»Adftfttftift M b Classified Column C la rifie d Column Rates One cent the word each tim e. To m n every Issue for one m onth or more, H e the word each time.* Á&fílAtffl ftÀît* WMftöft PHYSICIANS Tidings dttofor lo, inai HAH GRATEFUL TO TANLAC CALIFORNIA RAIN BRINGS GREAT JOY FOR PERFECT HEALTH PROFESSIONAL DR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. M ií Saturday afternoon for Klam ath party, Théy expêct tó be gone at Falls, where he will catch up with least six weeks.” his train of 25 horses, which he sent on ahead last Tuesday. "Mr. Grey is seeking m aterial in Oregon for hi3 novels, which have become universally popular. I brought a truck load of bar­ He desires to make a trip over the gain counter goods from P ort­ Rogue River trail to Gold Beach, land last week, all of which but will not be able to make it will he sold accordingly. Auto this season, taking the trip past Robes, W ade Drugsaw, H alt­ C rater Lake and interior central ers, and lots of arm y g o ^ s . Oregon instead. Come in early while Oieyt^Bt. “ He is to meet Mr. Topping and Ihe pack train at C rater Lake on Sunday, going through the Klam­ ath lava beds toward Lakeview. There are 10 people in Mr. Grey’s DR. C. W. HANSON SACRAMENTO, Oct. 10.— F a r­ WASHINGTON, Oct. 9 .' — D entist » Jesus sent his disciples out two mers of this section are rejoicing Seattle Lady Gives Tanlac Pull Credit F o r Her! Special attention given to pyor­ by two to win 4he world. today over the rain th a t yesterday FOR RENT rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Getting back to Jesus’ plan, and last night swept over Superior Recovery. FOR REN T— lst-C lass fur­ Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. thousands of congregations will i California, bringing relief to nished apartm ent, with private send their members two by two I drought-stricken fields, pastures DR. ERNEST A, WOODS— Prac-1 into their neighbors to win them | and crops. While some anxiety bath, adults only. Phone 122. “ I would not be back in the tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano to Christ. This movement is part is expressed among bean and rice : condition I was before ta k in g . 29— tf th ro at— X-ray including teeth. of a great concerted and system a­ men th a t a continued downpour I Tanlac for a million dollars,” r e - ' FOR RENT— Modern 6 room Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc tic campaign throughout the coun­ may do some damage, the gen­ I cently declared Mrs. N. E. Wash- i bungalow, well furnished, corner 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland,! try to promote interest in church eral opinion is th a t the good ac­ burn, 4018 41st Ave., So., Se-j Scenic Drive and Straw berry Ore. attendance and church member­ complished by the rain will far attle, W ash. , Lane. Phone 311-R, F. E. W at­ outweigh the harm. ship. These w orkers will go Into ’ Stomach trouble had taken I son. 31— 51 DR. E. II. ANGELL— Chiropractic the home of their communities More showers fell today and ad­ away all my strength and brought • and Electro-Therapy. Office as far as possible, inviting their ditional rain is in prospect for me down to where I could not I FOR SALS phone 48; residence 142. First friends and neighbors to come to tomorrow although th e w eather keep going from weakness aud National Bank building. V- I church, to enlist as members and bureau predicts clearing w eather suffering. I was so nervous, GOOD as new Buescher C mel­ tomorrow evening. to join in its work. ody Saxophone at reduced price. THE SOUTHERN OREGON restless and miserable th a t life At 8 o’clock this morning the was a burden. Only those afflict­ CLINIC The joint evangelistic campaign The Rose Confectionery. 1st National Bank Bldg. which is being launched this Fall precipitation lo r the storm in ed w ith indigestion as I was can 30— Mon. Wed. Fri. M edical Surgical O bstetrical by many communions under the Sacramento was 1.11 inches. know w hat I endured. D iagnostic X-ray TH R EE LOTS on paved 3treet. Reports received by the w eath­ leadership of th e Commission on R. W. Stearns, M. D. “ As stubborn as my case was, Ten dollars down and five dollars Evangelism of the Federal Coun­ er bureau indicate th a t the down­ Tanlac ha3 built me up 13 lbs. R. E. Green, M. D. Tanlac is for sale by all good a m onth until paid. Ashland R. W. Sleeter, M. D. cil of Churches, will continue pour was general throughout druggists. Accept no substitute. and there is not a trace of my old Office hours 2-5 p. m. R ealty Co. 33— 2 through the W inter and Spring Superior California and p arls of Over 4 million bottles sold. troubles left. In fact, I am now Phone 238-R Nevada. The rainfall was heav­ till Easter. Tanlac Vegetable PH’s for con­ FOR SALE — or exchange for enjoying perfect health and I am iest a t Chico, where 2.01 inches Men and women all over the >35,000.00. 160 acres, 100 cultl ju st so grateful for my recovery stipation; made and recommend­ United States are urged by the were reported. At Red Bluff the MONUMENTS vated, free water, lots of It. 20 th a t I w ant to praise Tanlac to ed by the m anufactures of Tan­ Federal Council to train for this precipitation was 1.64, inches, at head of large size Registered J e r­ lac. everybody.” ASHLAND GRANITE effort. They will work under the Oroville 1.65 inches, at San F ran ­ seys, the finest strain in Oregon. MONUMENTS pastors of th eir local churches. cisco .58 of an inch, at Fresno 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, weeks at Galice angling for steel­ B lair G ranite Co. “ Unusual interest is being .20 of an inch anc^at E ureka .14 berries were picked last week. 200 W hite Leghorn j^jekens, team heads, will be taken into the in­ S. PENNISTON, Manager taken by local congregations of an inch. of Registered Im ported Perchon terior of Oregon by Earl Topping, Office 175 E. Main Showers were reported at ZANE GREY LEAVES FOR throughout the country,” said m ares 1900 lbs. each. About EASTERN PART OF STATE who is furnishing the pack train Res. Phone 444-Y Dr. Charles L. Goodell, secretary Stockton and all points in the >3000.00 w orth of farm equip­ for the p arty,” says the Grants “ Churches upper San Joaquin Valley. ments, modern house, large barn O l GIRL IN TROUBLE— M.y of the Commission. “ Zan? Grey and party, who Pass Courier. “ Mr. Topping left A trace of snow fell at Sum­ and other buildings. Will take communicate with Ensign. Lee will first make an effort to get income property up to >20,000.00, of the Salvation Army at t h e 1 all their members out to ser­ mit. Stockmen of this part of- Cali­ long time on balance at 6 per cent. W hlteShleld Home, 565 May- vices on Sunday, and all succeed­ fornia, who have faced a short­ ing Sundays. Courtesy to brokers or agents. fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. age of pasture for several months “At the same time they will J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland are particularly jubilant over the strive to win the interest of PLANING MILL Oregon. 33— 1 fno. rain. They say it will bring out those not connected with any — ♦ -----------------------------------------------. THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL FOR SALE: — Indian M otor-' JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET church. The object of the cam­ the grass and provide new green WORKS, Cor. Helman and paign is to fu rth er the spirit of feed for fall grazing. cycle. See City W ater Dept. 19^ti worship and devotion. The first 33— 3 ' Van Ness. _______________________________ I Sunday in October was observ­ FOR SALE— Enameled top cab­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS ed as Rally Sunday. This date CRANBERRY CROP TO Sgfl Q paramount Qicture inet table, >8. Solid oak rocking W hittle T ransfer & Storage Co. was suggested because it had al­ BE OF HIGH STANDARD chair >10, 555 Fairview* St. 32— 6 for SERVICE. •RoeecTio« ready been decided upon by sev­ Experienced movers and pack­ eral communions. FOR SALE— 10 tons good alf­ PORTLAND, Oct. 7. — The ers of household goods. Deal­ The movement is a challenge 1924 Oregon cranberry crop will alfa and 3 tons mixed hay; also ers lu coal and wood. Phone to the pastors to reach their several pigs. Phone 478-J or call be m arketed entirely through the 117. communities. 423 Helman St., L. B. Tuttle. ¡ Pacific C ranberry Exchange, ac­ Office 89 Oak St. near “ C hristian men and women cording to R. R. Kipp, managed, 32— 3 Hotel Ashland will visit the entire community. m arketing departm ent of the FOR SALE— Reed baby cart in These visitors will welcome back Portland Chamber of Commerce, good condition; reasonably priced. T. L. PO W ELL—General T rans­ those w-ho have been away d ur­ who has returned from attend­ fer— Good team • and motor Phone 427-Y or call 733 Oak St. ] '» ing the summer. They will urge ance at a meeting of the board trucks. G )od service at a rea- 32— tf those who have become indiffer­ of directors of the exchange at souab.'e price. Phone 83. ent to the church to retu rn , and Ilwaco,- Wash. Mr. Kipp added FO R SALE— An excellent Vic- will invite those outside into its th a t about 93 per cent of the crop tro la and num erous records. FEHIGE-ROACH fellowship. They are to go out on the W ashington side will also Reasonable price; apply 140 Or­ T ransfer — Express — Storage two by two as the first seventy be m arketed through the ex­ ange St. 29— tf Hauling — Dray work of all disciples were sent by Christ. change. kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry- “ The campaign will come to A nother Bargain The Oregon crop will be heavy wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R a climax with a great ingathering 5-room modern house 1 1-2 375 B. St. and of splendid quality, according 112-tf at E aster.” blocks from high school. Price to Mr. Kipp. He said the berries FLORIST >1500.00, for quick sale. 1-2 cash on the W ashington side, though balance long time, 6 per cent. Sutherlin — Drilling begun on of high quality, were running SAY IT WITH FLOWERS 5 room modern house, lot Leeper Dome oil structure. rath er less in tonnage th an had From 100x150 Garage, chicken house. Klam ath Falls— Last of 1924 been predicted earlier in the sea­ Price >3100, for quick sale. Good H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed son, as the pickers were finding location 399 wool shipm ents aggregate 650,- term s at 6 per cent. See W. W. Co., tem porary a3 they worked fu rth er in the Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and 000 pounds. Price 30 to 40 cents. Robison, 63 North Main St. bogs the yield was somewhat floral designing. Phone 118. 9 -mo light because of the dry growing MISCELLANEOUS season; the dryest in the record of th e w eather bureau reports WANTED: — Nursing. Will 'on th a t district. consider house work. Am a post From one acre on the J. S. Del­ ? R ® » graduate of N. W. school of mas­ linger bogs on the Oregon side, . 1 £ e i £ s E i 2 sage and electro-therapeutics. ** said Mr. Kipp, 510 boxes of cran- Mrs. Leighton, 153 G ranite or Phone 158. 33— 1 mo. P E IL ’S CORNER Truth and Boasting O regular fellow likes to boast, but every man should have courage enough to tell the truth. This bank believes that it is the simple truth and not boastfulness when it claims that it is equipped properly to take care o f any amount, large or small. N The Citizens Bank of Ashland Ashland, Oregon T oday—T om orrow AgnesAyres A Slip-On for the Slender—A Wrap- Around for the Fuller Figure Apparently out of a clear sky there fell a dense mystery. SHE was named “the woman in the case.” Around this is wov­ en an interesting melodrama. Also “T he Soilers,” a com edy •> ADMISSION. M atinee 10c - 25c. E vening 10c - 35c Would exchange property near RESPONSIBLE FOR ILL HEALTH P ortland for Ashland property. O IL E S or other rectal or colon 44 3 B. street. 33— tf WANTED— W ork by com petent experienced janitor. • All or part tim e. W ill do anything. Refer­ ences 218-Y. 32— tf LOST— Black Persian Reward. 268 B St. kitten. 32— 3* disorders may bej;esponsible for your general ill health. My non-surgical treatment of these dis­ orders has been taken by thousands of men, women and children from all parts of the West, my unprecedented success enabling me to confidently GUARAN­ TEE to cure your Piles or refund your fee. Send today for my FREE book on Rectal and Colon disorders. Every sufferer should have it. LNTED— Growers to contract en years, for 100 acres of berries, raspberries and ;ree’n blackberries. Bagley ing Co., S. D. Taylor, Field 30— 6 MENT DEA N , M.D. Inc OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE W, OREGON H IS PA PER W H EN W ff IT I N O GET YOU STOVE repaired at Cottage Grove — Standard agle Foundry. Boch Magnito Bridge Company of Omaha will ad la te r and Stoves for sale. 140 install >75,000 lum ber dry kilns berlin St. 306-1 mo.* at Latham , one mile south of Goats Bred by registered here. tuck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, ow charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 nlles south on Pacific Highway 14— 1 mo.* For a smooth shave and quick service go to the Shell Barber Shop. Ladles and children get your hair bobbed and marcel­ led. BOYS BIB OVERALLS Ju st the moment you apply M entho-Sulphur to an itching, burning or broken out skin, the itching stops and healing begins, says a noted skin specialist. This sulphur preparation, made into a pleasant cold cream, gives such a quick relief, even to fiery ecz­ ema, th a t nothing has ever been found to take its place. Because of its germ-destroying properties, it quickly subdues the itching, cools the irritation and heals the eczema rig h t up, leav­ ing a clear, smooth skin in place of ugly eruptions, rash, pimples or roughness. You do not have to w ait for improvement. It quickly shows. You can get a little ja r of Rowles M entho-Sulphur at any drug store. Tlio '‘handiest furniture about the house GUESS! HOW MANY MILES Chevrolet will travel in the 100 Hour Endurance and Economy Run. Leave your guess with the Ashland Chevrolet Agency Best Guess ............. >5 2nd Best ............... >3 3rd Best ................>1 P arade in A shland w ith R un­ n in g Car at A:3 0 th is eve. ANNOUNCEMENTS Automotive Shop A gen cies: D odge and . C hevrolet O ne of th e best line of HATS and CAPS shown in Southern Oregon— If we put a h at on you and it does not w ear to your satisfaction--—it’s on us. in dark and light finishes from $15 to $30 M IT C H E L L S Success is insured by using P le n ty o f a n d lo ts of ro o m NEW »A IR E D C C I f T THEY i 5 IP F i Y L L RÌ ALSO MAKERS OF TWO-HORSE Brand Waist Overalls for M en and Youths RELIABLE M ERC H A N D IS E SINCE 1553 WINCHESTER SHELLS Simpson’s Hardware W inchester Store Corded Silk, 40 inches wide, colors—black navy and grey ..................................... $1.90 | Chine, 4C inches wide in light and d i L si a-:cs .................................................. $1.50 ;; Black Taffetta, 40 inches wide- per yd............. $1.60 „ New Wool Goods By the Post Office | J QUAIL SEASON Independent Candidate for County School Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ ty, Oregon. Satin Crepe, 40 inches wide, in the new shade $2.75 <> The Men’s Store TH E ASHLAND FU R N IT U R E COMPANY 8 3 N. Main OPENED Silks fo r th e A utum n Frocks Crepe HEAT Is Certain .T W O HORSE B R A N D T »♦ • ♦ ♦ OVERCOATS Cedar Chests O. W. M ilam Redwood Highway to Crescent City will be completed during 1926. GLOBE UNDERWEAR—honest to goodness union suits, made to wear and give satisfaction. Our standard for 15 years. A health garment. Tailored by Tailors who know how and who make up to a standard and not down to a juice—de­ pendable. when you have installed in your home a Put yo u r b o y j n POLITICAL HESE dresses produce the same straight- line tailored effect in different ways. Look long into your m irror and decide which style to get. Buy your pattern at our Standard- Designer Pattern counter. Enclosed with the pattern you will find a wonderful dressmaking guide, The Belrobe, which shows you how to make your dress from start to finish. You will find a list of suitable materials on the back of the pattern envelope. Visit our piece-goods counter and ask to see all the new shades in the material you select. oAlways Buy Standard-Designer Patterns with The Belrobe MADE JUST LIKE DADS W. A. SHELL, Prop. >32 A. St. Asbland, Ore Standard-Designer Pattern 7843 Priced Within Reason IS FIERY, ITCHY 0« ROUGH.JSESULPHUR WANTED: — P asture for three horses and feed for the winter. J. C. Edwards, Siskiyou. 33— 3* Standard-Designer Pattern 7816 A B low out U N IV E R S A L H eater may cause a serious ac­ cident, so you want to he ' one of the surest and certain of carrying good 1 most even-burning heat- tires. ' ers on the market. Fisk T ires have proved they contain quality aud more-mileage. Kruggel Bros.’ Tire Shop $5 down and balance on easy terms USE YOUR CREDIT Swenson & Peebler FurnitureCo. All wool French Serge, 40 inch, brown copen red. navy, per yd..................... $1.20 Wool Crepe, 40 inch, in all new s h a d e s ..........$1.85 Flannel, 56 inches wide, in all popular colors, p r ic e ......................... $2.10 and $2.30 Chiffon Broad Cloth- yd..................................... $3.50 Poiret Twill. 54 inches wide; colors navy, brown and black ................................. $3.00 ( becked. part wool goods, 40 inches wide, vd. . .70 Golden Rule Store Phone 3 Ashland Elks Bldg.