D aily T idings ASHLAND CLIMATE V\ ithout the use of medicine cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. MALARIA GERMS Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur domestic water helps. The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Year, ( International News Wire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 43. SENATO ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1924 WIN; SEVENTH GA PORTLAND BOOSTER TR IP IS POSTPONED A W E E K ! '» ----------- a I ! R The trip planned to this ♦« city by the Portland business 8 boosters for Monday, Octob- 8 qr 13th has been postponed 8 until Monday, October 20th, 8 according to inform ation re- 8 ceived by the local cham ber 8 of commerce Thursday Oswald West and George Black Defendants in $300,000 Suit as Result of Report on Local Corporation; Several Points of Libel Are Cited in Complaint. »„.orntog. 8 8 8 8 8 i 8 ' 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8' Giants Lose By 2 to 1 Score « Senators Turn Like Fanged Battler and Give Giants ? rUbb^ Make Two Runs Off Nehf in Fifth expected announcem ent th a t the world fliers will retu rn to Seattle this week and make their r porU an4 8 is southw ard. P o rtlan d planning to entertain them when they reach th a t city. 8 8 8 , 8 8 I ~ I 8 , 8 j 8 ! 8 , 8 ' 8 8 8 8 8 Inning', Fan 1H Hysterics. 9— WASHINGTON, October Striking with the speed rattler- Washington this afternoon cut into the pitching of Art Nehf for two runs in the fifth inning and! beat the Giants, 2 to 1, carrying the world series to the ultimate limit of seven games. 8 ° ? a f .a n £ c<1 CONFESSIONS RULED OUT IN M URDER CASE . ______ ----- 8 TACOMA W ash., Oct. 9. 8 — Federal Judge Cushman 8 today ruled out the alleged 8 confession of Sgt. Roland 8 Pothier th at he had m urder- 8 ed Major Cronkhite, uphold- 8 ing the contention of the de- 8 fense th at the confessions 8 were obtained under coer- 8 cion. x-.tAinvi E arlier in the orn-8 m e n m io m -ii c* ing th e ju d g e re fu se d to g r a n t th e defen se m otion to 8 dismiss the case agàinst 8 Pothier. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4. tt - 8 senator, Haggard and Showing- Signs of Illness, Lambasts 8 Republicans; La Follette, if Elected, to Brin«- an End 8 to Crookedness; Well Received. »♦ Damages of $300,000 is asked ) of Oswald W est and George 8 Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Black by The H artm an Syndicate. I 8 Progressive candidate for the incorporated, in a suit filed yes­ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ) vice-presidency, showing signs of terday in the Jackson county the vigorous campaign which he court at Jacksonville, as a result f i r n n rijlS lin & lA 'flT IA T T T capacity crowd of 37,000 people, including Presi-' is waging, hut still emphatic in of the publication of a prelimin- * his denunciation of the crooked­ ary report by West and Black in ' ness and carelessness which he which they made statem ents al-1 R ing ( oiiscuts to D issolution of states lie found existing in Waah- leged by the plaintiff in this suitj ï F T T F T A ^ a w e " ^ O< ^ achor' ’ iiel^ advantage to the end of the! Purlfcunent; E lection to be a Follette in E ntering on H is' ington’ sP°ke before a large aud- to be libelous and damaging to on Xoveni I m p 8th W estern Tour Charges Them *once at the local arm ory Wed- th e business of the local firm. “ I* The result of the game deadlocked the series and it u ttd a y after toon for abouf 30 It will be remembered th at the as Tools of W all Street left the issue distinctly to the seventh game tomorrow LONDON, Oct. 9. — King ______ m inutes and then left by auto- probers in their report advised mmediately after the last Giant had been retired, a Says His Contract Which 1« H artm an Í George has consented to dissolvei ABOARD THE LA FOLLETTE ! mobile for northern California, th a t the sale of the ........... .... rush was made by the Washington fans to the box office Up Probably Will Not be SPECIAL, Enroute to D e tro it.! Where be has SCveral speaking on' Syndicate 3tock should be stop- P a rliam ent as a result of the ped until Governor Pierce’s spec-' Laborite cabinet’s defeat in the Oct. 9. — Having finished his ! gagem ents- by thousands, their excitement raised to fever heat h d Given Him Again three-day campaign in his invar,-! Senator W heeler was forced to ial investigators could make a IIouse of Commons yesterddy Coolidge Manager 1 TKr „ a « S a y s the successful stand of the game Senators. cancel Ills engagements at Rose- complete probe and report. In Tbe defeat was the 11th suffer , The Giants scored their only run in the first inning.;' GAME F 0R - 8 YEARS ion of the east, during which lie I . Progressive Leader be levied a fierce attack upon the burg’ (}rants PaM and Medford this prelim inary report em phasis' ed by Prem ier MacDonald. Elec- Called to Testify Frisch doubled to right, hut was caught was placed on the fact th at half 1 tion wil1 be,d November 8th. caught between between seennA second 1 Wa,,ts to Get Of Oakland Republican and Democratic par- dU® a s,iRht ill,less an d ’ when T’Pi d out in front of the of the stock of The H artm an Syn BRANDS FUND ABSURD antJ t1hinl when Youn« Zachary, Youiy? going to sec­ Team in ( ’oast L eague and I ties as “ the vest pocket tools of I crowd at the arm ory, he appear­ NIGHT H UNTER S FIN E D dlcate incorporated was held in P itch There O ccasionally i Wall Street,” Senator La Follette ond during Ihe excitement and scoring on Kelly’s single ed slightly haggard and tired, PORTLAND, Oct. 9. — Night Escrow as promotion stock. --------- - > today proceeded to the vast farm- W isconsin Senator Y esterday A c-¡to C enter hut did not waste much time in O ther charges and inferences i hun tin § resulted in the arrest WASHINGTON, Oct. 9— With inR states of the Mississippi val- eased R epublicans H aving I striking at the Republicans and V ashington won in the fifth when Peck singled, a Angering re egret and sadness, in ^ey- were made in the report to which ' and eonviction of three Southern Huge Campaign Funds ' the Republican candidates. exception is taken by the plain- OreS°n nien, according to reports liuel sacrificed, Peck going to third on Zacherv’s infield his voIce’ w a lter Johnson, s ta r; Me will open his western cam­ The Senator was forced to re­ filed today at the headquarters tiff. WASHINGTON, Oct. 9_Hot-'out, McNeely walked, stole second and both scored g oi eu wneniators when! p,tcher for of 18 tbe years W ashington Sen- paign at Detroit tonight. Repub­ nin ’ contract wtih the Wash- charged them with being “ tools Pass instead of going there by reputation has been injured to the and Jamea Miller of Trail. Each Republican of The J. P. Morgan company and automobile as was planned and campaign, Jam es 111 right field. ¡ington team has expired I do was able to speak there only a extent of $200.000 damages and was fined $25. C. J. Shaffer of Good, form er representative from Peek twisted his leg in the ninth and had to be ea rn ed !1,01 ""”k “ “ i" b,> 1« the Standard Oil company” and few minutes from the rear of-the they also file suits of $50,000 Island City also was fined $25 Iowa and w estern m anager of also charged that the old parties off the field. Summary: train. Ai Medford a large crowd each against W est and Black un-l for hunting w ithout a license. Johnso,, hopes to get c o n tro l' have “conspired to impoverish the President Coolidgo’s ^ireco n ^en - had gathered to hear the speak­ der the head of “ special d a m -1 of the Oakland ball club in the people.” R E II tion campaign, declared today thej er. He left the train there and ages.” New York . ,.. ................................... j rv ( 1 Coast league next year and to progressive can d id ate,sh o u ld im-J SMALL LOCOMOTIVE apoke for a few minutes, hut the At the time of the publication pitch accasionally. ACCIDENT OCCURS mediately he summoned by the Washington ............................................. g IN ASHLAND TODAY speech ai Ashland was the most 4 0 of the report, attorneys for the ON DUNN BRIDGE extended he was able to make in Borah committee and be compell­ H artm an Syndicate made a hit­ Ashland residents w-ere- sta rtl­ ed to testify under oath as to h ’s . • te r protest declaring th a t the Quite an accident occurred on southern Oregon. ed this morning by a locomotive charges. He was introduced here by O. publication of the report was the Pacific Highway last night at which paraded up and down the H. Johnson, who first introduced made against express wishes of one o’clock at the Dunn bridge. I city streets. This locomotive is Governor Pierce and th at no thoro W. F. Dewitt, taxi driver, was Mrs. Burton K. W heeler, who is Fi sim ilar in every respect to a real accompanying her fighting hus­ exam ination of the company’s coming hem? from a trip to the > one and is build on a Ford body. band. Mr. W haeler stated this business had been made by the Em ’grant .Creek dam and Mr. The car is called “ Cas^y Jones” was a long .ay from W ashington m embers of the commission. R hinehart of the Plaza Pool Hall ' and is touring the country to make C. M. O’Neill, K lam ath Falls and th a t i is difficult to get a WASHINGTON, Oct. 9— Super C. B. W atson and W illiam D. was going south. The cars met , money for disabled W orld W ar attorney who has been in Medford broadcasting stations, B ennett are attorneys for the such as Rends Over Rocky M ountains, at the bridge and Mr. R hinehart tru e picture of condition? there, I veterans. It is driven by a couple _____ by The Radio Corpora-- in a case before the federal court _ proposed bat th at when he vfent to H e plaintiff. W iblication of the com- evidently became frightened and ( onstdered Most D angerous had an accident Thursday m o rn -ltio n‘ of America,' were tentatively! , of these veterans who go through Capitol ci v lie quickly found m ittee report on the H artm an put on his brakes to stop thej Section of Trip i the country selling cards telling ing as he and his wife were driv- ¡ approved by the committee of the,' everybody was talking of the Syndicate, Incorporated is the car, skidding into the Dewitt scandal which -was said to exist j of the car, for any amount which A lso Army A viators Must N o t in g fro m Medford to Ashland. The) national radio conference today;! basis for the suit. FORT WORTH, is paid to them. The proceeds ear skidded m the wet pavem enti The licenses will be revoked' " c j w i n , Texas, rexas Oct. 9. car. Both cars were badly wreck­ in the government. Ho said he Get Too Low Over Stadium s The complaint sets forth th at I from the sale of these cards go to and dived off the road, tu rn in g ' however if the su p er-statio n s’ 7 , g her s!eekneS9 aild ed, one side being torn off the had an idea th a t the president and A m pitheaters the report was given wide p u b li-1 | help the disabled veterans. over three times. The car was prove a menace to general broad ° Dg n lv e r’t,nted body gl?t' Dew’tt car and the front and side and the other national officials cation, naming the Telegram ., J .. lo geaeral broad- tering in the bright sun, the navy of the R hinehart car was daniag were ju st a little better type than I This m iniature locomotive is WASHINGTON, Oct. 9— The sm asbed badly, but neither of the casting, according to the officials Jo u rn al and Oregonian of P o rt-' dirigible Shenandoah pointed her ed consideiably. No one was In- equipped with a bell, flags and war departm ent today issued an i occuPants wa3 injured, with the average citizen and that the land, the Capital Journal of nose westward at 9:47 o’clock lights. It was furnished for the l ured- various cabinet members had order prohibiting arm y aviators was to catcb tho »Dernoor pose being to build and furnish him and Senator La Follette, “ but promoted by E. W. H artm an and i 16-rcom school house and to th a t they had never robbed the with his father. He was in the weii« Portland, chairm an member-! Mrs. Grace Andrews spoke on effects from his airplane trip train south. H. W. H artm an who seemed to aviation service during the w ar sbiP- » > “Chinese Pagodas” . The Junior across the continent from Van- Tbis afternoon when the train nurchase the Episcopalian church 6ick and wounded as they lay on have been engaged in sim ilar pro­ and after the war did legal work 1 ba^ students may vote by mail C hristian Endeavor was repre couver, Wash. “We made it in from the north Pulled in> s «na' property, says The Klarnath Falls their cots in the arm y hospitals m otions in other states. For the ■ g o v e rn -p a ‘ ? election a notary sentated by Vera Grace Plum m er i 24 hoars actual f,ying Ume he t< tor W heeler was aboard anil gav< Herald. as some of the Republicans had purpose, apparently of circum ­ in W ashington for the This was the unanimous decis­ time city Pub,ic W,U be kaPt on the campus. Mrs. W inters of the W ednesday] ] said proudly. orou(iiv ( I a a talk from the rear platform . ment. He was at one done.” venting our Blue Sky Law, an a t­ Club and Mrs. G arrett of the! L ieutenant Kelly, pilot, arriv e d ' He assai,ed botb the Republican ion of the city school hoard in He derided the W. C. T. IT. wo­ tem pt was first made to operate attorney of Pendleton., Has Position— session last night. The new i Ladies Aid Society resp o n d ed 1 with Meeker Monday afternoon ! and ~ Democratic parties and men for voting for Coolidge, al- as a common law tru s t.” This ! Mrs. C. A. Malone has tak en a briefly to the toast. S. D. Taylor Here they p ir t company. M eeker,1 chareed th a t the Teapot Dome af school will he known as Centra, ’eging that Coolidge was respon­ statem ent the plaintiffs hold con­ position as stenographer at the gave an excellent talk and Mrs. after a few days here and in N ew ! ^a ^r bad been arranged at thf school and will occupy the block sible for the liquor scandals in veyed the Impression the H artm an ; Harrison B rothers Ford Garage. J. W. McCoy also told in an in­ York, will retu rn to Seattle by 1920 Republican convention. H bounded by Seventh, Eighth, High W ashington and th at a vote for Syndicate, Inc., was a promotion teresting way of the W om an’s t ?ajn> ; was still attacking the two ma and W ashington streets. Coolidge was a vote for liquor. scheme, attem pting to violate the I HORSEBACK RIDING GIVES Missionary Society. A photograph of the p re sid en t! Jor Parties wbe» his train start He issued a challenge for any state laws, and deceive the pub­ U OF O. GYM RATING Rev. F. Gordon H art, pastor of and Me Vor was ta le : ed, cutting him short. Republican to point out another lic. the Bethany Presbyterian Church PORTLAND, Oct. 9— Jam es adm inistration which had been The com plaint says th at E. W. UNIVERSITY a t G rants Pass gave the main OF OREGON, Mallory Wood, a parole violator) as rotten as the last Republican PORTLAND-SALEM RUN H artm an has nothing to do with, BE N D WIN«! HONOR FLAG i of Leavenworth, Kansas, who is! Eugen®’ Oct- 8- - Women regis- address of th e evening. At a late adm inistration. The challenge SALEM, Oct. 8. — Early re­ - SALEM, Oct. 9.— Th? ci'.y of! and never has had anything to do known along the coast as a forg-l tCred at the state university haTe hour the group adjourned, after sumption of river traffic between was not accepted hçre and he with the H artm an Syndicate, Inc., Bend has won the governor's flag; er, and bad-check passer, has) th ® °PP°rtu n ity making their voting the m eeting an annual Salem and Portland, abandoned said the same challenge had gone and is not interested in the cor­ one. About one hundred and several years ago, is seen in the for the best rh e ’v ias mad? by any I been sentenced to three years in i CI® d? t tb rough horse- unaccepted clear across the con­ poration.” town or city in the ‘state in fire i twenty-five were present and a back riding. Women who desire tinent. He told of the Repub­ action of the city council Mon­ prevention work. This was a n - ' — ■. And the plaintiff states: “ The prison on charges of im person­ I may take a course in horseback very enjoyable evening was spent day night in authorizing the nounced today by Will H. Moore, ! SHANGHAI, Oct. 9— Sunkiang j licans’ alleged part in the illegal ating an officer and for passing said defendents knew or could ! riding. This is made possible by by all. leasing of its waterfront proper­ state fire m arshall. Presentation i the key-defense position to 'S h a n g -1 showing of the Dempsey - Carpen­ bad checks. have known by the use of reason­ the location of the Bangs riding ties to the Inland Water Trans­ of the flag will be made on the i hai, has been captured by th e' tier fight fi’ms and in illegal re­ He asked to be sentenced to able diligence on their part that academy in E u g e n e s This is the Arlington — New city pumping portation company. The company night of October 20 at Bend. I Kiangsu forces. Its capture in-! leases of liquor from bonded the said company was not oper­ Leavenworth so he could be near second year th a t Oregon women plant, to cost $16,000, will de­ , , is understood to desire the prop­ Governor Pierce will give the pre- 'D ieted the severest disaster upon warehouses. ated as common law tru st for the his wife, whom is said to be the have had this chance and a large liver 350 gallons per minute, to He started a m iniature applause erty for the erection of docks and daughter of a wealthy Ch’cago sentation address, with Mr. M oore! the Chekiang defenders that has num ber of them took the course reservoir 288 feet above river endurance contest when he Btated warehouses for use in connection man. and other state officials in a tte n d -' befallen to them since the revolt (Continued on Page Four) last year. supply. with Its steamer line. ance at the meeting. started. (Continued on page 4) 11TII DEFEAT IN Iiniior T\ HOUSE OF COMMONSl SHOULD SAYS OLD PARTIES TRY IMPOVERISH nAH/in FORCE' A FAT I 1 ULLEll ID l v GET TO f STAY IN HOME ' GIVE TESTIMONY TO • E BAD PART OF FLIGHT TOBÀY FORBÌ TO RALLY TO BE MADE AN ANNUAL EVENT FORGER GETS A E KEY TO DEFENSE IS IW • lil