,»AM Classified Column Asfcttim BAftt tt&ttM PROFESSIONAL Tuesday, October i t , 1024 t Stylo Hint— >reme M«rt> prepared for j. the just efoerfhig from the a«ricu’tur-1 Roseburg - Building permits PARIS, Oct, 14; "S&MT4W Newport —> Contract let for o sto b ef terta, ee&tdlns a list of al .depression which has made it indicate Heavy constructin*» rim , C larified ColtUnh Rates - PHYSICIANS , shoes” will be the latest ctink 216 cases. « 1-4 miles of O tter Rock-Rock difficult indeed to meet his in- pro' One cent t t e word each in footw ear for the Fall season, At the outset the court consist­ terest payments not only on the gram for early winter, DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings time. Creek unit of Roosevelt highway. according to the sm artest shoe* ed of one judge, a t th a t time J u s ­ state school fund loans, but on ——— office. Phone 91. To run every {»sue for one m akers in Paris. They are soft tice O. Russell, presiding over all other loans as well. This po­ m onth o» more, H e the word DR. C. W. HANSON , . LIFE brown or fawn in color, w ith little . the destines of the tribunal and It each time. PeBtigt Life ri a great big beautiful game! white tips and edges resembling w ith apparently not a great deal litical attack goes further. lists over 600 Oregon farm ers as Play at it lightly my dear! Special attention given to pyor­ the feathers of the little bird tifat to do at th at, a3 the case on the delinquent, who constitute the FOR RENT Play! No two days can ever be the! is so popular In the gardens. rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Jan u ary docket was disposed of, ; best citizens of our state and who same; FOR RENT— Futnislied house, Block. Phone 178-J. 223-tf. *! Fall footw ear shows signs of so far as th a t term was concern in fact paid all their interest in Sunny on cloudy or clear, 4 78 Boulevard. 36— Imo i being more gorgeous than ever be- ed, in one day. 19*23, many paying in the fall DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Prac- None but has something to love! fore> floral heola> leaye8( ber. At the present time the court of 1923. FOR SALE and delight in. tice limited to eye, ear, nose ano I ries and sprays of blossoms b e -! consists of 3even members, da- The last legislature recogniz­ th ro at— X-ray Including teeth. Laugh at and play with, s e e ; ing engraved in realistic c o lo rs! voting th eir entire time to the GOOD rebuilt Underwood type­ ing the--adver9e agricultural con­ beauty and rig h t in, Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc t „ . -'S' -Ssi3ís5k w riter, cheap, inquire W estern , tl_ , , . ,m. r to trim the slIPPers worn a t for- work and with a docket which ditions and th at the school funds 6. Swedeuburg Bldg., Ashland. ’ ngh with eaeh day- Tis a -step : ,n a | SOirees. O ne. of the m o s t; continues to grow faster than The Union. 36— tf were amply secured, gave the Ore- ° n >our May! elaborate models of heels is of : cases can be disposed of. Laugh! There is nothing to FOR SALE— Cull Spitzenhurg — - ----------- —--------------------------- 1 solid gold, inlaid with mother-of- ; The first session of the court Land Board more leeway in the fear! m atter of foreclosures. The pres­ and Newtown apples, 50c box, E’ A ^'^LLL— Chiropractic i pearl. A nother is inlaid with ! was held at w hat was then known ent A dm inistration in its unhappy and Electro-Therapy. Office i and bring boxes, at Valley View colored polished wood, and still as T ualata Plaine, m aking the attem pt to create a political issue phone 48; residence 142. First Life is a great big beautiful tide. another is beautifully painted O rchard, W agner and Son. 36— 2 circuit of . the various im portant jg now foreclosing , . upunaiiL on some of N ational Bank building. j Bearing you home in its breast! with a golden fishscale design. settlem ents in the then territo ry . FOR SALE— E xtra good cow, Do not resist, let desire be your For bridal wear the cordonniers nf ,, u.i , y these unfortunate larm ers in vio- of Oregon and apparently tak ng ... . .. , . „ V THE SOUTHERN OREGON I ¿ ¿y. , cheap and will be fresh in Feb­ * guide; o rig in ,! Jurisdiction I n k i n d ! ’ *h ,° V " T J"? ' are showing jeweled heels, bear­ CLINIC , - * . « ruary. Must sell, Phone 314-J. 1st National Bank Bldg. * rust in God s purpose, and rest ing symbolic patterns of cupids ot litigation in ,lead ' of s itin g a , ! “ Pol“ lcal »o'oaaity a court of l „ t ruaort as a, p r « s - ! " X . ' ’ rme" Surgical O bstetrical Love and enjoy; you w ill lose and lovers' knotst etc. 36 3 M edical D iagnostic X-ray what you cling to! E Sees not only your problems anil llielr rela- The very pointed shoe is be­ ent F o r Sale at a B argain R. W. Stearns. M. D. • . 1 PERRY A. CUPPER ours are the things th a t you ing toned down on the way to tionship to sound finance, but be secs your dif­ R. E. Green, M. D. A good big lot with fi cement ’ play and sing to! being transform ed into a rounded R. W. Sleeter, M. D. JUDGE LEAVES $100,000 foundation, ready to baiild, lot j ficulties from the viewpoint of the experience of Smile at, and give. Tis by giv­ end, which is b etter suited to the Office hours 2-5 p. m. SALEM, Oct. 14. — Judge! located right, and facing the E a s t,, ing you live! Phone 238-R many business men. Your banking connections Parisienne’s rath er short, chub­ for quick action, see— BEAVER Laugh, dear, and love, and be by foot. It took h er some time, George G. Bingham of the Marion | should insuie you this broader vision—and you are county circuit court, who died in j REALTY CO. 35— 4 blest! klUJ.Óoo ' _ in fact, to become accustotned to invited to make this your bank, and our financial MONUMENTS — By Helen Cowles Le Cron. the long, narrow , pointed shoe Portland last Saturday, left an B ungalow s— Lots estate valued a t approxim ately understanding your guiding knowledge. • * • ASHLAND GRANITE th a t sets the American g irl’s foot $100,000, according to papers fil­ I have some fine Bungalows. : CALENDAR OF EVENTS off to the best advantage. Dame MONUMENTS Houses and Building Lots in Ash­ W ednesday, Oct. 15. Auxiliary Fashion, of course, has wonder­ ed in the probate court here to­ B lair G ranite Co. day. land for sale, will accept good to Trinity Guild meets at 7:30 ful powers of persuasion, and PENNISTON, Manager Bonds, Notes or Mortages on at Episcopal parish house. Office 175 E. Main when she said “ Points,” everyone payments, and give easy term s on W ednesday, Oct. 15. Upper Val­ n atu rally threw the round toes IF THIS HAD BEEN Classmea ads bring results. Res. Phone 444-Y balance. Se me before buying a YOUR PROPERTY— ley Community Club has,reception into the basket. home. 4 A 1 G 1K L IN T K O I B L E — May for Miss Brew ster at the home Colored lizard skin, to carry A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. communicate with Ensign Lee of Mrs. A. C. Joy in Belleview And flames bad swept across out the color note of the dress Box 422, Ashland. it, could you say “covered with of the Salvation Army at th e, district. or costume, will decorate many insurance?”' Could you p 'ompt- 35— 1 Mo. 1 W hiteShleld Home, 565 May- Friday, Oct. 17. Parent-Teach-! new street shoes. Black kid and ly begin replacing w hat bad fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. er Association and Civic Club give re(j lizard skin are seen in start been destroyed, paying the bills Buy better milk. Phone 257-J Articles of timely In terest with your insurance? party for teachers a t cjub house for it. *33— 1 mo.* ling combination. Delicate •n u t- are welcomed, under this head. PLANING MILL Every careful property own­ at 7:30. brown is taking on a warmish Communciations must hear- the er needs adequate and reliable * * * FOR SALE — or exchange for Í JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET pink hue, and black kid, fastened signature of the author. insurance if he is to be free $35,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ from worry of loss. Let us a t the side with a fancy button j WORKS, Cor. -Helman and Stone-Million W edding— take over the task of safe­ vated, free water, lots of it. 20 A beautiful wedding was solem­ or buckle, is used, with white o r ! Van Ness. 19Ítf guarding your possessions; we head of large size Registered Jer- j nized at the home of Mr. and colored trim m ings, to match the are specialists in just that bus­ "R otten State G overnment” is seya, the finest strain in Oregon. ! TRANSFER AND EXPRESS Mrs. Carl Pearson when Miss L. costume. iness. the slogan adopted by the Demo­ 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. Ella Stone was united in mar- The advice of this agency In tricate slashings and straps cratic press to besmirch 'the name has saved many a property 200 W hite Leghorn chickens, team nag e to Mr. Lee P. Million. The are fast disappearing, and a wide for SERVICE. of the State of Oregon for politi­ owner from loss. Why not let of Registered Im ported Perchon Experienced movers and pack- officiating clergyman was Pro- single strap is w hat adorns most us help you, too? cal purposes. During practically m ares 1900 lbs. each. About ers of household goods. Deal- fessor A- J- Hanby, and the ring of the sm art models in P erugia’s every campaign we have the spec­ $3000.00 w orth of farm equip­ p//,- ers in coal and wood. P h o n e ! ceremony was used. Mr. and Mrs. shop. Only the open-work roset­ tacle of some activity of the m ents, modern house, large barn Lloyd March attended the bride te, bearing a little circle of black 117. state held up to ridicule and mis­ and other buildings. Will take and groom. Mrs. March is a sis­ kid in the center, rem ains In Office 89 Oak St. near representation In order to produce income property up to $20,000.00, Estab. 1883 ter of the bride. Hotel Ashland place of the ornam ental buckle.- an issue on which some Democra­ Real E state & Real Insurance E very P-'* long time on balance at 6 per cent. Only the immediate frielids and Evening shoes are exceedingly tic candidate may ride into of­ 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 Courtesy to brokers or agents. T. L. POWELL— General Trans­ relatives were present. Follow- rich in the finest brocades, with fice in a stato overwhelmingly J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland j fer Good team and motor ingidg the ceremony a wedding metal designs, eith er gold or sil­ Republican. Oregon. 33— 1 mo. ! trucks. G )od service at a rea- dinner was served a t the home ver being used. They have cost­ W ith u tte r disregard for the souab.e price. Phone 83. of Mrs. George Robison on Second ly buckles or brooches, but there FOR SALE— Enameled top cab street in Ashland, where the are rum ors th a t before long data* interests of the people the state lnet table, $8. Solid oak rocking i s } mauled about through each bride has made her home for the ty little watches will take place FKHIGE-ROACH chair $10, 555 Fairview St. 32— 61 campaign and emerges at the end ____________________ *_______ T ransfer — Express — Storag past few months. She has been of them — w hich-ise not such a so discredited th at It Is classified FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in Hauling — Dray work of alii employed in the Golden Rule store bad idea after all. as undesirable and W ashington good condition: reasonably priced, kinds. Quick motor service. Dry! »n this city for some time. and California go forward while Mr. Million has been a resident S«ni W. C Intematicnal Stocfe Exposition T. U. is asking for with salt and pepper and one- r practically the same political Portland, November 1 tó 8 term s a t 6 per cent. See W. W. i — j canned or dried fru it to send to .■ fourth pound of chopped mush- breath they assert th a t the state Robison, 63 N orth Main St. EVERY STREET IN ASHLAND the C hildren’s Farm Home at rooms for every pound of eel. is likely to lose $750,000 Invested Corvallis. A rrangem ents have Bring to the boiling point, M1SŒLLANEOUS Has Its Share of th e Proof That I been made w ith 'th e W hite House then cover and let simmer for in bonds. One would hardly say th a t this bears the earm arks of K idney Sufferers Seek WANTED: — Nursing. Will I Grocery and if the fru , it is left ! f,fteen m inutes- Remove the eel ( politics, but rath er th a t it wears consider house work. Am a post I t ere it will be packed and 9ent carefully from the pan to the i the whole hide I t to ft fHia linnio 1 F ^« ru ««« it $+ 4 is «« to V . — a left’ « . . . - ! Vic. graduate of N. W. school of mas­ Backache? Kidneys weak? this home. be serving dish and pour over the The direct effect Is to discred­ sage and electro-therapeutics. Distressed with urinary ills? there anytimp during this week. sauce. it and ham per th e farm er who is Mrs. Leighton, 153 G ranite or W ant a reliable kidney reme- i Last year a large donation from Let cool and then change to a X Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. dy ? Ashland was sent to this place dish for hors d’oeuvre. Pass the Benefit by low week-end fares now in effect, Don t have to look far. Use and it is hoped th a t as large a! sauce through a fine" strainer. W’ANTED— Work by competent A i'll In J _ J X X ___ • 11 on sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday—return experienced Janiior. All or part A,S,hpi " ' i i Pe° P* • i Tear. . . it. Cover the eel. and pnt th e dlah ' limit following ¿Tuesday. time. Will do a n ,th in s . R efer-' l" ‘ A8h"‘'“ 1 haS “ 8 a„Pi I eCla,' d g re a ,l>' b>' ““ • « '»>• «"” » •"*««> aa>-v. casea- the recipients. ing. for the sauce should be like enees 218-Y. 32— tf Or 15-day fares, on sale any day—return lim it H ere’s one Ashland- m an's est a thick jelly. . CLOSED CAR WITH 15 days, with stop-over at any point enroute. perience. Goats Bred by registered Let E. Carlon, 159 Helman St., i buck, w ith 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, j Make all your going away plans to take advam tell it. He says: “ I used Doan’s! low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 i tage of these low round trip fares. miles south on Pacific Highway. ; Pills for attacks of kidney For full mformatum about these and other 14— 1 mo.* ; trouble. My back was so weak , round tup faru communicate until and lame I could hardly stoop or which you attach to the I/OST— California license plate! lift anything and I felt dull and. 06692584 25627. Two cord tires. Finder run down. The action of my kid-! I f Ycu r B ack Aches OT Blad- engine. re tu rn to Ashland Tidings. Re- neys was irregular, too, but 1 t der Bothers, Take a Cleans the plush of the closed ward. 36— 2 Doan’s Pills soon fixed me up in car as effectively as the big god shape. The aches and pains Little Salts 81 W ater St. G. N. Kramer, Local Agent. Phone 165 Judiciary Body G reatly Increased cleaner does the house. Phone 14 or 43 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS left and I felt better in every D uring P ast Eighty ' way.” The American men and women Instcdled This Week Years G. W. Milam Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t i m ust guard constantly against ! for $10.00 Independent ! simply ask for a kidney remedy kidney trouble because we often « SALEM, Oct. 13.— Eighty years C andidate for County School —ge Doan’s Pills— the same that eat too much rich food. Our ago, when the tribunal which Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ Mr. Carlon had. Foster-M ilburn blood is filled w ith acids which is now the Oregon supreme court ty, Oregon. Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. No. 36 the kidneys strive to filter out; first began to adm inister justice, they weaken from overwork, be- th e docket contained one lone ANNOUNCEMENT Our Phone 82 coipe sluggish, the elim inative case. The ancient docum ent, now Letterheads. statem ents, t o In announcing myself as an Main • Plaza Ashland tissues clog and the result is kid­ | a treasured r*elic in the archives Independent candidate for Cor- vour order at the Tidings Office ney trouble, bladder weakens and © 1924 A.Û.CO, of the court, records th a t in the oner for Jackson county:— I do We have a good job printing de- a general decline in health. Jan u ary term of the court in bo w ith the firm belief th at the aartm ent. tf When your kidneys feel like 1844,. “Ahi Smith obtained a w rit people do not want m inority rule. lumps of lead; your back h u rts or of replevin for a yoke of oxen Astoria gets reduced insurance It is proven th a t the direct the urine is cloudy, full of sedi- Tim» «o detained by Neneveh F ord.” prim aries are a failure, only 30 rates for residence and apartm ent .m ent, or you are obliged to seek house property. Indicating the growth of legal per cent vote was cast a t the relief two or three times during business in Oregon since that spring prim aries, which is not a the night; if you suffer with sick time, the trial docket of the su- voice of the people. In this elec­ headache, or dizzy, nervous spells, tion all parties have the privilege acid stomach, or if you have rheu- of voting for their choice. ”* * 5 ^ matism when the w eather is bad, I need no introduction to the 1 1 i » i ? begin drinking lot of good soft people of Jackson county where ---- -~-J t " 8 B E: w ater and get from your pharm ­ I have lived for 15 years, and acist about four ounces of Jad given the best of my life, time and Salts. Take a tablespoonful in money for the'upbuilding and bet­ a glass of w ater before breakfast term ent of the entire community. for a few days and your kidneys I have been assistant to the may then act fine. for which we allow liber­ present coroner for eight years salts is made from and understand every detail of RESPONSIBLE FOR ILL HEALTH the This acid famous al credit, have been turn- of grapes and lemon may cause a serious ac­ the work, therefore I am compel- j p I L E S or other rectal o r co lo n ! “ 7 7 -n* ♦« vx# I J. J orner rectal or colon j„tce, combined with lithia, and ed in on new irons »and cident, so you want to be : z disorders may be responsible bas been used for years to help percolators. L . fnr c,M n i Vo u r h e alth . j fiUsh and stim ulate clogged lrid- certain of carrying good •» Yours for clean, progressive My non-surgical treatment of these dis- ncys t neutralize the acids in tires. and efficient women and men in orders has been taken by thousands of No m atter ltow old they office in Jackson countv. men, women and children from all parts the sys,em 80 th at they n0 lonS‘ are, we will trade them in ~ N ELLIE M PE R L th e ^ est» unprecedented success er are a source of irritation, thus enabling me to confidently GUARAN- often relieving bladder disorders.! for a new one for a while TEE tocureyour Plies or refund your fee. J a d ’ Salts is inexpensive: can! have proved they contain Send today for my FREE not injure, makes a delightful! quality and more-mileage. book on Rectal and Colon effervescent lithia - w ater drink ? S ^ v e Er <“ « « • X home, - i isaCorcbire T r e a tm :u M aM cause nobody can make a m istake ; both local and internal, and has be DEAN, M.D. Inc by having a good kidney flu s h -1 successful in the treatment of Catan OPTOsnrt couRT Mouse ing any time. By all means have for ov. - 40 yearr. fold by all druggist 240 E ast Main S t F .J . CHENEY xj . CO.. Toledo. Oh w c n t w 'H ' h is p a » e p w h i m w r i t i n q your Physician examine your kid­ neys at least twice a year. • S o c ie ty Look Through tiie B anker’s Eyes H First National Bank Ashland, Oregon THE FORUM y o u r fa v o rite dish m ade w it h th ig lid x x n ilk . Billings Agency í M il ^ I t ’s Nestle’s A U T N E BLANKETS • a .. - CLEAN YOUR LfGAL BUSINESS IS ON UPGRADE Auto-Vacuum Cleaner fe e l' mighty g o o d t h e s e nights. It would be healthier, though, to have them cleaned before real winter comes. We laundry hun­ dreds of blankets for our many satisfied customers. Let us thoroughly c l e a n yours and your sleep will be healthier this winter. Ashland Laundry Murphy Elec. Co. A to P o rtla n d and return ’ Southern Pacific MOTORIA’ JkORtl ikn.ES i«0T*^n PILES Many Old Irons and Coffee Pots - A Blowout Fisk Tires Hall's Catarri? Medicine The Ashland Electric Shop Kruggel Bros.’ Tire Shop iiality ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY