ISHLAÑD DAILY TnttNtté ASHLAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S The lesson of the Rathbone report is plain, i t should be heeded.—Klamath News; W ednesday, O ctober 15, election. „ gave aa excellent review and the Peef, cooked with vegetables Hostesses for the meeting will book as set forth by her was -acd-put up-in-cans ready to serve (E stablished In 1876) be Mesdames E. D. Briggs, Homer found to be very interesting. after heating, is' a new food com­ Billings and Ed. Barron. P u blished Every Evening Except Sunday by Thp hext meeting will be held bination being placed on the m ar­ HOSPITALITY IN THE CITY ’ • • » THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. with Mrs. Robinette a t her home ket by the Rogue River Valley (Albany Democrat) Morris-Dunn Wedding'— on the Boulevard next Monday. Canning company. This company CALENDAR OP EVENTS Bort R. Greer ............................................................ ............................ Editor A very pretty wedding was s * • » A mother died recently in a town where she had lived has an order from a responsible George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager i , , , ,. 1 • A • • 1 o 1J 1 c Wednesday, Oct. 15. Auxiliary solemnized at the C ongregational; firm with a branch in Portland Party F or Teachers— jbiit a short time, leaving twin girls, 3 years old, a boy of^to Trinity Guild meets a t 7:30 at OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ..................................................... Telephone 39 parsonage Sunday m orning at All members of the Parent- for all of the product they can S a M n d ‘ t t the*A sh lan d /O regon P w to f fic e a s S ^ n d c ia ^ M a i l M attt» t w ° a n d a bafey of » few months. The m other’s m o t h e r | Episcopal Parish house. nine-thirty when Miss Obera Teachers Association and cfv ic turn out, a strong retail demand Oct 16. H awthorne went down to help her daughter when she became ill and! Thursday, T hursday, Oct. Subscription P rice, D elivered in City 1 0 j Circle Parent-Teachers Associa- Morris became the bride of Mr. Club are asked to attend the already having he^n created. Mr. One Month ........................................................................................... $ .65 later brought the children to her own home until the dis- tion Miller P. Dunn. The Reverend party for the teachers th a t will Bullis, the m anager, states ship­ will meet at Hawthorne W. Judson Oldfield officiated, u s - , be given at the Club house F ri­ m ents of potatoes, onions and 8^tjreMo^t°hsih^...."”\k..7’”’l ? ............................ ’........... 375 traeted husband could make some definite plan to care school at 3:30. ing the ring ceremony. The guests day evening. There will be cabbage from outside of Medford One Year .......................................................................................................... 7 .5 0 ¡for his little brood Friday, Oct. 17. D. A. R. will The grandmother’s report ran: were the immediate relatives. B y M ail and R ural R ou tes am usem ents for everyone and a have been necessary to take care “ You need not tell me people in the cities are not g ^ eat the home of Mrs' w- E- Mr. Dunn has been farm ing good time is anticipated. F a rth e r of th e ir shipments. From 140 to One Month ............................................................ ............................... $ 65 Three Months ........... ............................................................ with his brother on the Dunn t announcem ents, including 1.95 neighborly. Here was city of over 100,000 people and my the 160 people are employed. The Tuesday, Oct. 21. Civic Club Six Months .....t................................................... 3.50 , , . a ranch east of Ashland and Mrs. i program for the evening will be plant is located at Medford. One Year ................................................................................................ 6 50 daughter was almost a stranger. Yet all through her ill­ will meet a t club house. Good Dunn has been employed by the made later. ness, which was long and puzzling to the doctors, the program. DISPLAY ADVERTISING RATES M etropolitan Life Insurance com -' • ♦ • * * * Single insertion, per inch .......................................................... $ .30 neighbors were constantly doing tilings to help. They pany at Medford. They are both A u xiliary M eeting— Yearly Contracts A rt Club— very well known and popular One insertion a week ................................................................... .27% took the children for days at a time; they sent in food; The Auxiliary to the Trinity The Ladies A rt Club had a fine members of the younger set. Two insertions a week ...... *............................................................ .25 they did the marketing. There was not a day when sm e Guild will meet this evening a t ' m eeting at the Civic Club house Dally insertion ............................................................ ’___ .20 Upon the retu rn from their the Parish House for the first i of these people were not doing some kindness to my daugh-; Monday evening R ates for Legal and MiseeUaneous Advertising The principal i honeymoon they will make their F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 m eeting of the year. It will be j business of the evening was the home on Pennsylvania Avenue in ter or her family. in all sizes. One or tw o around Each subsequent Insertion, 8 point line ................................. .05 a combined business and social of officers. Mrs. G. A. this city. Card of Thanks ................................................................................ “ And when she died, leaving that baby less than a election 1.00 th e house entrances w ill s a te meeting, as some im portant busi­ your R uger was reelected president, O bituaries, per Mno ............................................. .......................... The many friends of the couple cai|H ‘ts. °2^ year old, there were four families who begged to have him Mrs. Clinton Baughm an elected extend the best wishes for a ness will be discussed. The presi­ W H AT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING dent, Mrs. John R. Edwards, is to keep as their own. Since I have brought them hom?, vice-president, Mrs. Edward bright and happy future. “All future events, where an admission charge is made or a Thornton, secretary, Mrs. Sam anxious., th a t every member be i TH E ASHLAND FU RNITUR E * * * a fifth offer lias come. None of the benefactors were collection taken is Advertising. COMPANY present. McNair, treasurer. Plans were No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. under any obligation to my daughter or her family; ex­ made for a card party which trill Study Club M eeting— • • • « 3 N. Main DONATIONS cept the common human bond.” The Ashland Study Club held New Food Product,— be given November 10th. No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ This little story is not big news, because, fortunately, At the close of the ev en in g 1 th eir second meeting of the year ing or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. the Hotel Ashland Monday i it is not* much out of the common run of events. But it delicious refreshm ents were serv- ■ ftt noon and enjoyed a luncheon. ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Pete OCTOBER 15 helps to emphasize, in a time when . much pessimism . is be Ahlstrom and Mrs. Fred Cushing. / fter an excellent meal the group WHAT GOD WILL DO:— He yviHl swallow up death in v ic to ry ;;. , , ,, , , , , . . . . . ,, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the i expressed, the tact that though life IS tuller than it fdjourned to the home of Mrs. rebuke of his people shall be taken away from off all th e earth: used to be, and houses are smaller, perhaps, and not T o G ive B en efit— Fred W aguer where the program [ for the Lord hath spoken it.— Isaiah 25:8. v a s given. Mrs. H. O. Anderson Friday evening the Rebekahs PRA Y ER:— Give to eac hof us w hatever our name or nation, everyone knows the name of the family next door, hearts Odd Fellows will give a bene­ gave the main feature of the pro­ the life th a t is in Christ Jesus, and then we shall both live and re- t ’ are still big enough and the blood of the race runs warm and joice evermore. fit social, for the purpose of rais­ gram. which was a review of the enough to give the needed help to those in affliction. ing money for the Odd Fellows hook “ True Adventures of the Grand Lodge which will pe given Secret Service.” Mrs. Anderson HELP THE BOYS here next May. Everyone is in­ NOW SWAT THE RAT At the Foruc luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce vited to attend as a good program « yesterday, three leaders in civic affairs, men well versed A Filipino worker in a Hawaiian sugar mill died of has been arranged and an ex­ 1 ! in the way of the boy, urged the co-operation of the mem­ but onic plague. Three rats infected with the disease have cellent time anticipated. S o c ie ty Cocoa Door Mats bers in their efforts to maintain a Y. M. C. A. in this city, following their talks, these men were applauded heartily, and it is our belief that each man present resolved to do his share ?n the work started by these speakers. But, as in many other lines the thought has slipped our mind. Private affairs, appearing to us at present much more im- portant than the far away Y. M. C. A. hold our attention. Tomorrow, the next day, and we have entirely forgitten our good resolutions. But what of the boy? Today, to­ morrow, a year from now, he is with us. Today’s boy is tomorrow’s man. And if we fail to do our part in mak­ ing the hoy the sort of a man we would wish to have for a citizen, for a neighbor, we are failing in our duty to our city and our country. In short, we are “ laying down on the job.” OUR AIR SUPERIORITY been caught. We spent $20,000,000,000 or so in killing human beings recently. Why not adjust human affairs in this world so a little money could be saved from the war cost to spend in fighting rats, the great carriers of plaugues and pestilences? . sPea* BAKING POWDCA 2*/s TIMES THOSE OF A NY OTHER DRANQ Try Fontana’s Spaghetti. It is made by the exclusive Fontana process, —full of flavor and nutrition and free from unpleasant starchiness. Only ten cents at all grocers. UNDERW EAR For healthful complexions eat foods made with Its greater leavening strength means ligh t bakings — perfect digestion , Winchester Store BETTER JUDGES NEEDED The Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court lias said that “ the administration of criminal law in this country is a disgrace,” and that crime “ is due largely to the failure of the law and its administration to bring criminals to justice.” The most serious obstacle to the enforcement of*the prohibition law is the administration of justice by judges out of sympathy with the law and a majority of the people of the United States. Courts administered by persons motivated by preju­ dices of any character imperiPthe security of the people. The courts of the District of Columbia particularly should be models for the cities of the nation. This ideal is not hopeless. The vacancy which will exist on the police court bench in the near future should be filled by the appointment of a man who will help to hasten that day. Such men are available. • * * ' M a ca r o n i Spaghetti - Vermicelli • Elbow Macaroni oodles [fine and wide] - T h e new macaroni specialties— Butterflies, Daisies, Alphabets and Sheila. W O O DSTOCK T Y P E W R IT E R S The one machine through sheer m erit and dependability has forged ahead to be one of the leaders in w riting machines. A marvel of SPEED, ENDURANCE and We are long on hosiery - M IT C H E L L S The Men’s Store By the Post Office • PERFECTION SEE THEM AT • ................. .............»»-»♦«♦»».........»»» Toilet Goods— Drug Sundries ELH ART’S Books and Stationery