f pao L IBLAfttt bÁÍÍT TÎDÎNGS 'NtursHay, Óetotar ó, 1024 Special Auto Accident Policy its own territory. It is thus in ' shaking the foundations of gov- 1 for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo a position to sell current to the i érnm ent and th a t the people who have borne little or none ef been injured and damaged in its the report, which is made Ex ! the financial burden. of course. 24-tf Pacific Gas and Electric Com­ j should see th at this was chang- good name and business -in the hibit A in the suit. The plaintiff contends th at this ! ed. pany. sum of $200,000. i p art of the report was to pre­ M issionary M eeting— During the war the two com­ He clearly indicated th ro u g h ­ A D ally C hronicle of th ose w h o com e and go, and ev en ts of Judgm ent is asked in the total The W oman’s Home* Mission­ panies made a connection at Ken­ out his speech th a t he consider­ judice the stockholders and t h a t ’ local Interest ary society of the Methodist- nett, where a small am ount of ed the Republican candidates were the allegations or inferences are i sum of $300,000 against the mem­ untrue. bers of the committee who made ¡church will m eet Friday at 2:30 power has been delivered all the the ones whom the Progressive > < n » » » » ♦ ♦ « ♦ » « » « ♦ « » » » ♦ ♦< i > « ♦ « > I This statem ent from the report I at ¿he home of Mrs. Henry Car- I time, but nothing in comparison candidates m ust defeat, and did Here— A shland L odge No. 23 ter on Alta Avenue. Reports of to w hat a voltage of 110,000 will not mention the Democrats a , is held to be untrue and th at it ! was intended to convey to the Mr. and Mrs. Max Camps of the meeting at G rants Pass w ill1 deliver. A. P . & A, M. single time during his address. j stockholders the impression th at Yreka journeyed to Ashland last be given and a pleasant time isj The construction of the C o tto n -1 Special communication, T hurs­ night to attend the Elks dance. I the company had been misman-i wood-Delta-Copco 110,000 volt! anticipated. day evening. Oct. 9.- Also work aged and th a t the funds entrusted line is a step in the super-power HARTMAN ASKS RIG in the Second Degree, preceeding' In A sidand— your last chance to see the to the company had been wasted: 1 F o r Miners, R ailroaders, SUM IN LIABLE SUIT Record B reaker Flour Sale is' plan th a t is gradually gaining the business session, with light ’ F arm ers, and world famous picture “ It has been charged th a t the j Loggers, Merle Howell of Oregon C ity ! refreshm ents served after the ! has arrived in Ashland and en­ on; Columbia H. W. $3.75 per ground in the county at large. (Cointinued from page 1.) funds of the company have not 1 H unters. 100; W hite Mountain $4.00 peri conferring of degrees. Meet at 7 been carefully expended and th at tered the Ashland high school. H e ! 100. Quality Bakery. 3 FATALITIES REPORTED 30— 6 o ’clock. purpose of circum venting the M .J is the brother of Cleo Howell,,1 there has been waste and extrava­ SALEM, Oct. 6. — There were Blue Sky Law of the State of M. H. ELLIS, W teacher in the schools and Y. M. | gance. It is also charged that You are welcome to compare three fatalities in Oregon due to Oregon, or this could have been W. H. DAY, Sec’y. 32— 2 C. A. w orker here. my Automobile rates with any industrial accidents during the known to the defendants by a properties and equipment have been tu rn ed into the company at other rate3 in JackcoR or Jose­ week ending October 2, according proper investigation on their excessive figures.” R eturns Home— Have th a t old suit made new. phine Counties; you can be the to a report prepared here today part of the records of the cor­ Francis J. Burns returned home Phone 119, P aulserud’s. 33— tf I 25c and 50c The plaintiff states th a t the by the state industrial accident poration commissioner’s office of Judge. Phone 21. Yeo, of course. yesterday from a week spent on 30— tf commission. the 3tate of Oregon wherein funds have not been wasted, th at the Applegate with his cousins, One Cent Sale starts tomorrow’. The victims were C. L. Smith, there appears on file applications the affairs of the company have Mr. and Mrs. Bert H arr. — McNair Bros. Bend, boom operator; C. M. P ear­ of said common law tru st to qual­ not been mismanaged and th at R eturn H o m o - TOMORROW and ’ Mr. and Mrs. Merle Robison son, Astoria, rigger, and Thomas ify its securities and secure a per­ m achinery has not been purchased Pay less and dress better— get P ainting P arlor— SATURDAY and Mrs. Emma Beeler returned Anderson, Toledo, chaser. mit to sell Its securities under at excessive costs. your Fall Suit at Paulserud’s. The parlor of the Hotel Ash­ Of the total of 648 accidents the Blue Sky Law.” The plaintiff alleges th a t as a 33— tf land is now being calsomined and home yesterday from a two weeks reported 551 were subject to the result of the publication of this vacation spent in Oakland, San The plaintiff alleges another painted, making a very beautiful provisions of the w orkm en’s com­ cause of libel is contained in the report the company is unable to We w ant w earing apparel, fu r­ room. The color scheme work- Diego, Calif., and Tia Juana, Mex­ sell stock, i3 unable to collect pensation act, 96 were from firms following statem ent: n iture, farm produce, food, any­ / ed out is blue and gold. The i ico. They report a wonderful trip. and corporations th a t have reject “ E. W. H artm an claimed to be on notes which it holds against thing saleable, for T hrift Sale Oc­ drapes will be hung later and the j ed the law, and one was from a the inventor of certain equipment people for stock sold to them and tober 10th and 11th. 31— 3 fu rn itu re moved i n , ‘which will | Help to beautify Ashland. Di­ public utility corporation not en apd processes for the extraction has been forced to shut down its correspond to the general color vide ycur shrubs and bulbs for titled to state protection. of oil from shale and had applied plant and discontinue its opera­ T hrift Sale, the 10th and 11th. P u rch ase Hom scheme. to the United States commission­ tions to the great damage of the 31— 3 1 Mrs. Jessie Searing ha3 pur­ K askela-River Lum ber & Log­ er of patents for letters patent. plaintiff and th a t the plaintiff chased through Yockey & Com­ A t M edford— ging Company begins construct­ These patents were transferred to has suffered special damages as a Wesley C. Green of Los An-1 pany the J. E. Calloway home on From Hornbrook— ion of mill, capacity of 125,000 corporations organized by said direct result of the false and un­ C street and expects o take pos­ geles and form er well known resi­ G. W. Minick of Hornbrook feet daily. Sidetracts heing built H artm an in other states and hav­ tru e statem ents made by the de­ session immediately. dent of Medford was in th a t city was in Ashland yesterday a fte r­ and tow nsite planned. ing millions of paper capital. fendants in the sum of $50,000. Tuesday with Bert Anderson. He i noon. He made the trip to Ash­ Also the plaintiff alleges that These companies, it was claimed, Yes, U, Tel, Um, 1 tiers Qual­ is the head of the land d e p a rt-’ by the result of the publication' land in order to hear Burton K. OREGON JUNIOR U. S. aterproot boots and were to engage in the m anufac­ ity Bread, from the oven over m ent of the Pacific Mutual Life ; of the report the plaintiff has W heeler, who spoke here yester­ SENATOR SAYS ROBT. tu re of reto rts and other equip­ high top shoes that work­ the counter, 8 and 12 c. 31— 6 Insurance company and is on his day afternoon. LA FOLLETTE A MENACE m ent to be used in the extraction ers and sportsmen need way to Portland and Denver. of oil from shale which were to Good music. Hot Springs Sat. All sizes in stock. We have orders for dressed “A vote for La- Follette is a be sold at a profit and In addition night. 33— 3 Help someone win $100 by chickens, salads, m eat loaves, vote for hard tim es,’ declared therejo a royalty was to be ex­ bringing flowers and shrubs for brown bread, etc,, for T hrift Sale, Robert N. Stanfield, ju n io r Unit­ acted from the purchasers. The Civic Sale. H. G. Enders has P led g ed To F raternity— Oct. 10 and 11. Send in your ed States senator for Oregon, who H artm an Syndicate Incorporated W ord has been received here doubled prize for best kept yard donation. • 31__3 arrived in Portland and who will (m eaning plaintiff) operating 33— 1 th a t Dan Bowerman, form er Ash­ next year. rem ain in the 3tate for several near Ashland, Oregon, bought its land resident and member of the any Ford ear by making Imogene "Wallace, Piano and weeks, ofT and on, until Decem­ equipment from one of these said Tidings force, has been pledged We have a car of dry body fir a small down-payment ber. H artm an Companies,” which the to the Alpha Tan Omega at the on the track. You had b etter let Harmony Studio, Second floor Now is the time to prepare for Beaver Bldg. 30— tf and arranging easy terms “ The country is now in a pros­ plaintiff states was intended to the hunting season— get your us deliver some of this dry wood U niversity of W ashington. JOSEPH H E N A B E R Y perous condition,” continued the infer th a t the corporation was in gun and am m unition i n ‘readi­ P R O D U C T I O l< for the balance. Or you for your w inter fuel.— Carson- ness. Fall fish'iig season is Epw orth League— colusion with the patentee of the senator, “ and there are fewer un­ It lc sale at the Rexall Store ends Fowler Lum ber company. Cl Qaramaait Qtotiae can buy on the Ford approaching, all kinds fishing The Epw orth League will have employed a t present than in many m achinery used, so th a t the p at­ Saturday. tackles here. a party Friday night. Oct. 10th, years past. The working class of entee could procure excessive roy­ L eave F or M arshfield— W EEKLY PU R C H A SE Love, MyMery, thrills and If you cannot bring articles to R6v. S. J. Chaney of this city, at the Methodist church a t 7:30. people realize this and they want alties. They state this is untrue and th a t the patentee furnished Everyone is asked to be present, to continue the present program ­ Club House, phone Mrs. A. C. Rev. T. D. Yarnes of Klam ath PLA N heart til rolls. Made from good program will be given. me, which is giving employment the m achinery at actual cost F. Ninlnger, 353-R or Mrs.' C. H. Falls and Rev. Joseph K notts of as O. B. place of m anufacture. and causing prosperity. For this Pierce, 247-J, and they will call. Roseburg left this morning for the famous stage success. W o w ill g lad ly explain th is A nother statem ent of libel, MARCEL ANB CURL LAST reason the American workm an is 31— 3 Marshfield to look at a site for New assortm ent of Remington plan in d etail long time be­ deals with the committee report, knives ju st arrived. No two the Epworth League In stitu te for LONGER a fte r a Golden Glint going to think knives alike. alleged to convey the impression Shampoo. fore he supports La Follette for next year. This committee was I lc t u r n Horn»'— ADMISSION president, especially when he “ they owned 3000 acres of land Mr. and Mrs. "William Addison appointed by the Epw orth League Club House open from one to knows th a t a vote for La Follette near A shland,” “ but owned a H A R R IS O N returned to their home in Inde­ Institu te this summer. Seven M atin ee............10c & 25c small acreage in fee. and the five p. m., Tuesday and W ed­ is a vote for hard times. acres overlooking the ocean has pendence this morning after B rothers, G arage Evenings . . . . . .10c & 35c “ Should La Follette be elect­ greater part of acreage was own­ spending several days in Ashland. been offered by the city of M arsh­ nesday to receive goods for sale. H unting and Fishing Licenses 31— 3 ed, which is impossible, and he ed by the United States, and the F o n i, Lincoln, F o n lso n D ealers field. Other locations have also company had merely made appli­ put into effect government owner­ Sweet cream for whipping and been offered by other cities in Snow on M o u n t a in - ship of railroads, as he advocates, cation for a mining lease.” southern Oregon. The men expect coffee— also fresh m ilk, always The complaint charges th a t the Residents of Ashland were su r­ it will mean higher and not low­ on Ice a t the Plaza. £39— tf to be gone until Saturday. prised this m orning when they er taxes. Government ownership company never represented th a t N O T IC E woke up to find the foothills to of railroads would mean more they owned 3000 acres, but sta t­ Have purchaser for a bunga­ There will be a m eeting of the the south and Grizzly Peak cov­ bond issues. It would cost about ed in th eir prospectus, th a t they low. W ill give a two thousand, owned 320 acres only, and held five hundred dollar m ortgage members of the Union Savings & ered with snow. This is the first $20,000,000,000 to buy the ra il­ leases from the government and draw ing 6 per cent and pay the Loan in large room at Public Li­ time this season th a t snow has roads of the United States, and private property on 3000 acres. balance in cash. Ashland Realty brary Monday evening, Oct. 13th, been seen on the foothills, a l­ to pay for them there would F u rth e r cause for libel is al­ Co. 31— 3 at 7:45 p. m. Mr. R. J. Kirkwood though it has appeared on the have to be bond issues, Which the leged to be found in the follow­ taxpayers would have to pay, of Portland, president of th e As­ higher peaks in the valley. ■» both as to interest and princi­ ing from the com m ittee’s re ­ sociation will preside. All mem­ T o San J o se — port. 31— 4 Food and Candy Sale at the pal. Then, as the railroads would Miss Alice Brown left this bers urged to attend. “ Those who have in good faith Club House the 10th and 11th. be government property, they afternoon for San Jose where she bought stock in this company 31— 3 would be taken off the tax rolls w ill spend the w inter working. V isitin g H e r e - have a rig h t to a fair share of and taxes would increase to the Mr. and Mrs. Cherry and their Miss Brown is well known here any profits which may accrue. extent th a t the railroads now pay and has been w orking at McGee’s aunt, Mrs. Scott, form erly of St. R eturns — There is no reason why these Each age demands its particular J. K. McWilliams returned last taxes. Thus governm ent owner­ D ry Goods store for some time. Paul, Minn., are visiting Mrs. stockholders 3hould do all the M B■■MHB* Style. Young men quickly follow Boyd of Main Street and Mrs. J. evening from P ortland where he ship would h it the taxpayer financing and perm it th e control double; first, to pay the principal has been spending the past week Save $10.00, walk upstairs to C. Ferguson of B street. changes in fashion. T h e staid busi­ of the company and the greater on business. He made a trip to and interest on the bonds issued Orres tailor shop, 17— tf ness man chooses a suit that gives p art of the profits to go to those Don’t be deceived by the old the Skyline mine this "morning for the roads, and, second, the him an appearance of dignity while W hen "Winter comes try one of saying “ It H ain’t going to Rain and spent the day there operat­ increase tax the taxpayer would CARD OF THANKS the man who has passed middle age P au lseru d ’s Over Coats. 33— tf No m ore,” for it is. Prepare ing the sawmill with a Fordson have to meet to make up for the We wish to thank the many “ loss of taxes which railroads now against this by letting us deliver tractor. picks the more conservative models, i contribute to counties and states. friends for the beautiful floral U n d ergoes O peration— direct from a car on the track offerings, and for th eir sympathy Miss Opal Harvey of Ashland some of the dry body fir wood we W hether you are 18 or 80 Clothcraft offers and help in our recent bereave­ TO REBUILD BATTLESHIP underw ent a tonsil operation in have. — Carson-Fowler Lum ber you a choice of new models for Fall th at pos­ DETAILED MAP OF THREE ment. SEATTLE, W ash., Oct. 9. — sess ju s t the right am ount of style to add the It Medford yesterday morning. She company. SISTERS BEING MADE CHARLES H. BLAKE, , The gallant old battleship Ore­ snap oi good taste to your appearance. is getting along nicely. ✓ ■ MR. and MRS. Wm. ADDISON gon, once the “ bulldog of the A young bear on sale Friday w UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, *:,o r style the" on,y virtue of Clothcraft Cliff Payne makes typew riter and Saturday— Eagle Meat Mar­ navy,” a t last will be recondi­ Eugene, Oct. 8. — Something of C.othes— correct fit and dependable wear are tioned and towed to its final re st­ ket. 33— 1 tablee. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY also fashioned into these clothes that range ing place in Portland Harbor. It interest to the people of the state In price from and tourists traveling through, i3 was announced a t Brem erton K )R SALE: — Indian Motor* Dance Hot Springs Sat. night. In Ashland— soon to be completed by the de­ Doris K leinham m er was up navy-yard headquarters this week partm ent of Geology a t the state cycle. See City W ater Dept. 33— 3 • 33— 3 from Medford last evening to a t­ th a t work would be begun on the university. A detailed map of Oregon the last of this month tend the Elks dance. She stayed T o E u gen e —- WANTED: — Nursing. Will or the first of next. A uthority the Three Sisters, m ountains in H. C. Galey is spending the at the Van Dyke home. the Cascade range, showing vol­ consider house work. Am a post for the work was granted by the week in Eugene on business. He canoes, glaciers and other char­ graduate of N. W. school of m as­ engineering departm ent of the expects to retu rn home in a day acteristics of th a t area is being sage and electro-therapeutics. M othproof Bags ftSc to $2 Enough said for K istlers Qual­ navy last spring, but the task was or eo. ity Bread, 8 and 12c 31— 6 postponed until later after the done under the direction of Pro­ Mrs. Leighton, 153 G ranite or fessor Hodge, of the geology de­ Phone 153. 33— 1 mo. rush of sum m er repairs. K istlers Quality Bread, the best partm ent. He had made an in­ We deliver the goods— Detricks yet, 8 and 12 cents. 30— 6 LOST: — Key num ber 157. tensive study of this area and Allen “ A ” Cooper’s 94-tf R eturn to Tidings for $1.00 Re­ later the map and a pham phlet Underwear 33— 2 Best m ilk— L ininger’s Dairy, describing tho area will be pub­ ward. To Get Car— All AVeights — All 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. lished by the university. WANTED: — P asture for three Robert J. Kendall arrived in 26— tf Prices. See the horses and feed for the winter. Ashland today from Hopland to •W here Your D ollar H as More Cents “ Wíckok” Monogram WHEELER SAYS CROOK Window J. C. Edwards, Siskiyou. 33— 3* get his Chevrolet car which was D e M olays H ere— Bolts $1.00 to $2.50 GANG MUST BE JAILED REDDING, Cal., Oct. 6.— The About ten members of the stolen September 18th, and pick­ FOR RENT: — Furnished 1- Medford De Molay were in Ash­ ed up here. The man who stole Pacific Gas and Electric Company room house. Also bedroom and (Continued from Pago 1) land last evening and assisted in the car gave his name as Roy a few days ago paid $5,000 for single housekeeping rooms. Call eighty acres of land a t Panoram a th a t “if Robert La F ollette is 153. th e local m eeting, taking the Gregg. 33— 1 Point, a mile north of Cotton­ elected to the presidency, he will place of the local officers. Ted TH REE LOTS on paved street. Mark your bundle “ Civic Club” , wood. put some of these crooks in jail.” Leonard is M aster Councillor of The land was purchased, It is place on your porch if it is to be A nother interesting statem ent Ten dollars down and five dollars ; th e Medford chapter. collected. 31— 3 learned, as the site for erecting was th a t “ while th eir (R epubli­ a m onth until paid. Ashland transform ers for stepping up 110,- can) campaign is paid for by oil, Realty Co. 33— 2 Buy b etter milk. Phone 257-J 000 volts coming from the Cali­ our campaign Is paid by 3weat.” Complete line of Ashland Can­ for it. 33— tf FOR SALE — or exchange for ned Goods a t D etricks. 94-tf fornia-Oregon Pow er Company’s He said the Republicans were $35,000.00. 160 acres. 100 culti­ Copco plant to 220,000 volts to be nominated and supported by the H ere From M any S tates— turned Into the high »voltage line big interests and th a t if they are vated, free water, lots of it. 20 I t Is interesting to note that Has A c c i d e n t - head of large size Registered J e r­ elected, they will naturally fa­ Word has been received th a t from P it No. 1 to Vacaville. during the past week people from seys, the finest strain in Oregon. The California - Oregon Com­ vor the big interests. all over the United States and G. O. Van N atta, who has been 30 head of registered Duroc pigs, He characterized the present foreign countries have register­ visiting people in Los Angeles, pany is building a 110,000 volt 200 W hite Leghorn chickens,'team ed a t the Hotel Ashland. There had been run into by a car and line down the Sacram ento Can­ campaign being conducted by him of Registered Im ported Perchon vertis-ng they are spending it on this sale by perm itting us to sell has beei^registrations from W ash­ suffered an injured back and a yon from Copco to a point a mile and by Senator La Follette as a mares 1900 lbs. each. About jo u a full size package of high class m erchandise for lc. As an illus- and a half south of Delta. The crusade for b etter and clean gov­ ington, Oregon, California, New bruised arm. It is not known ju st ofa 50c andUhvlly & •tube1° f Klenzo Dental Creme at the standard price $3000.00 w orth of farm equip­ poles are In place and workmen ernm ent. The one way to stop of oOc and by paying lc more or 51c, you get two tubes. Jersey, Maine, Nevada, Nebraska. how seriously he is hurt. Mr. ments, modern house, large barn are now stringing the wires. corruption in governm ent is for Illinois, Colorado, Idaho, Wyom­ Van N atta is 78 years old and on The Pacific Gas and Electric the rank and file, which is clean, and other building-s. Will take ing, Michigan, New Hampshire, account of his age it is impossible income property up to $20,000.00, M assachusetts and Vancouver B. to resort to the ordinary methods Company will build a 110,000 but has been betrayed, is to take long time on balance at 6 per cent. volt line rig h t away from Cotton­ the nom ination of presidential C., Japan and K ent, England. of healing. wood to Delta connection— thirty- candidates ou t of the hands of Courtesy to brokers or agents. J. J. Deakon, Phone 330, Ashland five miles. the big interests and nom inate Let as fill your pail with Swifts Oregon. 33— 1 mo. No agen t in Southern Oregon The ,Ca(lifornia[-Oregon Power them by a direct vote of the peo­ Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than can w rite better A uto insurance Would exchange property near shortening. Goes farther and is or a t low er rates than th e Staple« Company, having greatly enlarge«! ple. its Copco plant, is generating He ended his speech by stat­ Portland for Ashland property. more nutritious. Detrlcka. 94-tf A gency. • more power than it can market In ing that crooked politics was 443 B. street. 33— tf b o c a l 5 P e rso n a l Jiotes A Buckhect Boots TONIGHT $9 to $14.50 You Can Buy Guns and Lots of Ammunition Pocket Knives Army Goods Store F rom 18 to 8 0 CLOTHCRAFT CLOTHES Style for every age $25 $45 COPCO TO SELL One Cent Sale Now On At The REXALL Store The Why of a ic Sale Rexall Remedies Puretest Drugs McNair Toilet Articles Brothers Stationery Rubber Sundries Pure Food Products