.Mo» «m » Ifiàààlfiii&ii PROFESSIONAL AStttÁtí® ÓAÍt? MMM» ■r™ V ' ________ Matuisjay, Öctobcr 11, 1024 daughter, Miss Helen Louise Cun­ vices ju s t preceding evening say they don't believe in Christ- ( lection was taken up for the cam- BU ILDER H ER E VIEWING ningham was united in m arriage preaching Service. The public iaa Unity but the Bible teaches paign fund knd 3120 was contri- Clauth'led Column R ales PHYSICIANS TOURIST HOTEL PLANS to Mr. Leonard Morris K irkpat­ is cordially invited to these ser­ it. Baptismal services a t morn- buted. The women of Dunsmuir One cent the word each rick. They will be at home on vices. ifig w&rahip. ■ presented Mrs. W heeler with DR. HAWLEY— Above Tidings time. and a fte r November fifteenth at There will be a divine healing Mr. Anderson of Portland, rep­ what the recipient described as office. Phone 91. To run every issue for one Ethanac, Califoria. service next Sunday m orning after GIVE BOUQUET TO resenting the firm of Trahchell the most beautiful basket of ROSES m onth or more, H e the-w ord The bride is well known here, th e sermon. At th a t time the j DR. C. W . HANSON and Parelius, builders, was in MRS. WH EELER AT chrysanthem um s she had ever Red as the wine of forgotten ages, having spent her high school days each time. D en tist pastor will be glad to pray for Ashland today looking over the YREKA MEETING seen. The W heeler party left "Yellow as gold of the sunbeams in this town. H er-m any friends Special attention given to pyor­ any oqe who Is sick and will come FOR RENT about 10 o’clock for Sacram ento.' hotel plans. Mr. Anderson had spun; 4 wish the happy couple much or send request. Many are be- • rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver charge of the building of the DUNSMUIR, Cal., Oct. 10. — Pink as the gowns ot A urora’s ! proape rlty FOR REN T— lst-C lass fur-j Block. Phone 178-J. ing healed through prayer; why 233-tf. G rants Pass high school which More than 1500 men nnd women _______________________________ pages, • • * » nlshed apartm ent, with private not you. There !s wisdom in reading ads. was recently completed. DR. E R N E ST A. WOODS— Pyac-j W hite as the robes of a sinless listened to Senator W heeler at Ladies H its Club— bath, adults only, Phone 122. , B. C. Miller, Pastor Dunsmuir last night, frequently tlce lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano one- The Ladies Elks club met at 29— tf interrupting the speaker with th ro at— X-ray including teeth. Sweeter than Araby s winds th at the club rooms Thursday a fte r­ M ethodist Episcopal Church prolonged applause. Senator FOR RENT— Modern 6 room Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 t< blow, noon. There were five tables of S. J. Chaney, Minister W heeler spoke of the rights of the Roses, roses, I love you so! bungalow, well furnished, corner 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, bridge and no five hundred. At The Sunday School will meet people and how they should pro­ Scenic Drive and Straw berry Ore. the close of the afternoon delic­ a t 9:45. Classes are provided for Lane. Phone 311-R, F. E. W at- —_________________-___________ Crowning the a lta r where vows ious refreshm ents were served by all ages and all are welcome. tect their interests at the N o­ vember polls. are spoken, son. 31__5 DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic the hostesses, Mrs. Bates and "Neglecting the F ountain’’ is the Following the address, a col- Cradling the form th a t is still ——— --------------------------------------- i and Electro-Therapy. Office Mrs. Cramer. Mrs. Ed Dews won pastor’s subject for the serm o n 1 FOR SALE and cold, phone 48; residence 142. First the prize. a t the m orning church service. Symbol of joy — of loye’s last National Bank building. The next m eeting will be held There will be special music. The Buy b etter milk. Phone 257-J fto k e n , Thursday, Oct. 23 at which time evening service will be evange­ for it. 33— tf TH E SOUTHERN OREGON Telling the story th a t never election of officers will be held. listic with an opening song ser­ CLINIC grows old. FOR SALE — or exchange for « • • 1st National Bank Bldg. vice, special music and a mes­ Surgical Obstetrical! C luster of beauty whom none can P aris S tyle H in t— 135,000.00. 160 acres, 100 culti­ Medical sage by th e pastor. Mr. J. W. D iagnostic X-ray debar, vated, free w ater, lots of it. 20 j . , - PARIS, --*»*-*, w Oct. . , 11. — Stockings f Mills is the leader for the Ep- head of large size Registered Jer- p- W. Stearns, M. D. Know ye, won er, ow a r ye are |,ecom{ng m org an(j more jm. w orth League m eeting at 6: i s Get Your’s Before They Are All Gone! R. E. Green, M. D. seys, the finest strain in Oregon. ‘ p ortant with the shortening of Sunday ~ evening. All are cor­ R. W. Sleeter, M. D. 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, Office hours 2-5 p. m. milady’s gowns. dially invited to all the meetings Blooming for monarch in palaces Phone 238-R 200 W hite Leghorn chickens, team Silver-plated ones are the la t­ a t the Methodist church. royal, of Registered Im ported Perchon 9 est hosiery novelty and are espe­ Biggest Little Store in Town Queenliest charm ers in all the cially sm art to r evening wear, m ares 1900 lbs. each. A b o u t' F irst Congregational Church MONUMENTS >3000.00 w orth of farm equip- j place, gleam ing .through diaphanous W. Judson Oldfield, Minister Blooming for yeoman, tender and ments, modern house, large barn ASHLAND GRANITE silks. To w ear with them are Boulevard and Main street, loyal, and other buildings. Will take MONUMENTS charm ing silver garters, with sil- Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with Stooping to kiss his toil-stain­ income property up to 320,000.00, B lair G ranite Co. ver clasps. Never have stock­ classes for all grades and ages. ed face. long tim e on balance at 6 per cent. PENNISTON, Manager ings offered such a variety of Bring your Bible. Morning ser­ Roses, roses, born but to bless, Courtesy to brokers or agents. • Office 175 E. Main color, for footw ear has never been vice a t 11; subject “The Boy In Yield me your secret of loveli­ so bright and gay, naturally call­ J.*J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland R es. P hon e 444-Y Our Midst.” Ju n io r C hristian En­ ness! — J. C. R. Dorr. Oregon. 33— 1 mo. ing for corresponding tones in deavor a t 5 p. m. C hristian E n­ • e * I N I GIRL IN TROUBLE— May stockings. *PInk beige hues, rose- deavor a t 8:30. Evening service FO R SALE: — Indian Motor­ communicate with Ensign Lee CALENDAR OF EVENTS wood, gazelle and flesh-colored a t 7:30; subject "P arab les Turn- cycle. See City W ater Dept. of th e Salvation Army at the Monday, Oct. 13. Ashland Study shades will probably rem ain the j ed to Account.” Prayer meeting 33— 3 WhReShield Home, 565 May- Club has luncheon at Hotel Ash­ most popular, according to the! every W ednesday evening a t 7:30. fa ir Ave., Portland. Oregon. land at one o’clock. FOR SALE— Enameled top cab­ leading hosiery designers. A few i The subject for next week Monday, Oct. 13. Ladies Art women prefer nigger-brown and inet table, 38. Solid oak rocking "Jesus the Revelation of the PLANING MILL Club will meet at the Civic Club­ castor, especially with fine kid F a th e r.” The public is. cordially chair 310, 555 Fairview St. 32— 6 JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET house at 7:30. Mrs. Cushing and shoes.. For evening wear the fa­ invited to all these services in FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in WORKS, Cor. Helman and Mrs. Ahlstrom will be hostess. vorite shade is peach, giving a i the Congregational church, good condition; reasonably priced, Van Ness. 194ltf"* Tuesday, Oct. 14. P. p . O. nude effect, and other light Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St. meets a t home of Mrs. J. W. Mc­ shades, worn with satin or lame F ir st Church o f C hrist Scientist 32— tf Coy on Oak street. T R A N 8F E R AND EX PR E SS shoes, are “ banana,” “ rose-grav­ Pioneer Avenue, South Tuesday, Oct. 14. W. C. T. U. el” and “ golden-sand.” The very Sunday service a t M o'clock. FOR SALE— An excellent Vlc- W hittle T ransfer A Storage Co. meets at Library a t 2:30. for SERVICE. Sin, Dis­ newest is called “ Im palpable,” a Subject of lesson, tro la and num erous records. W ednesday, Oct. 15. Auxiliary Experienced movers and pack . - x cobwebby m ixture, which can be ease, and Death R eal.” Reasonable price; apply 140 Or­ thrQugh & ^ ^ d>ng. rlng era of household goods. Deal­ to Trinity GuildI meets at ,: 30 at Sunday school a t 10 o’clock. ange St. 29— tf A New Edison .................................................$5.00 ers in coal and wood. Phone Episcopal parish house and weighs only one-fourth as W ednesday evening m eeting at Friday, Oct. 17. Parent-T each­ 117. A n other Bargain Less Allowance ................................................... $1.05 much. 8 o’clock. er Association and Civic Club en­ 5-room modern house 1 1-2 | Office 89 Oak St. near Reading room open dally from French stocking m akers have Net to You ............. ’............................................. $3.95 tertain teachers at club hotfse. taken up the sports idea for wo­ 2 until 5 p. m., excepting Sun­ blocks from high school. Price H otel Ashland 7:3*0. 31500.00, for quick sale. 1-2 cash i — — men and are offering stockings days and holidays. ' T. L. POWELL——General T rans­ * * balance long time, 6 per cent. m ottled in two colors, the m a­ fer— Good team and motor P. T. A. M eeting— 5 room modern house, lot Church of Christ terials being silk and wool, or trucks. G >od service at a rea- 100x150 Garage, chicken house. The high school circle of the ! c h ine and whole silk, wltn Bible school is growing In in- ' souab.'e price. Phone 83. Price 33100, for quick sale. Good Parent-Teachers met in the high ( a jjj - and linen th read mixed. terest each week. The Pioneer term s a t 6 per cent. See W. W. • ¡school at 3:30 Thursday after­ There are novelties in thread and club movement is building up a FEHIGE-ROACH Robison, 63 North Main St. noon. During the business m eet­ fancy designs in quadrille, losenge fine class of boys. A class for Transfer — Express — Storage ing it was voted to send th e pres- and clocks. For town wear there all ages. Hauling — Dray work of all i(jent, Mrs. J. A. Ruger as a dele- are linen Stockings, which, chi, »nSC ELLA NEO US The sermon next Sunday at 11 kinds. Quick m otor service. D ry' gat e to the state convention at acount of the fineness and glossi­ a. m. will be in line with the Y. She inbred with the RANCH W ANTED wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R i Corvallis, with all expenses paid. ness of th eir thread, rival silk M. C. A. work for boys. The W ANTED— To hear from own­ 375 B. St. wiles of the tigress, laid 112-tf she has the privilege of accepting stockings for sm artness. N atural­ subject “ Jesus the Pioneer” is er of good. Ranch for sale. State one other delegate to accompany ly they-are much b etter for wear, especially for boys and girls of her trap for the one- FLORIST cash price, full particulars. D. F. her. • woman man.. Instead of too. Some have em broidered! th a t age. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. A very interesting program was clocks down the side and some! SAY IT W ITH FLOWERS C hristian Endeavor a t 6:30 p. steel and vice she adopted 5-4 sat. ! given. A talk on-“ W hat Can th e From have discreet dropstitch effects, i m. The series of services on the odor of Egyptian per­ WANTED: — Nursing. Will H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed High School Give Our Girls by which make them very sm art to C hristlan Unity will end next fumes created in the ages 399 Mrs. Ge Bauer was very well w ear with the strictly tailored Sunday evening. The subject is consider house work. Am a post Co., tem porary location given and an open discussion fol­ past by sorceresses of the costume. It £3 hinted th a t the "H ow The Churches of Ashland graduate of N. W. school of mas­ Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and lowed, which brought out the cry­ floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo next thing will soon be wide, Can U nite" Jno. 17:21-23. This sage and electro-therapeutics. Nile, not for the nostrils, ing need of social functions for shaped clocks, in ' contrasting is a chart sermon. People may Mrs. Leighton, 153 Granite or but to subdue the resist­ Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. NOTICE O F FIN A L ACCOUNT the whole student body, as did color, which will match the gloves, ing powers. also the excellent talk by Mrs. In the County Court of the MacCracken on “ W hat Can the or the trim m ing on the gown. WANTED: — P asture for three The picture the critics horses and feed for the winter. State of Oregon, for Jackson High School Give Our Boys.” County. J. C. Edw ards, Siskiyou. 33— 3* Mrs. MacCracken brought out the acclaim 'as “ the one per­ In the M atter of the E state of point th a t the Parent-Teachers fect p ictu re?’ Would exchange property a?ar D. F. Jackson, Deceased. Association should not have to ex­ Portland for Ashland property. Notice is hereby given th a t the pend their energy building play- B aptist Church Regular Admission 33— tf j undersigned, adm inistrator of the 443 B. street. sheds, annexes and enlarging “ Jesus Only” is them e for Sun­ above estate, has filed his Final dressing rooms in order th a t the day m orning by pastor. Evening W ANTED— W ork by competent Account in said county court, and growing num ber of school chil­ will be evangelistic. Sunday Cleanses, Brightens and experienced janitor. AU or part th at Monday the 20th day of Oc­ dren be accomodated, but th eir school 9:45 a. m. P rayer meeting time. W ill do anything. R efer­ tober 1924, at ten o’clock a. m., ijnparts a natural lustre. i aim should be to help the child W ednesday 7:30, B. Y. P. U. ser- ences 218-Y. 32— tf and the court room of said C o u rt,! find the b etter aims of life. She WANTED— Growers to contract a t Jacksonvilte. Oregon, has been -also urged the parents to come Liquid Sunshine for your to r ton years, tor 100 a c re , o t by. th e Court, as the to the high school games and , . _ . ___ j time and place for hearing o b -' plays and show- the children their straw berries, raspberries and i _ , . hair. Bagley i ec^ on3 to sai<^ Final Account, interest in his or her activities. Evergreen blackberries. and the settlem ent thereof. Miss E thel W heeler, E n g lish ' Canning Co., S. D. Taylor, Field Date of first publication, Sep­ teacher for the high school and I Man. 30— 6 tem ber 13, 1924. Mr. Forsythe principal were both • B. E. Smith, A dm inistrator. GET YOU STOVE repaired at called upon. Miss W heeler stres- j 11— 5 Sat. Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito sed the fact th a t there should R ad iater and StoveS for sale. 140 A Fire-Loss Preventative REINFORCED CONCRETE be more a ®tual contact between Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* parents and teachers, asking the c n t i r n D D n D n c A ia i o p parents to come and visit the Goats Bred by registered SEALED PROPOSALS ARE , Qiart Xfrug Sfarv t , . x x . j i Mr. Forsythe also buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, invited for the construction and clashes. x . thought th a t the need of co-opera- low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 mechanical equipment of a rein­ N - L. - ■ ■ ’ ’ • miles south on Pacific Highway. forced conrete Hotel Building ! tion between parents and teaeft- ! ers was great. 14— 1 mo.* containing 100 guest rooms. It wa3 a very interesting meet- Bids will be received by the ing and well attended. It is For a smooth shave “ Lithian Hotel Co.” , at the off’Ce hoped th a t many more parents! and quick service go of G. M. Frost, Ashland, Oregon, become interested this year to the Shell Barber until 4 o’clock p. m., Friday, Oc- although the circle w a9 . Shop. Ladies and j tober 17, 1924 large last year. children get your hair A Cashiers’ Check or Bidders’ * * bobbed and marcel­ Bond to accompany each bid,' , C unningham -K irkpatrick— led. made out agreeable to the gener- .. p.uxvj wedding ........... o was -----, < A . very pretty al conditions of the contract of solemnized on W ednesday, Octob-1 W. A. SH ELL, Trop. specifications. ELEPH O N Eservice is es­ hundred times its own value. er first at the home of Mr. a n d ! »32 A. St. A shland, On» Proposals will be received as Mrs. Clyde Cunningham in Per- j sentially an individual ser­ This investment per instru­ follows: ris, California, where th eir i vice, Each subscriber must be ment is steadily increasing as POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS No. 2— General Construction. No. 2— Electric W iring. dealt with as an individual. His more and more equipment, con­ No. 3— Plum bing. 6 . W . Milam telephone instrument is a piece stantly growing more complex, No. 4— Heating. Independent of individual, personal equip­ is put into service at the pres­ C andidate for County School No. 5— Elevator. Any C ontractor can subm it a Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ ment. But to coordinate this ent high prices of labor and bid for one or more as above seg-: ty, Oregon. instrument with a nation-wide materials. regated. system requires supplementary Centralized manufacture and Yes, The Best No. 1 Plans and specifications- can be had by applying at the office of facilities in wholesale quantities. 'years of continuous research have Netted Gem Potatoes DR. D ’ORGLERS Tourtelotte & Hummel, Architects SCALP C O M P O U N D In itself, this instrument rep­ enabled the Bell System in some PoaWvcIy cure» dandruff or falling hair 311 Failing Building, P o rtlan d ,' Tha one sure remedy for itching scalp. $2.25 per 100 resents only a relatively small Oregon, or at the Office of G. M. measure to meet this rising tide Order by mail. $1.50 per jar. W ESTERN D R U G C O . 5 sack lots $2.15 Frost, Ashland, Oregon. investment. Its proportionate of plant investment. The result 1 N . Broadway Portland Owner reserves the right to re- share, however, in the total in­ is that its service remains unri­ « î f ject any or all bids. These are the best winter vestment in wire, poles, switch­ LITHIAN HOTEL CO. valled not only in efficiency and Green Mountain Lum ber Com­ potatoes and undoubtedly By G. M. Frost, Secretary. boards, buildingsand other plant pany formed to operate mill at in extent but in economy from the lowest price we will 30— mon-wed-sat. V aughn’s station on C003 Bay. Classified Column S o c ie ty SPECIAL SALE ON C o tto n B la n k e ts Size 60x78 Hem med with Fancy Striped Ends 95c S P E C IA L 95c Army Goods Store + **********••♦•••»♦»♦♦-»♦♦♦♦♦ Bring in that Old Electric Iron and trade it in on a new one SI .05 Allowed On any iron yon bring in, . whether it is burned out or not. Murphy Electric Shop Dr. Oeser and Son OESER’S ASHLAND SERVICE STATION 30 bv 31-2 Cords 8.25 AT THE Hennafoam Shampoo VALVOLINE OIL The Ashland Service Station Fuller Asbestos 50c Roofing McNair Brothers J. O. RIGG Nature’s Dividends In Harvest Checks ATURE is ever a bountiful giver, and those who work in harmony with her are blessed with richness and abundance. N Potatoes H all’s Catarrh M e d ic in e i:^ L etterheads, statem ents, t o your order at the Tidings Office. : We have a good Job printing de­ partm ent. tf I b«th local and internal, and has bee successful in the treatment of Catcrri for over 40 years. Sold by all druggist y .J . CH ENEY fit CO .. T oledo. Ohh Beaverton — C ontract let for $10,000 Hedge building, stone tile. have this fall. So get your supply now. Plaza Market H . A. Stearn s 01 N. Main Individual Service-Nation-Wide Facilities T Yet Nature is thrifty, and de­ mands thrift of those who seek her blessing in abundant har­ vests. • Make your thrift with this year’s harvest earn Nature’s gen­ erous dividends in the harvests, to come. Deposit your harvest money here. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon required to make Bell System service universal in scope is an the standpoint of cost to the subscriber. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company BELL SYSTEM One Policy • One System - Universal Service