P u t* foæ Tuesday, October 14, lÔ iÎi A SHLAND D A IL Y T ID IN G S Charter No. 5747 Reserve District No. 12 look after the tourists REPORT OP CONDITION OF (Established in is?«) | Look after the tourists better, President Coolidge ad- NATIONAL BANK - 1 vises, park officials in convention. A sensible suggestion. At Ashland, FIRST in the STATE OF OREGON, at the close of business on Published Every Evening Except Sunday by ¡The automobile tourist business is increasing amazingly. October 10, 1924. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. The National parks, during the season o£J924, entertained RESOURCES B ert R. George M a ^ V o r o n ' ^ thousands more auto travelers than ever before, while to !• h. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances of other o f f ic ia l city p a p e r '../....'..." ........................................Telephone 39 ^ °me °f them’ train travel actnally fell off. It is excellent banks, and foreign bills of ex­ change or d rafts sold with indorse­ E n tered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto fflee as Second ("lass Mail M atter b u s i n e s s , a n d , when VOU think of it, excellent patriotism, m ent of this bank .............................. $549,492.46 ¡for cities and towns all over the conntry to make auto Subscription Price, Delivered in City Total Loans ........ ............................ . $549,492.46 Ona Month ............................................................................................ $ 65 tourists comfortable. They come from other sections, i 2 O verdrafts, unsecured.......................... 217.49 217.49 ft C _ * ' . Three Months ....................................................................................... 1.95, U. S. Government securities owned: six Months 375; bringing their own conceptions and very often their local (a) Deposited to’ secure circulation (U. On® Year.............. . « «... ......... . „ ..................... 7.50 o r sectional prejudices. Mixing around as they do, tliev S. bonds par v a lu e )............................... 100,000.00 o n e Month ............................................................................................ $ .65 very soon lose most of their prejudices. It is a strong (b ) Ail other United States Government securities (including premiums, if s £ r............................................ .02% 11. Amount due from State banks, new, hut the exact period is immaterial. The argument bankers, and tru s t companies in W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING is, that the brain whose convolutions determine the qual­ the United States (o th er than in­ “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or a cluded in Item s 8, 9, and 1 0 )........ 87,222.92 collection taken Is Advertising. ity of our intellect, is an entirely new brain every 10 years, 13. Checks on other banks in th e same No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. yet its.thinking power, its culture, its recollections remain city or town as reporting bank DONATIONS (o th er than Item 1 2 )......... ............ 5,918.32 the same. It has continuity, although its composition No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ Total of Item s 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 140,118.19 changes. Therefore, while the physical brain is mortal, 14. (b) Miscellaneous cash items ................. ing or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. 80.32 ” 80.32 the thinking power, the spirit, which animates it must be 15. Redemption fund w ith U. S. Treas­ u rer and due from U. S. Treasurer 5,000.00 FR EE FROM WANT:— T h ^ L o ^ f s my shepherd; i shall n o t' 11J s strange that this argument is not also ap- 16. O ther assets, of any .......................... 357.27 w ant.— Psalm 23:1. p r a y e r : — Thou great shepherd of thejdied to the heart and the lungs, which are also entirely bheep, we delight to acknowledge oureeivee the sheep ot Thy pastures. n - n e w e d a s is the brain, yet continue their functions with- Total 1,362,100.82 -------------------- ------- out ceasing until, like the brain, they cease to function LIABILITIES and become merely decaying forms of matter. 17. Capital stock paid in .......................... BOOST THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 100,000.00 Man has believed himself to possess an undying soul 18. Surplus fund ........................................ 30,000.00 This :s membership month in the chamber of com­ 19. Undivided profits 31,806.84 for ages, long before our present degree of physiological merce and the movement should he given the hearty sup­ c. Less current expenses, interest, N knowledge was attained and we located the seat of power and taxes paid ..................................... 10,664.91 21,141.93 port of the business men and citizens jn general. in the brain instead of the heart. No argument based 20. 97,595.00 C irculating notes outstanding ........... The chamber of commerce is not infallible—no or J _______ ’ ____ ’ «J 24. 2,160.44 Certified checks outstanding............. ganization can bo-and possibly the organization d o c s i " p 0 n “ " e&lwi t0 prove immortality to those who 25. C ashier’s checks outstanding ........... 3,897.79 letimea whinl. A ,« not „„t harmonize h.rm nni,. ™ u J are to wglk by faith and to Slve give way . to th«se in- things in a way sometimes which does with Total of Item s 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 ...................................................... 6,058.23 everybody’s idea; but the chamber is organized for only efiible and age-long promptings of the soul within.. Demand deposits (other than one purpose, and The Tidings is sure that this is 1he bank deposits subject to Reserve STAMMERING guiding spirit at all times in the organization/ That die (deposits payable in 30 d ay s):.... In a city whose schools have special classes for chil­ 26. Individual deposits subject lo check 423,703.60 purpose is to boo and develop Ashland so that the city 27. dren with defective speech, the supervisor says: Certificates of deposit due in less will be a better t y for all of *us to live in. 4 4 A surprisingly large number of children have he- than 30 days (o th er than for money borrow ed) ................... The chamber in of course operate and work toward 24,398.70 the consummation of its purpose, even though you should!“ '™ J* 8™™™8 ain8W . such songs as “ K-K-K- 28. State, county, or other municipal de­ posits secured by pledge of as­ not become a member; but it can function so much better ty, . , ;utt,er-. StutterlnK •’ aa contagious as the sets of th 's ta n k e r surety bond__ 132,597.36 Dividends unpaid ........................ if you are a member, if von can participate in the real measles. A child who imitates a stutterer naturally pick6 30. 3,500.00 up the habit. It may be caught, too, from talking much Total of demand deposits (other activities o fthe orga nzation. than bank depo. its) subject to Some firms content themselves with having one rep­ with a stutterer if a child is impressionable.” Reserve, Item s 2G, 27, 28, 29, 30 Here, then, are two good hints for avoiding the habit. and 31 ................................................. 584,199.66 resentative in the chamber; while others have more ihan Time deposits subject to Reserve one representative. In some cities, and no doubt the same But how cure it when once the habit is formed? (payable after 30 days, or sub­ “ Cures can often be brought about,” says the super­ ject to 30 days or more notice exists here, there are firms who make it a point to see and postal savings): ...................... that every member of ilie organization, the proprietors visor, “ by encouraging the child to visualize the thing he 32. C ertificates of deposits 77,530.78 is talking about and to forget the manner of his saving 34. and employes too, belongs to the chamber of commerce. O ther tim e deposits ............................ 442,876.27 it.” x 35. Ashland is on the upgrade and, if everybody who Postal savings deposits ...................... 2,698.95 The stutterer or stammerer merely stumbles over Total of tim e deposits subject to wants to see this development continue and increase, Reserve, Item s 32, 33, 34 and 35 523,106.00 would join the chamber of commerce, the realization of the words. He stumbles over them as a bicyclist often big possibilities in Ashland would come to pass in a much stumbles over stones in the roads—because he is afraid Total 1,362,100.82 of them. When he stops thinking about the word, and shorter time—for then we would all he boosters in act about himself, the idea usually gets itself expressed easily STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson, ss.: as well ns in spirit. I, J. W. McCoy cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly enough. The great thing is to emphasize the ideas. swear th a t the above statem ent is tru e to the best of my knowledge T early C ontracts „ « « « I « 1 _ 1 , .1 1 and belief, J. W. McCOY, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of October, 1924 ' ’ LUCILE GILMORE, N otary Public' ( Seal) ' Correct— A ttest: THOS. H. SIMPSON F. D. WAGNER O. WINTER, Directors Three weeks from today some of the candidates will Down in southwestern Georgia, a Baptist minister be wishing they had listened to their friends’ advice. has evolved a tithing plan which has worked splendidly According to Dr. Henry Donaldson, the male of the in the support of the small, undernourished rural church. Rev. Melton, the minister, appealed to the farmers to species is 12 per cent brainier than the female. He needs set aside one acre to be known as “ The Lord’s Acre,” the to be.—Punch. C harter No. 6 Reserve D istrict No. 12 income from which to go to the upkeep of the church. REPO RT OF CONDITION OF If there is a prize-drawing, husbands just as well ar­ A writer in The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, in giving an range to attend. CITIZENS BANK OF A SH L A N D account of the plan, states: AT ASHLAND IN TH E STATE O F OREGON “ Seven members signed the first pledge, stating that AT TH E CLOSE OF BU SINESS OCTOBER 10th, 1024 If a husband has the last word, it is usually some­ ‘Me agree to stake off, plant and cultivate and harvest RESOURCES one acre from our respective farms, the produce from said thing like this: “ Well, buy the dumed thing.’’—Vallejo, Loans and discounts, including redis­ (Cal.) Chronicle. acre, when in marketable condition, to be turned over to counts shown in items 29 and 30, if any 380.747.17 2. O verdrafts secured and unsecured......... . 277.80 a committee appointed by the church to receive and sell, 3. U. S. governm ent securities owued, in­ It is difficult to understand *how a community can cluding those shown in item s 30 and and the proceeds to be used in the work of the Lord.’ 35, if any ........................................................ have a bootlegger spotted so accurately that they call his 11.453.51 “ The idea appealed. Farmers of religious convictions O ther bonds, w arrants and securities, in wife “ the alleged bootlegger’s wife” without knowing eluding foreign governm ent, state, m uni­ felt that a ‘Lord’s Acre’ on their land would be a dedica­ cipal, corporation etc., including those who and where the bootlegger is. tion to the right that would redound to their spiritual, shown in items 30 and 35, if any............... 154,778.52 Stocks, securities, claims, liens ju d g ­ perhaps their material, benefit. Seed time might be more ments, etc......................................................... 2,495.07 When a new citizen in Oregon motors south of Ash­ Banking house, $15,000; fu rn itu re and fix­ propitious, kindlier sunshine and more helpful rains and tures, $5,254.10 20.254.10 a richer harvest would come if all.their labors were not land and crosses the boundary line into California, he be­ (ab ) Cash on hand in vault and due from comes just that much more satisfied with Oregon after a banks, bankers and tru s t companies........ for themselves alone. ride over the rough California highway. designated and approved reserve agents of » “ In one year the Lord’s Acre plan has grown in favor this bank ............................................................ 148,441.26 (c) Net am ounts due from other banks, until this season more than 500 acres of such land is in hankers and tru s t companies ..................... 10.513.51 the whole building will be ready 10. Exchanges for clearing house and items cultivation in Georgia. More than 100 rural church con­ to receive the livestock for on other banks in the same city or town gregations, with an average allotmen'of five acres each, as reporting bank ............................................ which O. M. Plum m er, m anager, 2,391.31 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of have joined- in the plan has received a g reater num ber of reporting bank and other cash item s...... 165.41 “ Figures compiled by J. L. Claxton of Albany, entries than ever before a t the 15. Other assets, if any ....................................... 1,408.00 same date in advance of opening. Georgia, enlistment field secretary of the Baptist Church, Total 732,925.66 show that the Lord’s Acres will average an income of DALLAS HAS WATER LIABILITIES $40 a year each Thus if a church has but five acres DALLAS, Oct. 14. — Dallas 16 Capital stock paid in ................................... 50,000.00 planted the sum of $200 can be added to its support. But Sixth A nnual E ven t to F eatu re was one of the few cities of the 17. Surplus fund ................................................... 10,000.00 18. E xh ib it o f P rize Stock, (a ) Undivided profits, ........ $17,599.67 N orthw est not compelled to cur­ usually this numbe • is greater and growing all the time. (b) Less current expenses, Opens N ovem ber 1 tail use of w ater during the dry in terest and taxes paid 7,851.59 9,748.08 The reaction on tlu villagers, too, is favorable and in their season this year. The w ater sup­ 19. Reserved for taxes, interest and depre­ pride they give me e. ciation ............................................................ PORTLAND, Oct. 13 — The ply, obtained from Canyon and 2,751.56 20. Dividends unpaid ............................................ 12.50 “ An element of the miraculous Tas crept into the sixth annual horse show qffering Applegate creeks, 10 miles west 21. Net am ounts due to other banks, bankers of here, was ample a t all times. of the Pacific International Live­ spread of the plan. Whether born of religious fervor and and tru st companies ........................................ 345.38 D uring the coming year it is stock exposition will be opened to -DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than superstition or actual facts, the farmers who have planted banks, subject to reserve: the Public Saturday evening, No­ planned to extend the w ater main 23. Lord’s Acres assert that they have been especially blest vember Individual deposits subject to check, in­ 1, continuing, except Sun­ two miles fu rth e r into the coast cluding deposits Cue the State of Oregon, by Providence. day, until November 8. The range and also tap Rock Hoftse county, cities or other public funds ........ 344,452.89 “ Dauss King of Arlington, who was one of the orig­ G rant Smith company has estab­ creek, th u s assuring this city of 24. Demand certificates of deposit outstanding 3,637.90 25. Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding an inexhaustible supply of pure lished a new record for speed in inal signers of the agreement, reports: ‘The acre I plant­ payable on demand ................................... . 6,107.97 construction of a building of m ountain w ater för years to 26. Certified checks outstanding .................... ed for the Lord produced a hale of fine cotton, while the 4,595.25 come. such m agnitude. Total of demand deposits, other than fanners in my neighborhood lost virtually-all their cot­ The structure, which was oblit­ bank deposits, subject to reserve K lam ath Falls — Building per­ items 23, 24, 25, 26 $358,794.01 ton crop from the boll-weevil.’ erated by fire July 23, was the TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, sub­ m its for Septem ber were $230,- “ Six other Bluffton church members all signed tracts largest of its kind in the world; 050, and for all of 1923 were only ject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: covering 10 1-2 acres. The new for the Baptist Association, making the claim that they $289,750. Total to date for 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding.... 78,445.61 building covers half an acre more 1924, $1,483,000. had prospered above the average of their community. One than th a t, m ost of the area go­ 28. Savings deposits, payable subject to notice .............................................................. 222,828.52 of these, J. E. Shaw, said that his ‘Lord’s Acre’ escaped ing into the added space alloted Total of time and savings deposits There Is wisdom in reading ads. the boll-weevil.” payable on demand or subject to to the am phitheater and horse notice, items 27 and 2S, $301,274.13 Some of the farmers felt that a supernatural influ­ barns. The form er is 200x334 For a smooth shave ence made the crop on these dedicated acres more produc­ feet, thus adding 6800 square feet Total 732,925.66 to the surface covered by the old and quick service go tive and of a better quality than on the acres wlfich were one, and the horse barns have V. O. N. Smith, cashier of the* above named bank, do solemnly to the Shell Barber swear I, th a t the above statem ent is tiu e to the best of my knowledge not dedicated to the Lord’s work. However, it would been augm ented to the extent of Shop. Ladies and and belief. seem that the greater productivity and better quality of 11,200 square feet, m aking an V. O: N. SMITH, Cashier children get your hair (SEAL) bobbed and marcel­ the crops was merely a result of the inspiration which equipm ent for horse show p u r­ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of October 1924 th a t is unquestionably the led. L. A. ROBERTS, Notary Public the tiller of the land received from and the longer hours poses finest on th e continent. These CORRECT— A ttest: and more careful cultivation which he gave to the Lord’s features are practically com­ W. A. SHELL, Prop. W. M. POLEY FARMING FOR THE LORD THIS YEAR TO BE ÍT acres. plete today, and by October 20 532 Ai St. Ashland, Ore S. PATTERSON J. P. DODGE, Directors. UNUSUAL EVENTS » • • C O M M A N D ING 9 9 9 YOUR INTEREST HOLLYWOOD, Cal., Oct. 11.— Ponder the unhappy ending! For It has turned Hollywood topsy­ turvy. Wild women from San.oa, the latest antics of Mabel Normand, the reported m arriage of Edna Purviance, the wedding of the girl screen star to the director at the request of the dying first spouse — all these are nothing compared to the sad denouement. It all started when a well-in­ formed, intelligent director de­ cided to make H ardy's “ Tess of the D’Ubervilles” into a picture. Tess, the beautiful milkmaid heroine, died on the silver sheet as she did by H ardy’s pen — at the end of a rope on a hill in the dawn. But now gosip has it th a t the picture may be a big “ flop” . The producing company is consider­ ing recalling the films and hav­ ing it done with Tess m arrying some rosy-cheeked farm er’s boy and living happily ever after. One Of the largest producing companies in Hollywood has dared to follow the original “ Tess” film and turn out a tragedy. This concern has decided to give w hat it calls “ one more chance to the public.” “ We will produce one more picture with an unhappy end­ ing,” the chief of this concern whispered among the palms of cinema land. “All pictures of this type— m ighty few of them have been produced— have been financial failures. They have failed to draw at the box office, but we want to turn out one more and if it is a bust — goodbye tragedy forever.” J u st the fate of this fo rth ­ coming film and th a t of “ Te3s.” should it remain with tli£ dram atic hanging scene as finis, may determ ine the future trend of the gigantic motion pic­ ture industry. Should these two pictures “ go over” at the box office, in­ stantly the “ sad ending” would be in for a long stay. Greasing Stops Winter Saueaks ESCAPES AT I AKEVIÍW KLAMAtH FALLS, Oot. 14 — Word was received here a t 2 p. m. Saturday by Sheriff L. L. Low th a t EMek W illiams, well known in this city, escaped from jail at Lakeview Friday night. W il­ liams was being held in jail on a liquor charge. W illiams, according to the sheriff’s office, stole the automo­ bile of G. L. Reckard, local au­ tomobile man, several weeks ago. The Lake county sheriff asked Sheriff Low to be on the lookout for the escaped prisoner. W illiams was aw aiting trial on the liquor charge when he made the successful jail break. horticultura l show OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 14. —— To illustrate in a practical way (he nature of work done by the various branches of the depart­ ment of horticulture and to give students training in display work, the eighth annual horticultural show will be held October 31 and November 1. Committees repre­ senting each section of the de­ partm ent have been organized for the exhibit, Jam es C. Moore will stage the show. Sallv Ann the bread that is always good—or we will “ make it good.” Liti iia Bakery Why •r Get Your feet wet when von go hunt ing! Weyenberg high top boots are guaranteed waterproof. OVERLAND Shoe Shop A WIDE VARIETY OF MEATS enables us to satisfy evervbodv’s taste Cold w eather makes the un­ oiled spots on the car show up loudly in squeaks. Bring in the car for a thorough greas­ ing, at least. Eagle Market Weed DeLux Chains Raybestos Lining' Gabriel Snubbers Boyceite----- Gas C hevrolet and Dodge S ales and Service Automotive Shop Fuller Asbestos Roofing N. Main Phone 107 Hennafoam Shampoo Cleanses, Brighten« and imparts a natural lustre. Liquid Sunshine for your hair. I 50c A Fire-Loss Preventative McNair Brothers J. O. BIGG I fe xq g i Drug Stare t ARMY GOODS STORE BIGGER AND BETTER EVERY DAY Call in and see what we have to offer before bnvi •ng The Army Goods Store Two Necessities for WINTER DRIVING Stromberg* Automatic Electric Wind­ shield Swipe For Every Car De Luxe Chains For Every Car LEEDOM ’S Tire and Auto Parts Service SUDDBN SERVICE