week ................................................................... .27% flicted pain upon the first mate, will inflict pain upon buried. A rbitration wa3 to settle Seed Oats, per cw t.......... 3.25 Two Insertions a week ................ .................................................. .25 the next. These fools cry for the moon, and the moon is all fu tu re disputes, and firearm s Alfalfa Seed, per cwt ....27.00 Dally insertion ................................................................................ .20 quite as unattainable as when the first cat squalled. At were to play no p a rt in th e minor Rate« for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising th a t m ight follow a ; Red Clover Seed, per cwt. 27.00 F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................ $ 10 best they have but the sordid semblance of a romance, disputes Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. -05 gambling game or the cooking of . Alfa'lfa hay, last year whose character they can never quite forget, and usually a little yen hok. Card of Thanks ........................................................................~...... 1.00 cutting, per ton ..........20.00 Obituaries, per line ........................................................................ .02 % I they live to be tearfully sorry for themselves. Lust has The bamquet was an entire suc­ Mill run, 80 lb. -sack ...... 1.65 WHA CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING cess, and, to prove it, Lee Kay, ¡many guises—and of them all its favorite is divorce. ‘‘All future ev ts, where an admission charge is made or a A Feature Page For Telling the Cook8 About the Good Eatables M arket Basket nephew of Tom Lee, leader of the On Leong Tong, was shot to A man died in Ireland the other day at the age of death in the street directly in DONATIONS 112 years. It is claimed that the excessive use of tobacco fro n t of the banquet hall while the No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made in advertis­ peaceful festivities were in pro­ weakened his heart. ing or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. gress. Staid judges stayed not on the order of getting under OCTOBER 17 The fatted calf will no doubt be brought out when tables during the fusilade. ROAD TO SUCCESS:— Commit thy way unto the Lord; tru st But th eir calm er.judgm ent pre­ also in him and he shall bring it to pass. . . . Rest in the Lord, and Earl McNeely, member of tlie Washington Senators, ar­ vailed, and On Leong Tong didn’t wait patiently for him.— Psalm 37.5, 7. rives at his home in Sacramento, but we are willing to bet take revenge. The electric chair PRA Y ER:— O Lord, Thou knowest us, and also the end from the beginning, and we are nothing ap art from Thee. Therefore now ,* the calf won’t compare with the bull which will be thrown did. commit ourselves and our way to Thee. bv those who “ knew him when- »» And for twelve years Chinatown has been deader than King Tut- ENFORCE OUR SPEED LAWS \y e jike ^yinter better than Summer, because in Sum- ankh-Amen. The peace prevaded The highway north of Ashland was tlie scene of i can>t cal| the janitor and raise Cain about the even the precincts of the famous old C hatham Club, ju st around what might have been a very serious accident a few d a y s ! ^ ^ ' the corner, in Chatham square, ago, when a light truck was crashed into by a heavy car ‘ ' __________________ where rival w hite gunmen used traveling along the highway at a high rate of speed. T h at; Lectnrcr identifies Solomon as the wisest man and to shoot it out about twice a tlie driver of the ligl.t truck was not killed, or at k a s t l ^ tcst fool We ,,an,t understand where the wisest week. B ut th a t’s all over now. The seriously injured was a miracle, for the truck was badly man Uiiff ¡n ,mt wUh thft 1(X)0 wives hancine end of the truce started about stuff comes in, but with the 1000 wives hanging damaged by the crash. around, we can readily understancTthe greatest fool stuff. six m onths ago. Then the po­ lice heard rum ors th a t a shortage The driver of the heavy car, not content with paying of >40,000 had been found in the for the damage done by the crash, insisted that he was Doesn’t it make you feel pleasant to see a wife, with accounts of the On Leong Tong. not at fault, and it was only when he knew a police officer a face like a hard shelled crab, laughing at her husband’s I t was reported to the D istrict j was on his way to the scene of the accident that he decided jokes, when you know the only thing preventing her A ttorney in tru e Occidental fash­ ion, and the tong expelled twelve to move. Then he left without settling for his share of tearing out his hair is your presence. of its members. the damage. He was arrested in Medford, and upon ex­ vertising. collection taken is No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. pressing his willingness to pay for the damage, was re­ leased. Although the driver of the truck may be satisfied j with the outcome, his satisfaction will not save other drivers from the speed maniac who is certain to use the highways for a speedway if he is allowed to “ get away” with this sort of thing. Jail sentences, or stiff fines should be meted out to these drivers who insist upon breaking NEW YORK, Oct. 17.— For ten speed records on the highways. In the case of tlie driver years the hum an rabbits th a t in­ mentioned, there were many witnesses who were willing habit th e hutches of Pell and to testify that he was exceeding the speed limit, but he Doyer and Mott streets have not to scamper to th eir w arrens was released following his acceptance of tlie demands had through a rain of shots. made upon him by the injured party. If this sort of thing B ut th at decade of peace is ended in th e narrow confines of keeps up, can we hope to enforce our speed laws? — has been renewed with a ven­ geance. Blood has been shed. More men are going to die before it ends. ' One man already is dead, and three have been wounded in the first outbreak of a tong w ar since 1912. The police are t rankly ap­ prehensive. Their guard In China­ town has been trebled. Bluecoats, very much on the qui vive, are in every nook and cranny of th e ill- lighted, m ysterious streets. A lert plain-clothes men, with service re ­ volvers noticeably close a t hand, patrol the streets. W hite visitors are barred. Sightseeing buses a re n ’t allowed in the neighbor­ New Y ork’s Chinatown. The w ar of the Tongs — On hood. Trouble has been expected for Leong Tong and Hip Sing Tong RENEW TONG T O . A m 12 YEARS; AGAIN OUR LOSS Within the past three months, the two greatest writ­ ers of the present age have been called by the grim read­ er. Joseph Conrad and Anatole France, recognized by leading authorities to have been the greatest writers de­ veloped during the past fifty years have both been called within the year. Although classed as the two greatest writers, the works of these men were as different as night from day. France, the romanticist, the conjurer with things myster­ ious to the ordinary man, achieved his recognition and his greatest fame among the people of the romance states, Italy, Spain. F n ice Although his works were widely read and appreci ted in the English speaking countries, since they suffered no loss through translation, they still hold their greatest popularity in those countries. His “ Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard, “ At the Sign of the Reine Peduque,” “ Le Jongleur de Notre Dame,” the “ Revolt of the Angels” and the “ Opinions of Jerome Coignar.d” are masterpieces in delicately handled subjects, which appeal to a romance loving people. Conrad, the virile, the powerful, attained his greatest popularity among the readers of good literature in the English speaking countries. Bora in Poland, at an early age a rover, Conrad was recognized as the greatest writ­ er of the English language living, during his last few years on earth. With the appeal of a Jack London novel, hut with infinitely better subjects, more beautifully handled, Conrad late in life reached the peak striven for by every writer, a recognized leader in the literary world. His “ The Rover,” and the “ Nigger of the Narcissus” will go down in history with Emerson and Dickens as master­ pieces in literature of the English language. at? C harter No. 22 Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE STATE BANK OF TALENT AT TALENT IN TH E STATE O F OREGON AT TH E CLOSE OF B U SIN E SS OCTOBER 10th , 1024 RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts sho v n in items 29 and 30, If any................... O verdrafts secured and unsecured ............... O ther bonds, w arrants and securities, in ­ cluding foreign governm ent, state, m uni­ cipal, corporation, etc., including those shown in item s 30 and 35, if any................. Stocks, securities, claims, "*liens ju d g ­ ments, etc............................ ........................... Banking house, $4,500; fu rn itu re and fix­ tures, $2.240 9. 11. 12. 15. Real estate owned other than banking house (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and tru s t companies des­ ignated and approved reserve agents of this bank ............................................................. (c) Net am ounts due from other banks, bankers and tru s t companies .......................... Checks on banks outside city op town of reporting bank and other cash item s...... Total cash and due from banks, item s 8, 9, 10 and 11. $20,167.13. Ipterest, taxes and expenses paid O ther assets, if any .......................... Total 16. 17. 18. LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ............................. Surplus fund ............................................ (a ) Undivided profits .................. DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserves Individual deposits subject to check, in­ cluding deposits due the State of Oregon county, cities or other public funds.......... ’ Demand certificates of deposit outstand- ing....... ....................................... Certified checks outstanding ............... Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve item s 23, 24, 25, 26 $74,449.76 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and payable on demand or sub­ ject to notice: 96,559.57 160.02 6,506.21 1,054.57 6,740.00 710.00 18,995.82 1,031.99 THIS ‘‘SOUL MATE” BUNK “ Soul mates” is a detestable term. Why must it al- LONDON, Oct. 17. — Unem­ ployment is again increasing in England by leaps and bounds. Though an increase in unem­ ployment is generally expected during the early autum n months, the increase this year is so rapid th a t it has occasioned considerable surprise and not a little worry. Political circles, opposed to the government, have made the most of this increase and it has been made the basis of pessimistic pre­ dictions on the fu tu re 6f British trade. Politiciams blame the in­ creased unemployment on every­ thing from th e Dawes plan to the abolition of th e ta riff upon auto­ mobiles. D uring th e last ten weeks ap­ proxim ately 150,000 people have been added to the ranks of the unemployed. N evertheless the statistics of the M inistry of La­ bor show th a t the total unem­ ployed are still 137,000 less than a t the beginning of the present year. On Jan u ary 1, 1924, th ere were 1,289,000 registered unemployed in G reat B ritain and N orthern Ireland. This figure began to increase during Jan u ary and steadily declined until it reached 1,052,000 a t the end of July. In August the num ber of the unem­ ployed began to ascend, and by the end of the m onth i t . had reached 1,152,000 and still stead­ ily increases. 5,355.33 261.45 137,514.28 20,000.00 2,550.00 4,500.37 BOARD MEMBERS OUT KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 17. — In the face of a le tte r stating th at the California-Oregon Power com­ pany would refuse to cooperate in furnishing power and extend-' ing lines to farm pumping proj­ ects if its candidates were defeat­ ed, voters of the K lam ath irrig a­ tion d istrict Tuesday cast out the present board of directors. By a decisive m argin they placed in office R, E. B ra d b u ry a n d Jo sep h Jacob, pledged to investigate al­ leged collusion between officials of the U. S. reclam ation service and th e power company in the m atter of w ater purchase a t less rates th an charged farm ers. A b itter fight developed just before the election. Bradbury and Jacob were opposed by Hans Ny- lander, incumbent, and Joseph Micka, both openly in favor of the old regime. Land-owners to the num ber of 244, holding ap­ proxim ately 50,000 acres of ir­ rigated land in the Merrill-Malin district, cast th eir votes. The new directors are pledged to Investigate the circumstances under which the Keno and A l-, keny canals were acquired by t h e ! California-Oregon Power company and to determ ine wrhy w ater was sold to the power company for 20 cents per acre foot while i ranchers were charged $1 per acre foot. i C elery-Root Soup PARIS, Oct. 17. — Soup in France is a daily dish so the chef m ust think of many varieties. Celery-root makes a favorite one. ! Wash and cut into small pieces fresh celery-root in sufficient quantity. A large stalk is enough for four persons. Clean and cut the same amount of potatoes and let cook together with a little water, salt and pep­ per. Make into a puree, and at the moment of serving add a large piece of fresh butter and one- half a glass of fresh cream. Serve with freshly fried crou­ tons. —— i — Phone Us fo r. Sunday Dinner Suggestions Eagle Market Phone 107 N. Main L etterheads, statem ents, t o ,/o u r order at the Tidings Office. Oyster Shell, per cw t....... 1.50 Only g iv e us a part of your business and see how w e ap­ preciate it. FOR GOOD HEALTH The "voice of experience tells you th a t good food is required both for your brain and stom ­ ach’s sake. Bread being the most consumed of all foods, care should be exercised to pro­ vide only the best that is made right in kneading and baking and of proper flour. Lithia Bakery bread is acknowledged by all to he of the first and highest attainable quality. F razier & S on P h o n e 214— 3 5 3 E . M ain St. Delicious Pastry vPtRlûH». Lithia Bakery that will vary and make more enjoyable the menu. Our pastry is baked fresh Pure in the Can— Pure in the Baking—that’s each day. Franklin Bakery Bakers of “ Superior Bread” Phone 199 139.32 ROUSING THE NON-VOTERS Lethargy’ gives place to awakened interest as the Boy 23, Scouts carry on their campaign to get out the vote in No­ 70,738.53 vember. The 687,000 active and the 2,000,000 former Boy 24. Scouts are distributing stickers and window cards by the 3,660.98 million urging people to vote, and the demand for stick­ 26 50.25 ers has become overwhelming, one Boy Scout council call­ ing for three million. If Maine is an index, the campaign has already had some effect. The vote in that state in . September was greater by 45,000, or 25 per cent, than in 1922. But that gain, if general throughout the country, would still leave 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding 84,014.15 26 per cent of the qualified voters unaccounted for, and Total of tim e and savings deposits payable on dem and or subject to notice tlie Boy Scouts are now getting after them . item s 27 and 28, $34,014.15 Getting out the vote should be valuable not only as a 31 Bills payable with federal reserve bank cure for absenteeism but as a cureforoneofitschiefcauses or with other banks or tru s t companies.... 2,000.00 cure for absenteeism but as a cure for one of its chief causes—the blanket ballot. No doubt many people stay Total 137,514.28 away from the polls because they are required to choose STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson as. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly among many candidates, of whom they know little or swear I, th E. a t B. th Adamson, e above statem ent is tru e to th e best of my knowledge nothing, for many minoi; offices. Being unable to choose onri H a I I a P E . B. ADAMSON, Cashier. with judgment, they let. the whole business go by the Subscribed'and sworn to before me this 15th day of Oct., 1924 board bv not voting at all. J. C. MASON, N otary Public. My commission expire* November 6, 1927. CORRECT— A ttest: C. W. HOLDRIDGE L. J. SLEPPY, D irectors Ü W L 0 Y M IS Cherro Egg Mash, per cwt. 3.15 17, IÒsH CAUIMET THE W O E L D 'S GREATEST B A K IN G POWDER One trial will convince you— make a test—forget the rest Potatoes SALES A*/a TIMES THOSE OF A N T OTHER BR A N D T J Yes, The Best No. 1 Netted Gem Potatoes $2.25 per 100 5 sack lots $2.15 These are the best winter potatoes and undoubtedly the lowest price we will have this fall. So get your supply now. SCHÜERM AN G R O C ER Y Phone 155 201 Main St. I I < ► We have fresh condiments of all kinds for sale. Spices, ground, whole, pickling seeds. a Also Tohasco, Pepper Sauce, Chile Sauce, Cat­ sup, Cocktail Oyster Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Vinegar, Pimentoes, Hot Peppers. Plaza Market H . A. Stearn s 31 Stores STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! SAVE! We Deliver 61 N. Main 20,l,CenturyGrocery 31 Stores At a 20th Century Store. At the attractive merchandise priced extremely low. Your better judgment will convince you there is no safer place to buy. On these offerings Saturday and Monday, October 18th and 20th. Royal Baking Powder Large Can each 4 0- Soft Shell Almonds New Crop Pound 10c Ivory Soap ’ 25c fcöV Sun Maid Raisins—Newly Packed—Seeded or Seedless, 15 oz. packages, 2 for 25c OQ c Sliced Pineapple Fancy Large cans, each Best Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. Pure Honey, new—pint Mason Jars, 35c each Bulk Shortening, fresh 2 pounds..................35c Ô O p wfcw Crystal White Soap 6 bars 25c 10 bars OQ<* Good Crepe Toilet Pa- per, 4 rolls ............25c Crisco—3 lb. can 75c—6 lb. can $1.43—9 lb. can $2.05 Royal Garden Orange Pekoe Tea 1-2 lb. package 40c II. O. Oats, pkg. ..15c Cream Rolled Oats, 4 lbs. 25c—9 lb. sack 55c 20TII CENTURY COFFEE—The perfect Blend—High in quality—Low in price— Roasted daily in our own plant—Pound 43c—3 pounds $1.27. J el}0 flavor any 1 fle ■ w w New Prunes, large size, 3 pounds for fcww Mazóla Oil quarts WVw Southern Oregon Convenient Locations ASHLAND MEDFORD GRANTS PASS 374 E. Main St. 31 N. Central Ave 509 G. St.