ASHLAND CLIMATE A shland D aily T idings ' W ithout the use of medicine,cures nine eases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. , The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Neivspaper For Nearly Fifty Years ( International News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 43. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1924 NO. 34 Johnson, Winning Crucial Game, World Hero EXPLAINS T H E ERRORS FOUND IN VOTE POLL Straw Vote Gave Republi­ cans Larger Per Cent Than They Got SEVERAL INJURED AS DIRIGIBLE TAKES FA LI, U ----------- jj B » ÎJ « ♦♦ R R R R R R R R WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. — Lieut. Bruce M artin of San Francisco and Lieut. Alfred Puryear of Hendersonville, Tenn., were seriously injured today when the T-C-2, a small dirigible, fell to the ground while they were in bombing practice at Langley Field, Virginia. Three en- listed men were slightly h u rt. The airship fell when a big bomb exploded in tnid- « ÎÎ » tt R R R R R R Rj R MURDERER IS ARRESTED BY HIS FATHER __ Confesses He , SAILS M AJESTICALLY S S muir' PRA1SE M IN 12-INNING GAME pi boosters Shot Young Bride and Buried Body i j Which Is Found PrThat « Ä ™ » R R R R R R R R R Ä P? 3,2 OVER CITY O f TUCSON ---------- n TUCSON, Ariz., Oct. 10.— R Sailing m ajestically, th e R | navy dirigible Shenandoah R was given a rousing cheer as R she passed over Tucson at R 5:35 Mountain Time this R morning. jj The entire population of R the city was out, thousands Ri NEW CHAPTER IN STINSON PROBESTORY apr r; ? '« S i« * ’ . Mads Testimony WASHINGTON, October 10—The Washington Sen* That Eastern Cities Are R ance for the greater part of R Was Given Under Bribe j.Ttors added the blue blood of aristocracy to the red blood Reciprocating R the night. She did not R of Compensation EVERYBODY IS VOTING » air R pause here, but continued to- R « SON OF DEP. SH ER IFF ot tlleir «»Questionable gameness this afternoon bv win- SPEAKS AT BANQUET R wards the California line fol- Ri MANY DENY CHARGE Ol_ ---------- R R R R R R R R R R R R R j ning the championship of all baseball. Show s W hat E ffect E xaggeration ¡ 8 lowing the a ir trail of the R K illed P retty Bride of 13 Days! in 1020 P oll Had on Actual J Hey earned this royal honor by defeating the Giants egon Rwcivi»e «‘«*t praise as :: w orid fliers. a A llcgeil Rpxic Stinson “Sor«|’ as She Scared B irds Toward j . Vote in E lection State Leader Meeting With i 4 to 3 in the seventh and final game of the w orld’s series' r r r r r r r r r Ih ia iix - She Did Not Get Her Him on H unting Trip Organizations Just Share o f E state j before a wildly delirious home-town crowd of 38,000 in a The L iterary Digest straw vote ■ ♦ CARLINVILLE, n ;8. Oct. io. manner that only true royalty could duplicate Oregon is being universally' at the end of the fourth week — A rrested K” U1~ father, — » Lester ■ —* - " ' BURLINGTON, Iowa., Oct. 10. by his They shows such a great increase over came from behind to tie the score with a t w o praised and the state is receiving; — A swift denial today followed i Kahl, 24-year old son of Deputy the same period in 1920 th at the WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. -The j Sheriff E. Kahl, is held in jail rub rally in tbe eighth and won opt in the twelfth innin»;s°me wonder£al advertising as a charges of Daniel Steck, Demo­ publication feels this is an indi­ result of the visit of Prof. I. E. prelim inary estim ate of product-j here with a net of gruesome evi- ! w llC n MeNeclcy’s single took a trick bound over L illd s o m G ! Vining nf tht- cratic candidate for United States cation of the greater interest senate, that Roxie Stinson’s tes­ ion of spring wheat by principal I dence tightly drawn about him as b e a d - Buel scoring from second base of The Oregon presidfi“ ‘ which is being felt in the election State Chamber of producing states (in thousands of j the slayer of his pretty bride of ' ‘ ’ * MEDFORD, Oct. 10. — After timony before the senate investi­ this year and predicts th a t the bushels) follows: Ill the final inning Ruel doubled io left, after Gowdv ¡ Commerce, according to a tele- 13 days, M argaret, age 21. deliberating all night, the federal gating committee, which brought vote in November will be propor­ { gram he has sent to Ashland, a 1 dropped ml i , i.y. flv ■ ............ South Dakota, 34,642. The bullet-riddled body of the J " his * » ft " h When McNeeleV singled and W a sb -l^ X n > t U aS T T o 10 Ash’ai!d; a b u y hearing the case of Hugh about the resignation of form er ........... — ’ “ '**6 tionately larger than in the last Montana 42.424. girl was found in a shallow grave j realized its first WOl’ld series was won, tbe fans ' in- from the H th iii "1 ° ff g* Y-t? K nieht’ Klam ath •Indian, charg- Attorney General Daugherty, was presidential election. Idaho 12,ISO. ! last night, where Kahl led the poured onto the fields and fairly mobbed tbe borne plavers ’ city - - o retlirned produced by A. Fink and ills at- Democratic and Progressive W ashington 8,500. sheriff after he had confessed to i C lifw iw woo sustained « „ .(« „ • „ a J v, • / . a verdict of guilty, oil two counts; I torney on promises of political w riters and political leaders have j. . L for i b. - ,„„rotes, each , 1 player p,ot , ' 7S„. » . » . „ r«nn«».a pM8lng A prelim inary estim ate of this shooting h i, bride. j favors. brought out a new phase in the year's wheat production placed The girl h a , been missing since ' '’P '“ ? ‘’' ' T " ' j « «16 Ofll«». W alter Jolmsou, w ilt, pitched i • T lere" n,0" e>'- Knlght * » « • » '- From Columbus, Miss Stinson poll— a comparison of the exagér­ the quantity at 856,000,000 bush­ branded the entire story as ' hree ycais Mc_ ations which were found in the els, of which 589,000.000 is win­ September 15. and has been bur- ille lai!t loar .¡„Ilillgs atld got the credit for the victory- Will also attend other'^meeiln'c Od “ false” and a*; “ so absurd that I ' in New York and other eastern ' ’ l8'<" “ 1 Prl80D' *° "e3ln 1920 vote and their relation to ter wheat and 266,000,000 bush­ led about three weeks, according i Wag the main object of the fails’ enthusiasm. would not think of bothering to ¡° “ 7 T 5' exam"'atlon «» ,he! Wild-eyed fanatics stood on top of the plavers’ duo ■>« « • » " » <° 'o r e - 1 ¡ X . " * ? tPree/ ear, he th e present vote and standing of els spring wheat. make any statem ents.’’ body in the grave. , . . . * p iu \e i.> (I llg -, is now serving for killing a horse Last m onth’s forecast was 837,- Senator W heeler, Independent Kahl is said to have quarreled \ HOnt o i’tllG President aild M l'S. Coolidftei ... mi _ ___ , , . . aRd stealing a saddle is finished. ! candidate for vice-president, lah- 000,000 bushels, including 589.- Knight will be returned to the 000,000 of w inter w heat and ‘ el'.ed the story as preposterous at a L°'"oa" y “ M hei ‘‘" d t ,e f ' r8t ,ady °* ,llC ta,ld f»1' » moment before which will enlighten the eastern- federal prison. 247,000,000 of spring wheat. ! Sacramento, California. , Claude B ut’or, a co-defendant s..ot h l, bride while she sca re d : |;c j „ g escorted from tile park. era as to the wonders ot this ers Forecasts and prelim inary es­ birds toward him during a h u n t­ Senator Rrookh rt declared to­ with K night, who entered a plea tim ates of other crops, issued by ing journey, and then buried her Tonight Washington was crazed with enthusiasm and state. Thi . of guilty, and testified against day “ the record of the D augher­ the departm ent of agriculture, in ­ body. excitement It was a magnificent victory „ f a great fig,,,- v .? ,’ Knight, was given a 60 days’ sen­ ty investigation committee stands clude: for itself without any need of de­ mg team. Manager Harris, with a home run and a single, v- d * Mirer, High Fizz, Liihiam tence by the court. Oats 1,509,000,000 bushels. A aeo.e or more of ba’iotn were fense.” Ashland, Oregon. knocked in three ot the \\ asbington scores. Barley 201,000,000 buthels. Fro man alleged affidavit by taken by the jury, who arg ¡rd the Many thanks for kind message. Summary: jj E i Fink, Steck quoted paragraphs Rye 65,800,000 bushels. c a s ; the most of the night. Pittsburg reciprocates good will. Buckwheat 15.100,000 bushels. The testimony in the case was I in a Political speech last night New York ......................................... 3 •Wonderfully received and enter­ W hite potatoes 424,000.000. conflicting, and was given to the to show Miss Stinson told Fink W ashington.......................................... 4 p) tained. Spoke this morning and Sweet potatoes 74,000,000 jury Wednesday evening at 5:30 she was cheated out of her just at great banquet tonight. Most bushels. o’clock. The government was portion of Jess Sm ith’s estate by * * ❖ ❖ # * * den Senators m eant the most cov- gratifying response from audiences represented by Assistant IT. S. At­ H arry Daugherty and that she Flax seed 29,200,000 bushels. The condition of the crops on * eted honor in baseball hijtory or andi press. . Invitations coming torney Alann A. Bynon, and the was prepared to “ invent rdories to * which m eant only another d e fe a t' from m aay cItles for visits Ore’ defense by Attorneys O’Neill and incrim inate D augherty.” FATE WAS KIND October 1, or at time of harvest Realize«! Advantages of Its Terri- * -like many hundred which they had g° n unlversal,y praisfd bX Pe»«' Ashford of K lam ath Falls. was: On «y and Advertised These V jj: Corn 65.3 per cent of norm al; ; # # ! suffered before they were given sylvania citizenship. Greetings to CAXXERS PLAN A CO-OP to tlie W orld , i all good fellows at home. buckwheat 81.3; white potatoes. I ---------- ! Fate was kinder than The the opportunity to win this cov­ OKGAMZATIÓX IN STATE LOAN ON JACKSON I. E. VINING. 84.3; sweet potatoes 62.1; flax, eted honor, W alter Johnson, ATLANTIC CITY, Oct. 10. __¡T idings editorial w riter antici- i COUNTY FARM WAS seed. 83.8; apples, 175.000,000; SALEM, Oct. 10. — Prelim in­ Chiefiy because it has produced pated> ior tbis afternoon, W alter though weakened by more th a n ! EXPENSIVE MOVE bushels. Peaches V ' 70.0 0? 0 i bulslsm liiik serx-ifo 7 n d advertiZ rohM on. veteran of many ’a I ,’,8 .f“ " « ra.iu o n s baseball ac- j ary steps toward organization of bushels. Pears 17,600.000 bush £d it. the N orthern Texas Trac- th rI’ling baseball battle, ended ! alread y p ractic a n y d is - ! some kind of a centialized agency Marshall N. Dana els. Grapes 1,660,000 tons. tion Company, of F o rt W orth ! vlctori°usly probably the g re a te s t,! ^a^.ded fr° m m ajor leaSue base- sim ilar to the prune exchange to Oregon Journal Texas, at the American Electric the m08t exciting, the most tense team3. fought for four in-j SALEM, Oct. 10. — In Jack- standardize the quality and in ­ mieuiriv nings, and supported by th e: Railway Association Convention ba9® ba» battle 'Which has ever son county in 1909 the state spection of canned goods and one FORMER ASHLAND “fighting Senators,” won the vie- i loaned from the irreducible school; central brand for advertising pur- RESIDENT PASSES tOday’ WOn premier honors for been fought. i tory which made th e S e n a to rs: fund $100 on a farm. There is P°ses Wf‘’’e taken at a meeting of 1924 over ail other electric ra il-' Placed in the pitcher’s mound world champions. no record to show for what 25 representatives of co-operative Mrs. Alice Talley died Wed- ways in the United States. [ a t the last m inute and throbbing But which in the eyes of the am ount the land was assessed or canneries at the Chamber of Corn- nesday, October Sth, at tbe home The prize for initial honors is ' w ith a determ ination to win the T ense FVeliag E xists When i n- appraised. The loan has cost the ber of Commerce here. The meet- of her son, Ovanda Dodge, at Cor-i tfle d ia rie s A. Coffin aw ard, con- game which to the long-downtrod- (Continued on page Four) «latoi y !i n n » e •• s R eceive state $1207.64. The property has fn£ was called by those interested vallis, Ore. The body will ar- listin g of $1,000 cash and a gold ' __________________ Thr« rt»en ng le tte r s been taken over by the state un- ln co-operative canners who were rive in Ashland tomorrow and uiedal donated annually by the der foreclosure. It is reported ‘Icsicous of learning of the advls- funeral services will he he'd at Qe n e,al Electric Company through PORTLAND, Oct. 10. — Gov^ by the inspector to be jn the hills ability of a canned goods ex­ the Dodge funeral chapel at tlle association. ernm ent hunter’s have aroused and of “ little value.” It Is es­ change. 10:30 Sunday. Interm ent will b e ! The company operates all of the the ire of private hunters in sev­ tim ated that it will not bring to All of those at the meetings in the ITargad ne cemetery. Fort W orth city properties, totai- eral counties of Oregon, and have SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10.- the state more than half of tho were called upon for discussions. three or four inches in diameter, Mrs. Talley was the d a u g h te r1 ’ng miles. Store & W ebster W orking on a deposit of s h a le : It is then screened and deposited received w arning th at unless they loan. While it was generally conceded 1 are the operators, and George II. of D. P. ’G randpa” W alrad and cease operating in those counties that the beginning should be on a estim ated at 400,000,000 Clifford is the local manager. tons. j on a powerful belt carrier which sister of the late Eugene W alrad. they will meet with death. Stan­ small scale. It was agreed th at Here are some of the outstand- ! Conliuental Shale P ro d u cts, transports it in regulated quanti- DUCKS SCARCE IN THE She had been living with her ley G. Jew ett, in charge of the the m atter should be given further (Continued on page 4> BIG MARSH REGION daughter, Mrs. Lon Hawley at ing accomplishments of the com- Cornpany of this city has ju3t< ties to the top of a great verti- predatory animal division of the consideration and that centralized j started at Shuman Cut, in the cal retort. The retort, forty-five Blodgett, Oregon, but had moved tpany: Caused hundreds of homes to be i N orthern p art of Santa Barbara feet in height, is kept full and geological survey, declared yes­ KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 10.— action was necessary. In addi­ recently to the home of her terday. shale refinery, brother. She was a form er Ash-1 bn-Ht alonB its lines- after making] ™Unty’. a sn Summer drouth lias ruined Big tion to the quality pack and in- operates tw enty-four hours a day W. C. Snyder, who holds the speetiong a centralized sales land resident and has m a n y ‘ a survpy o£- and reviving interest! where « is producing shale pro-; The reto rt, operating on a con- w orld’s record for number of coy­ Marsh as a duck hunting ground, agency also was advocated. in, 24,000 vacant lots. ducts in commercial quantities. ¡tinuous throughout, derives its fire ! according to Coroner Earl W hit­ friends here to grieve for her The plant is producing carbo- • from the m aterial itself and dis­ otes killed in a month, has found lock, who retlirned last night, __________________' i Created the slogan. “ Howdy? i G'ad to see you! Ride and save lates, sulphates and oily acids, charges the waste into tram s at two notes fastened to bushes near after a 12 days’ camping trip, in WEST SAYS LIBEL his coyote traps. The note read, the Big Marsh region. REMINDERS OF VOLSTEAD SUIT TO PERMIT I the difference,” and popularized which are said to find a ready the bottom. “ Snyder, .leave here before it is DAY UNDER PROHIBITION it through advertising in cars, m arket among m anufacturers of The plant has an approximate A FULL PROBING “ The marsh is dry,” Mr. W hit­ too late,” which was interpreted news papers and other mediums. insecticides, and in addition to capacity of 100 tons daily, but is lock said, “ and there are no Oswald West and George Black, BEND. Oct. 10. — In response Installed white cars and put tbese products it is turning out in subject to enlargem ent. The op­ by the hunter to be a threat ducks or at least I did not see Fines collected for this year against his life. members of Ihe committee which any while I was there.” up to October 1st, for Prohibition to the complaint of Bend women,! crew3 in white yachting uniform s.! considerable quantities a product erating cost on minimum tonnage Dan Godsil, deputy game w ar­ recently made a report relative local police W ednesday ordered; Repainted all cars every nine known as flotation oil, used b y 1 runs about 50 cents per ton for Mr. Whitlock returned with a ! violations, according to county , , . den of Lake County, lias receiv­ fine three-point buck mule deer.!«* Tbe H artm an Syndicate and records am ount to $2,564.70, not the removal of whiskey bottles months and kept them clean at m ining companies in processes de- mining and handling, and 50 cents ed an even more direct w arning who were sued W ednesday by The signed to recover valuable min- per ton for retorting, a total cost He reported good fishing in the counting the 25 per cent, the law and other rem inders of pre-Vo!- a » times in which it was threatened t6 kill Hartman Syndicate, in a state­ Encouraged employes to parti- erals from ores. ! of $1 per ton, yielding one bar- northern part of the county. requires to be turned over to the stead days from the front of a him unless he ceased aiding the ment in The Oregon Journal said: Aside from these products th e ret of oil to the ton. This cost state prohibition fund. The ex­ theatre in this city, where th e y . cipate in all civic affairs, taught government men. • ‘ Fi ing of the suit by the H art­ had been placed to advertise a refinery is turning out a type of] should be reduced, according to them courtesy at regular sessions penditures for the same period JOY KILLS INVENTOR WHO John Lawrence is another fed­ man Oil Shale syndicate will give show. It was claimed by the wo­ of a courtesy school, supplied crude oil and this is being taken tlie engineers, to about 50 cents totalled $5940.32. PERFECTS NEW AIR MOTOR 1 the company an opportunity for eral trapper who has received , The fine collections by months men th a t the bottles would exert them with medical service and by an oil company which has al- a ton, gross, when the plant is in 1 notes w arning him of imminent j wide publicity in its advice to the a bad influence. group insurance and encouraged ready laid a pipeline to the plant.] extended operation. Mr. Winton I is as follows: ] danger. He h^s been hunting ROME, Oct. 10.— Extrem e joy] public against investment in the suggestions from them a3 to tbe The dump heap yields a high- i explains th a t while it may not Collected Expended i coyotes in northern G rant coun- over having perfected a new ty p e istock of thia and sim ilar opera- conduct of the business. The grade clay which 13 reported to seem particularly profitable to January ............. none $ 662.72 SLOGAN CONTEST BEGUN of compressed air motor is b s -,tio n s ,” Oswald W est said today. company never has had a serious be excellent m aterial for various produce crude oil at a cost of 50 i ty> February ..... .....none 812.27 OREGON AGRICULTURAL Mr. Jew ett has rccen'cJ num- M-ved by medical authorities to “ The members of Governor cents a barrel, the real profit and I erous communications at his office March ......... . 671.70 57,2.00 COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 10. — difference with Réemployés. They! filtering purposes have been responsible for the Pierce’s committee are not wor­ The plant a t Shuman Cut is the commercial advantage of the April ............... 242.50 587.90 A $5 prize will be awarded the | are heavy stockholders In the , here urging him to stop govern- death of Viviano Generini, aged ried about the outcome of the located on the* main line of the , company. shale plant lies in the chemical May ..................572.00 491.07 composer of a satisfactory home­ ment men from killing coyotes, sixty-one. suit for $300,000 damages. The Both the United Railways & Southern Pacific Railroad. It is m anufacturing end of the business Ju n e ................429.50 632.20 coming slogan of not more than One, which came from a govern- The aged inventor’s lifeless committee has abundant evidence Ju ly ..................232.00 633.20 five words by the g reater O. A. j Electric Company, of Baltimore, a picturesque sight, sprawling and in the fact th at chemical con­ : ment official in another depart- body was found lying across the to back up its recent published stitu en ts exist in the shale oil, August ............. 156.00 726.42 I C. committee, in charge of the an-1 and the »Interstate Public Service against the mountain, ment, said resentm ent to feder- ’ m otor in his experim ental shop, statem ent covering the operations September ...... 261.00 931.32 nual affair. Five judges will se­ Company, of Indianapolis, gave i The raw m aterial is broken out which do not exist in oil from I al hunters was felt in his county, • where he had worked indefatig- of the H artm an syndicate.” about half way up the m ountain wells and th a t the profits from lect the winner Friday noon, when the F ort W orth company a hard because they were ruining “ home ably for many years. side. It is then tram m ed to the by-products are thereby greatly Totals ....$2,564.70 $5,940.32 the contest closes. (Continued on Page Four) crushed hopper, reduced to sizes enhanced. Astoria — Modern theatre to I (Continued on page 1 » I Classified Ads Bring Results ‘ seat 900 people to be built the candidates. In this respect, the Literary Di­ gest gives the following tables of the 1920 poll vote and the actual vote In the election, with the re ­ su ltan t percentages of exaggera­ tion. Per Cent, H arding’s of Total Popular Popular Vote State Vote New York .........1,871,167 64.67 New Jersey ...... 615,333 67.72 Ohio ....................1,182,022 5S.53 Indiana . j ........... 696,370 55,16 Illinois ............... 1,420,480 67.95 C alifornia ........ 624,992 66.24 H arding’s Per Cent, Vote in of Total Digest Digest Poll State Poll 76.85 New York .........21,144 79.13 New Jersey ....22,644 71.08 Ohio ..................17,915 Indiana ............. 16,201 l . 63.98 77.22 Illinois ............. 17,891 71.56 C alifornia .........16,759 The 1920 Digest poll, therefore, showed the following margin of percentages in favor of Mr. H ard­ ing over the H arding percentage Bhown by the popular vote: New York ............................... 12.18 New Jersey ............................. 11.41 Ohio ....................................... ...12.55 Indiana ................................... 8.82 Illinois ....................... 9.27 California ............................... 5.32 Following up these summaries. The Digest says: The average percentage for the six States favored the Republican candidate by about 10 per cent FINES COLLECTED PROHIBS i _ HALFJEPT. COSTS Working California Shale Deposits