Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, October 06, 1924, Image 1

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    A shland D aily T idings
W ithout the use of medicine cures
nine cases out of ten of asthma.
This is “a proven fact.
The Tidings Has Been Ashland’s Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Yean
______________________________________ ( International Newg W ire Service)
Cannot survive three mouths ii
the rich ozone at Ashland. Pur
domestic water helps.
Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings. Volume 43.
NO. 30
C .C .
Many New Citizens of City 8
to Speak at Meeting- of 8 a
Chamber Tomorrow
NEW YORK, Oct. 6. — a
The Democratic presidential a
drive went into high speed 8 j
in the east when John W. 8
Davis, the presidential can- a
didate; left for a whirlwind a
tour into New York state, a
This is in line with the a
Democratic plans to concen- a
trate its big campaign drive 8 i Independent Candidate in
alone the
the seaboard.
seaho»rrt Gov- a
Opening His Tour Across
ernor Smith departed at the 8
Continent Confident
same time for a six-day to u r 8
of the New England states, a SPEAKS AT ROCHESTER
The Democratic nominees for a
president and governor of 8 Says Statem en ts o f O pponents
New York went out to work 8
That H e W ants to Throw E lec
for each other.
*j°n In C ongress R idiculous
Mother and Youthful Lover
Facing Trial in Pa. Court
Arrests Three in Herrin
Who He Charges W ith
Veritable Parade of Pitchers Used by Both Teams in
the Making of Booze
6 to 4 Game; 50,000 Fans Cheer Impartially for Both
Teams; Watson Stops Senator’s 9th Inning Rally.
a ph K ozer, M anager o f A shland 8
and T alent Cannaries, W ill
he P residing O fficer
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Wan le a d e r of Liquor Raids in
W illiam son County W hich R e.
su ited in R attles
The Chamber of Commerce
ROCHESTER, N. Y. Oct. 6.—
weekly Forum s are being large-
Senator Robert La Follette, the
ly attended, and the programs
Independent ^presidential candi­
are unusually interesting. To­
date, opened his transcontinen­
m orrow 's program will be under
tal speaking tour here with a flat
direction of the membership com­
prediction th at he would be elec­
m ittee and they are planning to
ted to the W hite Hou3e.
initiate a large num ber of new
He hailed as “ u tterly ridicul-
members at this time.
, ous’’ the statem ent of the R epub­
Initiation into the Chamber
licans and Democrats th a t his
is not a thing to be afraid of, and
LONDON, Oct. 6. — The B rit­ purpose in entering the presiden­
usually consists simply of an in­ ish cabinet has decided virtually tial race was to throw the elec­
troduction and opportunity to i to resign and to ask dissolution of tion into congress.
say a few words if desired. To- j the Commons after W ednesday’s
On this tour the Independent
m orrow ’s program however, will I session when the Torries’ notion candidate will include many of
be given over entirely to new of censure will be taken up, it the larger cities of the nation,
members and Ralph Kozer, Man­ was learned in semi-official cir­ ending up on the Pacific coast.
ager of the Ashland & Talent cles today.
Canneries will preside. Among
The cabinet will refuse the
the new members participating in Liberals’ request for an inquiry
the program will be A. C. Coggins, into the quashing of the ca3e
Pres. & Mgr. of the California against the Communist editor un­
Oregon Box & Lumber Co., Ash- less unforseen developments take
lands newest industry and W. C. place in the meantime.
B artlett Secy, and Treas., of the
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barrows, who t a i e w 9 Xw
same company, E. T. Allen, recent
here recently after being m ar­
purchaser and proprietor of the
MIDDLEBURG, Pa., Oct. 6.—
for an aerial honeymoon to
Hotel Ashland, C. J. Baughman,
W ith the suprem e penalty de­
Crescent City and other points,
chief of A shland’s fire dept., G.
manded for both, Mrs. Harvey
had many thrills in the trip, ac­
D. Mason who has successfully
Willow, 38, m other of two chil­
cording to a le tte r from Mrs. Bar-
promoted a splendid enterprise
dren, and Ralph Shadle, 17, her
The pupils of the local high rows.
in the Ashland Mausoleum, J. W.
They ran into a fog west of lover, will face trial here on Oc­
F razier who recently purchased school were give ninform ation
tober 8, for the m urder of Harvey
the Dennis Grocery & Feed busi­ Monday morning by Chief of Po­ Monumental and had insufficient Willow, the woman’s husband,
ness, Rev. J. G. Mergler, pastor,! lice McNabb and Prof. Briscoe as gas to re tu rn to Waldo. Not d ar­ whose body was found in the for­
of the Presbyterian church, Irv­ to what the traffic signals, rules ing to v enture down into the est with the head blown off* The
ing Finley who has returned to and signs are so as to avoid any clouds in this unknown country, m urder indictm ent is being asked
Ashland and renewed his mem­ accidents while the school po- they landed on a rocky hill about today.
bership, Clyde G. Malone, form er pils are enroute to or from school. 25 miles from Sm ith River, Cali­
W illow’s body was found last
McNabb told them to be care­ fornia.
captain of the local company, O.
9 by his dog and young
They were forced to camp out
N. G. who ha3 been in Honolulu ful of the right of way, infringe­
for a num ber of years ju st re­ ment on which causes many acci­ all night w ithout blankets or
turned and located in Ashland, dents. The city is preparing to food and the next m orning walked
and others whom the committee have a booklet printed, giving in to Smith River in a heavy rain.
expect to introduce at this time. these rules and regulations, which Mr. Barrows expects to retu rn
will be distributed among the pu­ horseback to the plane, clear a
It is the wish of the various pils.
roadway and pilot it out into open
committees th a t as many of the
The plane was not dam-
members as possibly can, will a t­ MANY CITIES IN N.
forced landing.
tend tom orrow 's Forum and ex­
tend greetings to these new com­
ers and new members of the
V otes to Pay H alf o f $ 5 0 0 0 to
Chamber of Commerce.
DUNSMUIR, Cal., Oct. 6,
H ave U niform ed Patrol at
G. Fidler and J. E. H auralty have
th e L. A. Meet
recently returned from a trip
through Siskiyou, Shasta and Te­
At the stated session of Hillah
MEETING TOMORROW hama counties, during which they
Temple, Mystic Shrine, held in
initiated steps tow ard forming La
Ashland, Friday evening, the
MEDFORD, Oct. 6. — A call Follette for President Clubs. They
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 6. — A principal subject under discussion
has been issued by the chairm an report they found many ready to
band of 300 well-armed bandits involved the questiofl of w hether
and secretary of the Republican join in this work.
Sunday held up a passenger train or not the Temple would under­
County Central committee for a
A ppointm ents Made
on the Ishm us-Tehuantepic rail? take to send a uniformed patrol
m eeting of all the precinct com­
A man was appointed at each
team and drum corps to the Im­
m itteem en, executive and women's town to carry on the work of way. killing 25 pers’ons, including
th e tra in ’s m ilitary guard. The perial Shrine session of 1925 to
advisory committees and all the forming these clubs.
be helfl at Los Angeles next June.
candidates to be held in the Med­
The two campaigners report bandits also looted the passengers
Many Shriners were present
ford hotel Tuesday Oct. 7th, to that movements to form clubs and rifled the mail, according to
M edford’, G rants Pass and
arrange for an active campaign have been started at Yreka, Mt. a d'spateh from Tabasco. A other points outside of Ashland
and to attend to other business. Shasta and Dunsmuir in Siskiyou strong federal force has been dis­ and there was a general senti­
As thi3 will probably be the county; and at Hastella, K ennett, patched to break the rebel gang.
m ent favorable to the formidable
last combined meeting of these Redding, A nderson' and Cotton-
undertaking, providing ways and
New P arcel P o st Service
committees it is urged th a t every w’ood in Shasta county; and in
means be found to finance the
The Ashland postoffice has re­
mem ber arrange to attend next Shasta, Red Bluff, Gerber and Los
ceived official notice of the es­ project, and to this end commit­
Molinos in Tehama county.
tees were appointed from Ashland
tablishm ent of insured parcel post
Medford and G rants Pass— J. H.
service between the United States
Fuller from Ashland, Jerry J e r­
and G reat B ritain and N orthern
ome from Medford, and Jas T
Ireland. Packages m ust not ex­
Chinnock from G rants Pass.
ceed 11 pounds in weight or six
It is estim ated th a t $5000
feet in weight and girth combin­
would be required to finance the
ed. The regulations issued for this
project in the m anner planned,
BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 6.— How threatens. It holds th a t only new service provide for indemn­
and of this Hillah Temple has
can peace and prosperity be re­ when the problem of reparations, ity up to $100, minimum insur­
guaranteed half from its own
stored in Germany and in Europe with the Experts; Report as a ance fee 15c, and maximum 50
through international co - opera­ basis, has been brought to a cents. The new service is now
The Im perial Shrine is one of
tion was the them e of the plans peaceful solution can the ques­ effective.
the most im portant annual fra ­
subm itted in the contest conduct­ tion of serviceable proposals for
ternal gatherings in the world
ed by Edward A. Filene of Bos­ the lasting securing of European FIRMS TO LEAVE
and it is felt by local members
ton in G reat B ritain, Qermany, peace have any practical m ean­
of the order th a t uniform ed rep­
France and Italy. Awards- of ing.
CHANGE IS MADE resentation at the coming Los
$10,000 were made in each coun­
For the perm anent pacification
Ange'.es session would not only
try. The plans subm itted from of Europe it m aintains th a t the
PORTLAND, Oct. G.— Unless
reflect favorably upon Hillah
France and G reat B ritain were economic sources of conflict must the Oregon income tax law is re­
Temple, but would prove a great
announced in September.
be eliminated or so restored th at pealed the Moore Packing com­ advertising stu n t for Rogue River
More than 15,000 plans were a decision by arms is needless. pany of Cordova, Alaska, and the
Valley and all Southern Oregon
subm itted from the various coun­ These conflicts must be reg u lat­ George Inlet Packing company of over which its membership is
tries. The award on the Ger­ ed through the development of a K etchikan will dissolve in Ore­ scattered.
man contributions were announc­ union of economic purpose in or­ gon. In all probability this ac­
ed today, with the first prize of der to clear away national econ­ tion will be followed by a tra n s­
$5,000 being divided between two omic rivalry, and prom ote the na­ fer of its business to Seattle and
tional existence of all members Tacoma, according to E. F. Moore,
The first prize Plan — Plan of the western and central Europ­ president of the two big packing
concerns, who has ju st returned
No. 1€8I, which divides with ean group of states.
Plan 1«31 the F irst Prize of $5,-
The most essential steps for se­ from Alaska. Mr. Moore, a resi­
000, states th a t the dictate of curity depend on the peaceful so­ dent of Portland, yesterday held
Versailles provides a breeding lution of the R eparations prob­ a long conference w ith John N.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 6. —
ground for new w ar; th a t no gen­ lem and the political perils bound Edlefsen, president of the Penin­
uine condition of peace has yet up with It, the abandonm ent of sula National bank and treasu rer The trial of Roland Pothier, who
begun, least of all in Germany, force m easures in the occupation of the two companies, in an ef­ is jointly accused with Qaptain
w here political and economic ten­ of the Ruhr, and in the immediate fort to discover If there was not Rosenbluth of the murder of
sion has reached a threatening solution of the arm am ent prob- some way to hold business in Major Cronkhite, will be resumed
Portland, as has been th e ir prac­ tomorrow. No court is being
point; and th a t behind a new
tice since the two companies were held today, Judge Cushman be­
w orld w ar a world
(Continued on Page 4 )
ing called out of the city.
tms issue io
German Peace Award Winners Are
Announced; First to Two Plans
\O R K , October b— Ilio Giants, after losing
Suntlax to the Senators 4 to
which evened the series,
took the odd game Monday,’ when they again defeated
the Washington National team, G to 4.
BENTON, 111., Oct. 6 — Glen
^oung, noted Kian dry raider and
center of the strife which has
WASHINGTON, October (>—The Senators won Snn-
Shadle, the farm hand. Shadle told made W illiamson county the scene
a cbherent story of having gone of several m urderous uprisings, da\ s game, 4 to 3. Hie batteries in Sunday’s game were:
hunting with Willow, and police has again assumed the le a d e rsh ip | Senators, Zasliery, Marhery and Ruel; Giants, lientlv and
in thn Wî 11 in
___ , «•
I rx
at first believed Willow had acci­ in the Williamson county liquor Gowdv.
dentally killed himself with his raids.
Young drove into Benton today
own shotgun.
NEW YORK, Oct. 6. — W ith a
W illow’s relatives, suspecting with three prisoners from H er­
parade of pitchers pass­
foul play, asked State police to rin, whom the ‘'deposed” Kian
the Giants this
investigate further. Through the raider claimed had been caught
to edge under
b itter cold of a m ountain W inter with “ white m ule” in their poss­
4 decision
and for three months during the ession.
. over the Senators in the third
Spring, officers worked on the
game of the serles. a belated
case. Finally they learned that
near the old Dollarhide toll gate
ashin«ton rally in the 9th, be-
Shadle and the dead m an’s wife
site up in the m ountains forfeit-
n,pped in the bud by John
were living together.
ed a $25 cash bond Monday morn-J Wat8° n ’6 worthy rPScue-pitching.
Late in July Shadle was a rre st­
ing when he failed to appear be-i
Spectacular «elding by Friwch
ed on the order of Trooper A rth­
fore Police Judge Baughman to i S3Ved the Giants ° n several oc'
ur Fox, who had been assigned
answer a charge of being drunk 1 casions’ lhe G lant’3 3econd base-
to investigate the affair. For ten
Roy Gregg, who was being held
1 man three times robbing Goslin
days Shadle stuck to his original in the local jail on suspicion of in this city Saturday evening.
Dollarhide was picked up in a of base hit?'.
stoiy, but finally be confessed having stolen a car which he was
A crowd of nearly 50,000 saw
when urged by a fellow prisoner driving, escaped Sunday when dazed condition and charged with the game, cheering both sidien
to “make a clean breast of it.” taken to a restau ran t for a meal. being drunk. He was released : with impartial fervor. The vic-
“She made me do it! ” the The car wa3 left behind and is on .a $25 cash bond to appear ! tory gives the Giant3 the edge of
young farm hand sobbed.
“ We in the hands of the local police. Monday morning, but he must the seri is, 2 to 1.
loved each other, and she said Gregg’s desire to beat it, is con­ have considered it better to lose
M arberry started pitching for
she didn’t care for Harvey, so I sidered sufficient evidence that the $25 and did not show up.
the Senators and McQuillan for
killed h im !”
the car did not belong to him
the Giants. Russel, Martin and
Shadle said th a t after he shot The police are communicating
Speech followed Mayberry on the
Willow deliberately, the latter with California authorities rela­
mound. Ryan, Jonnard and W at­
warned him to be careful of his tive to stolen cars.
son tolled with McQuillan for the
shooting, believing he was shot
accidentally. The farm hand said
he then walked to the wounded
man, placed the gun against his
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.__Wil- , Giants .................... 6
head and pulled the trigger.
liam Massey, American citizen
and term inal superintendent of
The Metropolitan Oil company,
has been m urdered at Tomo,
Mexico by a Mexican named Jo a­
quin Saenz, according to a dis­
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.— Presi­ patch received by the state de­
dent Coolidge, in form ally open­ partm ent from Jam es Stewart,
ing the annual meeting of the American consul at Tampico.
American Red
Cross, paid
The m urderer was arrested.
glowing tribute to the great in­ Massey is survived by a widow
F arm er R elief Is G ranted by stitution of mercy, declaring its and two children.
His home is
existence was a living proof at Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Board o f E q ualization on A ll
“ th at m aterialism is not the do­
T illab le Land
m inant motive in the people of
United States.”
The board of equalization of
Jackson county has made a 25
per cent reduction in the assess­
Mrs. Susan G. Blake, widow of
ment on all tillable land in Jack-
KLAMATH FALLS, Oct. 6. — Christian F. Blake, passed away
son county.
Fire started by the exhaust of a October 5, at the home of her
It seemed in going into the m at­ tractor burnled more than 400 son, Charles Blake at 148 Van
te r th a t the farm lands were pay­ acres of standing wheat in the Ness Ave.
ing too great a proportion of the Tule lake grain fields Saturday,
She is survived by her son,
taxes of the county in com pari­ causing a loss of more than $2,0,- Charles Blake of this city and
son to city properties, tim ber and 000, with less than $5000 in­ Mrs. William Addison of Inde-
merchandise, taking into consid­ surance. A big crew of farm ers pendence, Oregon.
Mrs. Blake
eration the sales value of farm succeeded in controlling the was the daughter of Aca Fordyce
properties and the rental value. flames which threatened to wipe and crossed the plains to this val
T 'Z x M J/E V ' K A R R I A .
Few farm s are renting for more out 8000 or 10,000 acres of grain. ley in 1853. She is wellknown
than enough to pay the taxes and
From 12 to 15 combined har­ here as a pioneer of this coun­ Y outhful nianag<>r of Senators,
w ho inspired liis m ates to craw l
the fu rth er reason th a t the larger vesters are rushing the Tule lake try.
of the «■«•liar class.
portion of the farm lands have harvest, which should be complet­
Funeral services will be held
been placed under irrigation dis- ed with continued fair w eather at 2:30 o’clock Tuesday a fte r­
tricts th a t have placed a bonded j about November 1.
noon from the J. P. Dodge and
Miss Alice Hanley and Mrs.
debt upon the land which makes
Sons funeral chapel.
Day Dex. of Jacksonville,
it impossible for the farm er to KLAMATH FALLS IS
Ashland yesterday visit­
m ortgage his property.
C. T. U. M eeting—
They are actively
.It was felt therefore th a t the
The W. C. T. U. will not meet connected with the arrangem ents
farm er should have some relief.
until Tuesday, October 14, con-
It is believed th a t the levy can W ith September building perm its trary to the statement which was for the coming annual reunion of
Southern Oregon Pioneers to be
be so arranged th a t it need be so am ounting to $230,000, the to­
held at Jacksonville, Thursday,
higher than the present levy, and tal for the first nine months of
in today’s paper. This was through Oct. 16th, for which the people
a program toward th a t end is now this year has reached $1,483,660 some m isunderstanding of dates.
of Jacksonville are making ex­
being worked out.
the greatest in the history of the as the regular meeting is a week
tensive preparations in the way
of a welcome to the o!d settlers.
This figure is five time that
of the total figure for last year.
m s O H WHEN
H om e B uilding, Too
W hile business structures form
the m ajor portion of the work,
much of the money has been spent,
for homes and apartm ents in an
effort to relieve
shortage which has been acute
here since early this Spring.
Very little work is in prospect
for the rem ainder of 1924, ex
perience teaching the futility of
starting operations here after this
month, unsettled w eather condi
tions usually causing a shutdown
until Spring.
6. —
President Coolidge this morning
witnessed the heckling of B riga­
dier General Hines, directôr' of
the veterans bureau, while the
la tte r was m aking a speech be­
fore the National convention of
the American Red Cross on the
efforts of the government care for
disabled veterans during the
world war.
The heckler was taken to a
governorship hospital for obser­ To Speak—
Rev. Jerom e C. Holmes, D.D.,
vation. He was Nikola Sezum,
Kobe, Japan, who is a mission­
age 45.
ary home on a three m onths’ fu r­
lough, will speak at the Congre­
This is state fire prevention gational church this evening. The
week and local fire officials are public is cordially invitedi
distributing pamphlets and put­
ting up stickers asking people to Wallowa— O. W. R. & N. railroad
assist in preventing fires.
company laying two side tracks.
Vast Array of Witnesses and Legal
Talent to be at Teapot Dome Hearing
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Oct. 6. —
When the equity suit of the
United States against the Mam­
moth Oil Company and H arry F.
Sinclair, et al., involving the Tea­
pot Dome lease, comes up for
hearing in the United States Dis­
trict Court in Cheyenne tomorrow,
there will be called as witnesses
probably the largest number of
persons th a t ever appeared to
give testim ony in a case coming
before a tribunal in Wyoming.
There will also appear, as coun­
sel for the parties involved, an
array of legal talent seldom equal­
ed and never surpassed In any
trial in a W estern court.
From all indications it Is be­
lieved th at not leas than 150 w it­
nesses will be brought before the
court, a large percentage of them
being noted geologists and ex­
perts in m atters of oil production
and in the geological formation
of oil-bearing structure?.
H arry F. Sinclair, head of the
Sinclair syndicate, to whom the
Teapot Dome lease was origin­
ally granted, has already been
subpoenaed by the Government
and probably also will appear as
a witness in his own behalf and
for the Mammoth Oil Company,
the concern organized by him to
drill the wells on the Teapot
Dome and take the oil therefrom .
Form er Secretary of the In­
terior Albert B. Fall and form er
Secretary of the Navy Edwin
Denby also are ^expected to be
present and testify.