aaMaMaigfi, m ------ ' t h . ASHLAND TOV a TE VV ithout the use of medicine cures nine eases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. D aily T idings The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Yean (International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. 8 “CCeailOr ,c '* • Semi-Weekly Tiding», Volume MAUSOLEUM IN KLAMATH RESERVATION ! ANGEL CITY MOTORIS-fS I SAY COPS A R E TOUGH “ ------------ Zl *' PORTLAND, Oct. 13. __ Motorists are warned against alleged unfair tactics of speed officers in Harisburg, Drain, Gold Hill and Castle Rock, in a bulletin issued last week by the Southern 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ! 8 8 8 8 u M edford; D edication Hehl H ere Soon . ’* 5*e lx* ‘"i“ Inform ation also has been by C uthbert th at traveling men from Seattle, who have been caught in the speed traps of the Oregon communities, have held an indignation meeting in an effort to center the attention of Oregon authorities to the situaion. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 _____I_______ 8 8 « 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 •« Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. LSHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1924 NO. 36 WHEELER NOW CAM PAIGNING SOUTHERN CAL. SHENANDOAH TO HOP OFF EARLY TUESDAY CHAMPION COWBOY 8 ----------- 8 8 8 8 8 a TROOPS GUARD CITY AS MANY SEEK SHELTER SAN DIEGO, Calif., Oct. 8 13. — The giant navy dlr- 8 ible, Shenandoah, delayed 8 here, due to repairs, was 8 scheduled to leave Tuesday 8 morning for Camp Lewis, 8 W ashington. The route 8 8 to be followed will be over 8 8 Pasadena, Los Angeles, San 8 Jury Out Hour and Half in « Francisco, Portland and »¡Chekaing Soldiers Start for many other cities, practical- 8 Snnaghai as Leaders T ria l 8 ly the same route as th a t 8 Quit employeed by the round-the- 8 ONE BALLOT IS TAKEN « world aviators In their first 8 SETTLEMENTS ---------- 8 trip up the coast on the 8 GUARD Captain Rosenblulli Will Not be n start of their memorable 8 Ih o u sa n d s of R efu gees Flock Into Tried, A ccording to D istrict 8 voyage around the globe Town as H ordes of Defeated A ttorney 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10K la ^ h PtI l ^ r fOr » - “ “ -".in'lm» : Klamath Indians Is to 8 ' been received by H erbert 8 Independent Candidate to De Constructed ! 8 C uthbert, m anager of (the 8 Speak in San Diego, Los 8 publicity departm ent of the 8 Angeles O. D. MASON IS BUILDER a Chamber of Commerce. Hi* w in ai MALARIA GERMS HOPES TO TAKE COAST 8 ¡B elieves W ashington and North 8 ’ e n . C alifornia Safely in Fold, n n M , a , i n Even B reak Expected O D. Mason, who is supenn-. 8 tending the construction of the 8 Troops I-lee for Safety SAN DIEGO. Oct. 13. — Confi­ local mausoleum, has arranged 8 dent th at he and Senator La Fol- TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 13. — with the Inter-Council of the 8 SHANGHAI. Oct. 13. — All lotte will carry W ashington and Roland R. P othiet. was acquitted Klam ath Indians for the construc- 8 available foreign defense units. N orthern California by a large of the m urder of Major A lexand­ tion of a huge mausoleum at 8 Including the Shanghai Volun­ 8 m ajority, and hoping for an even er P. Cronkhite by a ju ry in fed­ Chiloquin which will provide a! teer corps and the police reserve break in southern California, eral court after deliberating for crypt for every Indian in the contingents from 24 foreign war Senator Burton W heeler, Vice- an hour and a half Saturday. One K lam ath Reservation, according craft were ordered out today, to Presidential candidate on the to Mr. Mason. j ballot was taken shortly after guard the boundaries of the for­ j the ju ry retired at 2:4 5 show- Progressive ticket, arrived in this The members of the Inter- 08994211 eign settlem ent here in anticipa­ city for a short speech. Senator j ing the jurors in accord on ac­ Council of the Klamath Indians tion of a general retreat on the W heeler will address an audi­ q u i t t a l , according to the evidence A,uw,ers- Shooting Affrays Follow will be present at the dedication city, of 30,000 disorganized Chek­ ence in Los Angeles tonight, go­ A ttem pt o f Leaders to on hand. A fter discussing v a r - ’ of the Ashland mausoleum in iang soldiers, following the decis­ ing from this city following his Arrange A rm istice ions phases of the case the ju r ­ about six weeks and will then de­ ion of their leaders to surrender. talk here this afternoon. ors decided that they had no evi 1 ---------- cide the architecture of the Chil­ The wi'desf confusion prevails These two talks will practic­ dence to justify conviction and NEW YORK, Oct. 13.— With oquin structure, w hether it shall i Sealed Estim ates of Contract in the city and am ongst the ally conclude Senator W heeler s notified the bailiff at 4:15 th a t the collapse of the first confer- be Egyptian, such as the local ors Are in H ands of G. M. troops. No provisions have been western tour in the interest of the they had reached a verdict. ence here between the On Leong one, or w hether it shall be con-1 F rost, Com pany See. made for surrender, the troops Progressive party. It is not be­ ______Captain Robert Rosenbluth. a rd Hip s ,n Ktonds, the fued be- structed in the Grecian a rch ltec-1 being unaware of their leader’s Paddy, w ho h ails from Mile» City. M ont., won th e jo in tly accuse(l with Pothier for tWeen the rivaI to »&s continued 7 , v i. n. t ... : WIth the bids of 51 «>ntract- lieved th at Senator La Follette, action. Thousands of civilian ta r L ? 2 u 8’ accord- ing firra« already in, alm ost a W heeler's running mate will be rrophy and the w orld’s all-rouiid cowboy championship at th e annual tbe el,eged m urder, will not be unabated- Thus far the fued refugee:? are flocking into the p io n ih ip ’ w i l X i i t J S T i S k h 7 h »he chan,- tried - according to Thomas R. I bas resu,ted ia m urders, shoot- able to make a w estern tour, ing to Mr Mason, have eight week before the date set for the i« » H otel, in New York,, Revelle, United States district at- lngs in New Y ork- Boston, Pitts- city, fbaring the horde of soldiers million t0 ¿ h«m i g e n in g of the sealed contracts, since he is centering his campaign as a m em orial to Theodore R oovelt’s love for th e w est. torney. R osenbluth’s trial was burg’ Chicago and New Jersey. A who will be swarming into the from the government X for tim b e r1 it • is expected lh a t the jargest efforts in the middle w’est. * set for October 22 and the grandi roundup of the O rientals revealed city within a few hours. rig h t, and the financing of the I field of bidder, to ever offer “for / 1 ju ry indictm ent against him will that many of the members of each hoge mausoieum for the Indiana.' work on „ bui|(|,„ g LA FOLLETTTE WILL be dismissed on motion of the tong were carrying pistols, in EVIDENCE CONNECTS ‘ TRY TO HOLD VOTES «M 0 0 0 f i '7 \ p,,ro’ lma,<‘,y be ■>««"» when the coni m e t, PAIR WITH MURDER preparation for future raids. The government, Revelle said. $150,000. has already been ar- for the new Lithian OF CORN STATES hotel are ranged. tong war is so serious th a t the The verdict came as no surprise opened. SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 13. __ KANSAS CITY, Oct. 13.— Here This will be one of the most ad­ to the government, it was said, Chinese Embassy in W ashington That the new hotel Is attractin g Officers continued today to weld vanced steps ever taken by the attention outside of Oregon is, in the h eart of the vast Middle Mr. Revelle declared before the has taken cognizance of it. a tighter chain *of evidence con­ Indians, the adoption of the shown by the bids of two out o f , W estern grain belt, Senator La veidiet came in th at the govern­ necting Mark Collins, Chico. Cal­ mausoleum interm ent idea. ment realized that its case against state firms, already in the hands ' FoBlette, independent candidate ifornia. rancher, with the mffrder Mr. Mason also stated Satur­ of G. M. Frost, secretary of the for the presidency of the United the defendant was not strong. In here Saturday of C. McGogan, 54, States, today made a formal bid T estim ony S till Be Taken in L a id -' Clayton K irk D iscovered in South iact, the question of dismissing day th a t he had arranged to sup­ Lithian Hotel Company, t former mayor of Buhl, Idaho, ley, Ehl, Tim ber Prosecution, erintend a large mausoieum in ' General construction work has for the farm vote, by advocating the indictm ents was raised sh o rt­ By Deputy j whose body was found pierced by K neipt on Stand Medford in the new cemetery near attracted nine b W e rs This Creatk" '. ° i a Pederal Marka‘- ly after the grand ju ry returned Shertff two bullets, in downtown Salt v o rk win i„c,u»S Co., Portland, J. F. Shea, increase of 15 to 20 per cent over come to the aid of those a rre st­ Dr. Young is < a 4 ninnale! m inister and lec-iz. Z~\ t r ». T~r summons. Portland two years ago, told of talking to days after his arrival. He then last year. ed where independent voters are »ni o ' a,ing ¡ ta re r of wide experience Pothier showed no emotion ¡C o.. P o rtla n d . C. P. Y u n d t. C o ,: 7 ' T ^ l E h l and coming to this city. dropped from sight auul despite In the western p art of the state! threatened by terrorists, . vallls. Keyser ¡¿J ! where He was efforts of his bondsmen aud fed­ either before or after his acquit- ixvyser and am t Schmidli. s c h m id li, Ro^e-i R o 3 0 - '.,,^ t 2 w h ere he he met m et Laidley. L aid ley . I L. E. Silverton. Pro-! ¡¡¡1 ¡ “ Yh " th r° u s " ° “ ' | show» land In the Evan» al. Asked about his intentions there has been sufficient rainfall, Creek eral authorities, no trace of hint and how soon lie would return to beginning about Sept. 22, to put distr et. He filed an application wa« f^ nd yesterday . vost Bros., Ashland, W. A Aitken t ROSEBURG, Oct. 13- A- J - Ashland and Gooding P lu m b in g l,e not ouly takes the p-sition K irk’s a rre st was more or less his wife and baby iu Central the soil in fine working condi­ on land but it was rejected. Huey B urns, city recorder of D ra«n. j Co . Gooding, Idaho. ' 1 that th ® Bible account of creation Falls, R. I., lie replied th at he tion, and considerable fall seed­ then testified th a t he went to of a coincidence. Deputy Sheriff who has achieved considerable no- Fight contmPf k i3 tn ,e ’ but th a t there i3 n° t « W’ould do nothing until he had ing has been done. Eastern Ore­ , CtOr,S have? urned i scientific fact in the universe ln I Jacksonville on his own. account Kimsey of Chiloquin called on toriety as the result of the many ¡n J L , Sheriff Low several months ago, made arrangem ents with the gon has had very little fall rain »» i * upon m otorists ar- ” i Thege 141 bids bjdders for the fines imposed arg electrical ag fQ 1 work favor of the theory of organic and f,led on other land w‘H»out and fall seeding has been delay­ inform ing him th a t he was going government for tran. portation. rested in Drain and vicinity, to -1 Page_McKinny> Portland evolution. tbe assistance of the defendants. ed. Some wheat was sown about Under the court's instructions GREDERICH8HAFEN. Ger­ on a trip and would like to have day was made the defendant in son ElectriC( Portland *nlgh't October 1, and by October 15, The lecture will be free, and many. Oct. 13. — F ar above the a list of men wanted here by (Continued on Page Four) all are invited to attend. Ques­ seeding will be pretty general, course followed by C hristopher quo w arranto proceedings brought Electric C o P o r tla n d > ’ Natlonal the sheriff’s office. Included in even should the dry w eather con­ Columbus in his tiny wooden by the state of Oregon to oust Electric, Portland, J A Drake tions by his hearers will be wel­ the list furnished Kimsey was tinue. The fall rains to date have craft, the big air cruiser ZR-3 is him from office. The state acted Albany, Jordan Electric, Ashland comed by Dr. Young, at the close K irk's name and description. of the lecture. , been of very little benefit to thej Plunging Anrerica-ward, blazing upon inform ation furnished by, Ashland Electric Supply Co Ash- Kimsey ‘ spotted” Kirk in Gal­ Eastern Oregon ranges. : an a *r trail started on the 4 32nd George V. Sanders, who contend- land, and Peoples Electric Co lup and asked authorities to hold anniversary of the completion of •ed th at he was duly appointed and Medford. him pending instructions .from WORLD FLIERS WILL Columbus' epochal voyage. qualified recorder of the city of __________________ BE BACK OCTOBER 22 PORTLAND, Oct. 13. — The Oregon. The sheriff a t the time A radio message received this D rain, and th a t Burns has unlaw- viisi'p x 'A ' f u v d proposal of an additional cent the wire was received from Kim­ L. H. Newton Will Build $40,000 ASHLAND IRON WORKS morning front Dr. Rugo Echenor, ,» „ y „8,,rpea ant, field the fittteel ,0 » VEAES PORTLAND, Oct. 13. — Ameri­ sey, had no w arrant for K irk’s TO BE DISCUSSED AT commander of the air liner, said gasoline tax, which Governor •Hostelry nt ca’s world-girdling aviators will in which he has been serving. _____ arrest. A deputy United States TOMORROW’S FORUM th at the dirigible was m aking * Resort Sanders was appointed record-! E . j . Lamont and wjfe Qf fhe arrive in Seattle on October 20, Pierce recently indicated he would m arshall from Portland, stepped urge before the 1925 legislature, er, according to the state ’s com-| Porcuplne mine dislrjct jn Sig to prepare their planes for a tri­ will evidently draw little support into the sheriff’s office as Sheriff In line with the program of fifty miles per hour. Early this HAPPY CAMP, Cal., Oct. 13 _ one of __________ _ In- morning, the dirigible was report- um phant tour down the Pacific Low was wondering how the case plaint, upon the resignation of J. kiyou county, Calif., stopped in presenting A shland’s from autom otive circles, if indi­ L. H. Newton, well known all o v e r' dustries at each of the "cham ber I ed ha' f W*y between RPain T. Redford a year ago. He quali- the Ashland auto camp Friday coast, and will probably be In ' cations at yesterday’s session of 'should be handled. “ Do you w ant K irk ?” Low ask ­ this section of the county as man- Of Commerce forums, the Ash- th Oct- .13.— Oregon vot- N IN E TO NOTHING men lost their lives as the re ­ they would not favor an increase 1 Kirk will be taken to Portland a nd to fish. Ashland Y„ M. C. A. will preside! 6,8 have but one grouP of <*andi- Mr. and Mrs. W .’H. McElroy of sult of accidents in Oregon in­ where he will be sentenced by in gasoline tax, which is now 3 Studicd Field | at tom orrow ’s luncheon and the dates for tbi> State Supreme dustrial plants during the week Salem, are spending a week in Judge W olverton. The Ashland - K lam ath Falls cents a gallon, as a means of pro. ■ Newton’s choice was not a hasty! latter portion of the program w ill, bench‘ frOR! which to choose two the local auto camp. Mr. Mc­ football game played a t Klam ath ending October 9, Milo Shestak. viding additional revenue o v e r! one, but came after only thought-, he devoted to several peppy one ,pen to lbe Plapefl of Justice laborer, Joseph, and F. J. Shultz, Elroy was here for a couple of H IT BY CAR. IS DYING Falls Saturday resulted in a 9-0 th e am ount th a t is already accru­ ful deliberation in noting the fit-j m inute speeches on the topic H arrls- resigned, and M cCourt.de- chaser, Knappton> A total of 605 days in the middle of the sum­ SEATTLE, W ash., Oct. 13. — score. The game was A shland’s ing from license and automobile tu re outlook of Happy Camp. , “Ashland Boys” . Mr. Howell, ceased- The supreme court today accfflents was reported during the mer n n d was so pleased with the throughout, but K lam ath put up week. fax sources. Representatives of R. Clements, 68, of Ontario, Ore­ He says th a t on au average the new secretary for the Y M reversed the decision of Secretary camp th a t he brought his wife .a good fight. Four of K lam ath’s some of the busses and truck op­ gon, is in a hospital here in a fifty cars are now passing through C. A. will be one of the speak- of State Kozer- who ruled here to enjoy the beauties of the condition as the result of men were on the sick list, which erators favored the gasoline tax dying park. being struck by an autom obile! p ? PPy £ a ™p daUy 011 lhe K!aniath era. .each vacancy must be treated crippled the team considerably. To K lam ath— increase, but chiefly as the basis while crossing a street here this! g,;wny. From frek a to A« this is membership month it separate*y- This action opens the The Ashland line-up was as fol- Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peters, Hike— of a redistribution of the present morning. The offending m otorist 7 ° ®oast R is about j is expected th at a num ber of n ew ! Way for ° ' Coshow, democrat, an lows: R ight End, Gasnell; Right j Clark B utterfield, Noble Katzer, tax burden. / two days’ travel, with Happy members will be introduced. Earl Snyder, George Converse appointee of Governor Pierce (o Tackle, Borah; R ight Guard. N ut-' A rth u r P eters and Glenn Simp- This stand was also taken by has not been located, although Camp the logical half-way p o in t,' succeed Justice H arris. and Raymond Finneran left early te r; Center, W ilson; Left Guard, son made a trip to K lam ath Falls the Oregon State Motor associa­ the police have spread a cordon and Newton feels very comfort- [ Visiting H e r e - this morning for Pom padour, Under Kozer’s ruling, Coshow about the city in an attem pt to N orton; L eft Tackle, Prescott; ' Saturday and spent the day wit- able about the investm ent. j Mrs. Helen Skidmore and son would have opposed Judge Belt, where they expect to explore the tion, which, through Joseph bring him into custody. Left End, B ryant; Q uarterback, nessing the game, in which But- rock. Dunne and George Brandenburg, He has ju st completed arrange- Frank, are visiting in Ashland of Dallas, for H arris' - place. _______ __ Judge Marske, L eft Halfback, W atson; i terfleld and K atzer played and ______ j president and manager of the as- m ents with the state corporation from W est Mansfield, Ohio with K elly’ Albany. under a form er Glendale — Half-width pave-, , commission to form a stock com- Mrs. Skidm ore’s sister. Mrs. A. ! ru ,in g ' warf »«apposed for Justice Fullback. B utterfield; R ight Half- spent Sunday at the lakes duck Grants Pass-O rchard avenue'’ Boclatlop» P^sented a letter to in« bein« )«ld m ^ « „ „ 1 „«»v 7 " " ------ " CU1U' “1,B- »Kiamore’s sister. Mrs A wa" unapposeq ror Justice back. Katter. hunting. Mt wltl' r “ y. , : : L n “7 ha’ r r ■» PIM>. being paved. (Contlnned on page 4) ing stock for the hotel. indefinite stay. named to succeed McCourt, is not a candidate. LREAIÌY ON LITHIAN HOTEL N.M. VERY FAVORABLE E V cn HAPPY CAMP IS IB HAVE