juauim dam moras fe! Classified Column C lassified Colum n K ates One cent the word each PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIAN 8 S o c ie ty Odote* P, i asu coining from thé fashionable de- reach 15 p#i cent. hey Sweeps, Is held in the SJski-l act upon, Ha was badly b e ate n ’ The 2900 enrollment fer tile you County jail here without bail about the head and his clothes alfaers th is ftfeftsos. Sometimes it Is only hinted at year includes only those itudent3 on a charge of highway robbery. were ripped froth him by the Th&fe is wisdom in reading ads by thé double cape-collar that in residence. It does not include I Murphy and his partner, W. H men in an effort to get tho mon­ makes one think of Napoleon and the extension, correspondence- Atkins, were arrested at Weed ey. To run every issue for one his generals; again it may be study, and Portland Center stu­ Monday night after Campbell had ' Murphy is a vefy large man l iv in g l if e o v er month or more, %e the word only the levers and flaring cuffs dents, the total of whom is a n ' been slugged and robbed of $100 and his alleged victim is small DR. C. W. HANSON James A. L. Conway, each time. that bespeak the Directoire per­ additional 4000 or more. and thrown from an automobile! and old, a pioneer figure about D entist Malden, Mass. for you. In order to make The number of new students iod. There is a strong suggest­ cn the Pacific Highway a mile the streets here. Special attention given.to pyor­ FOR RENT j I was sitting in the twilight, ion of it in every major collect­ making application this fall has south of Yreka earlier in the day. 1 room for a new shipment, . A rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Listening to a singer fair, ion — modernized of course — been about 1250. Thb^e are 300 Campbell said that he had paid POR REN T— lst-Class fur- Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. ! As her voice so full of pathos we have reduced the price but created with a certain -fidel­ more students enrolled in the the men $10 to drive him from Dished apartment, with private of every Diamond Cord DR. ERNEST A. WO