PAGE F b b ft ^ Â S H tA N D DAILY TIDINGS F r -day, October 10, 102-1 an hour was made. The Object past years frdm pelts of coyotes federal men, by lessening centages to some of the States centage of error may be consid­ Is causing much Interest in which th^y have killed. W ith numbers of coyotes, are saving where close votes are shown iu erably less — or even reversed. G rants Pass. governm ent hunters decim ating agriculturists hundreds of dollars the present election. The application of the same arg u ­ the coyote ranks, the earnings of and th a t he believes the only op­ In California, for instance, the ment from the 1920 poll to an­ * 1 In K lam ath F alls— private hunters have fallen off position to them comes from per­ present tabulation gives Mr. Coo- other close State, West Virginia, A D ally C hronicle o f ’th o se w ho com e and go, and even ts of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peil, Mrs. an they have become irate. Ob­ sons who have been profiting by lidge 68,049 votes; Mr. Davis, ' would give MV. Davis a m ajority local in terest G. G. Eubanks and Miss Lydia stacles have been placed repeat­ the sale of pelts. 9,100; and La Follette 58,378.! there, changing the present fig- McCall are visiting friends and edly in the way of federal men. By reducing Mr. Coolidge’s vote i nres from 13,353 for Coolidge and Animals have been stolen from TEXAS TRACTION relatives in K lam ath Falls. 10 per cent., and addiftg 10 per j U ndergoes O peration— government traps, traps have been A shland L odge No, 23 FIRM GETS HONOR cent to Mr. La F oilette’s, the fig­ G. G. Eubanks of this city, un-i sprung by unidentified persons A. F . & A. M. ures would stand in Mr. La Foi­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY _ derw ent a minor operation at the, and traps have been stolen from (Continufcd from P a g e .l) lette’s favor by nearly 3,000 Special communication, Satur- Sacred H eart Hospital at Medford Buy b etter milk. Phone 257-J the lines of the federal hunters. votes, or 61,244 for Coolidge to day evening, Oct. 11. Work in yesterday morning. for it. 33— tf In the Jordan valley the situaT- race. Special commendation was: 64,216 for La Follette. However, F irst Degree. Visiting brethern • tion is particularly tense, it was given by the committee to the Ì if the changes are made only on cordially welcome. ^declared, many persons, who have A urora, Elgin & Fox River Elec-! the basis of the actual error Have th a t old suit made new. M. H. ELLIS, W. M., subsisted alm ost entirely on the trie Company, Charleston, S. C.; ; shown in California by the pre­ Phone 119, P auiserud’s. 33— tf W. H. DAY, Sec y. ' 34— 1 revenue derived/ from pelts, be­ Memphis, San Francisco - Sacra- i vious po'.l, Mr. Coolidge will re­ ' F^-st Fog— lieving th a t the coming of the mento Railroad, Chreveport and ceive only 5.32 per cent le3s, and In A shland — hired h u n ter spells poverty for i New Bedfcrd (Mass.) companies Ashland residents were greeted La Follette would receive only Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Drew of jjjem 1 for their accomplishments. by a dense fog which blew up this 3.92 per cent more. So modified. K lam ath county were in Ashland In one instance pointed out a morning. It lasted but a short The Digest’s present vote would this week visiting with friends. man had captured 20 coyotes in E X PL A IN S TH E ERRORS time however, and the rest of the stand 64,424 for Mr. Coolidge to the summer, when pelts are of j day has been fairly clear. FOUND AT VOTE POLE Mr. La Follette’s 60.713. It would Big bargains on the. lc sale. NEWSMIRNA, Fla. Oct. 10.— little value, and was keeping them , appear, therefore, th at, even al- j Special Auto Accident Policy This section is inundated with until w inter, when he expected (Cointinued from page l.)z lowing for the full m easure of er­ Pay less and dress better— get for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo several inches of w ater after one to kill the anim als and get a good ■ ror shown by the previous poll as your Fall Suit at P lserud’s. more than he received on elect- cited by Mr. Sinclair, Mr. La Fol­ of course. 24-tf of the heaviest rains in the his­ retu rn for his pelts. 33— tf tory of the region. B ut -in the meantime the coy- ■ *°n day. It was also shown by lette’s strength is not quite t o ' Homes are flooded, railw ays' ote3 developed mange, rendering ! comparison of The Digest’s 1920 Mr. Coolidge’s. Tomorrow is last day of Rexall The Digest is ’ To Lak<*— and highways’ traffic is re ta rd ­ the fu r valueless. R ather than poll with the 1920 popular vote, merely furnishing the straws in lc sale. R. L. Burdic Jr., and famUy ed and in several places blocked. kill the anim als himself or p e r-(th a t the Digest ppll was approxl- this as in the case of the other leave this evening for the L a k e ,• W eather Bad__ Untold damage has been done to m it the governm ent hunters to ■ mately 10 per cent under the States, and every partizan is wel­ of the Woods to spend th week -) The w eather at C rater Lake crops and many families are m ar­ kill them , the man turned the 1 popular vote recorded in these come to do his own figuring. On end. 1 six States for Mr. Cox. Assuming 1 coyotes loose. this wfeek has been bad, with ooned in- flooded homes. i , . s i the other hand, it must be em­ ' th a t the present far more repre- No* hunters have so fa r been rain and snow altern atin g almost phasized th at the present poll is Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ daily, according to the Medford shot at and they are continuing ' sentative poll may show’ an equal ity Bread, from the oven over Mail Tribune. However, at last operations in the counties w here percentage of erij^r, which may far more inclusive than was the th e counter, 8 and 12c. 31— 6 accounts there was no snow on they are unwelcome. j or may not be the case, it may one on which Mr. Sinclair bases his argum ent, and th a t the per- the ground in the park all the Good music. Hot Springs Sat. way up to the rim of th e lake. night. 33— 3 bocal • P e rso n a l JMotes Davis to 12,027 for the President and 12,302 for tho Democratic nominee. California and West Virginia are the only two States, it appears, in which a change would b? effected by figuring in file percentage of error shown in the 1920 poll.” A One Cent Sale Ends Tomorrow Over 175 Bargains Every Article Guaranteed McNair Bros. The L ith ian s to Practice— \ ou are welcome to compare my Automobile rates with any other rates in Jackson or Jose- Phjne Counties; you can be the Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. 30— tf agreem ent for the 200 million dol- The Lithian football team will F irst Degree. Visiting brethren m eet at the Armory this evening Dawes reparation plan has been to practice for forthcoming games signed by international bankers. w ith various booster clubs of southern Oregon. Coach Hughes CAR SMASHES INTO will be there to assist the embry­ Many See P ictu re— WINDOW AT BAZAAR onic players round into shape. For the three nights th at “The --------- ■ Covered W agon” was shown at A car- owned Nim Long, Sweet cream for whipping and the Vining T heatre the house was! smashed into the window at the coffee— also fresh milk, always packed. Ashland has rarely had Bazaar, owned by Sarah Gardner on ice at the Plaza. 239— tf such an excellent house for three about five o’clock last night. Mr. q o v tiAAA L * . . ¡successive nights and much sat- Long was cranking the car in Save >10.00. walk upstairs to ls(actton has bem expreSBed gear and ju st barely escaped be- by ! O rres tailor shop. 17— tf those who witnessed it. The spec-! ing run over a3 the Car started - ial music by George Converse was The witldow was bad,y broken but To M edford— also greatly appreciated and add-! was ^ m e d ia te ly boarded up until Elwood lledburg, Judge Dunn, cd much to the perform ance I a new one can be put ln ’ W illiam Briggs, Dave W hittle. H ubert Bentley and Elm er Smith „ SAUCES journeyed to Medford last night ' “ °* P ' “n° “ nd Sauce is the diamond in the . ____„ __ xt_______ .. . Harmony Stud;o, Second floor to put on the work for the Med­ French kitchen. W ithout it there Boaver Bldg. ,30— tf ford B.P.O.E would not be many of the suc­ culent dishes one finds in the Sent to E xhibition__ When W inter comes try one of land of good cooking. It is like Chester MacCracken, who is P auiserud’s Over Coats. 33— tf the accompaniment th a t should now working at El Dorado, K an­ go with good singing. sas, with the Skelly Oil Company, P a sses Through— For “ Sauce R obert” brown in George W alton, form er resident of New York has been sent to the b u tter onions cut into small of Ashland, passed through here International Petroleum C ongress’ pieces together with small pieces a ten day’s exhibition at Tulsa, ! last night en route to Portland. of bacon. Add a spoonful of th is 1 Mr. W alton was accompanied by Oklahoma, which starts flour, brown and moisten with a He . . . sent by the com- ¡„”„ 7 ¡'n'on" P. E. Burke and they will attend week Add salt and pany for which he is working as pepper with a bit of garlic. Let an insurance conference at P ort­ a representative. land. Mr. W alton is now living boil and thicken, then add a good at K lam ath Falls. spoonful of m ustard. We deliver the goods- -Detricks 94-tf WATCH BU R IED 15 YEARS Cliff Payne makes typew riter tables. IN CONCRETE STILL RUNS Changes Name— The Jackson Qounty News is LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10. — Dance Hot Springs Sat. night. the new name for the paper Buried in concrete for 14 years, 33— 3 form erly called The Clarion, a watch was found here still V isitin g H ere— which was recently purchased in ready to tick away the time. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jeffrey, Medford by Lee T uttle and Jim W illiam Garlock found the time and two children and Mr. Jeffrey’s "V oung. The new name appeared piece while tearing down an old m other, who have been v isitin g ' for tbe first time on yesterday s building. He wound it up and I it keeps perfect time. Mrs. H atch and daughter left yes­ edition of the newspaper To Los A ngeles— The watch, Garlock learned, terday for their horn at Ukiah, Cal. At this time foui enerations Mrs. Phil W olcott will leave was dropped by a cement w orker of this family were t ether and this evening for Los A ngeles,! wbeP the building was construct- th ree grandm others. where she will spend ' several i ed. weeks visiting with relatives and Best m ilk— L ininger’s Dairy, friends. BARNARD JOY IS 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. KIW ANIS SPEAKER 26—tf Complete line of AshlaDd Can­ Barnard Joy gave the main ad­ ned Goods at Detricks. 94-tf dress a t the Kiwanis Club lunch­ N o agen t in Southern Oregon eon held at the Hotel Ashland can w rite better A uto insurance P arade This Evening— this noon. 'H e gave a report of or a t low er rates than th e Staples A visit of the Chevrolet 100- A gency. hour endurance and economy run the Boys’ and Girls’ club work car in Ashland this evening will and a report of his own project, Y oung P eop le M eet— be accompanied by a parade with with which he won first place in The Young People’s Society o P Chevrolet cars from the Automo-! the. state and with the help of the Nazarene church held their tive Shop. Also, prizes have beeti which he won the distinction of regular weekly meeting at the offered for three guesses closest the best National boy gardner. home of Mrs. F. C. Stevens in the to the num ber of miles the ru n ­ He attrib u ted his success in this Belleview district last Friday ning car will make in the 100 project to his previous club work. evening. A good attendance, and hours. The prizes are $5.00, ■ The talk was very interesting and , greatly enjoyed by all. Follow- the usual bright C hristian spirit $3.00 and $1.00 of the young people brought the mileage should be "m a d e ^ e f l r e ' ’UnChe° n 3 bl,siness m eet* ing was held, but no im portant m eeting to a joyful close, T h e|n o o n tomorrow, Saturday, when business was transacted, A good next meeting will be Friday eve­ e run stops. Leave guesses ati crowd was present, ning at the Nazarene parsonage. the Automotive Shop, Ashland! Dr. Gregg won the prize, con­ Chevrolet agency. sisting of a pocket knife. Let us fill your pail with Swiftt. Silver Lea lard. Costs less than lc sale at McNairs ends Sat­ shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is urday. more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf t a r Stolen and Recoveixxl— Prosperity rules through the land. Everyone’s thoughts are turned towards Winter needs and comforts. We offer a GOLDEN HARVEST of dependable merchandise. Extremely special prices that must attract the attention of all thrifty shoppers. A Great Saving in Dress Goods Charmeuse Satin in Black $1.69 Sold Regularly at $2.25 yard Outing Flannel yd. 21c 27 inch White Outing Flannel Twilled; a fine heavy quality for gowns. A limited amount at this price. Women’s Wool Hose P a i r ........................... Sold regularly at $1.25 to $1.75 pair. Come in brown, black and ox­ ford. Your chance to save money on wool hose for w inter’s wear. $1.0i Full Size Satin Bed Spreads .................... $4.75 E xtra quality Satin Bed Spreads in a variety of patterns “ Colonial” Cretonne, 36 in.- yard $2.25 all wool French Serge, yard. Come in Q g? the wanted shades, yard ..................................... ■ «550 $2.98, 54 in. all wool Homespuns in a good assortment to choose from, ’ y a r d .......... • • • • • • • • $ £ i U U 89c P art wool Serge, 36 in., Navy Blue'only ’ yard .................................................................. I 3C $2.98, 54 inch all wool English Serge- Navy £ 4 QE $3.25, 54 inch Coating, Heather Mixtures, yard Women’s Union Suits, $3.25 Women’s Union Suits, $1.39 “ A thena” Silk stripe Merino Union Suits in different style lops— knee and ankle length. Fine Ribbed, light fleeced; comes in different style top— knee and ankle length Children’s Cotton Union Suits Ribbed, fleeced, g ar­ ment, 2 to 4 years......... $1.00 6-8-10 years ....... $1.25 12-1*4-16 years .............$1.50 Women’s Vests and Pants, Garment 85c Children’s Union Suits Silk stripe Merino 2 to 4 yrs. $1.9H 6-8-10 yrs................................. $ 2 .2 5 12-14-16 yrs............................. $ 2 .4 8 2 to 4 yrs., garm ent ............. 55c 6-8-10 yrs., garm ent ............. 60c 12-14-16 yrs., garm ent ........7Oc $ £ .2 5 To have a car stolen and re­ world of baseball fans brought covered before he had ever miss­ greater joy than any announce­ ed it, was the experience of R. E m ent from W ashington today Talbot of G rants Pass, who was could baYe Possibly brought, be- working in the postoffice while cause u gave to W alter Johnson, the th eft and recovery took place. the baseba11 ido1 of today, the The car was left a t the Masonic distinction of w inning probably building and was taken there. The the most crucial baseball game Medford police saw two men get which has ever been played. R egistered Cars— out of the car and run. They be-1 . In the editorial columns today T hirty-three cars registered at came suspicious and looked up! is printed our regret th a t John- the registration bureau a t the the owner of the car, finding it S° D h&d been Unable tO W,n this Cham ber of Commerce rooms yes­ belonged to Talbot. They phoned b ° n° r - ThiS 18 Wr,tten 1&ter after terday. ' Twenty-four cars were the G rants Pass police who inJ telegraph b rin gs the news th a t Johnson DID win and we are glad registered on Wednesday. formed the victim th a t his car' to add our acclaim with th a t of was in Medford. He recovered it ! of the rest of th e world in call­ MARCEL ANB CURL LAST the next day. ing W alter Johnson the greatest LONGER a fte r a Golden Glint hero which the baseball pastime Shampoo. D em onstration— has given the fans to hero-wor­ ship. N O T IC E The gyroscopic propeller, in­ There will be a m eeting of the vented by Jam es A. Morrison of m em bers of the U n’on Savings & Macdoel, Cal., is being dem on­ PR IV A T E H UNTER S TH REAT­ Loan in large room at Public Li­ strated this week on the w ater ENING GOVERNMENT MEN brary Monday evening, Oct. 13th, above the Savage Rapids dam (Continued from page l j at 7:45 p. m. Mr. R. J. Kirkwood near G rants Pass. The propeller of Portland, president of the As­ is said to be something new in industry.” sociation will preside. All mem­ the way of boat propellers. W ith- ■ ~ . .. It was pointed out by Mr. Jew- bers urged to attend. 31 h 8 ar ng 0 open the throttle ett th a t many hom esteaders have | recently a speed of fifteen miles received considerable revenue Ini. ‘ 1 Canton Crepe yard $1.98 N aw Blue ami Black. Regular! value, $2.48 vard 81x90 Sheets, each $1.25 “ Pullaw ay” sheets in full size, seamless. Sold regular! • at $1.39 Boys Pure Wool Sweaters $2 .4H Come in good colors sizes up to 34 Women’s Outing Flannel Gowns $ 4 .15 Come in white and fancy, 1G and 17 sizes, Chamoisette Gloves Pair $1.25 and $1.65 Made with fancy French cuff in tan, beav­ er, mode and grey Wonderful Values in Ready-to-Wear 75 Women’s Coats made of Cut Chin Chilla, Downey Wool, Bolivia and many other popular .fabrics. Made with Fur collars and some with Fur collars and cuffs. Priced. $0-48 2 Colors, orchid, tan, yellow, pink, peach, plain colors and printed patterns Tom Thumb Silk Umbrellas, priced $ ß .4 8 $ ß .9 8 $7 .9 8 *16'*5 $1 9 75 *25"" *29'75 s34-50 FA TE W AS KIND (Continued From Page 1) • n 22c Fancy ¡Outing Gowns .98 Fine ribbed, light fleeced cotton Children’s Cotton Ribbfcd Vests and Pants A good selection of new patterns for Draperies and Comfort Coverings $ j ..................................... Time to Buv Winter Underwear Colors— Brown, Taupe, Purple, Green and Navy— "G uaranteed” 25 Women’s Coats made of the.season’s most want­ ed fabrics; trimmed with gorgeous furs- Priced D ivorce Suit Starts— The divorce suit of W. I. Black against Alice Black of this city starts today. The suit in­ volves the annullm ent of the m ar­ riage vows, the custody of a child and ownership of house and auto­ mobile. Stops M2'50 *49-"" *59-75 '85"' *95"" “ Nevermend” Guaranteed Pure Silk Hose, pair $ .25 1 Womens Flannel Dresses An outstanding Hosiery value; ask for No. 6664; colors French Nude, French Tan, Airedale, Jack Rabbit and Black. Come in fancy stripes and plaids; up to the m inute in style, sizes 16 to 42 Wool Mixed Blankets, pair $ g .65 Size 70x82, wool and cotton mixed. Plaid Patterns in’ wanted colors. New Brushed Wool Sweaters. Priced 1.98, $6.48, $7.95 A REALLY REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY 100 Children’s Coats in the Latest Fall Fashions, and materials; a