tú tíiú s i ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Thi8 is a proven fact. HI JACKERS GET BONDED BOOZE IN NIGHT RAID NAB OGLING SHEIKH n tt 8 « n » t: :: K $85,000 W orth of W hiskey 8 Is Moved Out by Gan? of » Bandits » » TWO MEN ARE TAKEN « » T rucks U sed to Move Whiskey , « from W arehouse P ittsburgh Near The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years SOUTH SEA M AIDENS « 8 MALARIA GERMS .Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. -------- SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. — Sheiks who think a little mild flirtation adds to the zest of life w’ere warned today by F irst m ate L. F. W elfare, of the 3chooner Caraano to stay away from the South Sea Islands. The dusky belles who romp around the palm- fronded atolls out w’here beachcombers grow have the world beiten for speed, avers 'W elfare, when it comes to picking of hus- bands. ttttu tttittttu tttttitt :: »1 8 8; »1 8 8 «' 8 8 1 NEW FIGHT 0 N IN SUBURBS OF CANTON, CHINA U. S. Navy’s Wonder Ship «. »1 _______ « Outskirts of City W itness 8 1 Fire, Looting by Gang of Volunteers 8.' 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ' 8 La Follette Representatives 8 Have Not Appeared at , n Meetings ! 8 ---------- ----------- » MANY ARE BEHEADED 8 8 8 8 INVESTIGATING MEN ADJOURN; MAY BE CALLED CHEW , CHEW , FLIES ¡8 NO SCANDAL IS FOUND n _______ Forces o f Hun Y at Sen E ngaged R ebels F ollow in g B u rn ing and IjOoting of Canton Suburbs ----------- Chairm an of R epublican Com- m itte Corroborât«*« Treasur­ er’s Statem ents ALL OF OUR ENERGY * ----------- WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. — Jaw -tireless flappers of the United States shewred so much chewing gum last year th a t laid end to end the sticks would reach around the earth 210 times. Basing their judgm ent on statistics issued at the D epartm ent of Commerce showing the value of the gum crop last year to have been in excess of $40,- 500,000, it was estim ated th a t in the 120 billion sticks of chewing gum produced there were 372.- 000 billion chews. 8 8 8 8 8 17. — The 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8I 8 8 8 8 8' 8 * 8 COLLINS IS SAID TO BE KILLER OF M A N IN U T A H 8 Salt Lake Attorney Charges 8 Californian and Wife o f’ 0 Murder 8 • À ARE 8 j Mrs. »I 8/ NOT C ollins ID ENTIFIED Claim s W capon F o u n d on S cen e o f C rim e t<^ I m > H u sb an d ’s P ro p erty 8 PITTSBURG. Oct. 17. — A CANTON. China, Oct. 17. — CHICAGO, Oct. 8 band of ten whiskey thieves loot- ] SALT LAKE, Oct. 17. — Mark The M erchant Volunteers, follow­ Senate campaign committee, in­ ed the Guckneheimer distillery Collins of Chico, Cal., and Mary ing their defeat by the forces of vestigating “slush fund” charges w arehouse at Freeport, near here, (o llln s, his wife, are each charg­ Surf Yat Sen, fled into the sub­ made against the m ajor political today, and escaped with bonded ed with m urder in th e first de­ urbs today, where they were re ­ parties by Senator Robert La whiskey valued a t $$0,000. The gree in complaints filed late Wed­ pulsed in a new attack upon the Follette, adjourned today, subject robbers used two trucks in their nesday by the county attorney of . m ercenaries of the Sun Yat Sen to the call of the chairm an. W il­ depredations, m aking several Salt Lake county. They are ac­ ' arm y late today. liam Butler, chairm an of the Re­ trips to the distiller during the cused of slaying C. S. McQuiwn of Flam es which raged about the publican committee today corro­ night. Almost a third of the li- Defendant in Mail F rau d Case Is fighters,'caused damage ¡¡ürnaiZ d Buhl, Idaho, who was killed Sat­ borated the testim ony of William quor stored in the warehouse was Placed on W itness Stand in nt urday by a robber. at more than seven millions of Hodges^ committee treasurer, that removed, and it is believed that Federal Court The reported disappearance re­ dollars. The fires were started W ill Rem ain Under W atch Until the three million budget had been daylight was the only thing which cently of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. O'Day by the volunteers, in an attem p t T liey Leave Country, Say considered necessary to accom­ stopped the hi-jackers from mov­ MEDFORD, Oct. 17. — George to drive th eir rivals out of the from Ashland, Ore., Is being In­ plish the election of the Repub­ H eads of Consular Men ing the entire stock. W. Laidley, co-defendant with E city, and with the hope of w eak­ vestigated by Salt Lake county lican national ticket. Two alleged members of the G. Ehl, in the mail fraud land ening the Sun Yat Sen forces by authorities. Mrs. O Dav is a sis­ Senator Borah, chairm an of the gang were captured early this trial underway in the federal burning quantities of th eir sup-1 SHANGHAI, Oct. 17. — After te r of Collins. investigating committee, said so spending the night in the West morning, when they attem pted to court, was called to the witness plies which . were stored,, in the Little is known here of the re ­ i fa.r no evidence of law evasions Hong Kew police station, where ported drive through F reeport with a stand this morning, and in his suburbs. disappearance of the had been brought out, but added they had been taken by settle- O’Days from Ashland, truckload of liquor. Eighteen prelim inary testim ony of years When the fjre3 w ere well un­ P i c t u r e above is th e U. S. 8. M edusa th e latest w onder ship the hearings will be continued so ment guards and questioned co n -1 McQuown, ex-mayor of Buhl, barrels of whiskey were loaded on spent in th e lum ber business, der way, many of the volunteers to be Navy. The M edusa is il011« as evidence is produced. He ceining rum ors th at they were! Idaho, was killed by an outlaw on i put in to service by th , e U nited S tates ------- - .........- — «•« -> the truck at the tim e the men when he served in im portant cap­ forsaked th eir attack s upon the equipped w ith electrical equipm ent for heating, cooking, and for th e ! in d ic a te d th a t th e c o m m ittee were taken. McQuown acities for many of the largest Sun ‘Yat Sen. forces, and looted propulsion of the craft. The pow er used by th e ship Ns »reiterated1 , lm im ee fom enting new m ilitary disturb-1 a lonely road here. ______ It Is believed the gapg is the tim ber concerns of the nation, the burning residences in the dis­ by th ree gian t turbines l<»catied in th e cen ter of th e boat, w hich are i ni m bers dld not expect any I ances in Shanghai, Generals Hsu , was driving his automobile and and I had as a passenger Miss Rhoda same as th a t which lias been op­ cruising tim ber in coast states. trict where the fighting was go­ steam driyen. In addition to havin g th ese electrical featu res, the! scandal to be developed. The ! Shu-Tseng, “ Little H su” , wireless o u ttit on th e Medusa is considered the most powerful ofi committee said so far. no La Fol-! Chien Lo-Shan were release erating In the New York district. released this Tanner of Salt Lake City, who The government offered to ad­ ing on. Many of the looters were lette representative had appear- m orning Their methods seem to be the mit the ability and qualifications caught during the fire, several be­ any carried by a ship. was beaten over the head with the i ed to elam orate -on the “ slush The releases were made on au­ butt end of a revolver by the out­ same, and police officials here be. of Laidley, but his counsel re ­ ing beheaded. ' fund’ charges brought by La Fol- thority of the Shanghai consular law after he had shot down her lieve th at after raiding all the quested permission to develop this According to reports from the ( lette. principal distilleries in the New phase of th e evidence'. F o r 12 headquarters of the Sun Yat Sen body. The two generals, who re­ companion. 1 ork section, they have moved . years I.aidley has been a resl- forces, about 1,000 men have been cently were In command of Che- A 45-ealiber autom atic pistol their scene of endeavors to this dent of this city, and acted as killed in the fighting. iKERN QUITS RACE I kiang arm ies defending this city. was found near the scene of the district FOR TREASURESHIP will be kept under surveillance, m urder and Collins' wife has de­ cruiser for southern Oregon tim ­ ---------- I the consuls decided, as long as clared the weapon to he his. Rob­ ber interests. It also develop­ MAN ACCIDENTALLY SALEM, Oct. 17. — Oregon 1 they remain in their present re­ bery was the motive for the kil­ ed from his testim ony t h a t 'a t one SHOT DIES IN HOME voters will decide between Jeffer- f” Se. the international settlem ent. ling of McQuown. time, he w’as employed by W. A. , 1 —____ | son Myers, incumbent and demo- The settlem ent rem ained quiet Clark of Montana, a m ulti-m il­ SALEM, Oct. 17. — S. Taylor lionaire mining and tim ber own­ Jones, 51, district agent for a life Membci-s Assemble for Re-Union Dirigible R oute Is Changed as! erat, and Thomas B. Kay, Repub- today. o f 4 0 0 P ioneer S ettlers o f Ship E ncounters Thick B lan k ­ lican and form er state treasurer, Kiangsu province troops of er. insurance company, was killed ac­ Southern Oregon et o f F o g at F risco in the race for Myer’s post at the General Bai Bao-Shan began to Laidley followed Mrs. R. Mal­ cidentally at his home here W ed­ November election. A. E. Kern, arrive by waterways early today, lory, whom he located on a claim nesday when a shotgun which he W ith about 400 members in at ____ _ and General Bai himself was ex­ so-called progressive nominee for SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 17. — on Elk Creek in the Trail dis- , „ ,r „ ... , x, . was cleaning was discharged. The tendance, the Pioneer Society of Like ships pass in the night, the the post, W ednesday morning fil­ pected before night. The coming trict. Mrs. Mallory testified th a t J ! charge from the gun entered his Southern Oregon held its a n n u a l' giant dirigible Shenandoah sall- ed with Secretary of State Kozer of the Kiangsu men was expect- VICTORIA. B. C. Oct. 17. — she was satisfied with her home- abdomen „ , , , j m eeting in Jacksonville yesterday, i ed by San Francisco, from San his withdraw al as a candidate In ! ed to strengthen the hold the B ritish Columbia's pioneer govern­ stead, and th a t no m isrepresen­ Mr. Jones had lived in Pal m About fifty members of the s o -] Diego and headed for Camp Lewis his letter he says th a t he findsi Chinese central government on m ent liquor control laws are in­ tations had been made. Kodak ......... tt . He pre­ ciety from Ashland were in at th|g m orning A megsage>( re- his own candidacy handicaps him Shanghai and lessen any danger for ’ the last four months. creasing drunkenness and seri­ pictures of a garden Mrs. Mai- JACKSONVILLE, Oct. 17. — viously had resided at Independ­ tendance at the meeting. ; ceived by the tw elfth naval dis- in his work in behalf of La F o l-' of further action by the Chekiang ously injuring business, according . lory raised on the land were in­ The epidemic of divorce suits and ence. Besides his widow he is According to members present, trict from Commander Lands- lette in Oregon. Kern had pre- j troops who surrendered the city to a resolution passed by the wo- : troduced as evidence, and Mrs. complaints th at has swept the survived by his son, Russel Lynn the m eeting was the most inter- downe of th e big ship, revealed viously accepted the nomination, j last Monday, and who still are m en's nstituties of Vancouver Is­ Mallory was excused from the judicial a»’.d legal territory of Jones, a student at W illam ette esting and best attended held by th a t the airship had passed over NON-STOP RECORD pre went and armed in considerable land, one of the most representa­ stand w ithout cross-examination Jackson co: nty the last six week3 university. He was a member of th e society in several years. j the city at 4 A. M. Not even a SET BY BIG PLANE numbers. The Chekiang troops continues unabated, three divorce tive women’s organization in this by the government, several branches of the Masonic A ttorney Charles L. Reams of glow of the sleeping city could be still have control of the railway province. The institutes, at suits being heard by Circuit lodge, including the Shriners. Medford was the speaker of t h e ] seen through the thick blanket WASHINGTON, Oct. 17.— The junction (Shanghai-N anking rail­ th eir recent conference here, had Judge Thomas Tuesday, with one day. He based his talk upon the ( of fog which hung over the city, I w orld's record for non-stop flight way) west of the international this to say about governm ent con­ being heard now and a dozen or I work accomplished by the e a r ly , according to the message. j bY airplane was broken again settlem ent. trol, which is being widely im ita­ LITHIAN GRID MEN so in the offing. Never before has settlers in southern Oregon, in- Due to strong headwinds, th ei Wednesday. The scouting plane i ted in other parts of Canada: the desire for the dissolving of PRACTICE TONIGHT spite of the privations and h a rd -( Shenandoah was greatly delayed,] SDW landed a t Anacosta at 10:17 i ‘W hereas, The women of British th e m atrim onial bonds been so ships under which they worked, m aking but 24 miles per h o u r.! a. tn» after being in the air sin ce ; Columbia are alarm ed and dis­ Prospective football stars, out frequent and pronounced. Plans for getting a better tu rn ­ for places on the Lithian football A ttorney Reames is the third At 10 o’clock th is morning, the! 2:07 p. m. yesterday, remaining! tressed at the rapid increase of Cruel and inhuman treatm ent, the liquor traffic and feel th at out of voters at the coming elec­ squad will practice at the Armory member of his family to make dirigible was reported as having aloft for 20 hours 20 minutes. desertion, non-support, cursing, the sound teaching of the school tion occupied the attention of the at 7:30 this evening, according the principal address at th e an- passed over F o rt Bragg, Calif. The previous record was slightly and “another m an"’ and “ the textbooks on the dangers of al­ Kiwanis Club at th eir Weekly to an announcem ent m ade today nuai meetings of the society, his At the ra te the ship is traveling, J less than 15 hours. Lieutenants other woman" are the chief cohol are being obliterated from luncheon held in the Hotel Ash­ by Coach Hughes, who is putting two older brothers having been R is not likely to pass over P o rt­ Andrew Crinkley and R. D. Lyon, grounds, with here and there the UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, a e speakers at previous assem- ‘ land until late tonight, arriv- piloted the plane. the minds of our children by the land today. President H. G. E n­ the boys through th eir paces. tem peram ental differences of May Eugene, Oct. 17. — Sixteen play­ bl’eS- | ing in Camp Lewis tomorrow sight of constand indulgence: and ders Jr., explained to the club A num ber of games have been ers and the coaching staff en- and December trying to get along. Following the lunch which was morning. “ W hereas, This traffic is not the action now being taken by lined up for the squad, among ______ ; trained Thursday a t noon for In three pending 3uits, the couples only interfering with the lawful other Kiwanis clubs throughout them tussles with the K lam ath served the members, Mrs. A lice' Sargent opened her museum, i n ! till j Palo Alto, where Coach Mad- started out on m atrim ony’s stormy profits of m erchants selling the country, and suggested th at p a Rs a nd G rants Pass squads, and . , . . Ashland residents will not be ! dock's men will appear in their from Vancouver. W ashington,— Sbanap. necessaries of life, but adding to the local organization take mease will take plenty of hard work which are contained relics of the a„ 0Wed „ eight Lewls . first coast conference game of the Oregon’s Gretna Green, and the th e burdens of this province by ures to assure a good percentage to get the boys in shape for these early days in southern Oregon , doab on „ „ tr | , 0 c 1924 season Saturday. A stirring subject of fearless editorial com­ increasing the num ber of ill-fed tu rn o u t of the voters of Ashland. tussles, so a good tu rn o u t is ex- together with souvenirs collected According t„ form er announce, from, all p arts of the world. | m ents, wa8 w takp . ~ ¡rally was staged by the students ment by the m etropolitan press. and suffering children and men­ Several suggestions for the best pected this evening. A fter a hard week nt p ra c tice , be(ore departuPG , he The divorce suit of Eisinan vs. An inform al application made same rou(c as tha( means of accomplishing this ta l defectives: and. Elsman is now under way. and tollowlng them recent victory The eleven haa »howl, a decided by the •members of the society in by tbe ropnd (be wprld f) “ W hereas, One of the chief o b -, m easure were made, and from j will be heard in the circuit courts over K lam ath Falla football te a m ! hnpro, e m ra l lalpl}. Tbe llne apd Josephine county was received, but changes in plans routed the jects of our organization Is t o , these, will be selected th e action | the Ashland gridiron w arriors are! , of both Jackson and Joseph’ine requesting th a t they be allowed big ship up the coast. Hundreds . , backfield are charging nicely and safeguard our home; be it ’ to be taken by the club. Among; fully prepared and confident of . . . . . counties. to join w ith the Jackson county i of people lined the streets here . . . . . i their is a lot of power in the at- “ Resolved. That we call upon i the suggestions most favorably re-i success in their coming game with ; tack. The suit of Alice I. Black body in fu tu re re-unionsu A com­ our provincial government to ex- j ceived w ere those for stickers to i today, w atching for the big ship, G rants Pass, Saturday. The game m ittee was appointed to consid­ Stanford will outweigh the O re­ (Continued from Pago 1) ercise more stric t- control over I be placed on autom obile wind- , but th eir vigil was in vain. Rum- will be played in G rants Pass. i er the feasability of holding the gon eleven and Maddock will need the sale of liquor.” shields, and show windows, and . ors th a t the dirigible had passed Prospects are for a hard fought ■ next reunion in G rants Pass, or , over points immediately south lots of reserve strength. Five plans for calling the voters by SALEM, Oct. 17.— Jackson game, and the r'esult should b? to altern ate the reunions between ' telephone th e day of election, county W ednesday subm itted to again brought the people out, but in doubt until the final whistle. backfield men went to Stanford. Josephine and Jackson counties. I The backfield men selected for asking w hether or not they liad the state treasu rer a check for ■ ! they proved to be unfounded. No large score should result as . the trip are, Anderson, quarter; voted. '(These suggestions will i $74.142.18, representing the last Judge W. M. Colvig. Fred JVag- both team.? are well versed in de- ner and Emil B ritt were appoint­ Vitus, Terjesen and Himnaugh. be rounded out, and the p la n s ; half of th a t county’s* state taxes PASTORS OF CHURCHES fen8ive tactics’ whieli shou,d prac‘ ed m em bers'of this committee. i halfbacks, and Jones, fullback. presented at the next meeting of for this year. Multnomah coun- IN MEDFORD, ASHLAND ¡ical,y «lll"lnat« a" scor- The linemen are Captain Reed, . the club, where they will be a c t-' ty sent in $230,000 as an install­ TO EXCHANGE PULPITS ng an r e u g b o „ t Superior C U fo rn ia th e home of Secretary of C om -' ga rfi the interview with Ford as the team s tossing a coin for the the evening has been provided. reach the N icaraguan border. asked .9000 The tract will be gash in one knee and injury to and came here only recently from m erce Hoover. He was a guest p u blished in Collier’s as an official; dates, It is hoped th a t a large num ber Traffic has been resumed be­ converted into a park In accent- his hand w hen the front t i r e ' Princeton Colusa conntv He Is a t H oovers home at th e time of .w ith d raw al of his offer for the of people will be present to wel­ tween Tegucigalpa and San Lor­ ™ S £ l T ' ” “ t ‘ ° n " ie Old OrC‘ Came 1,is "0 he survived by a widow and three his death. I Alabama n itrate properties. flic Tiding’s Ads Bring Results come the teachers. enzo. gon Trail. j was patroling Commerce avenue.» children. GEORGE LAIDLEY « STAND E ARE RELEASED BY F I IN JACKSONVILLE TRIP ID SEATTLE L SAID TO BE VERY LAX GET NONVOTERS OUT u PAYS STATE TAX I