frAGÈ ASÊtÂim ttAÎLT «fflttöft Classified Column I PROFESSIONAL Classified Column Kates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one m onth or more, ftc the word each time. PHYSICIANS OR. HAWLEY— Above office. Phone 91. Tidings S o c ie ty w hether a member of the W. C. J T. U. or not, is asked to donate fru it to thi3 good cause and the j organization will gladly handle it. ♦ * * Missionary— The Missionary society of the Christian Church met at the church parlors Friday afternoon. The business -meeting was held, conducted by thezpresident, Mrs. Floyd Putnam . A fine program was then given under the direct­ ion of Mrs. Kilgore. The financ­ ial status of the club was read and it was reported th at 371 was paid into the special Golden Jub- illee offering. Mohday, (Mobet* fl, 1024 Paris Style Mint— PARIS, Oct. 6—— In these days of the wandering waist-line, one is not surprised at the Em pire gown returning to favor. A few of the chic designers are showing the Em pire cut for evening gown3 that take one back to the days of Josephine — and Madame Recamier, reclining on her couch. W hether they will succeed or not is still a question. It is a far cry from the hip-line (w here the waistline has been lingering) to that under the arm- pits, and it rem ains to be seen if women will take up the "old- new” mode. The Maison Anna, which, by the way, was form erly Madeleine et Madeleine, is m aking evening gowns th a t show the Em pire in­ fluence in the fitting of the front in some cases, while in others the high waist-line is m arked with a cross-line of embroidery on a perfectly straig h t gown. The characteristic line of the house is one th a t makes for grace and dignity, and the director believes th at the Em pire line is an im­ portant factor. WHERE THE SHADOWS LIE DR. C. W. HANSON LONG Dentist (By Clinton Scollard iu the New Special attention given to pyor­ FOR RENT York Sun) FOR RENT— 4 room furnished rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver W here the shadow's lie long at 233-tf. apartm ent; good garage; adults Block. Phone 178-J. the verge only, 1101 Blvd. 28— tf DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— P rac­ Of the wood, and the leaves like the surge tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ana FOR REN T— lst-C lass fu r­ Of low seas m urm ur soft over­ th ro at— X-ray including teeth. nished apartm ent, with private head, Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc bath, adults only, Phone 122. 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Fain would I, with the moss for " 29— tf ' a bed, Ore. O utstretch while the waves of the FOR RENT— 10 room partly wheat furnished house, 111 3rd. 29— 2 DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic and Electro-Therapy. Office Are a shimmer, a-swoon in the Upper Valley— FOR RENT— Farm Buildings, phone 48; residence 142. First i heat, The Upper Valley Community form er W illiams place, Belleview N ational Bank building; And the stream , with its ripples Club met a t the home of Mr3. W. D istrict, Geo. Yockel, R 1, box agleam, D. Jackson last Thursday for an THE SOUTHERN OREGON 95-B. 29— 3* Flows by like th e River of Dream! CLINIC all day session. The meeting was There is silence, and then there 1st National Bank Bldg. FOR SALE given over to millinery with Miss is song, Medical Surgical Obstetrical Brewster, home dem onstration Diagnostic X-ray FO R SALE— An excellent Vic- W here the shadows lie long! agent, capably conducting x the tro la and num erous records. R. W. Stearns, M. D. meeting and assisting with the R. E. Green, M. D. Reasonable price; apply 140 Or­ R. W. Sleeter, M. D. There is song, rap tu re hidden hats. A great deal of progress somewhere ange St. 29— tf! Office hours 2-5 p. m.< was made, some practically fin­ Phone 238-R That suddenly floods on th e a ir— ishing their hats, and the ladies FOR SALE— 1923 Ford R un­ A soul in the sound— and then were very much pleased with the about. Also choice two milk cows, dies.; work of Mi38 Brewster. At noon MONUMENTS cheap. 455 Mt. Ave. Phone 341. FOR SALE— Old papers at Tid­ There is perfum e to lull and en a covered dish luncheon was en­ ings; 25c per bundle. 29— 2 dh tice ASHLAND GRANITE joyed. About twelve members The sense, with Rss subtleness MONUMENTS FOB SALE— Good Universal were present, others dropping in deep, Blair Granite Co. cdal heater, good as new; Gas for the afternoon. This was a To enter the portals of Sleep S. PENNISTON, M anager range, will sell cheap, 244 H a r-( special m eeting in order to pre­ You may fancy old Time is at Office 175 E. Main gadine. 28— 2 pare for the m illinery course and pause, Res. Phone 444-Y ------------------------------------------------J get the m aterials ready for the FOR SALE or EXCHANGE— ' (Ah, would the gray scythe-bear­ regular meetings. The next m eet­ er w a s!) for Victrola— rifle, shot gun or ANY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May ing will be held October fifteenth communicate with Ensign Lee There is never the w raith of a equal vajue, 8 gal. roof paint, and will be in the n atu re of a I f M ixed w ith S ulp h u r it of the Salvation Army at the wrong heating stove, toilet, chemicals for reception in honor of Miss Brew­ D arkens so N atu rally same, 2 lamps, 22 rifle, etc., 705 ( WhlteShleld Home, 565 May- W here the shadows lie long! ster. It will be given at the home fair Ave., Portland, Oregon. N obody can Tell. Penn Ave. 28— 3*1 of Mrs. A. C. Joy from two o’­ Come then, leave the jostile be­ clock until five. Plans have not PLANING MILL To Trade for Portland Property. hind! G randm other kept her hair About two acres of splendid JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Be out and away with the wind! been completed but will be an­ beautifully darkened, glossy and nounced later. • full bearing fruit, principally attractive with a brew of Sage WORKS, Cor. Helman and Heed the cry th a t we each of us • * * Cherries, Peaches, Apples and knew Tea and Sulphur. W henever her Van Ness. 194tf B erries, good house and barn, When we trod e a rth ’s fresh paths Pollyanna Girls— hair took on th a t dull, faded or The Pollyanna Girls class of owner moving to Portland, w ants in the dew TRANSFER AND EXPRESS streaked appearance, this simple the Presbyterian Sunday School to exchange for property there. Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. Of the dawn, with the sun at the m ixture was applied with wonder­ gave a very delightful party at Value at 34000.00 all clear of rim for SERVICE. ful effect. By asking at any drug encumbevences, see BEAVER Experienced movers and pack­ Of the world, and day lifting its the home of Elsie Allen recently. store for “ W yeth’s Sage and Sul­ Each member of the class dressed REALTY CO. for fu rth er infor­ hymn! ers of household goods. Deal­ phur Compound,” you will get a as a boy and invited a girl mation. ers In coal and wood. Phone The virginal m arvelm ent still large bottle of this old-time recipe . 26— 6t W aits over the crest of the hill friend. Games were played and Improved by the addition of other 117. A far from the chattering throng Miss B ertha B orrall gave three Office 89 Oak St. near excellent readings. At the close A nother Bargain W here the shadows lie long. Hotel Ashland of the evening dainty refresh­ 5-room modern house 1 1-2 * * * m ents were served. blocks from high school. Price L. POWELL— General T rans­ CALENDAR OF EVENTS There is no sentiment in Those enjoying the evening 31500.00, for quick sale. 1-2 cash fer— Good team and motor Tuesday, Oct. 7. Civic Club meets business. When making Borrall. balance long time, 6 per cent. trucks. G tod service at a re a ­ at club house at 2:30. In terest­ were Misses B ertha teacher, Virginia Fro3t, Ora 5 room modern house, lot a purchase, the uppermost sonable price. Phone 83. ing program . Everyone is urged * Wilson, Dorris Hitchcock, Evelyn 100x150 Garage, chicken house. to attend. thought is Taylor, Lila W heitm an, Lorraine P rice 33100, for quick sale. Good Tuesday, Oct. 7. W. C. T. U. FEHIGE-ROACH term s a t 6 per cent. See W. W. Q U A LITY AND Transfer — Express — Storage meets at Library at 2:30. Regu­ Brookmiller, Ramona Wise, E l- ! sie Allen, Beulah Medley, Afton Robison, 63 N orth Main St. H auling — Dray work of all lar business meeting. P R IC E Wednesday, Oct. 8. Ju n io r High Madden, Frances Chisholm, Cath­ kinds. Quick m otor service. Dry MISCELLANEOUS Use Shell Gasoline and wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R Circle P. T. A. meets at Junior erine P ittenger and Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Hitchcock. High School. 375 B. St. 112-tf Oils and he convinced. RANCH WANTED Thursday, Oct. 9. Ladies E lk s, WANTED— To hear from own­ FLORIST Club meets in club room for regu­ er of goodi Ranch for sale. State lar card party. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS cash price, full particulars. D. F. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 10 From Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. I brought a truck load of bar­ and 11. Civic Club will hold an 5-4 sat. H atcher & Benson, Floral & Seed gain counter goods from Port­ Co., tem porary location 399 nual rum m age sal# at club house. land last week, all of which WANTED— 3 good Jersey cows. Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and Don’t forget to donate anything BOULEVARD and SHERMAN will be sold accordingly. Auto you may not need and be sure to Must be reasonably priced. Also flo ra l‘designing. Phone 118. 9-mo attend. Robos, Wade Dragsaw, Halt­ young hens. Send prices to The * » * ers, and lots of army goods. K lam ath General Hospital, Klam­ POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS P. N. G. Club— Come in early while they last. * WANTED——Clean cotton * a th Falls, Oregon. 29— 2 G. W. Milam The P ast Noble Grand Club * rags. No overalls, underwear * Independent WANTED— -2nd-hand, > horse met at the home of Mrs. Gilbert * or woolen goods accepted. • disc harrow. Must be In good con Candidate for County School Friday afternoon for their regular * 5 cents per pound. Tidings * * office. __tf • dltion. Inquire a t Provost H ard­ Superintendent of Jackson Coun­ meeting. A very en jo jab le time ty, Oregon. ware. 29— 4* was spent in doing fancy work and conversation. WANTED — Apple pickers. At the close of the afternoon NOTICE OF HEARING ON Phone A. B. Chapman. 29— 2 delightful refreshm ents were FINAL ACCOUNT served by the hostesses, Mrs. Gil­ MISCELLANEOUS— Swiss W atch­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF bert and Mrs. W iltshire. m aker, W atch repairing done THE STATE OF OREGON FOR * * * reasonable and guaranteed. Close JACKSON COUNTY. tim ing on railroad watches. In the M atter of the E state of Dinner Party— M aurice A. Lassen, 217 N. Main. ANICE McCLANAHAN, deceased. | A charm ing dinner party was 26— 6* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. th at the Final Account of the Wm. Day on Baum street Friday GET YOU STOVE repaired at executor in the said estate has noon. The table was beautifully Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnito been filed with the County Clerk decorated with roses, forming a R adlater and Stoves for sale. 140 of Jackson County, Oregon and lovely background for the delic­ Oberlin St. 306-1 m o ? the Hon. G. A. G ardner, Judge ious three-course dinner th a t wa3 PIANO instruction, by exper­ of 3aid Court has designated the served. Following a short a fte r­ ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ 25th day of October, 1924, at ten noon Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Day left for the south where they will take red, Mrs. H. S. Aiklns. Phone o’clock A. M., a t the Courthouse a boat to Honolulu, th eir home. 441J. 3— lm o in Jacksonville, Jackson County. The guests of the occasion were < Oregon, as the time and place for Goats Bred by registered a hearing thereon. Any person Mesdames and Messrs C. J. Day, i buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, having any objections to said ac­ Alowatt, Wm. Day and Mr. Tozer. » * ♦ low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 count is required to present the W. C. T. U.— miles south on Pacific Highway same on or before the time set Where “ quality and service” prevail and 14— 1 mo • for said hearing. The W. C. T. U. will meet where the general public can secure fresh and LOUIS WILCOX, Executor. Tuesday afternoon at the Library. WANTED: — Plain 3ewing, cured meats at the lowest prices consistent with The C hildren’s Farm Home at 400 Liberty St. 25-6* Briggs & Briggs, Attys. good qualiyt. Corvallis, which is taken care of Ashland, Oregon. 18— 4 Mon. by this association, has asked for F or a smooth shave dried or canned fru it to be sent and quick service go to them. The fru it is to be left to the Shell Barber at the W hite House Grocery, as Spaf Spasmodic Croup is frequently the local union has made arran g e­ Shop. Ladies and relie relieved by one application of- children get your hair ments there. The organization ‘ bobbed and marcel sent a large am ount of fru it to I led. the home last year and it was so V a p > o R u b G v * t 1 7 b u llio n J a n U i i J Y ta r ly greatly appreciated th at they are W. A. SHELL, Prop. asking for more. Everyone, 532 A. St. Ashland, Ore COMB SAGE IEA IN IV. & N. Service Station ingredients, all ready to use, at very little cost. This simple mix- i ture can be depended upon to re­ store natural color and beauty to the hair. Well-known druggists say everybody uses W yeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and even­ ly th at nobody can tell it has been applied— it’s so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw i k through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another appli­ cation or two, it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. Burton K Wheeler IN D E PE N D E N T CA N D ID A TE FO R Vice President W ILL SPE AK A T The Ashland CAN’T 1ER VALUE ’ IN DOLLARS 8 CENTS A rm ory Says Oregon Man In P ra is ­ ing Tanlac. W ednesday, O ctober 8, 1924 3:45 P. M. ‘Not in 20 years have I en­ joyed better health or felt so well generally a3 I do since taking Tanlac,” is the glowing tribute paid the famous treatm ent by O. J. Gregoire, a retired ranch­ man, 371 E. 50th St., Portland, Oregon. "I had been in a . weak, de­ bilitated condition and getting worse for 6 or 7 years. My ap petite had quit, often my stom ach wouldn’t take ‘grub’, my nerves were upset, I had no strength or energy and, in fact, my whole system was in a bad way. "The way my health and strength returned after I got hold of Tanlac filled me with gladness and gratitude words can’t ex­ press. I was down to 118 lbs., but I now weigh 138, which is ju st right for me. To feel so well at my age, 76, is certainly some­ thing to be thankful for. I just can’t estim ate in dollars and cents what Tanlac has been worth to me.’’ Tanlac is for rale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. FLEXIBLE CEMENT OOFING Tanlac Vegetable Pills recom­ mended b;. the m anufacturers of Tanlac. THIS is an extra heavy asphalt ready roofing with the fa­ mous Carey patent lap. ROM AN M EA L Carey Flexible Ce­ ment roofs applied in the days of high wheeled bicycles are still giving good service today. f The same quality that made these roofs last 30 years is being put into Carey Flexible Cement roofing to­ day. BREAD A ID S - D IG E S T IO N PE IL ’S CORNER NOW F ra n k lin B akery Ashland Lumber Co. INSIDE The Fourth Street MARKET Free Delivery ............................... ♦..........~ ........... . V IC K S NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON COUNTY. In the M atter of the E state of PH EBE J. WELLS, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, th a t the undersigned adm inistra­ to r w ith Will annexed of the E state of Phebe J. Wells, has fil­ ed his final account in said Court, an d the Hon. G. A. G ardner has se t November 1, 1924, at 10 o’­ clock A. M. at the Courthouse in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, as the time and place for a hearing thereon. ▲11 persous having objections to the same are required to make such objections on or before the tim e set for said hearing. GEO. W. DUNN, A dm inistrator. 24-4-Mon. $230 Good Delicious Rebuilt THOR Electiic-Autom atic IR O N E R FOR $150 Apples Squashes Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower Celery Lettuce Onions Beets Carrots and other vegetables Murphy Elec. Co. O ur Phone 82 Main • Plaza Ashland Pies—Cakes—Biscuits—Muffins everything in which you use TH ESE M EN K N EW Operators tending th e giant generators a t Copco power plants know th a t fourteen thousand custom ­ ers get power and light over Copco wires. M en on d u ty throughout the system come to realize best the enduring assets of the Company— assets of rock, steel, concrete, and of never-ceasing power! Engineers, accountants, linemen, cashiers, offi­ cials—all these knew, intim ately, th e security and earning power of their investm ent. They had in sid e k n o w le d g e of its value. ASK T H E M I CALIFORNIA OREGON! PO W E R CO M PA N Y Ask any one of these members of the Copco organ­ ization today how y o u ca n buy Copco Preferred Stock, yielding 7.14% for your idle fu n d s or monthly savings, on monthly payments as low as $5 a share. Or clip and mail the coupon below. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Offices t C A U fM ir Roseburg THE WORLD'S GREATEST OREGON Medford Grants Pass Y reka Klamath Falls CALIFO RN IA Dunsmuir B A KING POWDFO Looks different—tastes better—be­ cause of its greater leavening power «V a » Plaza Market H. A. Stearns INFORMATION The California Oregon Power Company offered 2,00C shares of its 7% Preferred Stock to its own employes. The issue was immediately o v e r s u b ­ scrib ed . PHONE 37 PRO UP Ask us for prices and s&mples. P h o n e 199 « W 0 « B «T AMY O n « BRAND your partners IN PROGRESS Ask any member o f our organization — or mail this coupon — today! 01 N. Main V T H E CALIFO RNIA OREGON P O W E R COMPANY MEDFORD. OREGON c i . IieaSe^Send m,C ^ .« f o r m a t io n about your 7% Preferred Stock and special partial payment plan. Nam e.