PAGE Fbfc» L iogq I » P e rso n a l fio te s ASHLAND ÜÁ&Y TÍDÍXtíS ««■ M Ñ » ■aagaifrfiBSib At Damn*- $ Visiting Here—; has passed tha test for the seeoad' to make an addition to the gaso* The charge of first degree ihnrder, A large num ber of people mo-’ Ml4, and Mrs, Dofl Pierson of„ orchestra and joined th a t organ!-} line tax “ unless relief is given in is never outlawed by the passage Monday, October il, iôâi TOO LATE TO CLARfttFT of time. tored to the E m igrant Creek danf* San Francisco arrived in. Ash-} nation. the lowering of license fees, LOST— Califtifnlft license plate The jurors were instructed to yesterday to view the work. The land S aturday and will spend} * I 25627. Two cord tires. Finder study the various confessions of cement pouring has been com- some time here visiting with Home— I’OTHIER ACQUITTED IN Pothier with the greatest cau­ return to Ashland Tidings. Re­ A Dally Chroni J of those who come and go, and events of pleted and the mixer and other friends and relatives. «. Mrs. Drfle Young returned home MURDER TRIAL tion. Judge Cushman declaring ward. 36— 2 local Interest m achinery is now. being dism ant- ______ . yesterday from Gazelle, Califor­ they should be disregarded en-i ~ ALE— E xtra good cow, I led. See the w onderful values in nia, where she visited for sever­ (Continued from Page 1) cheap and will be fresh in Feb- ---------- ladies fur coats, cloth coats, suits al days with her parents. fear of undue influence was ex V isitin g in B rookfield— In Ashland— ruary. Must sell, Phone 314-J. Special Auto Accident Policy j dresses, skirts and blouses a t the ju ry m ight have brought in ercised. Mrs. W. E. Newcombe of G rants 36— 3 Mrs. Dan W alker of this city; jor 55.00 a year. Phone 21. Y e o 'I 'O rre Tailor Shop. 36— any one of four verdicts. They I Here on Business— I Pass was in Ashland Friday and is visiting in Brookfield with h e r |of course. 24-tf — Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Anderson ; are: Guilty of m urder in the first FOR SALE— Nice slicing and sister, Mrs. L. B. Applegate. Saturday visiting with friends. 1 Purchased Property— of Applegate were in Ashland degree, guiltjt of m urder in the] TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF canning tomatoes, 3c pound, Mrs. Lettie M. Trask hag pur­ ---------- ! In Ashland— THE HARTMAN SYNDI Saturday on business. first degree w ithout the d e a th , 36— 1 Phone 39 6-J. Cliff Payne makes sash doors. Mrs. Covert, one of the prin- chased the property at 985 East Best m ilk— L inlnger’s Dairy, CATE INC. f ------- - j penalty, guilty of m urder in the 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. - - c'pal owners of the Skyline Mine Main street belonging to Mrs. Lll- This is to notify you th at a second degree or not guilty. FOR REXT- -Furnished house, 26—tf 1 Real money can be saved on ju town today from Portland lian G. Yates through the Ashland ' Visiting for Week— mceting of the local stockholders; j>(,ulevard Lim itations B ar M anslaughter 36— Im o suits and overcoats at Orres Tail- and made a trip to the m ine this Realty Company. Mrs. T rask' Mrs. J. O. Thompson and son is called for this evening a t 7:30,; ________ The ju ry were prohibited from or Shop. 36— 2* morning by way of a Ford truck, will move in some tim e next week, of C entral Point are in Ashland reaching a verdict of m anslaught­ October 13th, 1924, at the Syn- B orn— GOOD rebuilt Underwood type­ visiting for the week with Mrs. er and if they determ ined that dicate’s office, 135 Pioneer Ave­ w riter, cheap, inquire W estern To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hobbs, ---------- i which is the only thing th a t will E. C. Thompson. on October 3rd, a daughter. Mrs. To Portland— make the grade. • 36— tf Major - ■> » . I », « i ."je;.- & Mrs. B uchanan’s father, C. B. 1 Imogene W allace, Piano and hospital where she has spent the I th is ovseing. Ch rtsttea CfcureJi floor Purchase Home— Harmony Studio, Second Haney, who lives east of Ashland. last three years training. Dr. Y cr-nf j safe; ci W-.1 fr«, Mrs. M. J. W olcott and three 30— tf Beaver Bldg. ìfivoìu- i “ Gt v u r u C renate sons arrived in Ashland recently Pay less and dress better— get tior from Saskatchew an to make th eir H uekleberrylng — H igh T im es P rin ted — your Fall Suit a t P aulserud’s. The Medford High Times was home here. Mr. W olcott has been Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Phipps and W ILL CONTEST ANY 33— tf ; distributed for the first time this here all sum m er and purchased a Vernon and K atharine Phipps GAS TAX BOOSTING Trip to Klamath— j year at the Medford High School home on Sherman street, where made a trip to a point near Wild- Misses Ethel W heeler, Zipora] last Friday. It is an excellent edl- they are now moving. Mrs. Wol- erville yesterday and returned (Cointinued from page 1.) Blumenfeld, Aileei Shepard and tion and reflects much credit on cott is a very accomplished mu- with five gallons of huckleberries. the Special committee, declaring Mr. and Mrs. Gooc vere among j the editors and reporters. i sician. th a t th eir organization, represent­ Joins Orchestra— I those who attende« the Ashland-' - —. ing the general rrx orists of the Dyanshine Shoe Dressing, 50c,; Miss Joyce Johnson, who is a t­ K lam ath Falls game at K lam ath Orres Cleans and remodels gar- state, would . uy attem pt McNair Bros. tending the U niversity of Oregon, Falls Saturday. 1 ments. _ 36— 2* M 3. . j » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « « M M M » M .- M « M M M M M M M » » ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M M -M + -M ♦♦♦♦»<■♦ - lU o s Children’s Sterling Coats Sizes 4 to 14 COOPS ; -, cdorial * ♦ ♦ -» » -♦ ♦ ♦ « * » m m m m m m m m m | m t ♦ » > » ♦ ♦ » » ♦ ♦ M M M M ♦« M « . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ ♦ « ♦ » ♦ ♦ « » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • » » ♦ ♦ » ♦ » ♦ ♦ » •♦ ♦ » ♦ ■ Interment In A Mausoleum- The Way of No Regrets The Way of No Regrets Interment In A Mausoleum ♦ The Opportunities For Interment In This Building Are Now Past, As A ll Space Has Been Sold The Only Possible Opportunity Would be a Delinquent Sale. Anyone Wishing Information in This Matter Should Immediately Inform Mr. G. 1). • Mason, Phone 112, Ashland, or Geo^gie Coffee, Tidings Office. T T-5SC- •> -inja«' * - ’ » The cost of space in this building was no greater than the average earth burial. The building is now pro­ gressing rapidly toward completion and within six weeks a dedication program will be arranged to which all Ashland people will be invited. This memorial is one of the most substantial structures ever built in the United States. K r fls h astin g a s The P y ram i is Here Above The Ground, Not Today, Perhaps, But sooner or later it falls to most of u slo decide where we shall lay one whom we have loved., There are only three ways— First, disintegration in the earth, Second, incineration, which nec­ essitates grinding up of some parts of the body. Third, mausole­ um interment, which is evaporation of all moistures over a for­ maldehyde trap. ; Tlie Indians at Chiloquin and Klamath are to have a building of the same Egyptian architecture as this one for 1009 sepulchres, caring for the whole Indian reservation. The money has already been author­ ized for this by the Inter-Council of Indians. Also there is to he a large Grecian architecture building at Medford, which ’will be con- sfructed in a ne wcemeterv which is under perpetual care. Mr. Mason is superintendent and builder. This Achievment Brings Ashland To the Rank of 2,000 Cities .................... ..... ............................................................ .................................................................................................................................................... ♦ And in vaults of time-defying stone the remains of those near to you will find true rest, safe from destructive elements of earth and water; secure against all vandalism. Sunshine, warmth, beautiful surround­ ings will he theirs and whenever you wish to visit, you can do so un­ der roof, and in comfort no m atter what the weather may be. ..................................... .. >-» « :