L ió , page - d»T evening. Oct. 1«. Third d e -| P . E. jero u ld of Portland wgs gan PrM cl8eo IBd undergoing I “ X d t a / ' t o X c i X y ol Com! gree. Team of Lithians will con- j ¡n Ashland yesterday attending- to an operation. merce H erbert Hoover. fer degrees. Light refreshm ents business interests here. “W hen airplanes are operated a fte r work. Meet af r brief ses­ R ecovered— commercially a t 5/00 miles an sion of Siskiyou Cha er. Special Auto Accident Policy Sufficiently recovered' from in- hour, then we may look for a re ­ M. H. El IS, W. M., for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo jurie8 suffered Saturday morning volutionizing of the system of W. II. DAY, Secy. of course. 24-tf on tjje A shland-Klam ath Falls aerial tran sp o rtatio n ,” Hoover 38— 2 highway when his car left thè ! (jeciare(| H unting— grade several miles west of Keno, I The gecret a ry explained the J. N. Dennis is taking a short j ^ orace Œ WiU}on, form er U. s ’ Siskiyou Chapter N o. 21 success of civil aeronautics in trip to the Klamath 'lake region ; j Q(jj,a ^ agent, ¿returned Monday Europe. R. A. M. hunting ducks. to his home in Roseburg. Wil­ Pointing out th a t train travel The name “Infantile paralysis” M asonic H all, A shland son’s wife arrived Monday to ac­ is com paratively slow from Eng­ is a mismomer, as this is not a We deliver the goode -Detricks company her husband home. As land to the .Continent and in v ar­ N otice o f M eeting desease confined strictly to in - : 94-tf a result of the accident, Wilson ious parts of Europe, Hoover said fancy nor is paralysis a constant Stated convocation Thursday Chamoisette Gloves with frill cuffs Children’s Knit Bloomers was tem porarily out of his head th a t the airplane was bringing symptom. The disease is not evening, Oct,. 16. Meet a t 7:30. H unting— Saturday afternoon and night, the capitals of the Old W orld common and were it not for the All* companions Invited. E. E. Phipps and Mr. Wild left and it was found necessary to closer together than they ever disability th a t it occasionally F. D. WAGNER, II. P. this afternoon on a several d a y s ! place him in solitary confinem ent could be brought by rail. W. II. DAY, Secy. causes, it would not receive the S aves Much Tim e 38— 1 hunting trip. in the city jail until his condi­ wide-spread attention th a t it does Gauntlet Cuff. These in tan and For instance, it was shown th at a t the present time. Epidemics Children’s dark Sateen Bloomers tion improved. His car, accord- grey shades Have th a t old suit made new. it requires eight hours or more ■ ing to the sh eriff’s office, is T o P ortland— in all sizes occur every few years in tem per­ Phone 119, Paulserud’s. 33— tf Miss Helene Biede and Mrs. H. nearly- a total wreck.— Klam ath to go from London to Paris by ate climates. It is a general rail to the B ritish coast, thence infection due to filterable virus. C. Stock left yesterday for P ort­ , Falls Herald. T akes V acation— across the Channel by boat and Flexner and N oguchii have cul-1 land where they will spend sev­ Miss Myrta O tterdale will take again by rail to the French Capi­ tlvated the virus and produced eral days on business. a vacation during the rem ainder Football Practice— tal. A irplane ‘travel cuts the dis­ th e disease in monkeys. Rose now’ Wool Hose in dark shades, for of the week and her place will The Lithian football team had tance to a couple of hours or a considers streptococci having an I hope the women of Ashland be taken by Miss Bessie McMillan, signal practice a t the Armory last little over. The same conditions ■affinity for the central nervous ladies. Prices from Special sale prices on Wool, Silk will make this the best and big -1 .. » 1 night, with about tw enty prospec- .apply to travel Jro m London to system as th e excitants of the de­ and Cotton Underwear. gest election ever held in Jack- Ju st received a fresh supply of tive players present. No games th e other European capitals. sease. Cases occur singly and in st>n county. My num ber on the old fashioned mill serial products have been definitely scheduled as On the o th er-hand, in th e Un­ epidemics. The m ajority of cases • Ballot is 72. 38— 3 a t the East Side Grocery. 38— 1 yet, but it will be announced in ited States, with rail tran sp o rta­ occur in children -under five years Outing Flannel Gowns in white and tion developed to a high degree, a short time as to the game at of agp. One attack apparently p ro­ In Ashland— Wool Hose for children, in long and colors; long and short sleeves; high Born— little w orking time is lost in tra v ­ tects as second attacks are very G iants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mow of cuff tops. Shades of Brown and tan To Mr. and Mrs. C. N. H am il-' and low neck el between cities. Since air travel rare. Children w ith a history the Dead Indian country were in ton on Liberty street, October Í f>n Vacation— is as yet im practical a t night, it Ashland Saturday doing shopping. 10th, a son. Frank R. M errill, local street was shown th a t in an airplane commissioner, left this morning trip from W ashington to Chicago Hennafoam im parts a natural Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ for Sacram ento where he will as much or more daylight w ork­ Lustre 50c— McNair Bros. One special lot in light shades at ity Bread, from tho oven over spend several weeks on a vacation ing time would be lost than in Ladies’ knit Bloomers in pink and the counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6 visiting with his son and daugh­ m aking the trip by rail. H ere- white The New York, Cleveland, ter in the south. W alter H arris of Dead Indian P ittsburgh, A tlanta from W ash­ B om — was doing business in Ashland ington the same conditions ob­ To Mr. and' Mrs. Lynn Slack on V. M. C. A. Secretary— yesterday. tain. Similarly, w ithin the over­ E ast Main street, October 11th, A. E. Young, in terstate boy sec­ Outing Flannel, per yard Also dark Sateens CIL and GASOLINE night train rid e of New York, a son. retary of the Y. M. C. A. was in Best m ilk— Lininger’s Dairy, Chicago or other large cities, lie Ashland today on business from 10e quart. Phone 396R and 369J. and you will be convinced g reater num bers of communities Nellie M. Perl has always been Portland. 2 6—tf where business men desire to op­ that they are the best on This is a heavy quality, 36 in. wide loyal to Ashland. W hen we tried ; ■ erate. Airplane travel to these the market. H ere on B u sin ess— to go over the top with the Nor- ! Pioneer Reunion__ cities would waste practically the E. A. Peterson of Edgewood, mal, she came over and worked Tomorrow the annual pioneer same or more daylight tim e than Out size Bloomers in colors and . 38— 3 reunion will be held at Jackson­ Cal., was in Ashland yesterday hard for us. the railroads. white, in dainty and practical ma­ andi today shopping and doing ville and a num ber of people are terials other business. For Missouri— expecting to attend from Ashland. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Mrs. H. G. Enders, Sr., will 12LGOODS. N o a gen t in Southern Oregon leave this evening for A m ster­ BOULEVARD and SHERM AN EXTRA $ 5 0 MONTHLY; no can w rite b etter A uto insurance dam, Missouri, where she will vis­ selling; no canvassing; positive­ or a t low er rates than th e Staples it for severall months with her ly no investm ent; employed peo­ A gency, mother. ple preferred, w rite quick. Dept. 777, G-L-M Company, 340 W. R eturns Hom Imogene W allace, Piano and Huron, Chicago. 38— 1* H. S. Emery returned home last Harmony Studio, Second floor BELFAST, Ireland, Oct. 15.— evening after visiting in Portland Beaver Bldg. 30— tf “ For God’s sake, settle your own W ANTED:— Well bred Collie for the past month. 38— 3* affairs w ithout bloodshed!” was pup. Phone 441J. Visit, Lodge— - . the advice of H arold Speakman, FO R SALE:— Green pickling Let us fill your pah with Swifts Mrs. Nellie M. Perl, Mrs. Lot­ a young American au th o r-artist, Sliver Lea: lard. Costs less than tie Howard, Mrs. Charlie Pickle ! to the people of U lster and of the tom atoes lc per pound. Pick them shortening. Goes fa ier and is and Mrs. Minnie Boardman of Irish Free State, a fte r he had yourself. Bring boxes. J. C. Ber- more nutritious. Deti ks. 94-tf Medford were in Ashland last eve-; made an 800-mile tram p through rang, on highway north of Jack- 38— 3 ning and attended the m eeting of alm ost the en tire island, with son Springs. Spends Day— a donkey and cart to carry his the Rebekah lodge. FOR SALE:— Ford touring car C. E. Hickman, division com­ supplies. 123 Church St. 38— 3* mercial superintendent of the Pa­ MARCEL AND CURL LAST • “ In the south, as well as in the cific Telephone and Telegraph LONGER after a Golden Glint j north, there are thousands of FOR SA LE:— Saddle pony and Co., of Portland spent yesterday Shampoo. saddle. Inquire 49, 4th St. 38— 6* , good, sincere people who, above » in Ashland at the local office. all things, wish a peaceful settle­ FOR SA LE:— Good Spitzen- m ent of affairs,” Speakman de­ F or M in n e a p o lis - burg Apples — Culls at Bagley Sweet cream for whipping and Mrs. C. V. Beeler left Monday clared. “ It should constantly be Canning Company packinghouse, coffee— also fresh milk, always evening for Minneapolis, Minn., remembered th a t U lster and the on tee at the Plaza. 239— tfc where she was called on account Free State are geographically Talent. 50c per box. Bring your boxes. 38— 4 her bound together for b etter or for of the serious illness of These garments are not just in the style—THEY ARE THE R eturn— worse, and recourse to force of Ö-ROOM Modern House, 2 daughter, Mrs. Peterson. STYLE. They have the swagger, smartness that young men Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore re­ any kind would seriously injure blocks from H aw thorne school turned yesterday from Idaho, reeognizeas the mark of the real thing. Complete line of Ashland Can- and perhaps ruin both sections of on paved street, well furnished. the country.” where they have spent the past aed Goods a t Detricks. Lot 80x160. P arty leaving town. 94-tf Speakm an’s tram p through Ire ­ For quick sale $3250, on good two weeks visiting with friends land, in search of .material and term s at 6 per cent. W. W. Robi­ and relatives. R<4uni to A shland— local color for a new book on Ire: son, 63 North Main St. 38— tf Mrs. Mary M. Dunn returned Save $10.00, walk upstairs to to Ashland today after visiting in land, “ a kind of Irish Odyssey,” Orres tailor shop. 17— tf Portland for several months. She has been a real lark. “ In fact,” he declared, “ the sport has been so was accompanied by Mrs. Rice of good th a t it will be a shame to To M edford— Portland. TH E THEATER BEAUTIFUL take the money I shall derive W. W. Robison and S. D. Tay­ from my book.” lor attended the meeting of the If you have not used the whole Speakman has had other sim i­ TODAY — TOMORROW Sunday school officers In Med­ grain serial products, you should. lar larks in different parts of the ford last evening to plan for the They are the most healthful.— world, chiefly in China and Pales­ CZ o m / j ìl i n L j convention to be held November 7. East Side Grocery. 38— 1 tine, after whiih he w rote the «UDggure •W here Y onr D ollar H as More Cents* books, “ Beyond Shanghai”’ and Pay less and dress better— get In A s h l a n d - “ Hilltops in Galilee.” your Fall Suit at Paulserud’s. Mrs. Holling of Visallla, W ash., 33— tf arrived in A shland Monday to be A shland Lodge No. 3 8 A. F . & A . M. A Pocket Ben W atches, $1.50— McNair Bros. Mid-Week Specials cru $1.25 $1.00 49c ' $1.00 98c' $2.50 60c $1.00 $1.49' $2.50 One Trail of $1.19 $1.00 SHELL 25c 85c to$2.50 IV. 6 N. Service $1.50 “ $3.00 Station SETTLEMENT URGED YOUNG M EN w ant the real thing and here it is SO TS and OVERCOATS Priced Right $25 lo $40 SPOTLIGHTING GETS F IN E E xcavation— The excavation for the new to u rist hotel is about completed and all is in readiness for the opening of the bids next Friday, Oct. 17. T. L. Powell has had charge of the excavation. with her son, George Holling, who was badly Injured in a mo- torcydle accident last week on the highway south of Ashland. Bill Holling, who was traveling with his cousin at the tim e of the ac­ cident, has returned to his home at Visallia. ROSEBURG, Oct. 15.— H. C. Clark of Melrose was fined $150 in the local justice court Monday for “ spotlighting” a doe on the Pacific highway near Canyonville. T hat th is practice Is general Is attested by the fact th a t the car­ casses of 15 doe and fawns have been found In the canyon recent­ Liquid Sunshine for your hair. ly. Hennafoam 50c — McNair Bros. We have sold dozens of our Bpecially-priced blankets. You will need some extra ones this w inter. Buy them now — The At; F a lls— Army Goods Store. 37— 3 Mrs. John Fach, sister of Mrs. John R hinehart of this city, suf­ B u ild in g Storeroom — fered a stroke of paralysis Mon­ The hardw are departm ent of day. Mrs. R hinehart was taken the Enders Company is being en­ to K lam ath Falls Monday evening larged and a storeroom is being to be with h er sister. b u ilt adjoining it. The Enders house which was recently moved Cliff Payne makes book racks. in back of the building ia also undergoing some renovation. M eeting Changed— The Hi-Y organization of the To M arshfield— high school has changed the Mr. Fehige left this morning meeting this week to tonight in­ for M arshfield where he is ta k ­ stead of tomorrow night, in o r­ ing a truck load of groceries, for der to hear Mr. Young who is in the Enders company. Mr. Fehige town today and will talk to them will retu rn to Ashland with a this evening. load of cheese. You are welcome to compare You probably alreai v need ex­ my Automobile rates with any tra blankets. You can buy them other rates in Jackson or Jose­ a t a bargain price a t The Army phine Counties; you can be the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. Goods Store while they last. 30— tf 87— 3 Potatoes Yes, The Best No. 1 Netted Gem Potatoes $2.25 per 100 5 sack lqts $2.15 These are the bestwinter potatoes and undoubtedly the lowest price we will have this fall. So get your supply now. Plaza Market* H. A. Stearns 61 N. Main H arvest Sale of S ilks 1000 Yards of Fine Q uality Silks a t Much læss T han R egular Prices * > M arion Davies IN “LITTLE OLD NEW YORK” Ask someone who has seen those funny plas- tigrams. They are on again tonight. 3 Charmeuse Satin . Canton Crepe Crepe Satin $1.69 Yard $1.98 Yard $2.69 Yard Black— 8 6 inches w ide; Sold R egular- ly at $ 2 .2 5 yard. Navy B lu e and B lack— 40 incites wide; Sold R egu larly at $ 2 .4 8 yard. 4 0 inches wide; come* in light shades for ev e n in g w ear, and «lark colors. Crepe de Chine Two-Tone Taffeta Dutchess Satin $1.75 Yard $1.89 Yard $1.98 Yard 4 0 inches w ide; com es in all th e new and w anted colors; $ 2 .2 5 yd. R egularly 3 6 inches w ide; com es in, beautiful color com binations; $ 2 .4 8 yd. R egularly Your November Delin­ eator is Here E. R. ISAAC & CO. “The Q uality Store” 3 0 inch; com es in Black only; R egnlarly at $ 2 .2 5 yard. Mold Use the Butterick Pat­ tern with the Deltor