A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. Thi8 is a proven fact. HMM MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semt-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. OU ICR ACTION BY PATROLMAN STOPS ROBBERY THESE FELLOWS RECEIVES BOOTLEGGER'S SALARIES » « a a a a a a a j a Burglars Surprised While « Engaged in i Holding H< Up a a Bank tt BANDITS MAKE ESCAPE !* _____ i a ■■ ■■■ -------- a NO. 38 ASHLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1924 PA R EN TS O P DYING BOY A R E LOCATED B Y RADIO DIRIGIBLE ZR-3 COMPLETES BIG S ATLANTIC T RIP a ¡a -------- a KLAMATH THUG DEFEATED CHINESE SOLDIERS INVES TIGA TION BELIEVED TO BE ARE AGAIN READY FOR BATTLE OF CHARGES IS IN B E N D JAIL LOS ANGELES, Oct. 15. tt tt — Radio served here to tt « bring a dying boy and his tt « parents together. tt tt An 11-year-old boy was tt « « » picked up on a street, tt « Chekaing Troopers Hope to Unite With Victorious Army. tt fatally injured as the re- tt « suit of a traffic accident, tt a Winning Faction Work With Foreigners. tt « He was taken to a hospital tt » Another Revolution May be Started. Borah Arrives in Chicago a Epochal Trip Ended When » and frantic efforts made tt McDonald Murderer Said to tt » to locate his parents. a for Opening Session of be Taken as White Big Ship Is Landed at SHANGHAI, Oct. 15—New Chinese administrators Finally the radio was re- tt » a Committee Slaver Lakehurst » sorted to and Mr. and Mrs. tt ruling Shanghai for the Peking government, as a result a a BREAKS ALL RECORDS« John Melton arrived a t the tt REWARD IS OFFERED of the. defeat of the Chekiang forces, yesterday worked in DEMANDS STATEMENT » hospital ju s t an hour be- tt a fore th eir son, Foster, .tt Murder Occurred D uring H oldup conjunction with foreign authorities, confident they would Slush Fuud M entioned by La » a j Journey from Frelderichshafen PasNing O fficers See T hugs In- a tt died. They were informed tt a t K lam ath F a lls L ast Year, he able to avert disturbances incident to the change in F o llette in Speeciies W ill be 8 tttttttt» tttt8 tttttttt Completed in Record Time of sM e Rank. S hots Are Ex­ » of th eir son’s accident tt Looked Into local government. D ead Man W as P opular Three and a H alf Days changed; No Injuries » while a musical concert tt At 7 o’clock last night the tension was relaxing and tt CHICAGO, Oct. 15. — The KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 15.— LAKEHURST, Oct. 15. — n was Interrupted. PORTLAND. Oct. 15. — Quick it was no longer expected that disorders would occur. » t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t tttt » n Senatorial investigation of Sena­ The m urderer of Dan McDonald, Shim mering in the sunlight, the action on the part of Patrollm an Twenty thousand leaderless Chekiang troops, scat­ tor La Follette’s sensational who was killed in Chiloquin Sep- great silver coated dirigible, ZR-3 Andy Larson routed five bandits “ slush fund" charges got under tered along the railway line between Shanghai and Hwan- | tem ber 29 of laBt year, is believ- soared m ajestically into the Lake­ engaged in robbing the George way today, with the arrival of h u rst landing field a t 9:50 this 1 ed to be in jail a t Bend and W. Bales and Co. Bank in the igtu, not only seemed willing, hut expected to be enrolled Senator Borah of Idaho, chairm an morning, completing an epochal Sheriff Lloyd Low has gone there Albina business district here to ­ in the victorious Kiangsu armies. of the committee. Borah issued 4,200 mile trip across the At­ i to assist in the identification of day. ______________________ | The arriving Kiangsu troops demands on the national pilots lantic from JFriedenichfihafen, , th e man and secure his retu rn A sum, aggregating $29,000, ■ are treating their erstw hile en- P ortland Police H urry to Scenei Germany. ' * of the Republican, Democratic here for trial. which the bandits had removed j I emies with indifference, probab­ and Progressive campaigns for of Alleged Holdup to Find Mighty cheers went up from the j According to a message re­ from the vaults, was saved b y { ly as the result of instructions reports with the names, am ounts Girl G agged, Round j throng gathered to witness the ceived by Sheriff Low yesterday Larson, who fired several shots they received after the Chekiang and other details relative to all arrival, when the great dirigible afternoon from th e sheriff of De­ a t the bandits, who escaped in a forces quit fighting. Club Leaders Appear B efore The­ schutes county a uuan is _Jield contributions. floated aloft life a lazy whale, Studebaker automobile, bearing PORTLAND, Oct. 15. — A de­ Three thousand Chekiang sol­ atre M anager to A sk The first session of the com­ there by federal officers on a the California license. 964-361. sire for publicity and a th rill prior to landing. T he dirigible diers, fully arm ed, holding field m ittee will be held tomorrow. C ancellation [ ! landed at 9:55. w hite slave charge and the wo­ Larson, passing in a street car, caused Genevieve H uddleston, 16 j guns and heavy am m unition, are Senators Byard of Delaware, C ar­ The ZR-3 made the long non- man in the case says th a t this noticed several persons in the 919 1-2 Hast E verett street, to quartered in the vicinity of away of A rkansas, Shipstead of PORTLAND, Oct. 15.— A com­ m an has adm itted to h er th a t he to the phenomenal bank with their arras in the air. invent a weird tale of a holdup stop Shanghai north of the station Minnesota and Jones of W ash­ The patrolm an got off the car, yesterday th a t sent uniform ed p o -! tim e of 8Q hours’ an average of m ittee representing approxim ate­ killed McDonald a t Chiloquin last Captain and Crew in Irons Uol-^c| ose ^he boundary of the in- ington are expected to be on hand? and advanced toward the bank licemen and detectives scurrying clo9e to a m ile a m inute- TTiis ly 12,000 women in the clubs be­ year. lowing R a d on Liquor Car- ternational settlem ent. The flight exceeded as a commercial longing to the Portland Federa­ The m urder of McDonald was with a draw n revolver. The ban­ tn her home piers by Guard Cutter troops have food to last them feat, anything on record, over­ tion of W omen’s O rganizations! the sensation of J h e hour here d it’s lookout spotted him, and Bound hand and foot and .gag­ several days. All of their higher FRENCH AIRMAN SETS NEW ALTITUDE MARK opened fire, which Larson re tu rn , ged, she was found lying on her shadowing the achievem ents of Monday called upon J,. A. Johnson, and besides a re g a rd offered by SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 15.— officers have disappeared, how­ ed. The other bandits scurried bed by her mother. The m other the giant liner, the Leviathan m anager of th e Pantages th eater, the Ew auna Box company for Because the swift steam er Quadra. ever. PARIS, Oct. 15. — The world’s during the shooting, and escaped I immediately telephoned for the which spanned th e A tlantic in to protest the appearance in P ort­ whom McDonald was w orking at supposed rum runner from Van-j The Chinese Chamber of Com- four and one half days. The ZR-3 land of “ F a tty ” Arbuckle, book­ the tim e of his death, many of airplane altitude record of 11,- 1 police. A half dozen police cars in the w aiting automobile. couver, B. C., failed to receive a merce at a m eeting today said made the trip in less than three ed by the local th eater for Oc­ his personal friends joined In 145 m eters (6,555 feet), made W. Birrell, cashier of the bank, and a small arm y of motorcycle perfectly innocent appearing wire­ th a t body was willing to make and one half days. tober 27. augm enting the amount. by the French aviator Sadi Le- endeavored to ring the police ’ men rushed to the scene. Visions less message Sunday th a t some- payments to disperse the Chek- Mrs. R. G. Brand, vice-presi­ The evening of September 29 cointe in October. 1923. was alarm , but the bandits knocked of a terrible crime filled the body’s grandm other was about to I iang troops from the vicinity of dent of the city federation, was 1923, four men, of whom McDon­ die, or some other such re p o rt,! Shanghai, eclipsed at Villa Couhlay Friday him unconscious with a blow on minds of the officers — then ’ It was believed the chairm an of the committee, other ald was one, were in a tent at the by the French aviator Callizo, who the head with the butt of a re­ Jam es M. Tackaberry, detective, ‘ coastguard officials said, she is ; individual gratuity system would members of which were Miss Mar­ Ew auna camp near Chiloquin set the mark at 12,066 meters. volver. after a half h o u r’s questioning swinging at anchor in the stream be adopted. th a R andall, superintendent of playing poker. Suddenly two This announcem ent was made elicited the tru th and the p o lice,. off F o rt Mason today, a prize of Refugees from the war torn today after an official examina­ the women’s protective division, masked men with guns entered thoroughly disgusted and dis-1 the long-drawn-out rum war, with area continued to stream into who is social w elfare chairm an tion of the altitude registering the te n t and demanded “ Hands grunted, returned to their s ta - ! 30 prisoners and a liquor cargo I Shanghai today while reports of the city federation, and Mrs. up,” In the sudden commotion instrum ents on Callizo’s machine. tions. valued at $500,000 aboard. I were being received that looting M. W. Wyville, who represents The aviator had been training for one of the players knocked over The girl, according to the story! Two men from the crew of t h e ; and disorder was prevalent in the three years in an endeavor to his chair and fell over it. In the the Portland W omen's Research which she first told was sitting coastguard cutter Shawnee, which I Chinese area. SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 15— break the record club with the federated body. Mrs. moment th a t the attention of the by the fire at her home, about effected the capture, and two Chi Shieh-Yuan. m ilitary gov­ Mark Coilins, accused of m urder­ robbers were directed to this oc­ W yville is on the motion picture 10:30 o’clock yesterday morning" more from the customs guard are ernor of Kiangsu province, when a middle-aged and red-hair­ ing C. H. McQuown, a form er com m ittee of the Oregon Federa­ currence McDonald moved to get aboard, keeping arm ed vigil over whose armies started the first of- into position to strik e one of the ed b urglar entered the rear door mayor of Buhl, Idaho, may be in­ tion of W omen’s Clubs. the sullen crew and the skipper. I fense against the Chekiang forces, volved In the strange disappear­ hold-up men. Turning quickly Mr. Johnson agreed to add the ABOARD THE LA FOLLETTE of her home and demanded her who will not tell his name or re- was expected to arrive here early ance and possible m urder of Mr. protest of the clubwomen to the robber caught McDonald in SPECIAL, E nroute to Des Moines, money. veal his shipping manifest. The tonight. On her reply th at she had noth­ and Mrs. C. D. O’Day of Ashland, those which he is reporting to the act and shot him through the disposition of boat skipper and la., Oct. 15. — Pressing his In ­ Victorious troops from Hupeh dependent Presidential drive ing, she said lie struck her. Then Ore., according to inform ation re­ Alexander Pantages in Los An­ h eart causing instant death. crew aw aits the opening of the province arrived yesterday in The two men fled and left no ceived by the sheriff today. Col­ geles. The committee, of which through the center of the corn she lost consciousness. British consul general’s ocice to- commands of 1000 men. Troops Mrs. Brand is chairm an, has in­ trace. One was believed to be lins is a brother of Mfrs. O’Day, Patrolm an Mike Lillis, who was belt. Senator La Follette brought morrow after today’s holiday, as I under Wu Pan-Chuan took over his campaign into Iowa for the the first to reach th e scene on He was arrested Saturday night structions from the federated a Mexican and the o th er white. A some international quirks must be the Lungwha Yamen, while a unit SAN DIEGO. Oct. 15. — The first time today, with another ap­ the m other’s calls for help, was I following an attem pted holdup clubs to call upon the city coun­ coat which one of the men left straightened out by reason of the under Chow Foh-Han took poss­ start of the Navy dirigible Shen­ dubious and Tackaberry. who a r - , and m urder of McQuow^n, who cil and request it to ban A r­ had th e name of B. Caplno in the Quadr?,’s British registry. pear for the farm vote. ession of the Lungwha arsenal andoah for Camp Lewis, W ash­ In this agricultural state, see­ rived with the detectives to take was m otoring op. a little travel- buckle’s act, unless the Pantages pocket and th a t has been believed The Quadra was boarded seven and the Shanghai-Hangchow rail­ ington was delayed another 24 to be the Mexican. th eater will agree to cancel his thing with political -activity, La charge of the investigation? i ^ d ctiy street with a woman com- and one-half miles west of North way station. hours today, following word th at P ortland booking. prom ptly expressed his d is tru s t' panlon. Collins has denied any McDonald was considered the F ollette again pledged himself, if The invading troops made but Farallon island. bad w eather was prevailing in the best blacksm ith in K lam ath coun­ elected President, to summon a of the girl s story. , connection with the crime. W hile engaged with the Qua­ one requirem ent of the conquer­ north. ty and was popular among his special session of Congress, to A fter the girl had been q u e s-; The di8appearance of the O’- d ra the Shawnee sighted another ed Chekiang soldier — they must The giant a ir liner may not associates and had a legion of pass emergency legislation for the tioned for a half hour she broke , Days maye bg traced to ColliQ8f big boat, believed to be the wear a distinctive head gear pre­ leave for a few days, owing to un­ friends. down and confessed th at she. relief of farm ers of the nation. the officers think. Collins is al Prlncipio, another supposed rum scribed by the winning forces. settled w eather in the Northwest. moved by type of lurid fiction < He has virtually decided to leged to have stolen an autom o­ runner, steam ing steadily w e st-! The big ship has been moored here abandon his proposed trip to the which she had been reading, had bile in K lam ath Falls on the w ard, w-ell outside the treaty ( ANOTHER MURDER for five days, aw aiting a chance Pacific Coast, and to devote the invented the whole story of the night of September 27, the Ore­ lim it or the Shawnee’3 one-pound- j MARKS TONG WAR to hop. following th e repairs rem aining time to campaigning in crime. Because of her age, the er. She had evidently caught the j gon authorities having notified which were made to the rear gon­ the Middle W est. The fact that police laid no charges and did NEW YORK, Oct. 15. — An­ wireless message that the Quadra I Salt Lake and the num ber of the dola. It is believed the trip from not attem pt to arrest her. his running mate. Senator Burton other m urder told Chinatown yes­ had missed. stolen ear and th a t of Collins co­ Sandiego to Camp Lewis will be Plans now under way >for the W heeler is campaigning on the j terday th a t the feud between the incide. made in about 20 hours, actual coast is advanced as his reason for j fifth annual W inter Fair, to be On Leong and Hip Sing tongs in Collins is also wanted in Chico, flying time. staged here December 3-4-B-6 in­ abandoning the trip to the Coast Cal., for highway robbery. The clude a giant poultry show, to be half a dozen cities is still on, al­ officers here think there may be held in the Armory, with evening though a “ peace conference” had CHILDREN KILLED OREGON SHARE OF a possiblity th a t O’Day m ight entertainm ents, to be held in the been called here this afternoon. IN MEXICAN RAID FOREST RECEIPTS Un Ting, a Chinese employed have been implicated in the Chi- same building. The local Hl Y. Club under the TOTALS $176,943 ' co robbery, although th a t is un- In the past, it has been the in a Brooklyn laundry, was shot SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Oct. 15. leadership of Albie Beck. Presl- to death this m orning by three ‘ T ourist travel through Ashland dent and y Q N Smltht Ad. ! likely. custom of the m erchants of Ash­ — While Alejandro Lubbert, con­ WASHINGTON, D. C„ Oct. 15 men who arrived and escaped in continues as strong as ever, ac- yjgor> wyj initiate six members sul general for Mexico here, Collins and his wife deny they land to install booths at the fair, — Under the law which gives to I have been in K lam ath Falls or necessitating the employment of a taxicab. They shot Un after cording to registration figuies tonigI»t. Three other members steadfastly declared th at condi­ Btates 25 per cent of the reciepts , , Sheriff Terrill Tuesday told a | Ashland. Both claim they came a great deal of floor space. This a sh o rt argum ent. compiled in the cham ber of com -‘ will come by tran8fer from other tions are tranquil in his country. of sales of tim ber of nationa or , qpjdjnga representative th a t the 1 Leaders of the two tongs were est reserve, Oregon is to rece ve . cr| minaj business was ra th e r ! here direct from Stockton, Cal., year, according to Jl H. Fuller, to meet this afternoon with Dr. merce offices here. According to club3 This will bring the total United States government agents J. H. Fuller, seretary of the or- membership up to twenty and per- today confirmed a report coming secretary of the Cham ber of Com­ the sum of $176,943 for the last ¡ b rjgj. a ^ pre8ent an¿ th a t he had i Carleton Simon, deputy police ganization, 36 cars were register- haps two or three others will be across the border tliat more than merce, the attractio n s of the fair fiscal year. National forests in handled several interesting c a se s1 commissioner, and a representa­ ed here yesterday, a very good taken in a little later. However 100 men. women and children will be centralized in the poultry DUALI yn the state contributed the follow­ during the last few days 'th e membership Is limited and the were massacred in the town of show, while the m erchants will tive of th e Chinese consulate at showing for the late season. . ing am ounts: W ashington. Dr. Carleton Simon One of these was the detection . Of the 36 cars registered, one pla n is not to make the club too Tuxpla, Guiterrez, state of Chai- be asked to make special window Cascade, $13,361; C rater, $49,- of two boys who had robbed the hoped to induce both sides to was from Colorado, one from Ne- large. pas late Monday. displays. Special aw ards for the 863; Deschutes, $12,833; F re ­ Slater Johnson house of abouti sign a form al peace treaty, al­ vada. one from Utah, one fro m ! The local club is one unit in best decorated windows will be m ont, $4016; K lam ath, $2220; $200 in silverware. The sheriff though a previous conference with Kansas, two from Missouri, one the large organization of high FIRE FROM FLYING aw arded, and in this m an n er,‘ it M alheur, $6757; Mount Hood, got the fingerprints from the I th a t object in view failed of its UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, is hoped to a ttra c t attention to from New Mexico, two from Ida- school boys throughout the coun $6315; Ochoco. $4952; Santiam, SPARKS DOES SLIGHT Slater residence door where the Eugene, Oct. 16. — Don Skene, the stores in the city, in addition purpose. $40,375; Siskiyou, $423; S inslaw .' ho, and twenty-nine from Cali- try, banded together to stand for DAMAGE TO HOME thieves entered and, having so m e ' The tong feud has made arm ­ high ideals in the high school $7656; U m atilla, $5533; W al­ neighborhood boys under suspic-' a member of the foreign staff o f ! to saving floor 3pace, to be need fornia. the Chicago Tribune and a for­ ed for the extra features which ed camps of New York in China­ Although the num ber of camp- and to render what service they lowa, $12,307; W hitman. $39,380. A fire, starting from sparks ion, he quickly pinned the crime town and the O riental q u arters of mer newspaperman of this state, will be embodied in the poultry. ers in the auto camp has fallen to he,d the other ,e,,ow flying from a flue, slightly dam ­ W ashington national forest net­ onto the youths, who are said to E ntries for the show are ex­ adjacent cities and has extended off greatly since m^dr-summer, There are approximately 60,000 aged the roof of the home of ted the state for the year $89,043 have confessed. No arrests h a v e . has offered a prize of $12 to the student in the U niversity school pected from all over the state, ' its shootings and m urders to cites there are still a num ber of tour­ fellows in the 2000 clubs in the H arry Moore on Vista street late been made, although the official of journalism who, during the with several poultry fanciers al­ as far west as Chicago ists staying there. The number United States and Canada. yesterday afternoon. A small por­ SLUGS SHERIFF IN rtated at least one of the boys V. O. N. Smith, cashier of the course of the year, shows the best ready signifying their intention of here during the past two weeks ESCAPE ATTEMPT would probably have .to face tion of the roof was burned away, Citizens Bank of Ashland Is the knowledge of foreign affairs and showing birds here,. A special has ranged from twenty-five to but according to Fire Chief Clint­ charges in court. adult advjsor and! has been a of the achievements of American feature of the show, will be the EUGENE, Oct. 15. — Deputy- th irty cars each night. on Baughman, the loss will not The sheriff also reported the journalism in reporting and in ter­ splendid help to the boys in competition hoped for in the tu r­ Sheriff Van Svarverud of Lane , finding of a car which was stolen total $25. There was no w ater r m rr carrying out their programs. key display. F u ller stated added county, while bringing back C. from Jap Andrew of Medford last j preting foreign affairs. damage on the inside of the struc­ Skene visited the University of aw ards would be made in this di­ PAROLED YOUTH SAYS Through his efforts much has ture, and the only loss will be in M, Moore from Clinton, la ., to March. The sheriff at Phoenix, Oregon last week and made a IVLbUILO I ILL Ull I HE HELD UP SERVICE been accomplished for the mem- vision, sincte tu rk ey ¿raising is face an autom obile theft charge Arizona telegraphed th a t he had num ber of addresses to student -------- ¡STATION IN PORTLAND bers personally and many men the shingles on the roof. one of the big industries of this here, was slugged over the head tbe car, bui tb a t tbe pergong wbo UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, I ---------- have been brought before the boys groups interested in journalism . section. w ith a wrench by his prisoner in gto,e R bad egcaped of the Trihnno Paris bur- THE DALES, Oct. 15. — Fred to speak along different lines, INDIANS ENTER PLEA The Chambers of Commerce in Eugene, Oct. 15. — The gift ofi an attempt to escape, according A yery ciever forger and check W hile . a member . a num ber of nearby cities will be thirty-tw o decorative tiles to the ¡Lyons, 20-year-old convict from Smith wl’l continue thiB helpful OF GUILTY AND ARE to a telegram Svarverud sent t , artist ig being held in the county — - - - , ! covered im portant news events. asked to donate premiums, to be "University of Oregon school of | the state penitentiary at Salem, co-operation again this year, FINED AT MEDFORD Sheriff F rank Taylor. Monday ' jail at Jacksonville, according to I . . . . . . . . x . J His latest assignm ent was to fob awarded a t the fair, since the architecture and allied a rts has Sunday confessed to the police _____________ ____ The officer overpowered his prls Sheriff Terrill, who stated th a t MEDFORD. Oct. 15.— Thomas oner, however, took him into W. H. W aters, who was said to low the world fliers on an Ameri- poultry show has become one' of been made known. The donor is here th at he had held up a Stand-1 _ „ can cruisor from England to southern Oregon’s big events. AW KILLED WHEN aud Fostor Barkley, brothers, in­ Fred W. Wagner of the Portland ard oil service station in Port-1 Denver in the car they are re ­ have been arrested in Eugene on . . , * . . . . A dvertising m atter will be out land. A nick'.c-plated pistol j CAR PLUNGES OFF OFj d*cted In the federal court on branch of the Tile and Mantel tu rn in g to its owner here, lock charge of issuing a w orthless p i . When Skene’s vaca­ w ithin a few days, according to Contractors Association of Amer- which was found upon the youth’s ROSEBURG HIGHWAY charSes of violating the prohibi- ed him in the city jail and then check, was bring held on a c h a rg e ' tion law, in the possession and tion ends, he will be assigned to person when he was arrested here. — Fuller. Booklets, and newspaper ica. The gift will be used for w ent to a hospital for treatm ent. of havlng «#81ied a check for $1700 selling of liquor on the Klam ath the London bureau of the Trib­ and which tallied w i.h a descrip­ MARSHFIELD, Oct. 15.— Mrs. advertising throughout the state purposes of illustration in the Moore was Identified by Denver t£> a firm Jn Medford in payment une. Reservation, entered pleas of guil­ tion of the gun used in the P ort­ Sarah Hill, 30, of Portland, was will be used, in addition to special classes in pottery and modeling. police as a holdup man with a o{ an au toniobile and also a check ty before Federal Judge R. S. Prof. N. B. Zane declares there land robbery, resulted in the con­ instantly killed when the car in advertising to be put on at the long record, wanted in their city I j or j j g , the form er on a San Bean, and were given fines of The hydro-electric generating international Livestock show to be are unusual opportunities on Ore­ fession. which she was driving plunged for many jobs. Francisco bank and the la tte r on station at W hite W ater Creek, staged in Portland soon. Lyons said he was driven to the from the Roseburg-Coos Highway $250 and $200 respectively, the gon for the making of pottery a P ortland bank. The sheriff five miles from Montezuma, Ga., products, tiles, book-ends, vases, robbery to obtain money with th irty miles east of her today. court granting sixty days to pay A million ddllar electric plant, «dated the records show W aters, has been completed after five Forest Grove— Applications for jars, and other artictic and utili­ which to get -away from rejatives, Henry C hristianson, brother-in- the fines. No jail sentence was know n as the Giant Sub-station,, who was known as W illiam R. years work and is now providing corporate lim it extensions may tarian objects, because of the rich to whom he was paroled, law and his six-year-old son es­ inflicted. located a t Second A renoe and [ Albert, . a . Bentenced_ to a year clay deposits In the western coast caped injury. located at Second Avenue and i " p rA7 n7 V » H fn rn U nn a I electricity for nShtin« and Pow-^add 1.000 to city population and ch Creswell — 177 acre farm sells Lakeside — Lake county will ‘ Ross Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., has _______________________________ 1 er purposes to neighboring com- give water and utility service to of the United States. for $100,000. wage w ar on pocket gophers. Classified Ada Bring Resalta lust been put in operation. (Continued on Page Four) munities. units not now served. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 15.— Bank robbers in this vicinity since Jan u ary 1 have averaged $70 an hour, according to sta­ tistical-m inded investi­ gators. In seventeen holdups the bandits got $222/872 from banks and tru st com­ panies in St. Louis and surburbs. This is an average of $850 a day since Jan u ary 1, or $70 an hour, every day of twelve hours. GIRL STAGES FAKE HOLDUP Ti PUBLICITY, THRILLS IN PORTLAND RAISES T TO F LA FOLLETTE PLANS TO CONCENTRATE CAMPAIGN IN WEST PEOPLE BELIEVED IS DELAYED IN START BY TNGLEM E N T WEATHER PLANS ARE UNDER WAY W IS T TRAVEL IN ■mss TAKEN BY ÏHE SHERIFF i HIGH V CLUB WILL NITIATE SIX NEW MEMBERS TONIGHT inilifllY GIVE STUDENT PRIZE STATE UNIVERSITY BFP h UF\ T P R PTl _____ , h(