ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland ’L '* ■ » MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years '(In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1924 Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. W ONDER WHO HE W ILL VOTE FOR IN FU TU R E SAIL OVER CITY ---------- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ' 8 Big Ship Slips Mooring at « San Diego at 9:16 on .» Trip to North 1» ----------- 8 THOUSANDS DO CHEER » ----------- j 8 D irig ib le W ill Circle Over C ities 8 on W ay to (’amp Lew is; W ill / 8 A verage «0 M iles an H our SAN DIEGO, Oct. 16.— Glist­ ening in the partial sunlight, like a huge silver bobbin, the Navy dirigible Shenandoah shoved off her mooring3 m ast at 9; 16 this m orning for Camp Lewis, the fin­ al W estern goal on her maiden trans-continental flight. The officers ol the big ship ex­ pected to get away two hours earlier, but a light blanket of fog retarded the solar heating of the helium gas, which with the hig bag is filled. The crowd of several thousand persons who had assembled to see the dirigible off. Ifhrst into cheers and waved good-bye as the “ daughter of the skies’* took the air. The Shenandoah expects to m aintain an average speed of be­ tween 50 and 60 miles per hour on her trip north. She will like» ly pass over San Francisco late today, and Portland tomorrow noon, reaching Camp Lewis late tomorrow’ evening. The Shenan­ doah will circle over Los Angeles Pasadena, Santa B arbara and other cities enroute north. CLARKESBURG, W. Va,, Oct. 16. — Chalk up an o th er victory for Mr. Compromise. Francis Cien, chemical plant employe here, is a staunch Democrat. His wife is an ardent Repub- lic a n .. When a baby arrived in the Cien household recent- • ly he wrent nameless for four days because the fath ­ er w;anted to name him after th e Democratic Presidential nominee and the m other held out stout­ ly for the Republican standard b earer’s name. Deadlocked at the end of four days of persuasive argum ents, the fath er and m other finally agreed to call the baby John Calvin Cien. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8^8 8 8 R 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 81 INVESTIGATI N G BODY CALLS IN PARTY LEADER ---------- »¡Democratic Head Is Put on »1 Stand in “ Slush Fund” Investigation MUCH DOPE IS UPSET L incoln D ixon T estifies D em ocrats H ave Spent $ 4 2 ,0 0 0 to Save W est From La F o lle tte CHICAGO, Oct. 16. — The » I Senatorial campaign fund investi- » I gating committee upset all pre- « dictions here today, when a few « ! m inutes after it convened, it sum­ moned Lincoln Dixon, Democratic 8 8 member of Congress from Indiana, and W estern m anager of the Democratic committee to tell of the finances of his division o r­ ganization. Dixon testified - th a t $42.000 w’as all the W estern headquarters j had received for expenses to date, i The money was spent, he said, by John Gerard, national treasu rer of the party, in the campaign in C om edian’s Appearance Is P ro­ the w’est, now being carried on by the Democrats, to offset the tested at. M ecting#o f Council. work being done by La Follette. Church Leaders Disapprove It was believed th a t the com­ PORTLAND, Oct. 16. — Roscoe m ittee would first investigate the (F atty ) Arbuckle was barred slush fund charges by Senator La from appearing in a theatrical Follette, Independent candidate, perform ance in Portland by the against the Republican campaign unanimous vote of the city coun­ committee. cil here today. Members of the Parent-Teachers Association, the ALL PA R T IE S GIVE TOTAL Portland Council of Churches, the AMOUNT OF CONTRIBUTIONS Portland M inisterial Association, CHICAGO, Oct. 16. — The who packed th e council chambers contended th a t the appearance in opening session of the Senatorial fund investigating person with the alleged rep u ta­ Campaign committee here today brought out tion Arbuckle has, would be de­ the following contributions to the trim ental to the m orals of the th ree m ajor Presidential cam­ children of the city. paigns: Democrats, $32,500, P ro­ gressives, $190,535.36 and R e­ BELGIUM JOINS AMERICA PLAN FO R R E L IE F WORK publicans, $1,342,955. Suspect and Victim NO. 39 ; la follette is LONDON PA PE R S REPORT ANTS’ PITCHED BATTL. 8 ----------- ZR- 3 OFFICERS T 0 MEET WITH È NAVAL LEADER ! LONDON, Oct. 16. — Idealists will probably be shocked to learn th a t the war fever still clutches modern London. Great excitement has been caused by a war be­ tween rival colonies of ants at the Regent’s Park Formal Presentation of Bigi » Zoo. Newspapers have 8 £ Dirigible to the U. S. ** carried dally dispatches »i from the front, w ritten in to be Made the best war style. Crowds ’’fe... CREW WILL RETURN » have gathered to see the ______ 8 battle progressing day by w W ork o f S u b stitu tin g H elium "Gas 8 day, and the picture papers •Z- for H ydrogen Is B ein g Car- 8 have made magnificent œ i i& â b « rle lst> Adena Joy, 2nd, FOUND NEAR MEDFORD during the day, cutting down the agency station at Paradise, in in the O. & C. land grant, was ERen Galey 3rd Lucile Crews, num ber of sportsmen. B utte county, during the months. MEDFORD, Oct. 16. — A grim called to the stand in his own be- 4tb Dorothy Crews> 5th, Loraine However, there were many out November to July, inclusive, of half at yesterday m orning’s ses- iQ_ _ . Sewingt l s t , Mary Galey, tragedy was revealed Monday, early with varying luck, although POLITICAL RACE AT each year. Sparr; when two deer hunters, A ttorney sion of the federal court. Ehl was the pheasants are plentiful. A 1st, Letha Miles, WEST LINN WARMEST Homemaking, H. W eagant of Valley View s u f-; G ranting permission to the Henry Enders, Ashland mer-1 IN SEVERAL YEARS a voluble witness, also a fran k : 2nd, Dorothy Stevens, 3rd, Emily H arry Skyman of Medford and chant, addressed an assembly of num ber returned to the city with fered slight cuts about the bead Southern Pacific Company to dis- H arry Strem s of Central Point, birds during the day and others last night when his car was continue (its agency station at ---------- one’ ! Taylor; Home Beautification, l s t , . OREGON CITY. Oct. 16. — I He reviewed his life. 26 y e a rs , Rosina Gallatin; Canning Team, discovered the sk e le to n s, of a the student body this afternoon j w ith disguest. The lim it is five NelSon on its Sacramento divis­ sized ’ man covered 0Ve r ! a t the Ashland High School. E n-| in any one day, or ten in any struck by another car driven by a ' .......... There will be two candidates in | , of or which wnicn he ne was engaged engagea in work worK lg t Adena Joy> Ellen Galey, large W ashington dealer, on the high­ ion. in Butte county, and to m ain­ dav» th e field for mayor of W est Linn, in the woods, and three years Prune Rread Team, 1st, Rosina with th ree inches of leaf mold ini ders appeared before th e students way north of Ashland. W agant tain the station hereafter as a a forest nine miles from Trail, ¡a s representative of the Ashland , _______ _______~ two for the city recorder’s office' were spent as a cowboy on the Gallatillt p ranCes Gallatin, The quail season is also on, and was driving across the highway non-station agency. business men, and assured the and one for the chief of police, | ranges of Montana. He was in Gjr |*s W ork: (Open Competition) It was estim ated death had occur-* students, th a t the support of the tb ® Btate ^ai” e commission re- in his light delivery truck, when REVOLUTION REPORTED red 15 to 25 years ago. and from indications thia y e a rs turn a common workm an in th e j canning:S ix jars fru it, Six ja rs j v i ' cently ruled th a t the total of A partially decomposed pair of; bualneaa men would be to rth co m -, J , and „ kille„ ¡„ any the other car, a h e a v y touring ; NEAR NICARAGUA CITY city election will be the warm- tim ber, then a surveyor’s helper, vegetable8> fir8t. model crashed into the rear end ______ rubber boots, five cartridges, a ! in g j n any w orthy campaign c a r -, * not five pheas­ est in the history of W est Linn, then a cruiser, and held himself Sewing of the truck, tearing off one of SAN SALVADORE. Republic of Charles Shields, present m ay -' competent to estim ate the tim ber Made.OVer woolen dress, first. key-ring , with . a , brass tru n k k e y ; ried on by the high school. ants and five quail, but the five 1 Enders based his talk on the the rear wheels. or. will be candidate for a n o th e r; and value of government land'»-: Made. over cotton dress, s e c o n d /and a Padlock key, a pocketkm fej : Salvador, Oct. 16. — A revolu- Booster S pirit” and gave t h e ! a oge er Unable to settle their differ­ i tion, led by General Emiliano, has term . He is to be opposed by j When the news was published of Made. over cottOn blouse, second, i and a“ oldj sy\® ea^ bf® 2 f 6 young people of the school sev-1 ences, the men decided to call the I broken out In Nicaragua, accord- BRIDG E TO PPLES, ONE IS F ran k Hammerly. L. L. Porter, the retu rn of the O. & C. la n d . Go^ on (jygsg, first, Apron, first, were found with 'th e skeleton. eral ideas, by which they may i nearest police officer. Chief of i ing to reports reaching here. DEAD, O THERS DYING who has been city treasu rer for grants to the public domain, h e , g^raw second, Complete out- •help th e growth and properlty of Police McNab went to the scene WOMAN FA IN TS W HEN The N icaraguna government, a num ber of years, is to be op- i testified, he viewed it as an op- fR firgt WHEELING, W Va., Oct. 16— ACQUITTED OF M URDER Ashland. of the crash, but upon his ar- bowever> 8aid R wa8 ia control of posed by G arland Hollowell, who portunity to locate prospective. School Group W ork > At leaet one man was killed and At the end of his speech, En­ rival, found the man in the heavy thg gituation is connected w ith the Bank of homesteaders, and planned a c -; Mechanical draw ing, ls t. Maps, ders led the student body in sev­ it is feared the bodies of others car had departed. He immediate- _________________ MIDDLETOWN, Conn., Oct. 16. Commerce, and resident of W e s t, cordingly. The witness had a gnd gen^ence work, lst, Penman- may be found in the ruins of a eral school songs>. ly telephoned the Medford police, BETTY COMPSON TO Linn for several years. P eter ready knowledge of all phases of gb.p 3rd m ust ra ted story, 2nd. — Mrs. Johanna Tell, was acq u it­ section of the steel bridge ovei- and when the big car was driven ted of m anslaughter by a jury WED HER DIRECTOR W inkel, ex-merchant of W’est Linn ; th e land grants, which he testifi- p^nman8bipf jgt. Freehand Draw­ the Ohio river which collapsed into town, the driver was placed here today in the case of the slay­ ls seeking the chief of police po- j ed he had gleaned from the Con- {ng lg t L ettering, 2nd. W ater The fleet of electric industrial here yesterday. under arrest, and returned to LOS ANGELES. Oct. 16. — sitjon ; gressional Records. He said he Color, - ___ W eaving, ing of C harles.B lair, her employ- 1st, 2nd. « Paper er, April 8, last. Mrs. Tell after trucks, which with special bodies' A lbert Counter, one of 35 work- ABb| and He was released when Jam es Cruze, motion picture di­ had located over 300 homestead- 2nd. Posters, 1st, 3rd. Cooking m . the verdict, rose in her chair, and 'were converted into m iniature men engaged in repairing the he made arrangem ents for paying rector, today obtained a license ers on claims in w estern Oregon Aprons., ls t. Special, at. o w es ^bgn back, overcome w ith sight-seeing buses to carry visit-, structure, dropped 50 feet to his for Gie r^pftjr8 on W eagant’« to m arry Betty Compson, film ac­ Keeping the United States “ lit counties, and in 1922 moved to (se t), 1st. Rag Dolls, 3rd. i ors about the grounds of the Brit- death when the girders gave way truck, tress, whom he has directed in a relief, up” last year required 243,000,- San Diego. Calif., from G rants STATE FAIR ish Em pire Exhibit a t Wembly, in with a crash heard for blocks. num ber of pictures. 000 electric lamps. Of .this num- Pass, largely on account of his Club Classes: A crowded street car had cross- Gardiner — One mile road to a few days more than three The wedding will take place M arshfield — Coos and Curry her less than two million were of daughter’s health. * * Vegetable gardening, 2nd, Bar- Sou. Pac. depot at East Gardinermonths carried a million passen- ed the bridge ju st before the ac-^ County Tel. Co. building new 5-j here probably tomorrow, it was th e carbon filament type of elec-| --------------------------- cident. Btory home. announced. belng graveled. I®re- (Continued on page 4) trie lamp. fh e Tiding’» Ads B ring R esults LICENSE PE VOIDED BE IRUE TO AMERICA ! DIRECTORS 10 OPEN PRESIDENT COOLIDGE ! NEW HOTEL BIDS AT­ TELES FOREIGN BORN MEETING TOMORROW SUHS Filli DIVORCt BY ASHLAND P10PLE EHL TESTIFIES IN MAN SLIGH11Y HURT