pAok - ^ ^ s f i w r ô ^ E ytiìhngs "■'■ ■' *<>— w — A— — 5*asHS blaster fcell— « » e «♦■« e » » « ♦ « ' -»♦■»♦♦♦ » > » e » e e e «■«♦■♦ e • «e e e e e e e e w » »«♦< B o r n - > Word was received her© recent­ ly of the birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fraley in Berkeley, September 29. M other and daughter are reported to be doing nicely. Mr. Fraley is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraley of this city. Doeal * P erso n al fNotes -w i — A Dally Chronicle of those who «some and go, and event« of local interest T o P ortland— i To Portland— J. K. McWilliams left last Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond night for P ortland where he will left today for Portland where; spend several days attending to they will spend a week visiting business. witli friends. Record B reaker Flour Sale is Beat m ilk— L lnlnger’e Dairy, I te qcart. Phon« M sR and 269J. on; Columbia H. W. $3.75 per 2«— tf 100; W hite Mountain $4.00 per 100. Q uality Bakery. 30— 6 From H ornbrook— Mrs. H arry M orr.s came over At Medford— from H ornbrook Saturday and is Mrs. May Greene of H argadine spending several days with her street spent the week-end at Med­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emery. ford with her sister, Mrs. John Barneburg. Ground Cherries— Holmes Gro- cery. 30— 1 Ground Cherries— Holmes Gro­ cery. 30— 1 Born— To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn^ K istlers Quality Bread, the best 30— 6 th is morning, an eight pound girl. yet, 8 and 12 cents. M other and daughter are doing Return from H unt— nicely. R. E. Detrick, F. F. W hittle, Cliff Paya« makes typewriter and O. O. Helman returned yes­ tablee. terday from a several days trip to the K lam ath Lake where they hunted ducks. They returned M oved— Charles Broili and family have very successful. moved from their home on Oak Complete Une of Ashland Can­ street to 84 Garfield street. ned Goods at Detrlcke. #4-tf Complete line of new ready-to- wear Suite and O’Coate. We are From N o r t h - Mr. and ^ lr s . Schaseb have tallora and ean fit you. — Paul- eernd’e. 26— tf moved to Ashland from the north and are tem porarily located here. H u n tin g— Mr. Schaseb will have charge of Carl Calson and Howard Oden some of the work at the Skyline of the Ford Garage returned last mine. evening from a very successful duck hunt in the K lam ath Lake Imogene W allace, Piano and region. Harmony Studio, Second floor Beaver Bldg. 30— tf iv» $10.00, walk upstairs to taflor ahop. 17— tf R eturns Hom Glenn Addis returned home Spend W eek-End— Sunday from G rants Pass where Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hopfield of he has been assisting in the Rex- P ortland spent Saturday and Sun­ all one cent sale for th e past day at the home of G. F. Billings. week. Mr. Hopfleld is the w’ell known Insurance man in the northwest. If you want to save, get one of P aulserud’g suits and overcoats. eream for whipping and 26— tf freeh milk, always «a I n i t t i e Plaea. 239—-tt To Dunsm uir— , Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peil, and T o A pplegate— Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney left Claus K lelnham m er and Owen this morning for D unsm uir Purdy made a trip to Applegate where they will spend several days Friday evening to visit with Mr. on busiiness. K leinham m er’s parents. They re­ turned late last evening. No a gen t In Southern Oregon About eight o'clock Saturday evening a large am ount of plaster fell from the ceiling a t McGee’s store, causing quite a bit of con­ fusion for a short time. The goods and) counter were moved from beneath the falling plaster immediately so th a t no damage was done. REINFORCED CONCRETE On Vacation— BUILDING Miss Lydia McCall is taking a SEALED PROPOSALS ARE two weeks vacation from her invited for the construction and j work at the post office. She ex- mechanical- equipm ent of a rein­ , pects to leave in a day or so for forced conrete Hotel Building K lam ath Falls where she will containing 100 guest rooms. i spend the tim e with friends and Bids will be received by the relatives. “ Lithian Hotel Co.” , at the office of G. M. Frost, Ashland, Oregon, until 4 o’clock p. m., Friday, Oc­ tober 17, 1924. A Cashiers’ Check or Bidders’ (Continued from Page 1) Bond to accompany each bfd,, made out agreeable to the gener­ lem. The League of Nations Is con­ al conditions of the contract of sidered a valuable instrum ent for specifications. peace, but its capacity for ac­ Proposals will be received as tion m ust be strengthened by ad­ follows: m itting Germany as an equal No. 2— General Construction. member, and by supplem enting No. 2— Electric Wiring. its activities through the coopera­ No. 3— Plum bing. tion of the Interparlim entary Un­ No. 4— Heating. ion. The la tte r would undertake No. 5— Elevator. th e establishm ent of a special Any C ontractor can subm it a propaganda center for peace, bid for one or more as above seg­ would jdeal with the question of a regated. special security treaty between Plans and specifications can be Germany and France, would d ir­ had by applying at the office of ect the immediate completion of Tourtelotte & Hummel, A rchitects the general disarm am ent obliga­ 311 Failing Building, Portland, tion as laid down in Article 8 of Oregon, or at the Office of G. M. the Versailles Treaty, would ex­ Frost, Ashland, Oregon. amine the Versailles Treaty with O w ner reserves the rig h t to re­ a view to Its revision by the ject any or all bids. League, and would prepare a plan LITHIAN HOTEL CO. to clear the way for an econom­ By G. M. Frost, Secretary. ic union of western and central 30— mon-wed-sat. Europe. Plan 1632, sharing in the first prize, lays down the basis for or­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY W ANTED— ..Four $100 per week men to sell BEST Ford Oil Gauge made. Automobile fu r­ nished. Standard Products Co.,! 1886 Broadway, Granville, Ohio.' 30— 1» ---- ----------------------------------- ,------ i SEED OF ALL KINDS— We are wholesale dealers in all kinds of seed, including all kinds of vetch, pasture m ixture, clover' seed and all field seeds, cheat and • Tangier peas. Oregon Seed Co.,! Junction City, Ore. 30— 4 mon. I FOR SALE— Lot a t Lake of the Woods, next to Chapman lot. Phone 112 or inquire Oregon Hotel. 30— 3 _______________________________ i WANTED— Growers to contract for ten years, for 100 acres of straw berries, raspberries and can w rite better A u to insurance Evergreen blackberries. Bagley Special Auto Accident Policy or at low er rates than th e Staples Canning Co., S. D. Taylor, Field for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo Agency. Man. 30— 6 of coarse. 24-tf At L a k e - WANTED— N ursing or will do Band Practice— Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Klum, Mr. housekeeping for small family; There will be band practice to­ and Mrs. C. J. Sanford and Mrs. am graduate of massage. Inquire night at eight o’clock at the City T. W. Sanford spent Saturday and Tidings Office. 30— 2* Hall. The band h not been Sunday a t th eir cottage a t the FOR SALE— Concord grapes. practicing for some i ne, so th at Lake of the Woods. Phone 229-R. 30— 2* Carl Loveland, dire or, wants everyone to be present. Get my prices before you buy GOOD as new Buescher C mel­ your Fall clothes— P aulserud’s. ody Saxophone at reduced price. Let us fill your pall with Swifts 26— tf The Rose Confectionery. Silw r Leai lard. Costs less than 30— Mon. Wed. Frl. tkortenfng. Goes farther and Is Many at Sale— were nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf Johnson’s Jew elry Store has WATER MELONS— lc per lb., been crowded every day since the see W. W. Robison, 63 N. Main Lease Changed— big sale was launched. The sale St. 30— 2* The lease on the Vendome Ho­ will continue through the week tel has been taken over by R. E. and those who have attended re­ Dodd, who will run it in the fu­ port th a t they are well pleased ture. E. W est was form er lessee. with the bargains they have re­ ceived. We deliver the goods -Detricks 94-tf lc Sale this week Thurs., Fri., Sat., McNair Bros. Building House— E. O. Smith of Oak stre et Is Thought Man Lost— building a modern type bungalow, Quite a bit of excitement was which will be one of the most caused at the Lake of the Woods complete and modern houses in Saturday when it was thought Ashland when finished. The th a t Owen Dunlap of Phoenix, w ork is progressing very rapidly. who was hunting in th a t vicinity, was lost. Mr. Peck, fire warden You are welcome to compare there, searched for the man and my Automobile rates with any a large num ber of people were other rates in Jackson or Jose­ out hunting for him. He came phine Counties; you can be the back to camp about two o’clock Judge. Phone 21, Yeo, of course. and stated th a t he had been h u n t­ 30— tf ing all the tim e and was not lost. ganized international co-opera­ ii Germany’s entrance ” to the"; ment from "the V erialles TreH y time the desired evidence of her ’ tion in (1) the complete equality abilty to pay, brings into prospect 1 League is made conditional on the first and mdst urgent prelim . of all nations in the common or­ the enormous reduction of politi- th at organization's disentangle- ■ inery to peace will be effected. ganization, (2 ) the abandonm ent cal tension in the R uhr and Rhine, of self-defenses— expressed in the gives Germany back her e co n -: cession of m ilitary equipment ex­ omic soverignty and assures the ceeding th a t required to guaran­ recovery of Germany as a part of tee the power of the state w ith­ the economic restoration of the in its borders, (3) unconditional world. subordination of the individual In the development of Inter- nations to the verdict of the in- • national Law the plan considers ternational community and the the constitution of the League law recognized and guaranteed by as im perialistic and states th at it. Germany m ust strive to prevent It considers the League of Na­ the political subordination dicta­ tions as the most im portant or­ 5 5 7 8 — F o r s m a ll ted to her at Versailles from gain­ ganization for international co­ women and slender ing the force of law. Germany operation now existing, but th a t m ust take care th a t in the sys­ girls this narrow frock in its present form it is incapable tem of international law which with its slightly shaped of assuring genuine peace in is. to come she is the equal of tunic and buckled belt Europe. It m ust be transform ed other states. is very effective. in accord with the spirit of the The plan stands for compulsory times and adequately to its own arbitration and the abandonment purpose. Germany’s entrance of w ar as a means of legal de­ should be conditional on recog­ 5 5 7 0 — In size ao fense. It stands for the right of nized equality with the principal years only aAg yards self-determ ination and protection powers, and the dissociation of the of national m inorities. It states o f 54-inch material League from the Treaty of Ver­ th a t disarm am ent is a question of sailles. are required. T h e m utual tru st, not compulsion, and D eltor shows you The plan holds th a t Germany th at gerenal disarm am ent should should continue a treaty policy how to make the dress. be carried out under Article 8 of th a t would provide for obligatory the Covenant. arbitration in every conceivable In the development of econ­ case of controversy. omic intercourse the plan holds, In regard to the Press, the Ger­ B u tte rlc k B u tte ric k th a t the basis for such intercourse man governm ent should consider P a tte m P a tte m m ust be provided in international measures to convince public op­ 5578 5570 law, th at there m ust be freedom inion abroad of th e fact th a t Ger­ of intercourse and movement, many is a t work in accord with th a t an international trade law the conception of the League of should be created and th a t all VEN if you have never made a dress Nations. A thorough-going eluci­ stream s serving world commerce before, you can make one now with dation of the question of guilt in be internationalized. The plan the W orld W ar is of the greatest the aid of the Deltor. W hat is the concludes with the statem ent that importance in the moral evalua­ Deltor? A wonderful dressmaking guide tion of Germany among the na­ enclosed with Butterick Patterns that tions and the opening of the a r­ shows you with pictures how to make a chives of nations would provide a dress from start to finish. Buy your pat* basis for im partial discussion of tern at our Butterick Pattern counter, the guilt question. then visit our piecesgoods counter where W ith regard to the Dawes Re­ that will add charm to port, the plan states th a t it se­ you will find the new Fall materials in the any h o m e, reasonably cures for Germany for the first popular shades. For Autumn Street W ear Make One of These Charming Slip-Over Dresses E Bedroom Suites priced at THE ASHLAND FURNITURE COMPANY 83 N. Main Always buy BUTTERICK PATTERNS r M tAe DELTOR E. R. ISAAC & CO. S te rlin g ix » COATS THE THEATER BEAUTIFUL : autiful TODAY—THE MYSTER STORY—“ THE BEDROOM WINDOW’ TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY are made for Children, too, so the younger generation will grow tip know ing the worth of An all white bun­ galow a p r o n of b u y i n g g o o d fine long cloth. clothes at $1.45 JESîE L. LASKY PRESENTS A JAMES CRUZE PRODUCTION C overed W agon Over the glorious wilderness trail with the Pioneers of ’49 o— o— o— o The picture the whole world knows about. Women’s Outing Flannel Gowns $1.10 to $2.43 Admission 25c & 50c—Matinee 1:30—Evening 7:15 and 9:15. Special Musical Score by George D. Converse a n d & e t o n e o r m o r e a b s o lu te ly FREE f ^Wednesday.Thursdaq.Fridaq.SaturdaqJ i Comforting T houghts -0— o Experience and an intelligent study of funeral directing problems enables us to serve you well. Yet our service does not end here. endeavor to bring to those in s o r row the comforting assurance that every­ thing possible has been done to pay a fit­ ting tribute to the one whom death has called away. We /. P. Dodge & Sons Funeral Directors Day Pho« > 213— Night Phones 233-R, 282-J Mrs Louis Dodge, Lady Assistant k 4 M M , Get Acquainted Sale I Dans a t ijo u r -V K 4 Z Q u a lity Store Daus o n th e Only Only The purpose of this Sale is to make you acquainted with w a ■ ■ v Nyal products. You buy one and we give you one or more absolutely FREE. For example: With each box of Nylotis ---- Face Powder De Luxe which you purchase at the regular retail price, we give you a large jar of Nyal Face Cream with Peroxide FREE. There are many other assortments equally as good listed below. Some of them will just fit your needs. One Bottle Liquid Shampoo Free w ith one bottle Nyal H irs u to m ___$1.00 One tube Nyalenta Tooth Paste free w ith one Nyal Tooth B r u s h ............... 50 50 Wedgewood Lawn Envelopes Free with one Box Pound Paper . . . .60 One Nylotis Rouge Free with one N ylotis Compact ............................. 1.00 One bottle Nylotis Shaving Cream F r ee with one bottle Nylotis Shaving Lotion ...................................................................................................................50 This is only a very few of the GREAT BARGAIN offers now given bv the Nyal organization so that you may get acquainted with these products. Toilet Goods Drug Sundries «9>J (2 (¡paramount (picture B u q a>V K 4Z P r o d u c t rrsrr. * “The Q uality Store” ELHART’S Books and Stationery ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Kllltlllll