.FAGE p m ASBLAÎffl ÖAttf W O THftlPf &f$T MEANS TO b o c a l; P ersonal fiotes A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and events of < • local interest * ► i 16411180 ufaeture of leather doth for au -, The Carbonisation building, the Distillation building, where tomoblle tops and upholstery. where the process starts, is 360 chemical products a r e m a d e , 13 The methyl alcohol coming off f(?et &nd • 300 feet by 90 feet. goes to the refinery and emerges j ' - as methyl acetone and methyl ■ — - ■ SUCCESS, WRITES YOUTH , CÜSIS Ö S VOTERS * ____ ~ By S. W. 8TRAU8, President American Society for Thrift. alcohol, useful as solvents or de- . _____________ j naturing agents. The remaining oils and the gas are used as fuel. “CAVING money, fbr the.young Comprising the giant wood dis­ •“J unmarried man, in many cases Because of the recent announce­ At Hilt— j Leave Today— WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.— This molds his character by self-denial tillation plant at Iron Mountain Mrs. Merritt Randles and son,' Mrs. Clara Burton and son,, conduct of a national election of t h i n g s he ment by local interests that a are two main buildings, each does not need,'1 method for the distillation of with four and six-story sections. Bobby, are visiting at Hilt with! Buddy Burton, who have been costs American voters upwards i m p r o v e s his charcoal and by-products from Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mack. z conducting dancing classes in of $30,000,000, according to the health* by elim­ soft-wood wastage has been dis­ ■ i ■— - ! Ashland for the past two weeks, best available statistics. inating dissipa­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY covered, this story from Detroit Reliable reports indicate th a t; Hennafoam imparts a natural will leave today for Hornbrook tion and encour. relative to Henry Ford’s plant to this stupendous sum is necessary ' where they will give classes. Lustre 50c—McNair Bros. • 8 i »"< regular ______ 1 to install the nation’s officials in • hours of sleep, distillate these products from FOR RENT— Completely fur­ improves t h e hard-wood wastage will be inter­ Eastman Films—McNair Bros. office through the medium of the In A shland- nished apartment. 75 Bush St. quality of his esting. ______ ballot box. Mr. Stewart of Medford was in * 37—tf work by putting Special Auto Accident Policy 1920, when campaign expelí Operations have begun at the Ashland yesterday to get the him in a better huge wood distillation plant of plans for the new tourist hotel, for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo¡ a tu re s reached their dizziest FOR SALE— -Dark Jersey Milch s. w. s t r a u s Physical p o s i ­ the Ford Motor Company at Iron ______ I Of course. 24-tf heights, officially reported dis­ cow. 700 Terrace St. 37— 6 tion and lessen­ bursements showed that each vote ing the number of distracting out- Mountain. Cliff Payne makes French FOR SALE— A bargain —- 6- This great plant, largest and We deliver the goods—Detricks cast represented 80 cents spent! ! side' interests and influences.” doors. room house partly furnished, gar­ most complete of its kind and a 94-ti Unavailable figures probably The above is a, portion of a let- age and woodshed. Lot 50x145. ______ would add several more dimes to ter recently written by a young distinctly salvage development, From Copco— Mrs T C Weldon of Coneo Returned Home— the cost. j ™an in explanation of his reasons has a capacity of daily producing Inquire 132 5th St., city. 37— 6* Mrs. Donna Warren and son, Of the estimated $30,000.000 1 for Practicing thrift. Until qurte charcoal and chemical product to was in Ashland yesterday shop- ( FOR RENT — Furnished for 1 recently his salary had been $2,200 the value of more than $11,000 Eugene, have returned to theii necessary to hold a national elec-1 a year and sa%:ngB have ping and visiting friends. housekeeping — a tent, $5 perj home in Berkeley after visiting tion, about one-third is paid b y ! amounted to $100 a month. At the on the basis of present day prices. month. Cabin $ lZ first floor, It also constitutes the fifth" un­ for some time in Ashland with the States out of revenues deriv- J end of the year he was asked for Best milk—Lininger's Dairy, front room, next to bath -$8, fine it in the wood working industry location. Call 153. Mrs. Percy Stratton, who was in- ed from taxation. The remainder a statement regarding why he was 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. 37— 1 contributed by the adherents willing to submit to such rigid self­ which the company has co-ordinat­ 26 _U i jured in an automobile accident FOR RENT—Netvly furnished in August. Mrs. Warren has been and components of the various discipline. His letter comprised a ed under one head at Iron Moun­ sermon on the value of prudent tain, including everything from sunny sleeping rooms by day, I i taking care of the children while political ^parties. Visiting He habits. raw materials to the finished pro­ week or month. Call downstairs, Mrs. Barnes of Klamath Falls! Mrs. Stratton was at the hospital, The most expensixe individual He stated that he was able to 37__3. has returned to her home after --------- ( bffice is, of course, the Presid- •¡lake such a large saving by keep- duct and the reclamation of Plaza Shoe Shop. waste. The five are, logging, Have that old suit made new. ! ency. It cost the Republican Party -g a budget. He did not feel that visiting with relatives in Ashland Phone 119, Paulserud's. 33—tf the best part of $8,780,000 to in­ his habits implied stinginess or saw mills, dry kilns, body part for some time. stall Warren G. Harding in office ught-flstedness, but he realized plant and wood distillation. that his success in life depended Under the magic of modern "When Winter comes try one of four year ago. No agent in Soutliern Oregon on his ability to save money now. science, hardwood scraps and write better Auto insurance Paulserud’s Over Coats. 33 tf j That total was divided as fol- He said he had observed that, few sawdust from the Ford saw mills ! lows: Over $2,800,000 was spent successes in the business world are or at lower rates than the Staples and small, gnarled and otherwise I At Hotel Ashland— Agency. I on behalf of the ten Republican permanent unleBi the man had Among the out-of-state res'.- aspirants for the Presidential harr.ed to save money, and that he useless tree limbs from the Ford t Orre8 Cleans and remodels gar­ dents stopping at the Hotel Ash- nomination in the pre-convention did not believe be ever would forests are now made to give a amount to much if he did not learn up a score of valuable products. 1 36—2*1 land< are T. L. Townley and wife, campaign; the National Commit- to ments. roaster himself in the matter of ♦ Tulsa, Oklahoma; Mrs. E. L. tee reported a paid-up expendi- personal expenditures. He dis­ From a* ton of such wood the : - Iron Mountain distillation plant Staples, Wycliffe, B. C.; Mr. and ture of $5,319,729 during the play*«! a deep appreciation of Ijeave Ashland— reclaims: I Rathbun Mrs. C. S. Burns and Frank J campaign, and It later paid off thrift values when he called atten­ Mr. and Mrs. O. ♦ 135 pounds of acetate of lime. irey leave Buns of Honolulu, Hawaii; Geo. ¡n addition a deficit of $1.600,000 tion to the fact that it was not and Mr. and Mrs. 61 gallons of 82 per cent me­ : »Ion* the money he was saving that It is impossible to illustrate such a coat as this evening for Seabright, Cal., C. Sorrick, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. contracted during the fight, where they will make their fu­ and Mrs. C. F. Hoffman .Spring-! The Democrats were much would benefit him in after years, thyl alcohol. tut that to a still greater degree 610 pounds of charcoal. field. this with a pen and ink drawing—it cannot ture home. i more conservative. The money benefits would ensue from the 15 gallons of tar, heavy oils, spent on behalf of James M. Cox strength of character which he was light ofils and creosote. show the richness of such fabric as Angora Yes, U, Tel, Um, Kistlers Qual­ totaled about 2,660,000. Let os fill your pail with Swifts vltaining. By practicing thrift 600 cubic feet of fuel gas. Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than ity Bread, from the oven over In addition to the expenditures and thus eliminating dissipation he Devoshene nor the lining of beaver Crepe The charcoal, pressed into 31— 6 of the national committees of the »'M able to turn his spare time to shortening. Goes farther and is the counter, 8 and 12c. briquettes, is suitable for pro- good advantage by reading the best more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf de Chine. two dominant parties, their Con- books and otherwise fitting himsetf ducH'r the Intensely hot fires re- See the wonderful values in , . gressional committees managed to for the greht work which it is his qu’.r d lo pu-ify high-s^irl-> iron Klamath Fall.« ladies fur coats, cloth coats, suits dlspose of allghtly oyer H 0 0,000; ambition to accomplish. and also is being sold through Mr. Rhinehart and Joe and! dresses, skirts and blouses at Senatorial committees’ reported an These are truths that should be Ford commissaries as an except­ ! This coat has a double Collar of Mink ring­ Celia Rhinehart left last evening Orre Tailor Shop 36—2* outlay of more than $330,000, »ept in mind by all young mer. to- ionally clean and economical fuel *«ay who ere willing to deny them- for Klamath Falls where they tail and the Set-in pockets are trimmed and their State committees spent •.elves certain passing pleasures In for home use. were called on account of the Recognizes Convict)— nearly $3,000,000. Tar recovered from the wood, • rder to improve their moral« ar.d sickness of relatives. with Silk stitching and bias border; Semi- Chief of Police McLane has * To be exact, the total reported •net» health and sere money. upon further distillation yields good memory of faces. Thirty expenditures of the Republican Those wht adhere te these prae- pitch* wood creosote and flota­ Regular sleeves have self cuffs. Sweet eream for whipping and years ago he was in San Quentin aad Democratic parties in 1920 ♦ ♦