thursday, Octobèf ÎÔ, ÎOÜt Ö M tf TtÇîNÔS H gk r » üä rssted {of &Ky attempt at usury P O R T L A N D P O L IC E M A N ExclS8- Pledging its fullest co-op tional reputation. With a strong! 963 additional. And compromise Medford to Play K lam ath—* - S U S P E N D E D 10 D A Y S n a tio n . The Medford high football in grain, Bread supplies will be! forefe of assistants, they hare at-I ' amounting to more than The fact th a t all the W estern tacked what is one of the biggest squad will leave Friday afternoon ' economized throughout the au- for K lam ath Falls w here th e y ! tum n. Severe droughts are re- PORTLAND, Oct. 16 — Police Canadian provinces are now “w et” problems of the adm inistration, $2,500,000, are now in its hands will play on Saturday with th a t I ported by the Near E ast Relief | Captain H arry Circle, in com- facilitates the smuggling on an according to D epartm ent of Ju s­ “ Thprty-five indi,qtments charg­ ing crim inal conspiracies to de­ A D aily C hronicle o f th o se w h o com e and go, and ev en ts of team. K lam ath and Ashland tied ^rom all grain-growing d istric ts,. mand of the day relief a t central extensive scale, the outgoing cargo tice officials. fraud the Government have been local in terest 7-7 on the local field and won but serious shortages are not ex- station, was this m orning ordered comprising chiefly liquor and obtained. Nine of these have “ In 1922 the colossal task of suspended for 10 days. When beer, while silks, -narcotic drugs, 9-0 on the K lam ath field and pected until winter. examining the scores of thousandsI been tried, resulting in three con- his period has expired, he is to cigarettes, jewelry and many G rants Pass won from Klam ath other commodities come in f o r 1 of war-time contracts on w hichj victions, four acquittals and two be deprived of his command and X R eturns To A shland— on the la tte r’s territo ry with a ,o Z X n r e “ on ”o Government has paid op. or on . disagreem ents." A shland L odge No. 23 FAMOUS RECIPES assigned to other duty, probab­ H. C. Galey returned yesterday 13-7 score. G rants Pass, Ashland A. F . & A , M. P ilaff ly at the St. Johns substation, ac- a scale th a t some Eastern Canad-i whlch 11 sol(l surplus p ro p erty ,' In spite of these accompllsh- from Eugene and Portland w here j and Medford have not mixed yet “ Hochepoti” is a th rifty dish cording to th e order issued by ian m anufacturers face ruin by the I pro' ed ia r beyond the facilities of ments, the Attorney-General point- Special communie» tiota, Thurs-1 n© has been spending the past and there is some speculation as the Departm ent of Justice,” At- ed out th at there are 700 cases illicit competition. day evening, Oct. 1 . Third de­ two weeks on business. to the strength of the teams. The the French id tlie north make Mayor Baker. rem aining before tlie section for Jenkins an- In connection with the new torney-General Stone declared. gree. Team of Lithl s will con­ Chief of Police results of this game will give a from pork ribs and ears, which “Accordingly, the war transac- action, referred to it by the W ar fer degrees. Light freshm ents Special Auto Accident Policy fairly good line up on the ma­ are often considered unfit to e a t ., nounced th a t the suspension would scheme, it is proposed to erect tions section was organized for Departm ent and other branches a fte r work. Meet a l.v r brief ses­ i for $5.00 a year, Phone 21. Yeo terial in the three valley teams. It is said to have saved the popu­ begin Thursday, and th a t Captaip iron gates of the Canadian-Ameri- the purpose of investigating and of the Government. lation of Leyde from starvation Inskeep, now a t the St. Joh n si can boundary intersections. On sion of Siskiyou Chapter. of course. 24-tf prosecuting war frauds and cases M. H. ELLIS, W. M., You are welcome to compare at the time when the Huguenot station would be called in to ta k e ' the B ritish Columbia-W ashington in which the Government had W. H. DAY, Secy. my Automobile rates w ith any Admiral Boisot chased out the command of the first day re lie f' State line this would mean the Visiting Friends— TOO LATE TO C L A S S IF Y . 38— 2 a t police headquarters, which post closest possible check being made i ov<*r Paid contractors, or has been Mr. and Mrs. A C. Myer o f ! other rates in Jackson or Jose­ Spanish army. to stop smuggling at such places underpaid on its sales of prop- Choose a side-rib of about one Captain Circle will vacate. Seattle are in Ashland visiting phine Counties; you can be the FOR SALE — Daffodill and erty. as Sumas and Blaine. H ere— with Mrs. Myer’s relatives, Ralph Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. and one-half pounds. Brown in Narrissis bulbs, Phone 251-L. It has been stated to the Do­ E arl Meeke of D unsm uir is in Vining and Mrs. Granger. 30— tf fa t and theh pu t into a large Pool Room Argument .R ecover Millions 39— 3 minion Governm ent at Ottawa th a t k ettle — the French call it a Ashland for several days, recuper­ “ This organization of the de­ Causes M an’s Death “ m arm ite”— with the pig’s ear at ating from a long Illness. Canadian m anufacturers and sub- partm ent lias recovered in two FOR SALE— 23 1-2 acre irrl- We deliver the goods -Detricks the bottom. Moisten with the fat 94-tf W HITE SOX, GIANTS AR E TACOMA, Oct. 16— W hile a r­ sidiaVy distributors and traders, years and paid into the United Rated ranch, 3 miles from center READ Y FO R W ORLD T R IP and season well. Cover this with From M edford— guing in a pool room here last w . ™ ” aS re ta ^ er8, are losing | States Treasury ”$6,195,099. It of Ashland, good bouse and barn. two pounds of mixed vegetables, night about the verdicts in two millions of dollars’ w orth of trade lias obtained judgm ents against Price $3500.00 bhone 18-F14. Miss Opal Hoxie was in Ash­ To Portlaiul— QUEBECK, Oct. 16. — A fter cut into small pieces, as for a through smugglers taking consid­ contractors for more than $102,-* land today from Medford, where 39— 2* E. J. B arrett returned to P o rt­ recent m urder trials, Tony Ruf- playing their last game of the erable of the cream off the m ar­ pot-aufeu, and add a small head she is working in The Shasta. land, today after spending a week flo, 40, became excited and died ket. year on N orth American soil, the of cabbage, cut into quarters. Add in Ashland on business. Now York Giants and the Chicago two glasses of w atre, cover and of heart disease before a physi­ I hope the women of Ashland cian could be summoned. will make this the best and big­ Have th a t old suit made new. W hite Sox baseball clubs were to let simmer for thre& hours. BRITISH POLO PLAYER gest election ever held in Jack- Phone 119, Paulserud's. 33— tf sail on their world to u r from this SAVED BY AMERICANS port tonight. There are 79 in son county. My num ber on the A kind of ham burger steak the party, including 24 women. B allot is 72. 38— 3 P urchases Property— comes under the name of “ Bitok" TME THEATER BEAUTIFUL LONDON, Oct. 16. — Renewed i The team s decided to include Mr. Andrew McCallen has p u r­ in the Russian restau ran ts in i sterest in the N eareastern re fu -| T o Seattle— chased the W illiam Johnson prop­ Amsterdam in their itinary when Paris. f ie situation has been stirred in TONIGHT— —“ LITTLE OLD NEW YORK” Mrs. A. H. Davenliill of Valley erty on Almond street belonging word came from Europe th at the Have the butcher chop up a Ungland by publication of the View has gone to Seattle where to Mr. Robertson. The deal was H ollanders were anxious to see pound of rare beef, which is not memoirs of Col., A. Rawlinson, VANCOUVER, B. C. Oct. 16 — whose post-war experiences in she will visit her aunt for several reported through W. W. Robison, the Americans play. costly. week a. TOMORROW and SATURDAY real estate dealer. Moisten one-fifth pound of The Retail Merchants of Canada Armenia and Turkey were filled ARM ENIA P R E P A R E FOR plan to make a thorough and per­ break in a little w ater, press and with heroism and hardship. He FIG H T AGAINST FAM INE Cliff Payne makes desks. Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ mix w ith the m eat, together with m anent drive on sm ugglers at Ca­ spent tw enty m onths in Turkish W AKNErtßOT= ity Bread, from th e oven over a whole egg, beaten well. Season. nadian-American boundary points, prisons. He has unbounded ’ I Saisies of Ü«: Sert»! M®" ERIVAN, Russian Armenia, From Y reka— Fashion the m ixture into little from the A tlantic to fche Pacific praise for the work of the Ameri­ the counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6 Oct. 16. — A desperate fight to disks about two inches in diame­ coasts. A bureau will be or­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Logan Native Hawaiians playing avert famine next w inter is be­ te r and put into a frying pan with ganized, with a staff of salaried can Near East Relief, to which and Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. Thomp­ R eturn Home— he owed his life. Famous before ing planned by “ A rm enia and and singing popular songs son of Yreka were in Ashland to­ fum ing Tat. Cook fo r three or private detectives, whose duty it W. J. Drumhill arrived in Ash­ a other Caucasian States of South four m inutes on either side. The will be to co-operate with the Roy­ the w ar as a pioneer m otorist, day visiting with friends. land today from a two months in their own novelty way. aviator and polo player, he will Russia. Throughout the country, interior should be bleeding and al Canadian Mounted Police. Tex­ devote the rem ainder of his life visit with relatives in Oroville, rieid rationing has been inaugur­ Best m ilk— L ininger’s Dairy, California. He is back in Ash­ the two sides nicely browned. tile and other industrial interests FEATURING ated and m erchants are being ar- Pour a little bouillon or white have secured the consent of the to hum anitarian! work. 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. land on business. Marvelous Benny 26—tf wine into the pan to make a sauce Canadian Government to the for- SCHOOL CHILDREN OF m ation of the bureau, the Gov- a fte r removing the balls. For South— W izard on any string. ASHLAND TA K E PR IZ ES R eturns From P ortland— Serve with potatoes, noodles or! ernm ent, through Hon, Jacques Philip W olcott left last night Big time vaudeville star. D. H. Barneburg returned yes­ for Loa Angeles where he will spinach. ‘ B ureau, M inister of Customs and Champion UkaleCe play­ (Continued from Page 1) terday noon from Portland, where join his wife who is visiting there er of the world— with he has been spending several days and spend several days on a nard Joy; Grade Jersey, special, buying cattle. vacation. 2nd, John Billings; P air rabbits, 2nd, Dick Joy; H ereford Calf, N o agen t in Southern Oregon We have sold dozens of our 5th, Dick Joy. can w rite better A uto insurance specially-priced blankets. You WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.— The Open C lasses or a t low er rates than th e Staples will need some extra ones this colossal task of whipping into Rabbit, Junior Buck, 1st, Dick A gency. w inter. Buy them now — The Joy; Rabbit, Senior Doe, 2nd, “court shape” more than 700 war Army Goods Store. 37— 3 Merrill Rose; H ereford Calf, 2nd, fraud cases in the hands of the From K lam ath F alls— war transactions section of the Dick Joy; Rabbit Junior Doe, 3rd, Dr. Hawley, fire extinguisher Nellie M. Perl has always beeh Ellis Rose. D epartm ent of Justice will be kgent, was in town yesterday and loyal to Ashland. W hen we tried pushed to a rapid conclusion, ac- Club W ork today is exhibiting the fire ex­ to go over the top with the N or­ i cording to the announcem ent of Canning D em onstration, 1st. tinguisher for the Interstate mal, she came over and worked Attorney-General Stone. Adena Joy and Ellen Galey; Can­ Chemical Company. Few people realize the many details connected hard for us. 38— 3 ning Exhibit, 2nd, Ellen Galey, The Attorney-General has re­ w ith the conduct of a funeral. Our service is bated cently completed a reorganization 5th, Adena Joy; Menu Canning, Let us fill your pall with Swifts In A shland— upon an intelligent study of funeral directing prob­ of the war transactions section of 3rd Adena Joy: Homemaking, 5th, Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than lems, and an experience th a t enables us to carry Lawrence Book and Miss Book Dorothy Stevens; Home B eautifi­ his departm ent, selecting Paul shortening. Uoes farth er and Is arrived in Ashland Tuesday even; out every detail like clockwork. Shipman Andrews, of Syracuse, cation, 3rd, Rosina G allatin; Sew-' m ore nutritious. D etrtcks. 94-tf ing from Glendale and are visit­ and Jerom e Michael, of New York ing, Division 1., 1st, Mary Galey. In addition: we strive to incorporate into our ser­ ing at the home of W. E. Reed City, as directors. NATIONAL GARDENING To G rants P ass— vice the sym pathy and uhderstanding th at helps on Avery street. Both men are attorneys of na- Contest, first, B arnard J o y .: V. D. Miller and m Bowers to lessen the strain of such a trying situation. Trips W on made a trip to Grant Pass Tues- Imogene W allace, Piano and Mary Galey, State F a ir for sew­ day to plan for the C eroen and Harmony Studio, Second floor ing; Canning Team, Adena Joy, Llthian football games which will Beaver Bldg. ' 30— tf Ellen Galey, State F air; Prune be scheduled in the near future. Bread Team, International Ex­ To H ave B anquet— position; Judging Team, State Sweet cream for whipping and The Jackson County Sunday Fair, B arnard Joy, Dick Joy, John coffee— also .fresh milk, always Funeral Directors School council has invited all the Billings. on ice a t the Plaza. 239— tf pastors of Jackson county to dine Day P h on e 2 1 2 — N ight P h on es 253-K , 2S 2 J B arnard Joy’s win in National with them at the Hotel Medford Contest gave $50 tow ard expense Mrs. L ou is D odge, Lady A ssistan t S eriou sly Injured— on Friday, Oct. 24. At this time to Louisville, Kentucky, meeting •- W ord was received here recent­ the work and plans for this y ear’s of National Gardeners. ly from Keno th a t Fred Koehler, work in the Sunday School and who has been falling lum ber in church will be discussed. th a t country, had been h it by a falling tree and his back broken. MARCEL AND CURL LAST He is at the K lam ath F alls Hos­ LONGER a fte r a Golden Glint pital now and is reported to be Shampoo. getting along as well as could be expected. Many A ttend R eunion— » .» » ♦ » » ♦ « a * » » » » « » » • • » « $ » ♦ » ♦ » » ♦ ♦ •♦ ♦ •» » ♦ ♦ * « * » ■ » « » ♦ ♦ * bocal ■ P erso n al flotes A Vaudevilli COLOSSAL TASK IN Thoughtful Attention To Every Detail J. P. % Dodge & Sons Juniors’ and Misses’ Coats and Dresses express the new ideas in dainty, simple, tail­ ored garments so well adapt­ ed for school wear. Among those from Ashland W hen W inter comes try one of wh<^ journey to Jacksonville to ­ P aulserud’s Over Coats. 33— tf day to attend th e pioneer reun­ ion are Mr. and Mrs. Fred W ag­ V isitin g H ere— ner, Lydia McCall, Mrs. Alice Mrs. E. W. Girard, form erly of Applegate, H. S. Emery, Homer Ashland, motored up from Duns­ Barron, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bil­ m uir Monday to visit her sister, lings, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Myer, C arrie Ryan. They will leave Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Billings, Mr, Saturday for Sacram ento and San and Mrs. Marsh W agner, Mr. and Francisco. Mrs. Emil Peil, G. S. B utler and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney G reeting Cards, McNair Bros. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vining. Our “ Jack T ar” Line of Wool Dresses are here dis­ played in a beautiful range of patterns; made of the choicest pure wool materials, blending beautifully in colors that will delight the heart of any girl. Sizes 6 to 1G. Priced at $7.95 to $12.50 H unting— Complete line of Ashland Can­ J. H. McGee and a party of ned Goods a t D etricks. 94-tf friends left this morning for the K lam ath Lake region where they will spend several days duck O rganize Team — Klam ath Falls is organizing a hunting. football team, according to the Save $10.00, walk upstairs to Herald, which states th a t W. E. O rres tailor shop. 17—- tf Bobbitt is coaching m aterial for a splendid team. The prelim inary planning is finished and the team A tten d E xercises— A large num ber of Ashland is ready now to s ta rt practicing. people Journeyed to Medford last Games will be scheduled soon, evening to attend the graduating including one with the Medford exercises of Miss Florence Van Craters, Ashland L ithians and the Dyke, who graduated from the G rants Pass Cavemen. Suits will Sacred H eart Hospital in Medford. be furnished by the K lam ath Miss Van Dyke has ju st complet­ Falls Chamber of Commerce. ed a three-year course at this hospital. Among those who made, You probably already need ex­ the trip were Mrs. Van Dyke and tra blankets. You can buy them M argaret and Carol Van Dyke, Mr. at a bargain price a t The Army and Mrs. Dale Young, Mrs. Payne Goods Store while they last. and E sther Kleinham mer. 37— 8 Pay less and dress better— get A rticles R ecovered— your Fall Suit a t Paulserud’s. Quick work by Sheriff Terrill 33— tf and Deputy Sheriff Forncrook re ­ cently resulted in the recovery of In A shland — Leo Huff, who has b e en 'c o n ­ several hundred dollars’ w orth of fined to the Sacred H eart Hospi­ valuable articles stolen from tal in Medford due to injuries in­ Slater Johnson’s ranch house in curred while w orkir at B utte the Antelope district last week. Falls, has been re r oved from As all the articles, were recover­ th e re and was in Ashluad on busi­ ed and th e th efts committed by young boys living in the neigh­ ness yesterday. borhood no crim inal action has been instituted. Finger prints Make your h a ir glisten and left on glass were provided clues gleam, Hennafoam , 50c, M cNair, leading to recovery of the goods. -Medford Mail Tribune. Bros. Classified The diversity »• of our Classified Advertisements makes them read by almost every reader of our paper. Our Line of Misses' Coats is a. revelation of choice mater­ ials, style and good workmanship. These coats come in medium dark shades of Tan, Brown, Blue, Grey, Penny, and Gashan. All have double choker collars. Fur or Self Trim— The Prices are from $5.50 to $12.50 You must see these Coats to realize their wonderful values. * « For the person who is looking to buy or sell any­ thing—and who isn’t in this crowd—the classified pages of The Tidings present a bargain counter which would stretch across the continent Our, Millinery Dept. is bubbling over with new patterns, shapes that are most pleasing and the entire stock represents models for every head. Priced from $1.98 to $5.90 Misses Kid Boot Sweaters in all sizes and colors. Either short or long sleeves. The Vtility Sweater for sport wear. Priced at $3.50 and $4.95 New assortment of Sport Belts, just in. Comes from 1 to 5 inches wide. Priced at 25 c to 79c. Stop and Shop at The Ashland Tidings Phone 39 £7 a m & c i n c / •W here Your D ollar H as More C ents’