“-¡rrTrntai A shland D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years (International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. LA FOLLETTE MAYNOTCOME TO THE COAST tl MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1924 Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. A N N IV ER SA R Y OF TH E SISKIYOU DYNAMITING « ----------- •fit. PAYROLL IS TAKEN WHEN ONE KILLED NO. 35 MOB OP 2 ,0 0 0 STORM K. K. K. MEET IN N. Y. Mrs. Frey, Blonde, Says Miss Bennett, , Brunette, Pilfered Her Husband Today is the anniversary tt XX of the famous Siskiyou hold- XX XX up and m urder, which was XX, XX probably the most dastardly XXi XX bandit holdup ever planned XX i XX and executed In the Pacific XX XX coast territory. XX XX A continuous effort to cap- XX XX tu re the D’A utrem ont boys, XX Considers Staying in the XX who dynamited the Southern XX Guardians Resist and the Corn Belt Although He « Pacific train, has failed to XX Bandits Open Fire, One Wants to Go West | » bring any of the three boys XX Being Shot Dead ■ - — XX to justice, even though ex- XX IN THE MIDDLE WEST » citem eni is stirred up occas- » ENGINEER IS ROUTED XX ionally by reports by some -XX L au nches a Broadside on Foreign XX one th at they had seen the XX M essenger S eriou sly Injured a s P o lic ie s o f Two Old P arties; XX bandits. XX F iv e Robbers H old Up Train A rrives in Chicago XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and Get B ig Sum UP ON BANK AND KILLED " XX ---------- XX GLENS FALLS, N. Y. Oct. » 11- — A barrage of stones, . XX clubs and bottles of ammon- XX ia, throw n by a mob of close ; XX to 2,000, g r e e t e d the XX Knights of the Ku Klux XX Kian last night when they XX attem pted to organize here. ' » The crowd stormed the XX XX ; XX XX XX XX! XX XX XX XX DELAYS I T S TRIP NORTH ______ Ä J Ä Ä L 9 - Railroad Men Following XX and a Train Holdup XX those ,h e ’ i ”p°’ 8. “ Slightly Strained When It assaulted several of XXI Landa at San Diego, But who were in attend- XX Damage Is Slight XX ance a t the meeting. Time- XX ONE IS AN AMERICAN » ly interference of the police XX FLYING ON TOMORROW , XX avoided bloodshed. XX i » 1 5 ,0 0 0 Payroll Taken By Gang XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Final Check of Injury Being and Train D erailed; E l Paso j ___________________ Made to Safeguard for Trip Man in C asualties Over th e M ountains Of E TO LEAVE PRESIDENT TIC K E T CHICAGO, Oct. 11— Launching CRESSON, Pa,, Oct. 11— Five a broadside attack on the foreign bandits held up and killed Jam es policies of the two old parties, Gorman of The American Rail­ Senator La Follette today came way Express company, wounded to Chicago to press forward vig­ Joseph Davis, a bank messenger orously his independent presi­ and escaped with the payroll of dential drive in the heart of the The Cam bria-Indiana Mine com­ middle west. pany, aggregating $45,000. At the same time La Follette! ---------- The bandits boarded the train conferred with Representative decent Request to Reduce Farm and compelled the engineer to Nelson, Republican of Wisconsin i A ssessm ents 2 5 P er Cent is run to a wooded Rlace. The ban­ and chairm an of the Progressive, Turned Down Flatly dits opqned fire when Gorman committee, over the speaking tour and Davis resisted. The board of equilization, fo r the closing weeks of the cam- composed of County Judge Gard- paign. W hether La Follette would go ! ner. County Assessor Coleman and to the Pacific coast or confine his County c ,e rk Florey last week activities to the corn belt and the recommended th a t a cut be made northw estern farm ing states was in tillable farm land valuations of tt|e chfef subject talked about 25 per cent, and 33.5 per cent w ith Rep. Nelson. La Follette is! cut on the valuation of 3tock cat­ tle. An order to this effect was eager to come west where he be­ issued. lieves he can poll a heavy vote. Now the county assessor refus­ The next term of the circuit ed to honor the order on the court will convene Monday, Oct­ H U N T ER LOST TWO DAYS grounds th a t the motion bringing IN MOUNTAINS FOUND it before the board was not prop­ ober 27, at ten o’clock,. Circuit Judge Charles M. Thomas, pre­ er, and on other technical grounds siding. YREKA, Cal., Oct. 11. — Lost and unless some taxpayer takes The ju ry list of 31 names was in the m ountains near Grass L a k e ) legal action, to force the assess­ drawn Thursday, and contains for two days, K ennett Stott of or to confirm to the order, the the names of but six women, the Grenada was found on his way proposed cuts will die and lan sm allest num ber since ju ry ser­ home by parties of friends. Stott guish and be of no avail. vice for women became a state suffered no ill effects from his ex- According to county Judge jaw rpjjg {ive drawn a re . pi!a r_ perience. Gardner, the cuts were mads lotte Lane, Eagle Point; L ottie With his brother Norman and after investigations th a t showed Brown Allen, Eagle Point; Emma Frank T ruttm an, Stott started on th a t tillable farm land valuations Houston, T rail; Zora E. Hum­ a deer hunt, but wandered away were higher than the revenues phreys, Eagle Point and Ada J. from his companions when he! w arranted, while city property Kingston, Medford and Emma J. struck the trail of a buck. As was keeping step with the times. Rees, Medford. darkness fell and he could not find The cut, in effect, would remove The rem ainder of the ju ry list his companions, Stott took re-j from the record rolls, not the is as follows: fuge in an old cabin near Grass tax rolls, approximately $1,500,- John W. John, Gold Hill; H er­ Lake, where he spent the night. 000. bert Elmore, Applegate; Lee The cut on stock cattle was Black, Jacksonville; J. S. Porter. made for the reason th at the m a r-. i Central Point; A rth u r H. Daven- ket was low, and the valuation I hill, A shland; Henry Maury, Jack­ high, the slash being from .$18- sonville; Hiram Smith, Ashland; to $12 per head, or .$6. Frank Van Cleave, Ruch; Jam es EL PASO, Texas, Oct. 11— Nine SAN DIEGO, Cal., Oct. 11 — trainm en, employed by the E rup­ ’ The navy Shenandoah will not tion Mining company, one of them I leave hey» today for Camp Lewis. an American, were lined up along W ashington as scheduled. the right-of-way em bankm ent and It was announced this morning shot to death by the bandits who that the giant air liner was rifled the train of a $15,000 pay-! r°ll. Says H is Connection W ith the “slightly strained” while being landed here last night and that The m urder and robbery o c -1 B oston Bunk E pisode Should a delay will be made while a final curred 50 miles south of the Compel H is W ithdrawal check is being made . to insure border. B. Barker, of El Paso j --------- against danger in crossing the and auditor of the company, was STOCKTON, Cal., Oct. 11. — m ountains en route to Camp the American shot. The train was Calvin Coolidge was invited to Lewis. derailed when the bandits remov- . new trend in opposition to the for but one year. Plans were j investigation by persons who are stated “ th a t the club feels th a t The Democratic party at the had killed a deer less than a year made for the installation at the OREGON CITY, Oct. 11— The! state tax and a growing n close touch with state affairs LhT * - form ation of a night highway pa- sentim ent in favor of the refer- last election, showed a reg istra­ old. Hence Mr. P a rr’s later call next meeting, at which time the reduced the estim ates of these ity will be served if F a tty ’ Ar­ troj ¡n Clackamas county by endum against th e income tax bill tion of 3151 and now has 3551, on him a t hi3 home and the Med­ newly elected officers will he losses to approximately $400,000. ford m an’s willingness when the buckle does not appear in per­ tested out to see if they are qual­ state and county traffic officers ad°pted by the legislature is not- a gain of 401. son or in picture Fn this city.” The Socialist party also spurt- situation was explained to him, ified to hold the positions for has been completed and the of­ ed in ru ral sections here. Apple ed ahead. In 1922, It had 96" on to P,ead g«»ty in court. Astoria — Astor Court school prices are soaring to a point in which they have been chosen. projected, to cost $100,000. W ork ficers will go on the beat riding T hat is why Mr. Pierce paid a th e rolls; now it has 145, a gain OREGON SCHOOLS TO KLAMATH FALLS. Oct. 11.— begun on S. P. & S. station. motorcycles and armed with excess of anything in the- last fine of $50, the minimum fine al- Othere officers elected last night five years, and orchardists, whose of 49 were W. C. Carnahan, Chief Ris- Possibilities of holding a celebra- OBSERVE DAY FOR sawed-off shotguns. Registered under the head of lowed by the law, and costs of $4. real estate tax annually reaches FRANCIS WILLARD: Numerous hold-ups, highway ing Buck; H. E. Gale, W mgfeath-; tion on the site where the famous 'M iscellaneous” are 644 voters’, in Justice Taylor’s court today er; A. K. Cass, Keeper of Warn- treaty between the United States LEG IS FRACTURED SALEM. O n . 1 0 . - F n . n e « E. i ,h ' r ^ blne 01 9ma» a high fig u res forsee themselves When he entered a plea df guilty. IN BAD ACCIDENT pum; C. A. W inetrout, C’uhfist; and Klam ath Indians was signed next year with the necessity of who have no fixed political faith. The only extenuating circum ­ • W illard day. Thursday. October 8,ore,3 a" ‘1, bM*k? ">«»«>>»»> county within the past few weeks paying an additional heavy in- In 1922 there were 4 44, a gain stance related by him was th a t Jam es T. Chinnock, Chief Eagle in 18 64 was discussed today at A serious accident occurred this of 200. According «o county of­ 24, is to be observed by all the Eye; K. M. C. Nieli. J. W. L u c a s/ ' come tax. the Kiwanis club luncheon. morning when the motorcycle, as he read the law a year or s