Classified Column Classified Coltomn Rates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month or more, V4c the word each time. - PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS OR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. i IN THE CIRCUIT COURT O f] THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY RQSE M. HOYT, plaintiff, Tidings j ’ •. DR. C. W. HANSON ________ D en tist vs. (Mober I A, iiliG ----- — — IM— — — big fiitufeg tè he l!£tde in Ore­ GOLD O U TPU T IN UOST CHILDREN LOCATED I p al3ley - Creamerv reonens gon. Ré fctea hé?A*engag4d in UA¥ P 4 ' B¥ RWI° « c a s t i n g (ot bu„ Z and X , B«w« the motion Mietute ¿industry for *> M ILLIO N OUNCES -------- ' _______________ - i ihe past eighteen years and has I.OS ANGELES, ’ Oct. » always w «Z b hoped iu e aay OTTAWA tint n < i - r- i v '”” 15. — to som some day see, see Oregon tak e its place in the m o - L r ,i ‘ ’ ° ' Gold Radio is ProvinS the most effec- Oregon take its piade in the mo- GAINS 20 LOS t< HIRAM ----- H. --------------------------- HOYT, Defendant SUIT IN EQUITY FOR DIVORCEi Q ,t0 SU M M O N S _ N EURAIGIA ---------- S effri o a v , T n n l n r tlm »*<*»» world. He h a , W0J ? ouo ooo°„,‘L ? ° ° . P‘‘,s,e '1 ‘¡ H tlve metllod here <* locating lost or headache— rub the forehead » e g n n s a y s 9 TanMO, 4u^ h s I l.OOO.OOO-oonce m a rt lo r the • children. Within the last lew * i duced hundred of reels of scenica ’ ’ , — •“ luc 1 lu ,,u re u - w n iu n tne last few ’ w A ■ melt end inhale the vapore R estored H e a l t h and, news letters, comlgerclal film ’ ! ^ 01^ . timte siQCe 1900 ’a9t weeks ten children who strayed < 5 &£ a and plavs ■ . according to a report released by. from home have been located by S trength. Mootnaw wan t h , au th o r a n d ' ’ - ▼ - V . A u r— AOR rA U W B D FOR RENT Special attention given to pyor- TO: Hiram H. Hoyt, the abbvei — ----------------— —---------------- i rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver named Defendant FOR RENT Furnished house, Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. i IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 478 Boulevard. 36— lm o — _ _ -— --------------------------------------------------- ; OF OREGON, You are hereby “ Seven y e a r s of stomach T« “ ." |3 4 1 ounce,, valued at $25,702,- ' ------ ------------- DR. ERNEST A. WOODS__Prac- . and required , , n j i summoned * Stages will pay h definite profit every FOR SALE — or exchange for trip in actual money saved. Balm at any drug store. Apply a Office 89 Oak St. near selves ,in the proposition and are $35,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ The stage trav eler is rewarded iu three ways: Time saved, little of this pure, antisepti^ devoting considerable time and Hotel Ashland vated, free water, lots of it. 20 money saved, and health gained by clean, sootless, open air travel. head of large size Registered J e r­ T« L. POWELL— General Trans­ germ destroying cream into your energy in getting the first picture nostrils and let it penetrate started. -* seys, the finest strain in Oregon. For fu rth er inform ation and tickets fer— Good team and motor through every a ir passage of your', A rrangem ents, are now being 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, : Phone 47, A shland H otel trucks. G )od service at a rea- head and membranes. Instant re-: concluded to obtain the balance of 200 W hite Leghorn chickens, team eouab.’e price. Phone 83. Hef. j funds needed to finance the film- of Registered Im ported Perchon We m ake direct connections a t Roseburg for Coos Ray points. IIow good it feels. Your head ing of the first of the Oregon m ares 1900 lbs. each. About FEIIIGE-ROACH $3000.00 worth of farm equip-i is clear. Your nostrils are o p e n .! pictures through tem porary loans m ents, modern house, large barn ; T r a n s fe r— Express — Storage I you breathe freely. No more from various Portland business Dray work of a ll; hawking or snuffling. Head colds men, and it is hoped to have this and other buildings. Will take! Hauling nds, Quick motor service. Dry and cata rrh yield like magic.' Picture titled,’ “ The G reatest income property up to $20,000.00, wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Don’t stay stuffed up, choked u p ' Thing,” completed and ready for long tim e og balance at 6 per cent. 112-tf and miserable. Relief is sure. releasing concerns within the next Courtesy to brokers or agents. 375 B’ S t sixty days. J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland FLORIST Oregon. 33— 1 mo. F letcher Linn, well knowi One hundred and twenty-one Portland business man and fln-1 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in west coast sawmills for week end- ancier, has been madfc trustee of! From , -------------------- good condition; reasonably priced, H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed manufactured 105,001,- these loans. Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St. Co., tem corary location 399 bS3 lum ber; sold 88,439,917 Lewis H. Moomaw, an Oregon 32— tf Mountain A ve.. Cut flowers a n d 'feet: and shiPPed 102,991,668 boy. born and raised at Baker, floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo fCet’ will direct the filming of the f o u r ; MISCELLANEOUS 8 nt O pc r J Z M illion J a rs Ua* I I CANDIDATE for CORONER Nov. 4, ’24 Independent 7H E N you have a safety de- posit box at this bank, not only you are on guard, but the bank is on guard. Your box can be unlocked only with both keys. A safety deposit box in this bank is the best place for your valuables. The Citizens Bank of Ashland A shland, O regon Chesterfield ÇIGARETTES lillions!