> «< e fw ô ÀSHLANÌ) h Á í t f ÍÍfctííÓ Í ASH LAND D A IL Y T I D I N G S Hle statement is that the farmer paid $7.80 to get the peas ¡picked. I his is the story of the peas till they got .to the re- P u bHshed E very E ven in g Except Sunday by tailer. He paid $13 for what the farmer got $2.74 for. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. B ert r . Greer -------- ---------------- Edit” ^oesn^ tell wliat the retailer charged his customers. George Madden G re e n .................................. customer paid, if it could be known, would make o , ffic ia l CITY PAPER . -------- ............ ~ ... ......................... Telephone 39 i a interesting comparison with what the farmer got. — — ........ ......... 1 c Ibntered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second Clans Mail M atter j i t ’s all a glimpse at why American agriculture is pros- jtrated and why the boys and girls don’t stay on the old .S u b scrip tion P rice, D elivered in City One Month ....................................................................... .65;liomested. Three Months ....................................................................................... ' l 95 Six Months .................................................. 3 75 1 hat is why the proposal of John W. Davis for a cut One Year ................................... v.................................. 7.50 in freight rates on agricultural products, and the rest of By Mail and R ural R outes One Month ............................................................................................ $ 65 his agricultural program are worth while. ( k ia b U s h e d in 1 8 7 0 ) Three Months ................................................................ Zi*"«” *” ” *’” ’ Six Months 142396713416986 One Year ....................................................................... ' ....................... DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES Single insertion, per inch ........ i.................................................. Yearly Contracts One insertion a week ................................................................... Two insertions a week ................................................................... Daily Insertion ........................................... R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising $ K95 3.50 6 50 Grogan had an attack of muscular rheumatism, and the doctor prescribed a mustard application. After two .80 days the doctor called to see the patient. “ How did that .27% mustard plaster work,” the doctor inquired of Mrs. Grog­ .25 an. Sure, doethor, Oi culdn’t make Mike eat more than .20 the half uv it.” F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................ $ .10 Each subsequent Insertion, 8 point line ............................................. .. .05 Card of Thanks ................................................................................ 1.00 Obituaries, per lino .02% WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING “All future events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken is Advertising. No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ing er Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. One of the mysteries of natural science is what a horsefly thinks when lie gets desperate and tries to bite into a flivver. Young Nathan Leopold lias been put to work in the rattan factory at Joliet. If the rattan had been applied several years ago, Nathan might not be in jail today. LET’S START NOW FAMOUS RECIPES P ilafl Although the opening date of the fifth annual Win­ PARIS, Oct. 15. — Pilaff of ter Fair is over a month and a half distant, plans for the chicken livers, in small gourds, event are practically completed. From now on, the is the specialty of a little Turkish Chamber of Commerce officials will be busy, boosting the restau ran t in M ontm artre. fair, turning out advertising material, and generally get­ Brown in butter, with two tea- ting ready to make this year’s Fair the biggest and best spoonfulls of chopped onion and one-fourth pound Carolina rice. ever. Stir a few m inutes over the fire But even though they devote every minute of their and then moisten with a pint of time to the promotion of the Fair, the officials of the white consomme. Season well, chamber will he unable to make it the great success it j C°ver DaUas Gordon Vorhies, Med- yscar Hayter, Dallas T .I u uu. T , Eugene Hayter, Dallas r tf u tn \ J ° Seph Louis E Bean- Eugene W. C. Dalton, Klam­ Sam Litch, E nterprise)H. H. Hendricks, Fos ath Falls P o rter J. Neff, Med- sil P. F. Chandler, Can­ ford A. J. Egan, Gervais A. L. Mills, Portland Homer W. Egau, Ger­ yon City W. C. Stew art, Day­ Frank E. Andrews, vais ville Portland W. W. Lloyd, H alfw ay'w . S. Ferguson, Ath­ H. D. Norton, G rants C. E. Woodson, Hep- ena Pass H. W. Gard, Madras John S. Orth, Medfoi-di P Jam es Pelton, F ort Eerd Groner, Kills F. S. Butt, H untington Klam ath L , 50 ? _ . _ , F. H. Gaulke, Joseph C. C. Clark, Arlington BIanch?11Cook- Jack ' C. P. Bishop, Salem P. A. Frakes, Scap- L 8° nvi.lle. Elbert Bede. Cottage poose P - ° . Joslyn, Jordan Grove Charles W. Ellis, L V£ lley ¡W. F. Homans, On­ Burns P - w - Marvin. Silver tario Lake B. H. Drager, Salem George W. Hubbs, Sil­ W. Hoech, The Dal­ verton C. B. Teats, Rickreall les Charles E. Gates, C. E. Ingalls, Corval­ H. S. Brimhall, Tilla Medford lis mook A rthur M. Churchill, A. L. Leavitt, Klam­ C. D. Rorer, Eugene Portland ath Falls H. W. Collins, Pendle­ S. C. Miller, Dillard F. D. McCully, Joseph J. Frank Adams, Mer­ Lena Miller, Newport ton rill O. S. Blanchard, Will M. Peterson, Pen­ Fred W. Falconer, G rants Pass dleton Portland Thomas Gavin, Shan­ Paul E. Pol'lman, Bak­ iko - Mack Hoke, Pendleton er Charles H. Stewart, R. M. Fox, Portland C. O. Portwood, Fos­ Portland Jay Gibson, Gaston sil J. W. Mayo, Stayton G ertrude C. Glover, . Keith Powell, Wood­ Phil Metschan, P o rt­ Klamath Falls burn land Charles H. Castner, George Putnam , Sa­ A. D. Moe, Hood Hood River lem 800 MOftE s i x e r s of above appeal; more than 1.500 contributors to expense of getting facts before voters; signers and contributors live in all parts of Oregon; this advertisem ent issued by C. C Chanman Editor of Oregon \ oter, initiator of repeal m easure; residence 169 Lownsdale St., Portland, Oregon. VOTE For Repeal 312 X Yes