Twó 7a««ri- A S H L A N D D A IL Y AshMfch M it? rffiîtfGS n > »rirïrfh i T h a i, day, öctobei* üuei à, i0fl4 M T ID IN G § justice conflict, I scorn the man who would not stand,01, ther® wouldn’t be so many o f ! !for justice though the world came in arms against him’.” t0Th^ eglcommunity.^Mre , E ither consult a good, reliable 1 physician at once or get froth, (Established in 1878) ■ your pharm acist about four ounces W eaver is building a hotel a t ! of Jad Salts; take a tablespoon Published Every Evening Except Sunday by Tlie country has amply demonstrated its power of Yreka, which he declares will be ful in a glass of w ater before THE ASHLAND PRINTING CQ. self-defense against foreign invasion, but nothing can be the finest hotel between San Fran- ■ i breakfast for a few days and your cisco and Portland. It is b e in g ! ÎX ™ 'MaXr„ "n™«n........................................abont political oratory.-Astorian. Take Glass of Salts if Your kidneys may then act fine. This George Madden Green ............................................ ........Business Manager designed to cater especially to j | famous salts is made from the Back Aches or Bladder | acid of grapes and lemon juice, the to u rist travel, and this means OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ...........’........................................Telephone 39 Instead of asking candidates what they will do if th a t there will be plenty of bath­ E n tered at th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second Class M ail M atter Troubles You i combined with lithia, and has rooms, fop the motor tourist who they are elected it might be more to the poin1 to ask some | been used for years to help clean Subscription Price, Delivered in City . » . •» stops at a hotel wants a bath When you wake up with back­ . and stim ulate sluggish kidneys, One Month ............................................................................................ $ .65 ¡or them what in-the world they are going to do for a even more than he wants a soft ache and dull misery in the kid­ also to neutralize acids in the Three Months 1.95 living if they aren't elected—Vernonia Eagle. Bix Months .................................................................. 3.75 bed. The work on the hotel is ney region it may mean you have system, so they no longer irri­ One Y ear .................................................................... 7.50 being rushed and it is expected been eating foods which create y Mail and R ural Routes It looked as if an applause-contest, similar to those th a t the establishm ent will be acids, says a well-known a u th o r­ tate, thus often relieving bladder One M onth ............................................................................................ $ 65l ................................................................ vi.95,‘staged at a real national convention, had started yester- ready for an official opening some ity. An excess of such acids over­ Biz Months day afternoon when Senator Wheeler made a statement! in November-—The Oregon* works the kidneys in their effort One Year to filter it from the blood and — about “ La Follette sending the crooks to jail if he was| U ’ _____________ they become sort of paralyzed DISPLAY .ADVERTISING RATES Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ $ 30 elected president.” and loggy. When your kidneys Yearly C ontracts get sloggish and clog you must One. Insertion a week ................................................................... .27% relieve them , like you relieve your Two Insertions a week .................. ................................................ .25 The intinerary of a candidate, such as Senator bowels, removing all the body’s Studebaker, touring $850 Dally Insertion ................................................................................. .20 ¡Wheeler’s yesterday when he was rushed hither and R ales for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising urinous waste, else you have Hup, touring ............ 75 F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. $ .10 ¡thither and was forced to make six or seven speeches, is backache, sick headache, dizzy Ford, sedan .............. 450 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................ , ............... .05 SALEM, Oct. 4. — The state spells; your stomach sours, ton­ Ford, touring .......... 120 Card of Thai’.k3 ........................................... .-....................;.............. 1.00 ¡a gruelling affair. A man who goes through a campaign is coated and when the O bituaries, per lino ......................................„ ............................... •°2^ !like that deserves more than he can get out of polities. tax on sales of gasoline and dis­ gue w eather is bad you have rheum a­ Olds 4, to u rin g ....... 650 tillate in Oregon in A ugust re­ WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING (Splendid Shape) turned to the state $298,028.53, tic twinges. Tlie urine is cloudy, "AU future events, where an admission charge is made or a Wouldn’t it be wise to notify Coolidge again that he collection taken is Advertising. according to a report issued to ­ full of sediment, channels often O---o--- O---o No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. ; was nominated as the republican candidate for president? day by Sam A. Kozer, secretary get sore, w ater scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three of state. It seems he has forgotten it. Gabriel Snubbers DONATIONS times during the night. .Taxes were rem itted on 9,6'iW,- No donations to charities c r otherwise w 'll be made in advertis­ Raybestos Brake Lining ing or Job printing— our contributions will be in cash. 111 gallons of gasoline and 312,- Weed DeLuxe Chains the Columbia river a t P riest 60Ç gallons of distillate. Of the MECHANICAL WAY OCTOBER 9 rapids. Having tlie motor over­ total collected $98,304.14 re ­ TO LIFT SALMON BOAST NOT:— Boast not thyself of tom orrow ; for thou know “ I am somewhat surprised th a t sulted from the operation of the hauled, new grease in the PROVES UNWORKABLE est not w hat a day may bring forth.— Proverbs 27:1. anyone should attem p t seriously original law imposing a tax of 1 ear- for the winter driv­ PR A Y ER :— to experim ent with mfcchanical cent a gallon on gasoline and 1-2 PORTLAND, Oct. 4. — A ing, will be wisdom. "Lord, for tomorrow and its needs devices of this kind, many of cent a gallon on distillate, while I do not pray; scheme proposed recently by Pro­ which have been tried and prov­ $199,734.39 was returned under Keep me, my God, from staining sin, fessor John N. Cobb of the Uni­ ed failures. the addition tax law providing a Ju st for today.” versity cf W . ashington to lift sal- , “ I consider the planning of uniform rate of 2 cents a gallon A gencies: D odge and Every fixture in your bath­ ■non over lu sh power dams by I fishways not an engineering prob- on all kinds of m otor vehicle Cliev rolet room is an im portant p art of i means of m echanical elevators | j but a blotoglcll w e The the health protection you have fuels. in your home. REFORMS AND BEATEN PATHS I was yesterday characterised as (act th a t constructlon flshways As compared with the August, , j impractical and unw orkable by! Frequent bathing helps to program ‘ m e elim in­ 1923, retu rn s, distillate sales de­ There is a fervor and enthusiasm about the attempt captain a . e . Burghduff, state is ates a biogical the engineer from passing clined 45 per cent, while gaso­ keep the body fit. Modern white enamel or vitreous ware of a candidate to convince the people that lie is the messen- ' eama warden cf Oregon upon the adequacy of a fishway, line sales increased 14 per cent. fixtures offer no lodgement ger of reform and purity iu politics which is “ catching,” i r is h men nave been skeptical lift or elevator before its success Up to th e present time motor for germs. even the oldest and most-seasoned voter who has heard, cf the I-i2n ever since u was an* has beerf dem onstrated by actual vehicle fuels tax m easures have W rite, phone or call for in­ Engineering specifi­ returned to the state treasu rer a form ation on a new or reno­ Bimilar prophecies dozens of times without having noticed y ’«I« »bUi judg“ e°* operation. c atio n ^ be they ever so thorough, total of $6,824,536.44. Of the vated bath room for your homef uny material change in government or politics following i h ad completed his device a t the cannot revolutionize th e laws of am ount collected under the 1921 the election of the spell binders. W hite Salmon river dam in Wash- n a tu re .” law th ere has been returned a to ­ Tilings run along in a groove in life. Water falls from i ington- The professor, who is Captain B urghduff declared he tal of $193,781.14 to operators Keep y o u r windshield an authority on fish, had received inquiries from sev­ of farm tractors, m otorboats and above and dashes madly down the hillside, cutting new considered held th at fishways were general­ eral p arts of th e U nite! States clear of rain. cleaning establish­ paths; then additional rains follow, and, finding a path ly unsuccessful in cases where concerning Professor Cobb’s pro­ commercial m ents, which are exempt from Plumbing Heating already cut cut, slip into the beaten way. Thus it is in dams w e re 'm o re than 30 feet posed fish elevator. P h on e 138 2 0 7 E. Main paym ent of the tax. everything. Sometimes we find a different way to do a high. T weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, can not injure and makes a delight­ ful, effervescent lithia - w ater drink. Drink lots of soft water. By all means have your physician examine your kidneys a t least twice a year. When you sta rt the hunting season tomorrow, you should wear a pair of our Weyenberg Real W et W eather High Top Boots the kind which will wear longer and give you max­ imum protection against water. OVERLAND .Used Car B A R G A IN S 5298,028 STATE Every Fixture Protects Health sa Shoe Shop Automotive Shop Prevent Accidents Jerry O’Neal thing, and we become ablaze with enthusiasm, but eventual­ ly il becomes a commonplace and we languish in the rut until a new thrill is created. So it is with politics. A party which is “ out” must arouse enthusiasm and start a new field for voters im­ aginations to play in. And it is well that the beaten path of polities is occasionally clogged up, diverted or rebuilt. Saturday and Sunday a dem­ onstration of the new scheme was to have been conducted by P ro­ fessor Cobb for interested people. A group of local game men, In­ cluding Captain Burghduff, made plans to attend. They found when they arrived a t the scene cf the experim ent th a t the m a­ chinery had been dism antled. ‘‘No elevator lias ever been built, hy*Jr aulic or ovi^rwlse, th a t will m aintain a run of fish in any stream .” said Captain Burghduff yesterday. " It is tru e th a t fistf can be raised over a dam or other obstruction with an elevator; it is equally tru e th a t a case of canned salmon or an elephant or any other thing, living or dead, could be so raised by a bucket or life but th a t is not the way provided by nature. W henever a Molalla — Oregon pickle and 1 Canning Company offers to build $15,000 cucumber salting station if guaranteed 150 acres cucum­ bers. "T here i3 a surprising am ount of gold hunting around Yreka, Cal.,” says W. J. W eaver of Rose­ burg a t the Im perial. "In the courthouse fit Yreka th ere is i POINTERS ON AMERICANISM about $20,000 in gold dust a n d 1 Harry A. Roser, whose essay on “ Americanism” was nuggets on display all the time, recently given first prize in the contest being conducted and it is a sight th a t gives visit­ by The American Legion of this state, gives some good ors a th rill in these days of pa­ per money. It is a common th in g ! pointers to all A lericans: to see on the streets of Yreka J “ What Amei *an lias not felt the thrill which comes bearded men going along with to every true patriot during the stress of a great national th eir pack anim als loaded d o w n ! crisis; or has not been stirred by the valor displayed by with pick and shovel and pan and a grubstake. They look Just our soldiers on the field of battle? This feeling comes as though they had stepped out to us in the nerve-racking days of war; this we call pa- cf some storybook te'lin g cf th s triotism Bat there is a deepe r, a finer, a more beaiitiful | ” °,n°lal' gold-rush days cf ’49. These pros­ meaning to the word. This deeper meaning constitutes small, it immediately shows re ­ pectors m ust have some success peace-time patriotism, the patriotism of the commonplace; sults in a depleted run. it is this that actuates us when there is no great crisis to " It is our understanding th a t tests made a t the W hite Sal­ urge us cn; it is this force that impels us to do our duty, the CHARLES S. M ITCHELL mon dam. in W ashington were — P la n o Instruct©] unnoticed and perhaps scorned by our fellow citizens, made a t the request of the power P H ia om n ist o D ecorator — G raduate who have not grasped the hidden meaning of the word interests which desire to secure B ook keep er— Stenographer state and federal consent to the 1 2 8 Lanrel St. patriotism; it is this spirit that dwells in us and is mani* construction of a 90-foot dam in fested in the daily, life of every true'and loyal American. “ He who would he, in every truth, a patriot, will pro-! vide for the material-well-being of his family. But when: a citizen has fulfilled this duty, lie is by no means relieved! from all other obligations. There are obligations to his' government, to his country, to his flag. “ To be a good citizen of our great republic, one must have an education; but it must contain more than mere book-learning. Keenness of mind or subtleness of intel* lect in no way makes up for those great solid qualities which mark a masterful people. Self-restraint, self-mast­ ery, common sense, individual responsibility, courage and resolution, all these must be found in a patriot. “ The patriot, to whom the welfare of the nation is! his greatest concern, will acquaint himself with the exis-l tence and extent of every evil, will acknowledge it asj such and will endeavor to crush it. He will not be local! or sectiocal, but will be broadly American, working for' the best interests of the whole nation. “ It is the duty of every American to help American­ ize in every way, in speech, in political ideas and prin-1 ciples, in customs and habits and in thought aud action,} those immigrants who settle among us. We must savj * ’! unto them, wrongly titled ‘the scum o’ the earth, “ Help us to father a nation, strong In the comradeship of an equal birth, In the wealth of the richest bloods of earth.” “ But it is by far more necessary that those who are by birth Americans do not throw away their birth-i right by failing to take their place at the polls, by disre-! garding law, and with incredible and contemptible folly! forsake the liberty for which our ‘forefathers sacrificed their lives and fortunes.’ It is, therefore, the duty of every} American to vote and to vote intelligently, and to uphold the laws of our nation. “ The patriot has no room in his heart for race or class hatred. He must stand shoulder to shoulder with men, not asking as lo their ancestry or creed, hut de­ manding only tha they he in even* truth Americans and that they work, In nd and heart- for the honor and great­ ness of their eoniL.oii country. “ Finally, the good citizen will demand liberty for himself and others. He will see that his nation neither} inflicts nor suffers wrong. He will believe in peace,! and in the words of Theodore Roosevelt he will sav. ‘If sincerely and earnestly believe in peace, but if peace and > IN S U R A N C E is a business asset You m aintain a reserve fund to help you w eather a financial crisis. But more frequent and unex­ pected are the crises brought about by accident, by fire, by theft. .They all mean loss unless you ’have th e right kind of insur­ ance, the reserve fund th a t en­ ables you to get the best of the unexpected. Have you? Billings Agency Estab. 18S3 R epresenting th e STRÖMBERG AUTOMATIC- ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD SW IPER There’s an Air of Prosperity and permanence about a well handled dairy farm . A man feels independent when he knows h ’s income is steady. The dairy business is a cash business. It is little affected by the whims of »a buying pub­ lic. Dairy products are always in demand. New irrigation projects make increased dairy herds essen­ tial. The service this bank renders makes them possible. First National Bank Ashland, Oregon “Service W orthy o f a Strong, N ational B a n k .” The best on the Market WHITNEY SILENT DRIVE CHAINS For Every Tire and hundreds of other auto parts • • Leedonis T ire House PAULSERUD’S Founded 1792 East Side Pharmacy Phone 51 $125 Drugs 25c Peroxide, special at ___• 16c 25c Aromatic Cascara ............16c 25c Bottle Tincture Iodine • . . . 16c 25c Tasteless Castor Oil • •___16c Hot Water Bottles 25c size Bay Rum ....................16c $3.25 Combination fountain Syr= inge and Hot W ater Bottle, 2 quart, special a t ___• • .......................$1.79 25c Laxative Cold Breakers . .-.16c Regular $2.00 Hot W ater Bottle, special a t ................... . . . ....... $1.29 50c Analgesic Balm ..................29c 50c Cascara Tablets.- ‘5 gr. • • .. 29c 50c Milk Magnesia .. • ............29c 50c W hite Pine Cough Syrup . ,29c 6 bars Crystal W hite S o a p ..................................25c Lunch Kits and Thermos Bottles $2.00 Bottles, special at $129 • • Your Subscription? We sell it for less FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS $1.50 Alarm Guaranteed Special at w ho follow s th e style tr e n d r a th e r closely, o u r Y oung M e n ’s M o d e ls a r e very effective* W e d o n ’t d ic ta te w hat you shall wear. You select the fabric you like, the style you prefer and which is best su ited to your figure If you fancy little details, te ll us about them too. A n d re m e m b e r that we don’t expect you to pay for that B o rn -ta ilo re d su it unless it satisfies you completely. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA “ The Oldest American F ire and Marine Insurance Company” Have You Paid Free Delivery T? O R the young m an Toilet Goods 50c Luxor face powder ............29c • 50c Luxor Cold Cream ............29c 50c Luxor Vanishing Cream ..29c 60c Cocoa Butter Cold Creata • 29c The Daily Tidings discontinued its collector on subscriptions in the city and hundreds have come to the office and paid for a month’s subscription in ad­ vance or took advantage of the Special Anniversary offer which we made during this month. A ll Subscriptions Must Be Paid Strictly in Advance Have you mailed in your subscription remit­ tance or brought it to The Tidings office? If not, we will appreciate it if you will take care of this at once. The liahit of dropping in at The Tidings office each month and paying your subscription is a good one. 50c Luxor R o g u e ..................... 29c $2.50 Lunch Kits $1.79 50c Sta Curl .. • • ....................... 29c Full line of the Famous Belcano Beauty Specialties The Daily Tidings -