rt ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years I International News W ire Service 1 VOL. X LVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. DIRIGIBLE ZR 3 IS R EPO R TED NEAR AMERICA' KOUBEI) H AIR IS OUT SAYS FLO ZIEGFELD MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1924 LA FOLLETTE IS AGAIN HURLING SLUSH CHARGE NO. COURT REFUSES TO AGAIN OPEN RAILWAY CASE SAYS CHl’RCH COIN BON TELLS OE DONOR'S GIFT « a ---------- XX XX LONDON, Oct. 14. — XX XX W eird tales of America are XX XX heard in England; but the XX XT Rector of Halesown prints XX ♦X this one in his parish paper: XX XX “A new collection .plate is XX XX reported to have been invent- XX XX ed on the other side-of the XX :! XX A tlantic which possesses the XX, o< XX ---------- Fountain Is Shrine to Actress’ Memory XX NEW YORK, Oct. 14. — XX XX Florenz Ziegfeld, producer XX XX of the “ Follies,” and in- XX XX ternational au th o rity on XX XX feminine pulchritude, has XX XX has declared „ war on bobbed XXI I XX hair, it was learned today, XX' XX following- his rejection of a XX XX num ber of applicants for XX _____ Big Ship Is Sailing Along XX chorus places. xx Appoints Counsel to Act in Employees of Santa Fe Rail­ xx following valuable, if ex- xx Connecticut Solon Suicide at Rate of 60 Miles XX “ P ap a” Ziegfeld last night xx, Hearing Before Query XX tortionate, properties: * XXi road Must Serve Time Victim Is Belief of Per Hour XX nailed a bulletin in the XX X X “ 1. If you put in nothing, X X in Jail Committe Police XX chorus dressing rooms. It XX XX it whistles. XX WILL BE HERE SOON XX said that since bobbed hair XX WALSH IS CHAIRMAN DESERTED THE TRAINS XX “ 2. If you put in five XX a POWERFUL LEADER XX was soon to be out of style, XX XX cent3, it exclaims, ‘Good XX ______ A m erican O bserver R eports A ir­ XX every Follies girl m ust im- XX C andidate £,’l«im s He H as New P assengers Stranded in Desert at XX Lord! X X D ead S en a to r Had Been P o w erfu l sh ip 1, M iles o ff Am erican XX mediately sta rt letting her XX N eed les Cal., by Crew x>f E vidence to be P resen ted at XX “ 3. If, however, you put XX F a cto r in K epuhliean P a rty Coagt; W ill be in Tonight XX hair grow long, or wear sty- XX Striking Trainm en M eeting of Board XX in a penny, it makes a noise XX i F or Many Yean» XX lish transform ations. XX XX like ‘H ell!’ and takes your XX ______ WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. — JJ “ Members of the com- XX HORTICULTURAL SHOW IS WASHINGTON, Oct. 14 — The XX photograph. XX WASHINGTON, Oct. 14. __ Driving W estward on her historic XX pany who fail to comply with XX j Supreme court yesterday refused XX “Church wardens and fin- XX j Senator Frank Brandegee, Repub- PLANNED AT OREGON AG flight from the old world to the XX this order will soon find XX j to review the conviction of R. H. XX ance committees are report- XX lican, of Connecticut, who for new, the giant dirigible ZR-3 is XX their places taken by young XX Clements, and other form er e m -' XX ed to' be keenly interested. XX more than 20 years ha3 been a ST. LOUIS, Oct. 14. — Charg­ m aking 48 to 60 knots per hour, XX women who have let th eir XX ing th a t he possessed evidence of ; ployes of the Atchison, Topeka XX “ I don’t wonder.” XX prominent, powerful influence in and barring mishaps, is expected XX curls grow,” warned Mr. XX a new and startlin g character, re­ and Santa Fe railroad on charges nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the counsel of his party, was to sight the American coast line XX Ziegfeld. XX garding the slush fund being col­ of conspiracy to obstruct the found dead in the bathroom of his sometime tonight, according to'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX lected by the Republican National mails and interfere with in ter­ home, under circumstances which messages received by the navy com m ittee for use in doubtful state commerce during the shop­ pointed to suicide. departm ent from George Steele, states, Senator La Follette, In ­ men’s strike of 1922. Gas was found flowing out of chief American observer abroad. dependent presidential candidate 1 I t was at the heighth of the open jets in the room. The Azores left behind, the big announced the appointm ent of shopcraft3 strife, in August 19*22, After a thorough investigation, ship is heading for Lakehurst, Frank W alsh, Kansas City labor th a t employes on the Atchison, the police staled that the Sena­ New Jersey, according to radio attorney, as counsel for the pro­ Topeka and Santa Fe railroad re­ to r’s death was “ a plain case of stations In communication with gressives in the hearings before fused to move trains out of suicide.” Senator Brandegee was the dirigible during the early the Borah committee, investiga­ Needles, Cal., anil at places on " a bachelor. He had been in ill m orning hours. The ship is re­ ting the campaign expenditures the desert in Arizona. Consider­ C onstruction oft New H otel Build- h eaith for som e tim e Th amount of real miles per hour. ed at a meeting of Ashland stock- i up the system and force an accep­ cussed a t the Forum luncheon of estate ju st over the District line holders of the H artm an Syndi-1 W illiam H. Crane» retired star o f th e Am erican stage, now tance of the demands of the strik ­ the Chamber of Commerce, in the in Maryland, which involved a cate.* held in the local offices o f ! liv in g in San Francisco, w as the fir st person to v isit “L otta’s F ou n ­ ing shopmen. The workmen as­ Hotel Ashland today. big outlay. ta in ,” th e g ift of th e dead actress, L otta Crabtree, to th e C alifornia the syndicate la3t night. The J. H. Fuller, secretary of the NEW YORK, Oct. 14. — In m etropolis. The m orning fo llo w in g announcem ent o f her dem ise h e 1 serted th a t the w alkout followed meeting, attended by approxim ate­ the refusal of the company to local civic body reported in be­ WASHINGTON. Oct. 14.— Sen­ the lee of Sandy Hook, with her placed a w iea tli upon th e shaft in behalf of his profession. ly 100 stockholders in the con­ half of the membership commit­ remedy intolerable working con­ ator Borah. Republican, of Idaho, care of 32 in.irons and her cargo cern was called for the purpose of tee, th at 21 new members had ditions, and had no relation w hat­ will fall heir to the chairm anship of 43,000 cases of liquor under discussing the charges lodged been secured for the booster or- ever to the shopmen’s strike. of the powerful Senate judiciary «government seal, the Norwegian Stating th a t Ashland granite against the leaders of the com- ! ganlzation. Four of these new committee as a result of the death steam ship Sagatind this morning has no equal for m onum ental pur- pany recently, by the Oswald members were introduced at the ef Senator Brand gee. Brandegee BANDITS GET $95.009 .awaited disposition at the hands pose3, not even when compared W est-Black commission, appoint­ became chairm an of the commit­ of the federal government. IN SOUTHERN RAIDl,nncheon today- with the famous Vermont granite, ed by Governor Pierce, to investi­ Fred Holmes, one of those In- tee upon the death of Senator There was nothing to suggest LOS ANGELES, Oct. 14. — ’ terested In the promotion of the Ne'son of Minnesota. Mr. McGreery, a granite dealer gate the stock activities of the , the* tum ultuous scenes th a t had of Seattle, who was a recent visi­ syndicate. Three bandits, operating in a W inter Fair, which will be stag­ Senator Borah, is now chairman I heAi enacted’on her decks before A committee, was appointed tor in Ashland, a fte r visiting the large touring car, halted and held ed the first week in December, of the Senate committee on edu­ I the coast guard cu tter Seneca Ashland quarry left o n e 'o f the last night to thoroughly audit the up Bert Cown. a messenger for explained to the members pres­ cation. and labor, but lie is ex­ sighted her floating aimlessly largest orders ever received by the books of the company, and to in­ i about forty iles out from New Coach Hughes’ Clinrgcs to Tangle States Automobile M agnate Will ¡the M erchants National Bank here ent. several reasons why the pro­ pected to forsake th at post for local firm. vestigate the condition of the W ith N orthern City on F ield A gain Make O ffer of $ 5 ,0 0 0 ,- today, as he was walking through ject should be supported, and ex­ the more im portant assignment j York w ithout a helmsman. When McGreery has been a dealer in plant here, in order to decide ex- at G rants Pass OOO for M uscle Shoals the industrial district, and rob plained how the F air gave Ash-, thus opened for him. \ the Seneca came upon the Sag­ granite for a num ber of years, j actly how justified the attacks on bed him of $25,000 in curr?ncy land much favorable publicity It atind the lookout of the cutter first engaging in the business in the syndicate, by the commission W ith the scalp.of the K lam ath WASHINGTON. Oct. 14. — The bandits escaped in their au­ has been decided to hold the hailed the ship and receiving no were. Louis Dodge, F. F. W hit- ’ W inter Fair as a poultry show his native state, Vermont. response, fired three shot3 across Falls grid w arriors 3afely tu c k -■ President Coolidge does not con­ tomobile. tie and Louis M arcott were a p - : this year. ♦ "• Following the trip to the gran­ her bows. When still there was no ed in their belt after th eir raid sider Henry Ford definitely out A word picture of how the Litb- ite quarry. McCreery and his wife pointed to this committee. Dodge : “““ "“”1 «Yu v I ...... 7, T s’gn , °f Hfe aboard, Captain R. L. on the K lam ath reservation last of the m arket for Muscle Shoals, ian "Hotel will appear, when com­ were escorted through Lithia and W hittle have been residents ... o Seneca, ni»/4nv«r\rt . r*I . et Saturday, the Ashland High foot- despite the automobile m agnates’ WloL'O r \ r of . tnn Blake the UonAOo ordered , his pleted, was painl?d fo: the mem­ P ark by their host S. Pennington . of Ashland for a num ber of year3. men to hoard her, acting under a ball squad will journey to G rants interview stating he had withdrew bers Jay J. W. McCoy, member of this city. McCreery was en--. while Marcott, a form er Portland i law allowing search to be made Pass Saturday, where they will his bid for five million dollars PENDLETON, Oct. 14. — A of the committee in charge of thusiastic over the scenery In this j man, a heavy stockholder in the of a vessel within communication tangle with the pigskin artists for the property. the plans for the structure". Mc­ plea that men in sympathy with section, especially th at re p re se n t-! H artm an Syndicate, recently came of th a t city. Following the The President believes Ford to this city, and at present is as­ from the shore. The customs men G rants Pass game, Coach Hughes merely decided not to press his Coy gave the members an out­ law enforcem ent be elected to fill ed in the park. WASHINGTON. Oct. 14. line of the plans to be followed law enforcem ent offices, even if sistan t superintendent of the clambored aboard and saw no one of the local outfit has scheduled offer, for congressional accept­ on deck, but a search disclosed Three new irrigation projects for tbe construction of the build- partisan lines have to be forgot­ works. In the conference last a tussel with the Roseburg squad. ance of his offer, but to aw ait fu- Oregon are approved by a com­ OREGON LAW BARS ing, and an idea of how the new ten was made Sunday night by night, M arcott represented the two sailors asleep in the wheel to be staged on the Roseburg ture developments. mission appointed under the terms hotel will compare with others in Governor W alter M. Pierce to a FEE SLITTING WITH men employed by the syndicate.! house. Below deck they found 1 Held on October 31. the rest of the crew. Some w ’ere of the report of the fact-finding cities the size of Ashland, through- crowd that packed the Christian UNLICENSED PERSON 1 Meetings, sim ilar to th a t held Although the score of the asleep and some were staggering commission. These projects are I ouj tbe country. here, will be held in Portland, church in a union meeting. W. J. SALEM. Oct. 14. - S p littin g 1 Salem and gilverton. while a joint* about in a stupor' Nearly a11 Were K lam ath Falls-Ashland game was the Baker in Baker county and i Professor C. V. Howell, Y. M Herwig, president of the Oregon the Owyhee and the Vale in C. A. w orker in Ashland gave a Anti-Saloon league, also spoke fees for real estate sales with a ,neeting will be held in the A m ity-! nursing b’ack eyes The captain close, Coach Hughes believes his charges capable of b etter football was found locked in his cabin M alheur counties, embracing more short talk on his work in this The meeting was held under the person not a licensed broker is McMinnville section, than 170,000 acres of land. absolutely forbidden under the !• According to E. J. B arrett. with twelve rifles and six revol- than they displayed in th a t mix, city, explaining the m anner in auspices of the Women’s C hrist­ and will put them through some j These projects had previously which the “ Y” was attem pting to ian Temperance union and a m a­ Oregon law, according to Will i 3aje8 m anager of the syndicate, vers b?3ide his bunk. He explain-( 1 been recommended as feasible aid the young people. Professor jority of the Prote3tant congre­ Moore, state real estate com m is-. gq per cen{ of t be money irfvesti- ed that his ship, 964 ton oil burn- stiff w orkouts before their tussle SALEM, Oct. 14. — Their at- the G rants Pa3S outfit. from the engineering standpoint, Howell was followed by Profes- gations of Pendleton united for sioner, who declares that his o f - ! gated in the new industry has er of Norwegian registry, had left Antwerp for St. Pierre w ith a! Hughes is pointing his gang to- tem pt to ” see the w orld” blasted but doubt wag lgft ag tQ whe(her fice is frequently in receipt of been subscribed by residents of sor G. A. Brisco, who gave his the services. com plaints from people, who be- ^he W illam ette Valley. B arrett derellet crew and 100,000 cases ward the Medtord games, and al- by the pol.ee officials of B oo»»-.they would prove an economic, opinion on the work being ac- More money is needed and will though he would like nothing bet- Iow a.w here they were apprehend- ag d cn itn ral and financial success .1 complished l.v 11,e Y M. C. .. lieve themselves entitled to com -1 stated th a t the work on the shale i of assorted liquor. A be needed in the future to fight te r than to take every team his ed B. L. Sherman escaped con- The reports ppep ,he w>y [pr y Q R {|m1 pensation for inform ation given o¡j d ep o siti was progressing very the illicit liquor traffic than has I ’’ “ • T “ nd “ “ “ Q“? , ^ e m ! “ " c l a r y of the interior to re- ¡o f the meeting, gave a brief out- been available in the past, the to real estate brokers which has favorably and th a t as soon as a pipe line have been laid and ILLICIT LIQUOR CASES ** we" “ «»,ted « hla ga» g .old son of John Qulnland. chief commend to congress the ai>pro-; line of ihe work of the Hi-Y. the governor told his audience. Dur­ resulted in a sale of property. The feesplitting practice was a flee, of trucks put into opera- CROWD COUNTY COURT. ‘ Z ’Z T m X m ’’ I “ «« « ’»-¡V - M C. A organisation working ing the 'past year $25,000 has couple of times. , are back in Salem. common prior to the enactm ent tion, the project would be com-» structlon. , among the hoys of high schoo’ been available for the work over Although early season p re d ic t-1 They were returned from Iowa j MEDFORD, Oct. 14.— Merrill of the Brokers' license law, Meore pleted. This fu rth er work will be ---------- ! age. the whole state, or about $700 Sunday by the fath er of the boy,' points out, and many persons are completed at a cost o‘f $50,000, Betz, truck driver of Gold Hill, ions are usually about as faith­ About fifty members of the for each county. A request th a t ADDRESSES chamber were present when the ful as a Turkish husband from sent to get them by W arden apparently still of the opinion and President H artm an is at finds th a t he is a big financial the use of one-half of the fines Dalrymple and yesterday m o rn - 1 UNION SAVINGS LOAN way things are shaping up, th a t such a practice is permis- pregenj jn ngw York, negotiating loser through Night Officer Sun-i secured by prosecuting liquor ing- Sherm an related how he and COMPANY AT LIBRARY ealled to «**«• Coach Hughes has a very prom­ sable. a loan with which to complete the derm an of this city, having found law violations be turned to the ising squad, one which should the boy evaded capture for near- i a partially filled q u art bottle of Moore urges th at all persons proj GCt state for further work along the W est-Black com -1.»»«“ ‘» •>'» <«■'• ’ Following »1», th e g0," g t’, ‘ n>r “ ," gh ' ° r taVtun-' SHOWNPOWN^SOUTH parties to real, estate deals satis- Tbe Oswald 3ame line will be mafle of the fy themselves th a t the d e a le r, mission reported th a t the stock a rrest he was fined $50 by i * * ° PP° 6 8 u ou e away by telling him glowing ’ 8OCiation and how it was form- coming legislature. Governor through whom they are doing of the H artm an Syndicate had Judge Taylor Saturday, and steps j reason. | J ^ ^ l he investors cf th a t company at! SACRAMENTO, Oct 14. - A PierCe said. of adventure and places . . . . . . , . .. . . .. business is duly licensed by de- been beavjiy oversubscribed, and have been taken by County P ro se -, The G rants Pass eleven tronne- stories to be seen as charged bv the the _ A sh,and Library last evening. • serious split in the ranks of woe the 10 De seen, as cnargea oy m e, _ . rr.. v i.._ m anding the display of his license th at President H artm an had been cutor Borden to have his car con. t e ars e ®rs-’ A good attendance was present b u Klux Kian in California was GONE TO CALIFORNIA officials. v 3tock a , . for fiscatcd I I in th eir tussle last Saturday, and prison _________________ card which every broker is re­ given entirely t too much and an excellent speech was giv- revealed here today when Secre- nscaiea. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Coovert and In city court this week A rthur! are set to take the local squad quired to carry at ail times. en by Mr. Kirkwood. He spoke t&ry of State Jordan refused to his share in the holdings. Follow-i Ccovert’e m other left this noon in detail of the work of the as- file articles of incorporation for Ing this report, the syndicate Heffner, who was arrested by O f-: into camP when they tangle. I fiTTr™ CLUB SALE Oakland and San Francisco, of th e ( IS GREAT SUCCESS soelation anil how is was form ­ the secret order, presented by for brought suit against W est and ficer Sunderman for being d r u n k / Since little is known where they will visit until about and Joe Long, arrested by Officer ( M arshfield squad, they g e n e ra lly Jam es D^Borde of Los Angeies ed. The rules and regulations Black for $300,000. The case is ths first of the year, hoping to Cave on a disorderly conduct) shove a weak outfit onto the fie’d ,, on the grounds th at DeBorde and The Civic Club cleared $150 ¡w ere thoroughly explained* a'^o. now pending. benefit Mr. Coovert’s health. They charge, forfeited bail they had po ibe lop-sided score rung up a t th eir annual rum m age sale i so th a t the investors received a his associates did not represent are connected with the Skyline put up after their arrests, th e bv the G rants Pass crowd does not which was held at the club house J clear idea of the work. This is the real Kian, but merely tlie dis­ Mine of this city. latter forfeiting $25 and the for­ mean a g re a t deal. Friday and Saturday. Large the first time an officer of the senting faction of the parent or- COPY OF FAMOUS OLD m er $15. __________________ ) crowds attended eacH day and the association has been hers so t h a t ; tfanization. DeBorde said he CHARTER IN PORTLAND I Joe Burke, a laborer,, also ar- ■pnTTTTPAT P P T T P lo w e rs and food