9 hm «— Classified Column bAitf _ __ frhursj»>, October i 6, 1024 PROFESSIONAL S o e ie ty on the subject “Thd , Status 6f Woman’s Suffrage ât.the Present ly and not so becoming to the m a-' running"fror*the Classified Col on, n Rates piecei cro4sln« the crown, with a tuft of PHYSICIANS . . . .... * 2 * - » «¡»I « « c * tips , , c o e n u r* ^ " Time.” The roll call'was "Prom­ io rtt, o, One cent the word each inent Women Suffragists.” OR. HAWLEY—Above Tidings time. hat, however, has come to stay There was a short discussion at least for the Winter. It is not there is often a cockade on the office. Phone 91. To run every issue for one , very top of the crown. One ver-! t lassinoti arts bring resolta. I of the h work that will be \ n done by' month or more, the word Drink Lots of Good W ater 80X0 OP THR RANK AND ^ ¿ h e c X t h V o u X ^ DR. C. W. HANSON I sion of the fashionable high h a t: each time. Dentist ° ' "*e Though I be not the Captain. * and the programs lor the year, elusion of the long. H a i g h t'¡ l i j Special attention given to pyor- ! All Day, Also Take Salts were distributed. PO R R ENT and two ribbons Yet will I bear my sword. houette of Mademoiselle 1924. Occasionally ______________ 1 rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver • And » **u n m s s by v a n my v a Captain’s ' o v>r«a a n I will be Trimming, as a rule, is high, to FOR RENT— Furnished house, Block. Phone 178-J. Our Bu si ness 233-tf. A uxiliary To Guild— side, correspond with the crown. 478 Boulevard. 3 6— 1 mo!-------------------------------------------- i When your kidneys hurt and The Auxiliary to the e s s e n tia l to su ccess in y o u ra DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac-i your back feels sore, don’t get Wherever he stand, or wherever Guild met last, evening Trinity, Feathers, in a pompon, stand he ride. No b u sin ess can be o p e ra te d FOR RENT—Newly furnished at the • st raight up from the very centre tice limited to eye, ear, nose ana I scared and proceed to load your Episcopal Pari3h House for the e fficie n tly w ith o u t th e a id of sunny sleeping rooms by day, In the battles of the Lord of the crown. The square crowns throat—X-ray including teeth, stomach with a lot of drugs that in su ra n c e . .first meeting of the social season i,Q vo hi 1 4 • week or month. Call downstairs. t ’ e « side Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tcj excite the kidneys and irritate the The evening was spent in Dlavino ' have high trimming , at the oiue. Lithia Apartments. 37— 3 W e sh a ll be glad to help you For though there were captains nnrSn t . conversation P ' g or directly in frint, but the round 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland,, entire urinary tract. Keep your cards and pleasant d e te rm in e th e m ost e ffic ie n t many, crowns carry their ornamentation Ore. i kidneys clean like you keep your a n d econom ical use of in s u r­ FOR RENT—Completely fur­ At the close of a delightful What would the captains do on top. The tai! helmet shape an ce in th e p ro te c tio n of y o u r nished apartment. 75 Bush St. —---------------------------------- ;------ | bowels clean, by flushing them If there were none of men be3ide evening, dainty refreshments were owned and operated by DR. E. B. ANGELL—Chiropractic with a mild, harmless salts which b u sin ess success. served by the hostesses, Mesdames • 37—tf and Electro-Therapy. Office helps to remove the body’s urin- To trust and parry, to march and Elwood Hedburg and Gerald Wen- Ashland citizens, w ho ride, phone 48; residence 142. First ous waste and stimulate them to FOR SALE ner. have thoroughly tested And to follow the captains National Bank building. their normal activity. • v • Billings Agency FOR SALE:—-Green pickling through? The function of the kidneys Is SHELL PRODUCTS Parts S ty le H int— E stab . 1883 THE SOUTHERN OREGON tomatoes lc per pound. Pick them to filter the blood. In 24 hours • CLINIC PARIS, Oct. 15. — Painted hats yourself. Bring boxes. J. C. Ber- R e p re se n tin g th e they strain from it 500 grains of I will not buy with money _ 1st National Bank Bldg. and therefore can and do are the latest Invention of a rang. on highway north of Jack- Medical The right to idle lie; Surgical Obstetrical acid and waste, so we can readily IN SU RA N CE COM PANY O F recommend them, smart Paris designer, who, by the son Springs. 38— 3 D iagnostic X-ray I should scorn to give, in the understand the vital importance of * NORTH AM ERICA way, is a good American. With Stearns, M. D. mask of gold, keeping the kidneys active. "T h e O ldest A m erican F ire an d FOR SALE:— Ford touring car R. W. R. hia French wife, ftp has recently E. Green, M. D. Drink lots of good water—you The proof of a courage I did n o t' 123 Church St. e 38— 3* Marine Insurance Company” R. W. Sleeter, M. D. set up a very smart shop In the hold, can’t drink too much; also get Office hours 2-5 p. m. F o u n d e d 1702 BOULEVARD and SHERMAN fashionable Rue St. Honoré. Because I feared to die. FOR SALE:—Saddle pony and Phone 238-R from any pharmacist about four Alexis came over from America saddle. Inquire 49, 4th St. 38— 6* u — i -W».- . . i. • ounces of Jad Salts. Take a table­ during the wan and, after having spoonful in a glass of water be­ But I will give my body, FOR SALE Good Spitzen- finished his soldiering, decided to MONUMENTS And I will give my hand, fore breakfast each morning for burg Apples — Culls at Bagley do some hatmaklng, which has a few days and your kidneys may And the joy of a heart that is ¡proved very successful. His models ASHLAND GRANITE Carfhing Company packinghouse. true to the cause, then act fine. Thi9 famous salts MONUMENTS Talent. 50c per bon Bring your are delightful, wearable creations, is made from the acid of grapes For the King and his grace, the very simple, but smart In line. B lair G ranite Co. boxes. 38—4 King and his laws, and lemon Juice, combined with S. PENNISTON. Manager And be one of the King’s own Hia new painted hat promises to fl-ROOM Modern House, 2 lithia, and has been used for Office 175 E. Main become very popular, especially band. blocks from Hawthorne school years to help clean and stimulate Res. Phone 444-Y for evening wear. It is made of on paved street, well furnished. clogged kidneys; also to neutral­ Phone 51 . We sell it for less Lot 80x160. Party leaving town. 4 S I GIRL IN TROURLEj-May ize the acids in the system so And though I should count my soft satin, with a pointed ban­ deau about the head which bears silver For quick sale $3250, on good j communicate with Ensign Lee they are no longer a source of ir­ the design, painted with special Into the Captain's chest, terms at 6 per cent. W. W. Robi­ of the Salvation Army at the ritation, thus often relieving blad­ ¡ chemicals, in attractive patterns It is but to free tqy good sword- ; son, 63 North Main St. 38—tf WhiteShield Home, 565 May- der weakness. and lQ^ely colors. There Is no arpi. fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. Jad Salts is inexpensive; can of course. The FOR SALE— Dark Jersey Milch not injure; makes a delightful ef­ That, naught encumbered when erow u^aB ^af the soft satin, in cow. 700 Terrace St. 37— 6 There is nothing PLANING MILL sounds alarm, fervescent lithla-water drink corded dlvi^m s, which makes It in o r e refresh in g 25c Bottle Tincture Iodine.........16c I may fight, and fight my beat. FOR SALE—A bargain — 6- JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET which everyone should take now easy to pacfe' Rain does.not in­ than hot co ffee w ith 25c Aromatic Cascara ...............16c room house partly furnished, gar­ WORKS, Cor. Helman and and then to help keep their kid And though I be not Captain, jure the paint, which is of special a cold lunch. neys clean and active. Try this; age and woodshed. Lot 50x145. 25c Pkg. Alum Powd................... 16c Van Ness. 19^tf preparation, and the colors are Yet will I keep my stride, $3.00 Lunch Kits also keep up the water drinking, Inquire 132 5th St., city. 37— 6» extremely beautiful at night. 25c Castor Oil ............................ ig c and no doubt you will wonder And the burdens bear of pack and TRANSFER AND EXPRESS $2 19 Hats are high—there is no get­ B ungalow s— Lots sword. 25c Licorice Powd................. i6c kidney W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. what became of your ting around the fact — and the | $1,50 Bottles .98c I have some fine Bungalows. To march and to battle for the 25c Rochelle Salts ..........\ . . .16c trouble and backache. By all for SERVICE. eloche Is completely out of it. I Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ Lord, means have your physician exam­ Experienced movers and pack­ 25c Box Aspirin ta b le ts .............16s French modistes are complaining! land for sale, will accept good Close by my-Captain's side. ers of household goods. Deal­ ine your kidneys at least twice a that it has been a hard struggle j 50c Pine Tar Cough S y r u p ___33c Soaps Bonds, Notes or Mortages on Arthur W. Spaulding. year. ers In coal and wood. Phone to get the women away from this i • • • payments, and give easy terms on 50c Milk Magnesia .................. 33c 117. popular form, and even now many j 2 cakes stork balance. me before buying a I CALENDAR OF EVENTS 50c Bottle Witch Hazel .......... 33c Office 89 Oak St. near home. Friday, Oct. 17. D. A. R. will of them are saying they will not j castile 25c Hotel Ashland wear the high, square crowns, 1 A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. 50c Laxitive Liver S a l t s ........ 33c meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. Box 422, Ashland. Blake. Creme Oil Soap r. L. POWELL—General Trans- $1.00 Moava Suppositories ___ 69c Tuesday, Oct. 21. Civic Club! 35—1 Mo. ler Good team and motor special 2 for 11c $1.00 Russian Mineral Oil ___C9c will meet at club house. Mrs. trucks. G >od service at a rea- Buy better milk. Phone 257-J Perozzi will speak on "The Wo­ souab.’e price. Phone 83. St. Jacobs Oil stops any pain, man Voter.” for It. 33—1 mo.* “Working Together” I so when your back is sore and Thursday, Oct. 23. Ladles Elks FOR SALE — or exchange for FEHIGE-ROACH lame, or lumbago, sciatica or Club will meet in club rooms, $35,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ The substantial progress of Transfer — Express — Storage' rheumatism has you stiffened up, 2:30. this strong Institution, quoting vated, free water, lots of it. 20 Hauling — Dray work of all don’t suffer! Get a small trial POWDERS Friday, Oct. 17. P. T. A. and a most successful depositor, is head of large size Registered Jer­ kinds. Quick motor service. Dry bottle of old, honest St. Jacobs chiefly due to its established seys, the finest strain in Oregon. wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Oil at any drug store, pour a little Civic Club entertain teachers at policy of "working together,” club house. Public invited. 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, 375 B. St. bank and depositor, to further 112-tf in your hand, and rub it right on Saturday, Oct. 25. P. E. O. the depositor’s interests. 200 White Leghorn chickens, team kt* your aching back; and by the time will meet at home of Mrs,. Sboudy. FLORIST A liberal policy, yes! But of Registered Imported Perchon, 1 you count fifty the soreness and $1.00 Luxor Vanity Compact Monday, Nov. 10. Ladles Art only by facilitating the growth mares 1900 lbs. each. About lameness Is gone. 'C L SAY IT WITH FLOWERS and development of the com­ Club will have club benefit card $3000.00 worth of farm equip­ Don’t stay crippled! This sooth­ party. Hold that date open. munity’s business can this sec­ with Puff and Mirror .. From ments, modern house, large barn j tion and in turn, this bank, ing, penetrating oil noedt to b* • » • prosper. and other buildings. Will take Hatcher & Benson, Floral & Seed used only once. It takes the pain Co., temporary location 399 P. E. O. Meetings— $1.00 size Toilet W ater income property up to $20,000.00, 69c right out and ends the misery. It Let us apply this principle Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and Chapter AC, P.*E. O. held the long time on balance at 6 per cent. is magical, yet absolutely harm­ of success to your business. Courtesy to brokers or agents. floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo less, and doesn’t burn the skin. first meeting of the year at the j 50c Vanishing Cream ..............35c home of Mrs. J. W. McCoy on Latest J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland Loose Nothing else stops lumbagOt Oak street Tuesday evening. The Oregon. 33—1 mo. sciatica, backache or rheumatism Compacts Powde? For a smooth shave so promptly. It never disap­ regular business meeting w as! 5?c' Rouge ................................. 35C And FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in Vaniti?.! held, followed by a short program. and quick service go points! good condition; reasonably priced, Mrs- Wagner gave a short talk to the Shell Barber Ashland, Oregon FILMS KODAKS Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St. SUPPLIES Shop. Ladies and “Service W orthy o f a Strong, Says His Prescription 32—tf Bring in your Films to be developed; all work guaranteed children get your hair N ational B an k .” IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF bobbed and marcel THE STATE OF OREGON MISCELLANEOUS Has Powerful Influence led. FOR JACKSON COUNTY S uit in Equity WANTED:—Well bred Collie Over Rheumatism ALIAS SUMMONS FOR W. A. SHELL, Trop. pup. Phone 441J. 38—3* PUBLICATION >82 A. s t . A shland. Ore J. W. McCoy, as liquidating agent' Mr. James H. Allen suffered for WANTED: — Nursing. Will for the United States National years with rheumatism. Many consider house work. Am a post Bank of Ashland, Plaintiff, tnies this terrible disease left him graduate of N. W. school of mas­ vs. helpless and unable to work. Victoria Mickelson, widow of sage and .electro-therapeutics. , He finally decided, after years Michael Mickelson; Eugenia L. Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or I Atkinson, widow of W. H At­ ceaseless study, that no one can Phone 153. 33—1 mo. j kinson; Sarah R. Fox, Fannie be free from rheumatism until the E. Fox McMillan, Susie L. Allen, WANTED—Work by competent j --------- accumulated impurities, comraon- Mary E. Owen, Arthur Hankin experienced janitor. All or part Edith Phipps. Maud Denny, Women appreciate the quick called uric acid deposits, were time. Will do anything. Refer­ action of simple glycerine, buck-!dissolved in tbe J°ints and raus" H erbert^rouch, Frank Crouch, Willie Crouch, Clyde Crouch, ences 218-Y. 32—tf thorn bark, etc., as mixed in Ad-!clfcS and exPelled from the body- Charles Crouch, Nellie Dickey, With this idea in mind he con­ Susie Kervin, Floyd Dickey, Lo­ Goats Bred by registered lerika. Most medicines act only sulted physicians, made experi- la Payne House, Glenn Payne, buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, on lower bowel but Adlerika acts Forest Owen, Glenn Owen mentS and finally comP°unded a low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 on BOTH upper and lower bowel ’ prescription Margaret Owen Sparkman, Lot­ that qu'ckly and com- tie Owen, and to any and all * • miie9 south on Pacific Highway. and removes all gasses and poi­ pletely banished every sign and other heirs, known or unknown 14— 1 mo.* sons. Excellent for obstinate con­ • symptom of rheumatism from his of either said W. H. Atkinson stipation and to guard against ap­ or Michael Mickelson, or of any POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS pendicitis. Helps any case gas on i system. of the Defendants, and as to , _____ He freely gave his discovery, any and all persons or parties somac n N minutes. T. K. • which he called Allenrhu, to oth- G. W. Milam claiming any right, title or in­ Bolton, Drugist. No. 3 ers who took it, with what night Independent terest in and to the property described in the complaint, be called marvelous success. After Candidate for County School Defendants. years of urging he decided to let Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ This New Treatment TO:—Maud Denny, Fannie E. ty, Oregon. sufferers everywhere know about D id Y ou. G e t Y o u r C o p y o f T K e H o m e L i g h t i n g P r im e r ? Never Fails to End Piles his discovery through the news­ Fox McMillan, Susie Kervin. Arthur Hankin, Willie Crouch. Clyde Crouch, Charles Crouch papers. He has therefore instruc­ If not, sign a registration card and get one today, free, Many sufferers from Piles or ted the East Side Pharmacy to NELLIE M. PERL Mary E. Owen, Forest Owen^ Glenn Owen, Margaret Owen Hemorrhoids have become des- dispense Allenrhu with the upder from school. Sparkman and Lottie Owen, of ¡’¿ . T l .‘ T hilVe bee" ! standing that''l'f"t"he',ks;“p°nT^V the above named Dqfgndants The Home Lighting Contest is now on and many of the . . T . i CaSe ' tle d°es “ ■<>’ to com- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE hopeless and that tlierp w a s nnth > ± • boys and girls are already working to win a prize. You too inc in ♦ >. «»ere wae noth-! plete recovery he will gladly re- OF OREGON, You are hereby ing in the world to helD them . . summoned aJid required to ap­ p nem;x , turn your mOney without com- have a chance to win one of the local prizes that some of your pear and answer the complaint of To these people we say, "Go to ment Plaintiff on file with the friends are working to get. I H°"r d,r “I ± a?d ge* ° ris'” a' ) East Side Pharmacy is my ap- the Clerk of said Court at Jackson­ box ot MOAVA SUPPOSITOR- pointed agent in your city. It ville, Oregon, within SIX WEEKS In addition, you have an opportunity t,o win one of the IES.” One of these inserted into ! yon live out of town I’ll gladly from the date of the first publica­ International Prizes—the $15,000 tion of this Summons as required the rectum according to direct-1 send you free Particulars. by the Order of the Honorable C ions will be found to give imme- ! ____________ ___ Model Electrical Home or a M. Thomas, Judge of said Court diate relief. They reach the dated! October 10, 1924, and if Scholarship. source of the trouble and by their i you fail to appear and answer within said six weeks, the Plain­ soothing, healing, antiseptic ac­ We want one of our boys or • a ------ is a Combine, tiff will apply for the relief de­ tion first allay the pain and sore- i l g - girls to win the Home so get T r e a t m e n t manded in said complaint, to-wit: ness and then by direct contact I That a decree be entered quiet­ x t h local and internal, and has bee busy at once. We will be glad wjth the ulcers and piles cause uccessful in the treatment o f Catarr1 ing the title in the Plaintiff to a them to heal up and disappear or ov r 40 years, rf’old by all druggist strip of land 25 feet in width by to give you additional informa­ 173.3 feet in length lying paral­ forever. F J. C H PN PY a 1 CO.. T o led 's Oh' lel to and 20 feet 6 inches distant tion regarding the contest. It’s simply wonderful how from the south line of Lot 8 in speedily they act. Blessed relief Block 1. in the City of Ashland, often comes in two days. Even in FEASIBILITY OF FLYING Jackson County, Oregon, and that PROVEN SAYS PRESIDENT you and each of you be barred cases that have steadily resisted CANDIDATE from claiming or asserting any all known treatments, marvelous j . for Jackson County interest, title or ownership in results have been obtained. j ASHINGTON, Oct. 15.—The the CORONER said strip of land, and for East Side Pharmacy, mail o r - |fHght ct the diriSible ZR-3 from such other relief as to the Court N ov. 4, ’24 Lighting Independent ders accepted, dispense MOAVA | Gerniany to America demonstrates may seem proper. Educational Date of first publication: Oc­ Oregon’s investment in dairy SUPPOSITORIES in the original, as never before the feasibility of tober 16th, 1924. Committee business, exclusive of farms, es­ box or can get it for you on short j ’ong distance flights by lighter- Time to answer expires: No­ notice. i than-air craft. President Coolidge vember 28th, 1924 timated at $200,000,000. said in a telegrqniupf congratula­ BRIGGS & BRIGGS, Hillsboro — Hillsboro Con­ By E. D. Briggs, Letterheads, statements, t o tion sent to Dr. Hugh Eckener, crete, Brick and Tile Co., capital Attorneys for Plaintiff. commander of the airship. $25,000, files incorporation pa­ your order at the Tidings Office. Postoffice address; Pioneer Block, pers. We have a good job printing de­ There Is wisdom In reading ads. Ashland, Oregon 38— flthur partment. tf FLUSH OUT KIDNEYS a w. & N. Service Station Side Pharmacy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Thermos Drues 4 Cans Old Dutch Cleanser................ 25c Toilet Goods First National Bank Many Women Use Glycerine Mixture * Home Lighting Content I school Hall’s Catarrh / school Gid§/