A s h l a n d tíÁ ÍL f PAG*» M »ÜB tid in g s Saturday, October 11, 1924 I POTHIER TRIAL IS Leaves For Medford— ! experience in the Sacram ento He 'stated -that the officials la Mrs. W. I. Hum phrey left to-j COMPLETED TODAY dessert. In some way his w ater Ashland had been very courteous E. D. Briggs went to the Lake K. W. Forbes of Rogue River <> was in Ashland today attending of the Woods Saturday m orningi day for Medford where she will j ---------- I canteen was broken and he was both times he had visited here i w here he will make some im prove-, make an indefinite stay with rel- to business interests. TACOMA, W ash., Oct. 11. — in the desert alone for seven and th at he appreciated the kind I ments on his property there. atives. Prosecutor Osborne, special a s - 1 days. i way in which he was treated, A Daily Chronicle of those who come and go, and event« of No agen t in Southern ( lingon sistant attorney general, and De- Three years ago he was in 1 • " ■■ » local interest Chinese Noodles at the Raggedy R eturn H o r n e - can w rite better A uto Insurance fense A ttorney Langthorne, g a v e , Ashland and carried greetings toi Corvallis — City has spent 35— 1 or a t low er rates than th e Staples Ann Sweet Shop. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. H erbert the final argum ents in the trial o t ; the Chamber of Commerce in $65,000 improving water system Agency, h^ve returned from Corvallis j Roland Pothier for the m urder o f , Ashland, Nebraska, from this since January 1. To Lake— C onfined to H o m o - To S e e ’G a m e - where they visited with Mrs. E. j Ma*jor Cronkhite and indications Chamber. The greetings were • __________________ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards Misses Nina and Hazel Emery Misses Velma Clapp, Carol Van A. Blake of th at city. They were ! were the case would go to the A num ber are-*going to Horn­ acknowledged by this tow-n. are confined to their home on made a trip to the Lake of the brook to the H arvest Dance to­ Dyke and Dorothy Reid made up away for about three weeks and , ju ry this afternoon. Mr. Hill has an autograph book W HEELER DEMANDS OF Woods .Thursday evening and ex­ night. account of illness. Loveland’s Orchestra" at a 'p a rty Who jout'neyfid to. K lam ­ also visited with'^Blrs. A. 'B. i The governm ent contended the 1 which contains 7000 official sig- COOLIDGE T OLEAVE pect. to rem ain there over the their best. 35— 1 ath Falls today to 's e e the Ash-’ Bowers in Cofidon. , absence of powder m ar 3 on te natures> 21 governors. signatures. P R E SID E N T TICKET Payne makes cedar week-end. Cliff land-K lam ath Falls game. | m ajor’s coat disproved the d e -! Hfi has jn tw euty.seveQ stateg ______ chests. Car D raw ing— I fense contention .th at ‘^ o f f i c e r two provinces of Canada and two In A shland—- (Continued from Page 1) W hat about a Hot Tamale at Short- trip, ' good road, best Drawing on Chevrolet sedan- W. R. Staff of K lam ath Falls ¡ accidentally .shot himself at CamP j sta te¡ of Mexico Big H arvest Dance, H ornbrook music. — Hornbrook Harvest ette will be made tonight in Duns­ ,th e Raggedy Ami Sweet Shop. arrived in Ashland early this Lewis October 25th, 1918. The Mr. Hill told of an interesting pie they might lose their jobs if 35— 1 morning and reported th a t there defense charged the government tonight. 35— 1 Dance. Tonight. 35— 1 m uir, at the Joyland. Mrs. T. M. they voted for La Follette. Brown. 35— 1 w-as a good deal of snow on the “ trum ped up” a case and th at “ But the intim idation will not TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY To Sacram ento— In Town— Special Auto Accident Policy m ountain. He is ju st here for Jam es Lee, departm ent of justice succeed. Many bankers and husi- O. Booth left la3t evening f o r 1 for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo W altdr Jones was in Ashland the day. agent, tried to make a name for L,et us fill your pall with Swifts F or Sale at a Bargain ness men have told me that they Sacramento where he was called Of course. 24-tf Silver Lea: lard. Costs less tbaD last evening from K lam ath Falls himself in securing the alleged j A good big lot with a cement are t° r ^ a Follette, but th at they on account of the illness of his ---------- confessions from Pothier. H ere Today— shortening. Goes fa rth e r and it where he is working. i foundation, ready to build, lot dare n°t say s° openly because of m other, Mrs. C. C. Stanley. j j n D unsm uir— Mrs. Nellie M, Pearl, who re ­ more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf ! located right, and facing the East, Pressure brought to bear on Good music, Hot Springs Sat. cently filed her petition for coro­ COOLIDGE MAY DINE ---------- 1 Mr3. Fred Hitchcock of this for quick action, see— BEAVER them. Best m ilk— L ininger’s D a iry ,: city was in Dunsmuir on Wednes- night. 33— 3 ner of Jackson county as an In­ THE W INNING SENATORS REALTY CO. To K lam ath F a lls— 35— 4 -------------------------- 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. 1 day evening attending a meeting dependen^ candidate, was in Ash- WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. — Among those who journeyed 26—tf O{ the auxiliary of the B. of R. to Klam ath Falls to attend the L eaves fo r P hoenix— ! land today ¡n the interests of her Suggestions th at President Coo­ Bungalow s— Lots Trinity Episcopal ilhurch Mr. Zundell, Mark Baker and office Mrs P eari js the wife of I have some fine Bungalows. Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond ---------- T. lidge tended a dinner and recept­ game there today are Misses Iona H om e For W eek-end— Mr. Zundell’s m other left today John A. Pearl, who was defeated ion to the champion W ashington Houses and Building Lots in Ash- Services Sunday, Oct. 12th.— Bechtel, W aive W ithdrow and Miss M argaret Dougherty, Mrs. for Phoenix, Arizona, where they for the republican nomination for American team reached the W hite land for sale, will accept good Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Dance H ot Springs Sat. night. Vernon McGee. • Lettie Eastburn, Miss Mildred 33— 3 will stay for about six months coroner in the prim aries this House along with scores of tele­ Bands, Notes or Mortgages on ' Church school at 9:45. Morning Beeson and John Galey are among on business there. gram s from enthusiastic baseball payments, and give easy term s on service and sermon at 11. Even­ spring. One cent sale ends thi3 evening those who are spending the week­ Have th a t old su it made new. balance. Se me before buying a ing service and sermon at 7:30. fans. -McNair Bros. end in Ashland from their respec­ Phone 119, Paulserud’s. 33— tf Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual- Spends W eek-end— These services will be found in­ home. tive schools. Ity Bread, from th e oven over j Mrg Norm a Reeder is spend- teresting. Strangers and visitors A. L. LAMB, 178 A St. JU R Y W ILL PROBE W ater Supply T hreatened— In A sh la n d - the counter, 8 and 12c. 31 ®; ¡ng the week-end at Eagle Point most cordially welcomed. Box 422, Ashland. NEW YORK, Oct. 11. — The 1 Y reka’s w ater supply was We deliver the goods— Detricks Mrs. H. E. Specht was in Ash­ J threatened Friday evening when 35— 1 Mo. on a combined business and federal grand jury will investi­ 94-tf land W ednesday atad Thursday gate the charges of Canon Chase pleasure trip. a can of gasoline exploded in the Going Througn—■' Ashland Post visiting with friends and rela­ Mr. Stead, representing the th a t Luis Firpo brought the wo­ city pumping station, setting fire i No. 14 American Legion will Complete line ot Ashland Can­ tives here. man from South America for Inl­ to the structure, according to the Oregon In d u strial Accident Com­ Confined to Home— I hold regular monthly meeting at ! oed Goods at Detri s. 94-tf Mrs. J. L. Otsen of Morton moral purposes and th at Yreka Journal. P eter Mani, m ittee was in Ashland today and the Ashland Armory Tuesday. W hen W inter comes try one of pumpman fought flames with an will be back Monday In connect­ street is eonflned to her home on heavyweight fighter perjured him ­ Óct. 14, at 7:30 p. m. 35— 2 Join s Band— P aulserud’s Over Coats. 33— tf self in the im m igration hearing 12 to 2 6 to 8 old sack and his hands, despite ion with the change in the com- account of illness, Word has been received here pensation law. Mr. Stead is work when he said his acquaintance ANNOUNCEMENT i the fact th a t ' his own clothing j Oct. 12 th a t Joe Neil, who is attending Cliff Payne makes typew riter Meteor— with Bianca Picart was casual. In announcing myself as an was ablaze. His hands were also ing against the bill. U. of O., has been adm itted to tables. About ten o’clock last evening Independent candidate for Cor­ Special Sunday Dinner j burned and he was taken to the the band. D. L. Leslie, formerly a large meteor fell, seemingly oner for Jackson county:— I do{ H ere Today— i hospital immediately. The cause E P IN A R D IS D E FEA TE D of this city, has also made the In Yreka— John Tadina of Weed, Califor­ over in the Dead Indian country. of the exp’osion was not known. LATONIA, Ky., Oct. 11. — so with the firm belief th a t the. band. C^rl Lovetend of this city w a s ; nia, was in Ashland today on This m eteor was noticed by a Sarazen won the special Interna­ people do not w ant m inority rule. in Yreka yesterday attending t o ! Chinese Noodles at the Raggedy business. num ber of people in Ashland. It It is proven th at the direct You are welcome to compare business interests there. Thurs-1 Ann Sweet Shop. was a large green one and left a tional mile and a quarter race, prim aries are a failure, only 30 ! 35— 1 defeating Epinard, the French my Automobile rates with any day Mr. Loveland made a trip to long tail behind it. There has N O T IC E SOUP champion. Bad Play was the per ceht vote was cast at the i other rates In Jackson or Jose­ Talent and visited at the high V isitin g H ere— as to Tlflrp will be a m eeting of the been some conjecturing spring prim aries, which is not a 1 Cream of Chicken (Napolitaine) third. " ~-’T phine Counties; you can be the school there in the interests of voice of the people. In this elcc- Mrs. R. W. Prosser of Los members of the U.n’on Savings & 1 where it landed, but there has Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. organizing a high school orches­ Altos, California, and Miss E dith Loan in large room a t Public Li­ been no word of any kind signify­ Celery Gherkins tion all parties have the privilege Olives M anhattan F ru it Salad tra. 30— tf of voting for their choice. Prosser of New York have been brary Monday evening, Oct. 13th, ing its arrival on this part of the MAN OF SEVENTY earth. PASSES THROUGH I need no introduction to the at 7:45 p. m. Mr. R. J. Kirkwood visiting for the past few days Imogene W allace, Piano and W hat about a Hot Tamale at with Mrs. P. S. Provost. W hile of P ortland, president of the As­ people of Jackson county where Chicken Fricasee with Dumplings Jam es Alby Hill, 70 years old, Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus H arm ony Studio, Second floor the Raggedy Ann Sweet Shop. I have lived for 15 years, and here they have made th e trip to sociation will preside. All mem­ GOVERNOR IS UNDECIDED Roast Leg of Lamb of Berkeley, Califronia, was in Beaver Bldg. 30— tf 35— 1 C rater Lake and the surrounding bers urged to attend. SALEM, Oct. 11. — Because j given the best of my life, time and j 31— 4 with C urrant Jelly Ashland today. Mr. Hill is trav ­ of a threatened breach between money for the upbuilding and bet- , country. Miss Prosser was en­ Fried Chicken, Corn F ritteis, eling on foot to the north and term ent of the entire community. In A shland— F ootball B oys Leave— Pay less and dress better-—get the church and labor interests chanted w it^ Oregon and rep o rt­ Country Gravy with relation to the appointm ent haS been “on the tra il” for the I have been assistant to the Allen Andrews, who has been The Ashland high school-foot­ ed th a t she thought C rater Lake your Fall Suit a t P au lseru d ’s.. spending the summer months in ball team left early this m orning wonderful. Mrs. Prosser was a 33— tf of a circuit judge to succeed the i last twelve years, due to poor present coroner for eight years Mashed Potatoes late George G. Bingham, there ' health. Four years ago. he start- and understand every detail of the geological survey in the Cas­ for Klam ath Falls where they form er resident of this city. Candied Yarns were indications today th a t Gov- ed on a trip across the continent the work, therefore I am compet­ cade range, returned to Ashland will play Klam ath Falls in the Stop Over— ernor Pierce may throw over- from Berkeley to W estport, Me., ent to handle the affairs of the recently and is visiting with his second game of the series. At Sweet cream for whipping and Mr. and Mrs. Tom M ertha of Apple P'e Banana Cream parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Andrews the first game they tied 7-7 with coffee— also fresh milk, always Haynes, Oregon, stopped over in board both L. H. McMahan and but due to th ro at trouble he was office. of Fairview street. th a t city, but Coach Hughes has on ice a t th e Plaza. 239— tf Ashland Thursday evening • on W illiam H. Trindle and appoint | forced to retu rn to his home by j Yours for clean, progressive Coffee Pea Milk been drilling them hard since th eir way to southern California. either John Bayne or some other ; rail aft£r arriving a t A tlanta. He and efficient women and men in Last day of the sale a t Mc­ th a t time and they hope to win Save 110.00, walk upstairs to They visited with Mr. and Mrs. j man not involved in the judge- has accepted rides during liis office in Jackson county. travels. Nairs. NELLIE M. PERL ’ fi»’ on the foreign field. Orres tailor shop. 17— tf II. B. Nelson of N orth Main stret. 1 ship controversy. In A shland— Tb Lake of W oods—» bocal ■ P ersonal fiotes Hotel Ashland » ♦> < > » ♦ « > ♦ > ♦♦ » 1 » >» ♦« M » t ♦ »-»♦»« > M > ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ... ♦ ................. ♦ A S H üA H Û ’S JVfEffîORIALi The Way of No Regrets Interment In A Mausoleum- Interm ent In A Mausoleum The Way. of No Regrets * » The Opportunities For Interment In This Building Are Now Past, As A ll Space Has Been Sold The Only Possible Opportunity Would be a Delinquent Sale. Anyone Wishing Information in This Matter Should Immediately Inform Mr. G. D. Mason, Phone 112, Ashland, or Georgie Coffee, Tidings Office. ♦> cost space this building was. no greater than the average earth burial. The building is now pro- giessmg rapidly toward completion and within six weeks a dedication program will be arranged to which a ll Ashland people will be invited. This memorial is one of the most substantial structures ever built in the United States. fis b a s tin g as The P y ra m id s Here Above The Ground, Not Today, Perhaps, But sooner or later it falls to most of us to decide where we shall lay one whom we have loved., There are only three ways— First, disintegration in the earth, Second, incineration, which nec­ essitates grinding up of some parts of the body. Third, mausole­ um interment, which is evaporation of all moistures over a for­ maldehyde trap. The Indians at Chiloquin and Klamath are to have a building of the same Egyptian architecture as this one for 1009 sepulchres, caring for the whole Indian reservation. The money has already been author ized for this by the Inter-Council of Indians. Also there is to he a large Grecian architecture building at Medford, which will he con­ structed in a no wcemetery which is under perpetual care, Mr. Mason is superintendent and builder. This Achievment Brings Ashland To the Rank of 2,000 Cities And in vaults of time-defying stone the remains of those near to you will find true rest, safe from destructive elements of earth and water; secure against all vandalism. Sunshine, warmth, beautiful surround­ ings will be theirs and whenever you wish to visit, you can do so un­ der roof, and in comfort no matter what the weather may be.