IsätiS» BUL» tíftítt» M e tw i ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS! (Established in lsVfl) , BIG TIMBER DEAL MADE AT KLAMATH Every man who works hard does riot-succeed, but panaceas th a t have been tried man and women entitled to vote) facts from all the chaff of pollti- tlm e and again and th at have a l- 1 sTiould study every question and cal argum ent th a t has been blown should know the character and here and there across the land KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 7. — I ways failed. _ The attacks upon the const!- fitness of every candidate for of-! there shou'd be a firm resolve A tim ber deal which involved tution of the United States tend i . , . . . . 1 .. , ... . .. , . , . , „ , flce to be voted for a t the com- th a t nothing shall be perm itted nearly $100,000 was closed here x to shake the whole foundation of . when the Lamm Lum ber com- ■ our government. The attack upon , ing election- Th,en a fte r th at to interfere with voting on Tues- pany of K lam ath Falls p u rc h a s-! our courts in effort to destroy £tudy and the winnowing of the i day, November 4th." ed 3000 acres of pine tim ber th eir character means the tearing from the Oregon Land corpora­ down of institutions th a t free tion. The tim ber is located on men and liberty loving people the Southern Pacific Eugene- have been centuries in creating. Klam ath cut-off in the vicinity ‘‘The issues are such th a t every of Corrali Springs. A nother block of tim ber in the same locality was sold by the razier on Oregon Land corporation yester­ day to the Pelican Bay Lumber company of K lam ath Falls. Citrus P ow der.......... 30c work and suscess the one who doesn’t work has no more chance than the camel with the proverbial needle’s eye. Will Hays, boss THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. I of the movies and former postmaster general, tells afi in- Bert Ft. Greer ...._......................................................._...._____Editor' stm dive storv. Shortly after he was admitted to the George Madden Green ......................................................Business M anager,'. . . . t T . .. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! bar, his father gave him a partnership in his law ottice. OFFICIAL CITY PA PER .......................................;............. Telephone 39 iml j-x - i w n ¿J* • Entered at the Ashland, Oregon Postoffice as Second ('lass Mail Matter 1 *ie gift was Conditional upon Will putting ill as mail\ ¡hours in the office as his father did. Ilavs met that coir. Subscription Price, Delivered in City One Month ................................... j................................ „ .................... $ .«s.dition. Just look where he is! Published Every Evening Except Sunday by Three Months ........................ .............................................................. Six Months ............................;........................ ..................................... One Year .................. ................. _.................. ,............... ................... Mail and Rural Routes One Month .............. .............;........................................................ Three Months ......... ................................ ...................................... Six Months .................................................'........................................ One Year .................................................................. ........................... DISPIiAY ADVERTISING RATES Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ Yearly Contracts One Insertion a week ...,......................... ..................................... Two Insertions a week ................................................................... Dally Insertion ...................................................................... ......... Rates for Legal and Miscellaneous Advertising F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................. .....................- ....... Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. Card of Thanks ................................. „ ........................ .................... O bituaries, per line ........................................................................ 1.95 3.75, 7.50 $ .65 1.95 3.50 6.50 $ .30 .27% .25 .20 $ .10 -05 100 .02% WHAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING "All fu tu re events, where an admission charge is made or a collection taken is A dvertising. No discount will be allowed .Religious or Benevolent orders. DONATIONS No donations to charities or otherwise will be made in advertis­ ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. OCTOBER 8 SAFEGUARDED:— He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.— Psalm 91:11. PRA Y ER:— We tru st the Lord with all, for Thou are our Shepherd, and we shall not want. THE PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE Out at the tourist eamp, the belated tourists who are still coming to Oregon or who are stopping here en route to their southern homes, are enjoying the wonderful community house which the park commission recently completed. The cool evenings and the occasional rains have been necessary to bring out the full value of this community house. The tourists uow stop driving earlier; the cooler weather leaves them less tired at the end of the day’s journey; a warm, cozy room is more appreciated and more generally used now than during the summer months when the average tourist kept driving until h^ was ready to retire; the temperature in the tent-homes makes the visitors seek indoor shelter during the earlier hours; the radiance of the log blaze in the house on raining evenings is more inviting; the shower baths or the hot water for shaving lure the tourists. In fact all circumstances now tend to draw more into the community house than during the warmer weather. Probably a much larger percentage of the tourists are now using the community house, we would estimate. It presents a very pleasing affect these snappy eve­ nings, especially since the French doors have been added. All who have recently visited or inspected it, are high in praise of those who planned this most modern of tourist park accessories and conveniences. NOW I t ’s tantalizing to sit ahd watch bill posters pasting up a sign when they work downwards, making yon figure out as they go along what the completed sign will be. F I t ’s reramkable the disaster which is pictured by two ardent believers in two different presidential candidates when the two ardent admirers start a curbstone argument. HICCOUGHING SPELL LASTS EIGHT DAYS We do not believe the insinuation we heard onzthe street that McAdoo conveniently had the operation in Baltimore so that he could avoid campaigning for Davis, who defeated him in the Democratic convention. Refreshing showers two days last week brought home the fact that Oregon is coming into its own. What would Oregon be without the glorious Oregon mist that gives life and zest to Oregonians and causes the Oregon coun­ try to blossom as the rose!—McMinnville News-Register. Mankind presents some startling opposites. The man who cusses the whistle that blows at 6 o’clock in the .morn­ ing will gleefully jump a four-rail fence when he hears the same sound at 6 o’clock on the evening.—Sutherlin Sun. —Or when a covey of birds flutter into the next field. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY ROSE M. HOYT, plaintiff, vs. HIRAM H. HOYT, Defendant. SUIT IN EQUITY FOR DIVORCE PLOT TO MURDER MANY OFFICIALS GERBER, Cal., Oct. 6. — The best medical authorities in this county are baffled today over the case of Dee Connell, a business| man of Tehama, who for e ig h t, days has been confined at a h o s -; pital in Corning with continuous hiccoHphing. All efforts to stop the attack have failed. * Medical council has been sought from Redding, Red Bluff, Chico and Sacram ento with no reliefs The diet of ether and milk which has stopped other cases has failed in this instance. To Take X-ray It is- probable now th a t an X-ray of the p atien t’s stomach will be made, says a report from Tehama, in an effort to locate the cause of the unusual trouble. This is the first serious attack of hiccoughing to which Connell has been subjected. He Is 57 years of age. UAL - INDIRECT APPEAL SHUN LA FOLLETTE SUM M ONS TO: H iram H. Hoyt, the abbve named Defendant IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby summoned and required to ap­ pear and answ er the Complaint of the Plaintiff on file w ith the Clerk of said C ourt w ithin SIX W EEKS from the date of the first publication of this Summons and upon your failure so to do, the P laintiff will apply for the relief demanded in said com­ plaint, namely: th a t the m arriage contract existing between you and the Plaintiff be dissolved and for such other relief as to the Court may seem ju st and proper. By order of the Hon. C. M. Thomas, Judge of said Court, made and dated September 8, 1924, thfls Suramofns ftp aervted upon you by the publication there­ of for six successive weeks in the ¡ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS, the the first publication of which, is Sep- TOKIO, Oct. 7. — A plan to as­ sassinate Baron Shilhara, foreign m inister, General Ugaki, the war m inister, and other high officials is reported to have been revealed through a police investigation of an attack by three arm ed mem­ bers of the “ Red Blood” society on Slfidhara’s secretary. The men said they were protecting against Shihara’s policy of neutrality in China. AVERAGE USE OF GAS 439 GALLONS SALEM, Oct. 7 .-— The aver­ age annual consumption of gaso­ line for each automobile in Ore­ gon during the year 1923 was 439.27 gallons, as against an average consumption of 424.86 in the year 1922, according to a statem ent issued here by Sam A. OREGON’S TOURIST OPPORTUNITY Kozer, secretary o f , state. The Oregon Motorist has a splendid editorial on In 1920, which was the first tourist business, from which we quote the following para- tGraber 10» 1924> and by 8ald year these record» were compiled I . ofldier you are required to answ er ® I ’ the same w ithin six weeks from by the state departm ent, the an­ “ Iri scenic a factions, tourists tell us that Oregon the date of said first publication. nual gasoline consumption for «each car was $434.53, while in surpasses any other state in the Union, they say that our! briggs & briggs , 1921 the average consumption summer climate cannot be beat and that our roads are a By Wm- M- Brtgg8’ was 429.69 gallons. A ttorneys fo r Plaintiff. pleasure to drive over; hut they also remark that our Postoffice address: people do not seem to appreciate these things, that they Pioneer Block 8— 6wed. do not show the proper enthusiasm for the wonders which Ashland, Oregon. a most gracious Almighty has bestowed upon our great state. They express surprise at the spirit of indifference REST ROOM TO BE BUILT exhibited by so many of our citizens with whom they AT GRANTS PASS PARK come in contact as they travel about the state. “ ‘You Oregonians will never develop your tourist; A rest room is to be erected in business to the fullest extent until your own people learn the city auto park this fall, the * contract having been let to H ar­ to appreciate the true value of your scenic wares,’ said a per and Son. The rest room was gentleman from Los Angeles recently. ‘Your people are decided upon as an im portant asleep. Oregon has the world beat as a summer play­ part of the auto camp as a t pres­ t there is no place where the ground and you are bound to get more or less tourist busi­ en tourists can find a place to w rite ness whether you go out after it or not, but you are miss­ or read. It will also be found a ing a golden opportunity if you don’t capitalize the game convenient place for the giving of and go after every dollar there is in it. Wake your peo­ stereoptican lectures next sum­ mer, this action having been de­ ple up and teach them how to boost Oregon like we Cali­ cided upon by the Chamber of fornians boost our state. You have something to talk Commerce as an im portant move about up here while we have to draw on our imagination in advertising the territo ry ad to a great extent The sooner that Oregonians acquire; jacent to Grants Pass, says The Pass Courier. the boosting habit the sooner will your states forge to G rants The new rest room will be 24 the front as a tourist playground. ’ by 30 feet in size and will follow “ And this is the whole thing in a nutshell. We have the bungalow style of architecture advertised our wares to a certain extent, it is true, but already in use a t the park. This will give all of the buildings a we have not yet learned how to treat our customers when uniform appearance. The com­ they come to us. It is not alone with the problem of how m ittee has also decided upon other to draw tourists our way that we have to deal but we additions, which will be complet­ must learn bow to entertain them while they are with us. ed next spring. One of these is e construction of cottages for We must impress them with such a show of hospitality th those who do not wish to erect that even the most easehardened traveler cannot help but tents. The improvements are be­ feel that he is a privileged guest among a friendly people. ing made with the re tu rn s from We must familiarize ourselves with the wonders of our th e .auto camp during the past own state so that we can properly describe them to our summer. visitors. We must be courteous to our guests and we must One hundred and twenty-one show a real interest in their welfare while they are among mills reporting to West, Coast us. We must make it our business to see to it that their Lum berm en’s association for the ending September 27th, stay in our state is an enjoyable one from start to finish week m anufactured 97,881,459 feet of so that they may be influenced to carry away with them lum ber; sold 100,116,285 feef; such a favorable impression as will cause them to further and shipped 104,105,019 feet. advertise Oregon as a most desirable place in which to New business was 2 per cent above the production. Shipments spend a summer vacation. were 4 per cent above new busi­ . “ If we are tojm ild up our tourist business, it be; ness. hooves we Oregonians to wake up and acquire the habit of boosting Oregon át every opportunity. This is the spir­ it that has resulted in making California the foremost tourist state of the nation. Californians are the greatest The handiest furniture about the house boosters in the world for their native state and that is the reason they have been gathering in the cream of the Cedar Chests tourist trade. The sooner we Oregonians awaken to the in dark and light finishes fact that we have much more to boost for than have the from $15 to $30 iivewire citizens ol our sister state and acquire the habit THE ASHLAND FURNITURE of telling the world what we have to offer the sooner will COMPANY we begin reaping the benefits of a greater tourist busi­ 88 N. Main ness.’* The Squthern Pacific Bulletin, a m onthly magazine published by The Southern Pacific railroad company, contains an editorial in j the October issue, which the news­ papers favoring La Follette con­ sider an indirect appeal for the company’s employes to vote against La Follette. A fter 'statin g th a t every citi­ zen should vote, the editorial, which is published on. the back page of the magazine, says: "There is a conflict of ideas as to the fu tu re of our government not measured by party lines. There is- being made an unusually vociferous appeal for changes in our governm ent order. It in­ volves dragging forth and furnish­ ing anew for. public p resentation Gold D u s t..................30c Naptha Sea Foam . .30c Chipse Powders ....... 15c Large size, Bon Ami, powdered .............. 15c Rinso, No-Ruri, N o - * boiling, 3 pkgs. .. .25c Star Naptha Powder 3 f o r ........................25c 20-Mule Team Borax 3 f o r ....................... 25c Sunlight Cleanser 3 f o r ....................... 25c K. C. Baking Powder 20c Hay,.Grain, Mill Feed and Flour For Economical Transportation 100 H our Endurance and Economy Run Watch the Progress of this Economy and Endurance Run at Our Show Room Automotive Shop Ashland, Oregon Phoqe 214— 358 E. Main St. Pears Truth and Boasting Delicious Apple« Quinces fellow likes to boast, N O but regular every man should have Figs Grapes Peaches All the vegetables the market affords Plaza Market H. A. Stearns courage enough to tell the truth. This bank believes that it is the simple truth and not boastfulness when it claims that it is equipped properly to take care of any amount, large or small. The Citizens Rank of Ashland 61 N. Main Ashland, Oregon ROM AN BREAD • *’• aids A REAL SAVING for you. In order to make room for a new shipment, we have reduced the price of every Diamond Cord Casing & S R U N N IN G ” Digestion One of the m o s t healthful of breads ONE-THIRD for this week only. This iB your opportunity to buy a High-grade G uaranteed tire, at D ealer’s cost price. IV. & N. Service F ranklin Bakery Station Phone 199 BOULEVARD and SHERMAN The Nya I Get Acquainted SALE 51 Wrifiwood Laws Eavelepes FREE with 1 lb. (90 sheets) weed Lawn Wr 60c AAhrNo.1 The ideal shortening for all purposes is lard—and the ideal lard is Frye’s “Wild Rose” Brand. It is made from the choicest rich leaf and back fats not found in ordinary lard, and it is prepared under the most sanitary conditions by the Frye exclusive process which insures unvarying purity and flavor. Keep a pail of “Wild Rose” Lard in your cooler for economical deep fat frying and every shorten- mg purpose. it 0 m bottle Nytetis Almoad Cream Large atae FREE with One bex Nylotie Fees Powder De Luxe The H a d that ataja on. Head. W hite, Brunette 75c A a k f a r N e .9 One Nyal Water Bottle (full two quart, guar­ anteed) FREE with One Nyal Fountain Syr­ inge (three hard rubber pipes, 6 foot rapid flow tubing, guaranteed) $2.75. Ask for No. 27. F rye’s “ Delicious” Brand Ham s and Bacon are “Everything the N am e Implies. T hey are pre­ pared from the most carefully se­ lected young grain-fed porkers and the w ell-know n F rye Label is a safe-guide to unvarying quality. WILD ROSE PURELARD DOZENS OF BARGAINS EQUAL TO THE ABOVE AT ELH ART’S Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. W hen next you require Brand Name— You w ill get a Lard I ask for it by thia pure