ASÖiAM) M t t t M M M Classified Column We&fe&ty, Ö H dU i new honors with the approach* eMlent review of the Book,: antry its perfection in function- lag W inter season. Medals how s w in g in g L anterns” which tells Ling—-with the thousand trained C larified Column Kates PHY9ICIAN9 coming from the hands of the of the customs of the Chinese and 1 women to assist in the mechan- One cent the word each grande couturiers dem onstrate ls a very charm ing story of ics of the convention — every DR. HAWLEY— Above • Tidings time. th a t there is no other lo v e lie r, Chinese life. j phase was touched upon in the office. Phone 91. To run every Issue for one garniture for feminine frocks than The regular business m eeting speakers happy fashion. The hu- m onth or more, %c the word CALENDAR OF EVENTS * face. DR. C. W. IIANSON was held, the vice-president, M rs.! man touch was not lacking and each time. Thursday, Oct. 9. Ladies Elks There promises to be many lace Poley presiding in the absence of many incidents, delightfully told, Dentist Club meets in club room for regu­ tunics this W inter, with slight the president Mra. Peil. Special attention given to pyor­ added to the interest. POR RENT lar card party, 2:30. , gathers in godets at the sides to The next meeting will be a rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver The dom inant thought of the Thursday, Oct. 9. High School give the proper flare. FOR REN T— lst-C lass % fur- Block. Phone 178-J. Silver- luncheon at the hotel Ashland at convention "W orld Peace” and 233-tf. P T. A. meets at* high school a t j w U h ^ fu r/m ak e nished apartm ent, with private one ">“g" ¡airiness and none o( the old stilt 5. Swedenburg Bldg., A shland,1 “" " I 1: and the vice-president, Mrs. C. The manifold courtesies extend­ Blain St. 3 i__2* at otnb house. Be sure to be Ore. aspect of harsh, m etallic laces of E. P e il,'M rs. H. K. Tomlinson, ed the delegates; the wonderful there. earlier years. Dyed the same form er president, assumed the music; the personalities of the FOR RENT— Modern 6 room DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic Saturday, Oct. 11. College Club tone as the dress itself, lace makes duties of chairm an at Tuesday’s leading figures in this notable bungalow, well furnished, corner and Electro-Therapy. Office will meet at Phoenix at the home a charm ing trim m ing for a fte r­ meeting of the Civic Club. Scenic Drive and Straw berry gathering; the extent of the var­ phone 48; residence 142. First of Mrs. T. H. Malmgren in the noon dresses. For evening wear Lane. Phone 3 il- R , F. e . W at­ Interest in the afternoon's pro­ ied activities, and the great in­ afternoon. N ational Bank building. gold ana silver mesh, as fine as gram brought a large percentage fluence of women in organized son. 31— 5 Saturday, Oct. 11. D aughters of cobwebs and with a beautiful re of the membership and many visi­ Club life came in for a share of THE SOUTHERN OREGON the Nile will most in M edford at FOR SALE CLINIC flection, are used. tors to hear the tre a t in store. attention. two o’clock. 1st National Bank Bldg. Francis is showing a hand In view of this fact the business * * * In closing, Miss Chamberlain Surgical O bstetrical FO R HALE—Cull Spitzenburg Medical some silver-lace, with large m atters, other than those referr­ brought before her audience Diagnostic X-ray Elect Officers— apples, 50c box; bring your boxes, chrysanthem um s in the design, ing directly to the T hrift Sale again the keynote of the conven­ The Christian Sunday School Scenic Drive; Phone 440J. 31— 2 It. W. Stearns, M. D. and still another, with sm aller were held in abeyance, and the tion; the preservation of Ameri R. E. Green, M. D. elected officers last Sunday as R. W. Sleeter, M. D. FOR HALE— Lot at Lake of follows: Mr. Ja m ts Putnam , flowers, beaded with porcelain in time given to the p.rogram hour. Office hours 2-5 p. m. bright red. Madame Sandra is The speaker, Miss Grace H. the Woods, next to Chapman lot. Superintendent; Mrs. Frank. Phone 238-R (Continued on Page 4) showing a lovely evening dress of Chamberlain, needed no introduct­ Phone 112 or inquire Oregon Shaffer, assistant superintendent; gold lace, over pale pink, th a t has ion, and her appearance was Hotel. 30— 3 Mr. Ed. H unt, treasu rer; Mrs. J. a new line, being high in front greeted with a salvo of applause. MONUMENTS V. W right, chorister; Miss May GOOD as new Buescher C mel­ with a deep V-back and a lace From the beginning until the N o cure —b u t helps to re­ Benedict, lib rarian ; Dr. Maude ASHLAND GRANITE ody Saxophone at reduced price. bolero effect. And, by the way, close of the address rapt attention duce paroxysm s of coughing. Hawley, social secretary. MONUMENTS The Rose Confectionery. this new dressm aker, who is hav- was given. ' ' Blair Granite Co. 30— Mon. Wed. Fri. „ i ex > . »ng much success in Paris, is the Visualing for us the great Paris Style Hint— „ , „ , PENNISTON, Managfer ▼ V a p o R ub d a o t o x-x x o r , wife of a form er Russian dlplo- gathering, with its colorful page- O v b t 17 Million Jars U b b J Yeartp PARIS, Oct. 8. — Lace, which . _ a FOR SALE— An excellent Vic- Off lee 175 E. Main . „ m at, a councillor in Petrograd is usually considered a S u m m e r _ tro la and num erous records. Res. Phone 444-Y , . . a , under the Kerensky Government, trim m ing, seems to be gathering ! ... a. Reasonable price; apply 140 Or­ ________________________ ______ ’ She was an authority on costume ange St. 29— tfl I N I GIRL IN TROUBLE— M a y REINFORCED CONCRETE ! and design before the fall of the communicate with. Ensign Lee BUILDING im perial government, as one cud To Trade for Portland Property. of the Salvation Army at the SEALED PROPOSALS A R E' About two acres of splendid 1 easily believe' after seeing her W hiteShieid Home, 565 May- invited for the construction and delightful models here. full bearing fruit,* principally fa ir Ave., Portland, Oregon. One of her gown3 has Venetian mechanical equipm ent of a rein­ Cherries, Peaches, Apples and PLANING MILL forced conrete Hotel Building lace, which is going to be very Berries, good house and barn, j popular, containing 100 guest rooms. _ . in a small . plastron in owner moving to Portland, wants JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Bids will be received by the ’ the center and a narrow tunic of to exchange for property there. WORKS, Cor. Helman and “ Lithian Hotel Co.” , at the office! n at the bottom - Still another Value at $4000.00 all clear of Van Ness. 194tf encum berences. see BEAVER of G. M. Frost, Ashland, Oregon, is trim m ed with embroidered tulle until 4 o’clock p. m., Friday, Oc­ in the form of a little apron front REALTY C O .^ o r fu rth er infor­ TRANSFER AND EXPRESS and collar and cuffs. mation. tober 17, 1924 Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. T hat fashion goes from one ex­ 26— 6t A C ashiers’ Check or B idders’ for SERVICE. trem e to an o th er is proved by the Experienced movers and pack­ Bond to accompany each bid, news th a t rugs will cover ma- Another Bargain It’s the exclusive Fontana process ers of household goods. Deal­ made out agreeable to the gener-i 5-room modern bouse 1 1-2 dam e’s b e a u ty when lace is not ers in coal and wood. Phone al conditions of th e contract of that makes Fontana’s Macaroni so "blocks from high school. Price doing it. Yes, this means a real specifications. 117. tasty and n u tritio u s. It removes $1500.00, for quick sale. 1-2 cash Proposals will be receded as old rug, but very supple and soft Office 89 Oak St. near balance long time, 6 per cent. Other which is used to make amusing unpleasant starchiness. Fontana’s is follows: Hotel Ashland Fontana Products 6 room modern house, lot J sport coats lined with "leather. full of flavor—cooks up tender and No. 2— General Construction. • • • § F * « h e u i• V erm icelli 100x150 Garage, chicken house. L. POW ELL— General T rans­ No. 2— Electric W iring. snow w hite. Serve it in place of Price $3100, for quick sale. Good j fer— Good team ' Study Club Meeting— and motor No. 3— Plum bing. T h e aew macaroni potatoes or meat. A ten cent pack­ term s at 6 per cent. See W. W. I The Study Club held their first trucks. G iod service at a rea- No. 4— Heating. •paci a h i ta—Butterflies, Daisaas, and Alphabets Robison, 63 N orth Main St. age makes a meat j meeting of the year a t the home souab.’e price. Phone 83. No. 5— Elevator. i of Mr3. J. W. McCoy on Oak St., Any C ontractor can subm it a Monday afternoon. A large num- MISCELLANEOUS FIS HIGE-ROACH bid for one or more as above seg­ : ber of ladies were preseht and Transfer — Express — Storage regated. WANTED— Sleeping room for m j ,,, ,, an excellent program was given Hauling — Dray work of all Plans and specifications can be ■ ' mi ,, ,, B one gentlem an. P.O. box 565. . . . , a , i The roll call was “ Chinese W ar kinds. Quick motor service. D ry, had by applying at the office of: . 31— 3 , u ,aH & p u Hummel, , A x rchitects: i-xx x I nA. Notes aI»d wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R j Ta1, Tourtelotte (o . . . some . . . excellent re- 112-tf 311 Falling Building. Portland, j Mrs . Pred “ “ ™ WANTED— Growers to contract 375 B. St. for ten years, for 100 acres of ? X ° n A°arh ^ d O0 " ““ 0' ° “ lk »” ‘“b- FLORIST straw berries, raspberries and Frost, AaMw>d, Oregon. culosls sltuallon Ja Evergreen blackberries. Bagley SAY IT W ITH FLOWERS Owner « se rv e s the right to re-, ty a „d eIpla)M d w]lat Canning Co., S. D. Taylor, Field From ject any or all bids. efeller foundation unit expects to Man. 30— 6 H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed LITHIAN HOTEL CO. accomplish in Ashland and the Co., tem porary location 399 By G. M. Frost, Secretary. county. i i WANTED— 2nd-hand, 2 horse Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and 30— mon-wed-sat. ‘ Mrs. Louis Dodge gave an ex- disc harrow. Must be in good con­ floral designing. Phone 118. 9-mo dition. Inquire at Provost H ard­ w are. 29— 4* POLITTCAI» ANNOUNCEMENTS • PROFESSIONAL Dollar Butter:’ Do not allow selfish interests to force you to accept their price of butter. They would kill competition • • create a monopoly-force higher butter prices and p u t off the market a wholesome nutritious spread for bread. VICKS — Starchiness i GET YOU STOVE repaired at Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnitc R adlater and Stoves for sale. 140 Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* PLANO instruction, by exper­ ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ red, Mrs. H. S. Aikins. Phone 441J. 3— lm o Goats Bred by registered buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 miles south on Pacific Highway. 14— 1 mo.* For a smooth shave and quick service go to the Shell B arber Shop. Ladies and children get your hair bobbed and m arcel­ led. W. A. SHELL, Prop. »32 A'. St. Ashland, Ore YIELD_roSULPHUR Apply Sulphur as T o ld When Y o u r Skin Breaks Out WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE - CHARGES MATE W ffH EXTREME CRUELTY For the first few years of his m arried life Joseph McGee was a ' model husband. During th at time he worked hard and built up a prosperous business, but the «train of it left« its mark upon the health. He began to have trouble with his stomach, which made him cross and irritable. Finally, his wife claims, he grew so abusive that she could not live in the same house with him. She asks for a divorce and custody of their two children. The above story explains the cause of a great many divorces. Every man or woman with stom ­ ach distress of any kind should use Smith B ros.’ M. A. C., the guaranteed stomach treatm ent. Thi3 delightful medicine helps to build up and invigorate the whole digestive system. It cleanses the alim entary canal of foul waste m atter and restores th a t cheer­ ful, happy feeling. Money back if the very first bottle doesn’t re­ liev e indigestion, dyspepsia, ex­ cessive gas, bloating, nausea or other symptoms of a disordered . stomach. Price $1.25. East Side Pharm acy will sup­ ply you (mail orders accepted.) „Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little M entho-Sulphur, declares a noted skin specialist. Because of its germ destroying properties, th is sulphur preparation begins a t once to soothe irritated skin Reedsport — Southern Pacific and heal eruptions such as rash, completes new depot costing $32,- pimples and ring worm. 000. It seldom fails to remove the torm ent and disfigurem ent, and you do not have to wait for relief from em barrassm ent. Improve­ I brought a truck load of bar­ m ent quickly shows. Sufferers gain counter goods from Port­ from skin trouble should obtain a small ja r of Rowles Mentho- land last week, all of which Sulpfiur from any good druggist will be sold accordingly. Auto and U3e it like cold cream. Robes, Wade Dragsaw, Halt­ ers, and lots of army goods. Come in early while they last. Federal road bureau will build 3 1-2 miles new road on Pom er­ oy-W allowa higiiway, substitu t- j ing six per cent grade for o ld ! grade of 15 per cent. PEIL’S CORNER I ii S o c ie ty LOOPING COUGH MISCELLANEOUS— Swiss W atch­ G. W. Milam m aker, W atch repairing done Independent reasonable and guaranteed. Close Candidate for County School tim ing on railroad watches. Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ Maurice A. Lassen, 217 N. Main. ty, Oregon. 26— 6» I, ¿3» >/< -a] Unless you vote the Anti-Marg­ arine Bill down on NOVEMBER 4th it will mean Higher Cost of Living in your home. Once and for all time— by your vote —kill off this vicious and ram pant Legislation — that at­ tempts to curtail your time honor­ ed personal rights and privileges. Protect Your Home and P acket Book PURE MARGARINE PRODUCTS COMMITTEE F» J« BLAKELEY, Chairman [PAIO ADVERTISE Mt W t ] VOTE 307 X no / Put It To Every Test You Can Think of—Prove to Yourself that cuM o • -J • THE WORLD'S G R E A T E S T a ■ •j/ BAKING POWDER is in truth, the “Key to Better Baking” l 1/« TIMES THOSE OF ANTO TH EA « R AMP b. Travel By Motor Stage SAFELY SWIFTLY COMFORTABLY Cool in Summer—Héated in Winter DAILY TO PORTLAND—FARE $8.20 (Through in a Day) E C O N O M IC A L TRAVEL frirv ,T lle Vs e ,of Moto»- Stages will pay a definite profit every t r o in actual money saved. every The staf e traveler is rewarded in three ways: Time saved tra v e l Saved’ and healtb gained by clean, sootless, open air For fu rth er inform ation and tickets Phone 47, Ashland Hotel W e m a k e direct connections, a t Roseburg for Coos Bay points. Z Su ch p o p u la r ity m u st b e deserved Safe y The stu ff that “champs” are m to ade o f HERE’S no royal road . All over the country men “stardom.” How well the are turning by thousands from big stars of baseball know this. other cigarettes to Chesterfield. And in merchandising as in For a reason! baseball, big success is scored C h e s te r fie ld has g iv en only by deserving it. A prod­ smokers convincing proof of uct, too, m ust’‘‘deliver the finer quality—for here’s quality goods.” you can taste! T 2 / you arc planning to paint, varnish, stain or enamel save disftppointment due to select­ ing the w ron g material. First visit the store a n d see the new " Household G u id e” The recommendations on this "Guide?* are made by the Shertvin-fi?illiams Company. They show the correct finish fo r each surface or article in your home. C IG A R E T T E S erfield m illion s ( Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “In the Heart of Town” ^•»OQgTT R Mrni T obacco C o .