,M6S «Mg C lassified C olum n PROFESSIONAL S o e ie ty ' Wftrd riammolSd and Miss Esther ! Fell took plaos on Tuesday after- ! ndOh, October 7th at four o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. DR. HAWLEY- «Above Tidings R. Brinkley 505 East Broadway, office. Phone 91. eggs 4 . j ripe’ Divide into slices of hat. OLD ANCHORS I Port,and’ Oregon, the Rev. P. K. water. DR. C. W . HANSON Add the syrup and re- about three-fourths of an inch in u t n Hammond. father of the groom (George Sterling in the Literary , . „ .. , place upon the fire, continuing to thickness. Season well with salt D en tist Review v I being the officiating clergyman. beat until the mixture is very Special attention given to pyor­ POR SALS 1 With the addition of a few very --------- ! creamy. Withdraw7 from the fire and pepper, They have served their part. For There Is wisdom In reading ads. rpv , , . s rh o ea. Office upstairs in Beaver intimate friends, the guests were The Home Lighting Esay Con- and beat until cool. them the storms are done. For Sale at a Bargain Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. the members of the Hammond test, which is being conducted in • And the long ships lie sunken or and Fell families. A good big lot with a cement Add a little carmen coloring, the territory including Southern ashore. foundation, ready to build, lot DR. ERNEST A. WOODS—Prac­ if the mixture is too pale, and a The br35,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti When, heedful of the hidden bouquet of white Brides Roses in the Grammar and High Schools MONUMENTS vated, free water, lots of it. 20 rocks and splits. 27 inch Fine Heavy Quality in White and Lillies of the Valley. of eligible age. head of large size Registered Jer­ The ironmasters’ faith was jus ASHLAND GRANITE The young couple will make The primers, badges and news­ seys, the finest strain in Oregon. tified. MONUMENTS their home in Medford, Where paper lessons have all been dis­ 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, Till, to the groaning of the wlnd- Mr. Hammond is in the employ of Blair Granite Co. tributed to the 3500 students In 200 White Leghorn chickens, team lass-bitts. PENNISTON, Manager the California - Oregon Power the schools and they. are very of Registered Imported Perchon The tempest broke and died. Company. Office 173 E. Main mares 1900 lbs. each. About busily at work, all with the in­ Sim p son ’s In Navy Blue and Black, $2.48 value Res. Phone 444-Y * * • >3000.00 worth of farm equip­ tention of winning one of the val­ Peace— peace! They have out­ Dinner Party— ments, modern house, large barn 20,000.00, matically entered in the Inter­ of the Salvation Army at the time to be. W inchester Store Prosser of New York were dinner long time on balance at 6 per cent. national contest, and each school WhlteShleid Home, 565 May- Change is upon our ventures and C ut full size; Made of heavy outing guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Pro­ has determined also to win one Courtesy to brokers or agents, j falr Ave., Portland. Oregon. our deeds; vost at their .home Friday even­ of the International prizes, there­ J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland No change is on the sea. Oregon. 33—1 mo. ing. The table was beautifully by bringing honor and glory to PLANING MILL decorated in pink roses, forming their school. CALENDAR OF BVENT8 FOR SALE—Enameled top cab JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET a charming background for the It is interesting to note from Tuesday, Oct. 14. W. C. T. U. inet table, >8. Solid oak rocking WORKS, Cor. Helman and delicious three - course dinner all reports that the International O ne Trail o f Made with fancy French Cuffs chair >10, 555 Fairview St. 32— 6 Van Ness. 194*4/ meets at Library at 2:30. which was served. The evening contest has assumed greater pro­ Tuesday, P. E. O. meets at was spent in conversation. portions all over the United FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in TRANSFER AND EXPRESS home of Mrs. J. W7 McCoy on * * * States and Canada than was ever good condition; reasonably priced, Whittle Transfer Ä Storage Co. Oak street. Mah Jongg Party— dreamed of when the plan was Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St. for SERVICE. Wednesday, Oct. 15. Auxiliary Mrs. Elwood Hedburg enter­ made. As early as September 32—tf Experienced movers and pack to Trinity Guild meets at 7:30 at OIL and GASOLINE tained at her home on First street 15th, orders had been placed with •!G inches wide all new patterns. Extra special Episcopal parish house. ers of household goods. Deal­ Another Bargain with a Mah Jongg party Friday the Society for Electrical Develop­ and you will be convinced Wednesday, Oct. 15. Upper evening. The evening was spent ers in coal and wood. Phone 5-room modern house 1 1-2 ment for one million primers. As 117. Valley Community Club has re­ in playing that delightful game. blocks from high school. Price this was very early, and before that they are the best on ception for Miss Brewster at the Office 89 Oak St. near >1500.00, for quick sale. 1-2 cash Delicious refreshments were the campaign had gotten under the market. hon.e of Mrs. A. C. Joy In Belle­ served at a late hour by the Hotel Ashland balance long time, 6 per cent. way, it is assumed that at present I ine quality, bleached and seamless 5 room modern house, lot T- L. POWELL—General Trans­ view district. charming hostess. this figure has grown to about Friday. Oct. 17. Parent-Teach­ 100x150 Garage, chicken house. Those present were Mesdames three million. Before the contest fer—Good team and ’ motor er Association and Civic Club en­ Price >3100, for quick sale. Good Gerald Wenner, Milton Fralefcr, is completed it will have assumed trucks. G >od service at a rea tertain teachers at club house, terms at 6 per cent. See W. W. Dean Scott, Domino Provost, Her­ greater proportion than any Na- I eouab.’e price. Phone 83. 7:30. Robison, 63 North Main St. bert Bentley, Misses Louise and tional educational contest in the (Mine in Plaid Patterns, fin e’quality Marjorie Gillette, Margaret and history of the United States and BOULEVARD and SHERMAN FEHIGE-ROACH MISCELLANEOUS Esther Kleinhammer, Allene Canada. Hammond-Fell Wedding— Transfer — Express — Storage The marriage of Mr. Vincent Walker, Virginia Jone3 and the Hauling — Dray work of all A shland P ost hostess, Mrs. Hedburg. FAMOUS RECIPES No. 14 American Legion will kinds. Quick motor service. Dry VALUABLE TRUCK BU R N ED hold regular monthly meeting at wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R .. . , ... • , For hot Autumn days the 112-tf T j U i go size, Zion Lily’ Spreads. A real value the Ashland Armory Tuesday, 375 B. St. ^ b^ Ui i ?U r0.cl0Ckye8terday.the I French housewife makes a delic- fire department was summoned to ious strawberry parfait for des­ Oct. 14, at 7:30 p. m. 35—2 FLORIST the old Ennis barn about one mile sert. WANTED: — Nursing.. Will west of town, but was unable to, Prepare a pint of sugar syrup SAY IT WITH FLOWERS consider honse work. Am a post save the barn, and a Mack truck From graduate of N. W. school of mas­ 1 and when Jt is I» « thick enough Many a s'ck spell can be Hatrher & Benson, Floral & Seed To Josep h W eld o n B . u t . | v,a l,,ed, at, ’ 550° was «’«"■oywl to “string" put in one-half pound Fine Ribbed; light fleeced; all stvles sage and electro-therapeutics. prevented if there’s a bathtub T h en H e T ook T an lac A n d also.—Jacksonville Post. , Wildwood full of water—hot or cold strawberries that are Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or Co., temporary location 399 tepid or cool—available just G ot R elief. Phone 158. 33— 1 mo. Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and when needed. floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo Would exchange property near “Well, sir, my wife don’t have The home that does not have Portland for Ashland property. a bathroom—or that is de to fix special dishes for me now, NOTICE OF HEARING ON pending on one that is out of 443 B. street. 33—tf Sold Regularly at $1.25 to $1.75 pair for Tanlac has put my stomach FINAL ACCOUNT date is missing a source of in such good order that I eat health protection worth far WANTED—Work by competent IN THE COUNTY COURT OF more than it costs. everything and felt fine after­ experienced janitor. All or part THE STATE OF OREGON FOR wards,’’ is the striking statement time. Will do anything. Refer­ JACKSON COUNTY. Ask us about modern bath­ rooms. They are inexpensive. ences 218-Y. 32—tf In the Matter of the Estate of of Joseph Weldon, 454 Bidwell ANICE McCLANAHAN, deceased. Ave., Portland, Oregon foreman English Serge in Navy Blue; $2.98 value G oats Bred by registered NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, East Side Lumber M1113. “Before taking Tanlac the buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, that the Final Account of the low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 executor in the said estate has worst sort of pain and misery miles south on Pacific Highway been filed with the County Clerk followed my meals and this in­ Plumbing Heating 14— 1 mo * of Jackson County, Oregon and digestion had weaken me do,wn Phone 188 207 E. Main “The Q uality Store" the Hon. G. A. Gardner. Judge until I felt tired and wornout all For a smooth shave of said Court has designated the the time. I also suffered from con­ and quick service go 25th day of October, 1924, at'ten stipation, hut Tanlac and the to the Shell Barber o’clock A. M., at the Courthouse Tanlac Pills have put a stop to Shop. Ladies and in Jacksonville, Jackson County. it all and I now feel as fresh and children get your hair Oregon as the time and place for strong as a youngster again. “In fact, Tanlac has put me bobbed and marcel­ a hearing thereon. Any person In the be3t condition of my life. led. having any objections to said ac­ My wife used to be weary and smxs count is required to present the W . A. SH ELL, Prop. same on or before the time set wornout from indigestion, too. 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore for said hearing. and Tanlac did the same for her LOUIS WILCOX, Executor. | it did for me. We couldn’t be anything else but good friends Briggs & Briggs, Attys. If they re real people—householders, fanners POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS of such a wonderful medicine.’’ Ashland, Oregon. 18—4 Mon. professional men, business men—chances are that Tanlac is for sale by all good G. W . M ilam druggists. Accept no substitute. one out of ten owns Copco Preferred Stock. NOTICE OF HEARING ON- Independent Over 40 million bottles sold. FINAL ACCOUNT Candidate for County School Approximately ten per cent of all the customers Tanlac Vegetable Pills recom­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ of this Company are shareholders. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR mended by the manufacturers of ty, Oregon. Tanlac. JACKSON COUNTY. Preferred Stock of The California Oregon Power In the Matter of the Estate o f ' company earns for them a profitable return of AN NOUNCEMENT PHEBE J. WELLS, deceased. 7.14% on the surplus funds and monthly savings In announcing myself as an NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Independent candidate for Cor­ that the undersigned administra­ they have invested in this substantial security. oner for Jackson county:—I do tor with Will annexed of the so with the firm belief that the Estate of Phebe J. Wells, has fil­ people do not want minority rule. ed his final account in said Court, It is proven that the direct and the Hon. G. A. Gardner has I t ’s G randm other’s R ecip e primaries are a failure, only 30 set November 1, 1924, at 10 o’­ In order that all of our customers may avail to R estore Color, G loss per cent vote was cast at the clock A. M. at the Courthouse in themselves of this unusual investment opportunity and A ttra ctiv en ess. spring primaries, which is not a Jacksonville, Jackson County, Copco Preferred Stock is being offered direct to thé voice of the people. In this elec­ Oregon, as the time and place public under a liberal m o n th ly p a y m e n t p la n , Almost everyone knows that tion all parties have the privilege for a hearing thereon. with interest allowed on all payments. of voting for their choice. All persons having objections Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly I need no introduction to the to the same are required to make compounded, brings back the na­ E v ery th in g y o u r r o o f should be! people of Jackson county where such objections on or before th e ' tural color and lustre to the hair Any member of our organization will gladly fur­ __ when faded, streaked or gray. I have lived for 15 years, and time set for said hearing. P L E A S IN G appearance, weather-protection, fire-protection and nish you with full information. Ask for it— today! I CALIFORNIA OREGON! A long h ie—these are the four essential qualities o f a good roof. Years ago the only way to get given the best of my life, time and GEO. W. DUNN, POW ER C O M PAN Y i Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles give you these four essentials in the money for the upbuilding and bet­ Administrator. this mixture was to make it at eaSUre’m natUfal Colora ° f 8age Erccn’ Indian red, and terment of the entire community. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY 24-4-Mon. home, wrhich is mussy and troub­ lesome. Nowadays, by asking at I have been assistant to the Carey Asbestos Slate Shingles are approved by Underwriters’ Labo- Offices: any drug store for “Wyeth’3 Sage present coroner for eight years X S S £& £? 2 S “ b€l' thu* * • and Sulphur Compound,” you will and understand every detail of j OREGON the.work, therefore I am corapet-' get a large bottle of this famous Roseburg Medford Grants Pass Klamath Falls ent to handle the affairs of the 1 I old recipe, improved by the addi­ C A LIFO R N IA office. tion of other ingredients, at a Yreka Dunsmuir small cost. Yours for clean, progressive! and efficient women and men in Don’t stay gray! Try it! No OREGON POWER office in Jackson county. one can possibly tell that you CO M PA N Y NELLIE M. PERL ■ darkened your hair, as it does it TH E CALIFORNIA OREGON POW ER COMPANY so naturally and evenly. You YOUR PARTNERS ’PrrfemdStodk yields MEDFORD, OREGON IN PROGRESS dampen a sponge or soft brush I SLATE SHINGLES with it and draw this through Please send m e full information about your 7% Preferred A sk any member your hair, taking one small strand Stock and special partial paym ent plan. | are soon “nipped in the bad" without “dosing” by use of— at a time; by morning the gray o f our organization hair disappears, and after another ask any Name, application or two, your hair be­ member of our —or ¿Mail this coupon ▼ va r o r u b comes beautifully dark, glossy organization . Q w H 7 M g f a » ./ w i w r .,,rfr and attractive. —today! cAddreaa, i C laislfi«] Column Rates One cent the word each time. 'To rah''every Issue for one month or more, Vic the word each time. PH YSICIANS CONIEST LOCALLY: it Harvest Sale Bargains SEE US TIM E TO BUY WINTER NEEDS C harm euse Satin $1.69 fo r C O L O N IA L O uting Flannel 21c Pipeless FURNACES C anton Crepe, P u re Silk $1.98 O uting F lannel Gowns $1.15 C ham oisette Gloves $1.25 SHELL C olonial C retonne 22c 81x90 “P n llaw ay ” Sheets $1.25 IV. & N. Service Station 70x82 Wool M ixed B lankets $6.65 Satin Bed Spreads $4.75 Ï P ractical h e a lth insurance Women’s Union Suits $1.39 W om en’s W ool H ose $1.00 The Cook’s Best Friend— otem /fr 54 in d i A ll Wool Serge $1.95 J e rry O’Neal THE WORLD'S G R E A T E S T E. R. ISAAC & CO. B A KnenoW D FB The Last Spoonful is as good as the First ' ay. ntos n u n or A»nr om n aaAMo NOTICE THE FIRST nr EN PEOPLE YOU MEET! 19 MONTHS I I CALIFORNIA ABY’S COLDS B V JC K S ASBESTO 7.14% Ashland Lumber Co. » TO PAY