PAÖF FU ASRLAVfc tU tî.Ÿ ftfc titö ä I, w > « W *1 » - r jlir lB iir m » m u M a >, Octobéf 4, 1M4 1— TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * >Mfc> U U ¿AV Imogene W allace, piano classes out the region is distinctly op­ Mr, 6.T& MW, moved therh frote, I begin September 25. For infor­ timistic. of Van Nuys, Calif., report the Calif., k b e re he Was engaged in mation phone 210-J or w rite Miss Coast Not So Good advent of a fine daughter, Emily farm ing for a num ber of years. I1 OR SALE— Good Universal Wallace, C entral Point. 13— tf ni — — T i — r n — ■■n— f r r ~ ................... ............... ~ ----------------- “ The Pacific Coast has been - C May, born on the first day of Oe- The business will be conduct* ; coai heater, good as new; Gas The seriously hu rt by drought and to A Dally Chronicle of those who come and go, and event* of <> j tober. One striking incident of ed under the name of the Med- ran £e > SfcU cheap, 244 Har- a lesser degree by frosts and the local Interest | the fact is th a t the m other and ford Co., and will also handle I W dine. 28— 2 P R O S P E R IT Y B E IN G foot and mouth disease. However, F E L T IN A L L A R E A S the coast taken altogether, pro­ grandm other were also both born eggs. FOR R E N T — lst-C lass fur- i Lee Watkiirs, who established on the F irst of October. Mr. Ed- duces a trem endous diversity of j nished apartm ent, with private; From P o rtla n d -» Stated Session WASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 4. ward Stannard and his wife, for-1 the business 14 years ago, says AT THE VINING bath, adults only, Phone 122. I The departm ent of agriculture things, and it will never be w ith­ J. W. McCoy returned yes­ merly Miss Nellie Beaver, are he has reached the age where he ■ Hillah Temple i out an income. It may not be terday afternoon from Portland, 29— tf | has made public a report from Masonic Hall both graduates of the A s h la n d 'm«st let up work and in the f u - 1 wide of the m ark to say th at the T u e., W ed ., T h u rs., Oct. The report s a y s 'tu re wil1 lim it his efforts to th e ' P. B. HERMAN, Potentate where he was called on business. | hlgh' s" hoo7 WANTED— 2 nd-hand, A B Genung’ agricultural econ- coast country is in ju st fair con­ 7-8-9—25c a n d 50c H DAY, Recorder. m other and daughter are doing seed business, which he conduct­ disc harrow. Must be in good con- omist of the dePartm ent, declar- dition this fall but, on the whole, Special Musical Score 27__2 In Ashland— ed in connection with the feed dttion. Inquire a t Provost H a r d - 'ing th a t a Sricultura is swinging does not seem in quite so good fine. H. E. Bisphan of Hornbrook toward par and not in five years store.— Medford Clarion. ware. 29— 4* shape as one year ago.” Returns— was visiting friends in Ashland has the United states presented Get my prices before you buy i F. J. Murphy has returned and Medford on Thursday. FOR RENT— 10 room partly so nearly a picture of balanced your Fall clothes— Paulserud’ from a week’s hunting trip in the furnished house, 111 3rd. 29— 2 prosperity as now. The report 26— We deliver the goods -Detricks ! Dead Indian district. was made after he had returned WANTED — Apple pickers. from a tour of the leading agri­ 94-tf B urton Dancing School, Mem­ Phone A. B. Chapman. 29— 2 cultural sections of the country. Best milk— L inlnger’s Dairy, orial Hall. Open daily. A fter- Recovering— “ Go into the south this fall a c s quart. Phone 296R and 369J. FOR RENT— Farm Buildings. noen 2 to 3, evening 7 te 9. Mrs. Parsons, who has been ill and you will be impressed with 26— tf 3 9 7 -ttl SACRAMENTO, Oct. 4.— F o r­ form er W illiams place, Belleview at her home on North Main street, 153 Granite its prosperity,” Mr. Genung est fires were out of control in D istrict, Geo. Yockel, R 1, box is reported to be slowly recover­ To Speak— From Moon’s C a m p - said. “ Last year went a long way ' three national forests in Super- 95-B. 29— 3* Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cleveland ing. to wipe out the pressing burden Rev. Jerom e C. HolmeSn D .D .Jio r California today RANCH WANTED of indebtedness. A nother cot­ will arrive in Ashland this eve­ of Kobe, Japan, who is a mission­ In Tahoe N ational Forest, a Complete line of Ashland Can- ton crop bringing >1,500,000,-' WANTED— To hear from own­ ning from Moon’s camp, and will ary home on a three m onths’ fur- new fire which* started yesterday 84-tf 1 lough, will speak at the Congre­ spend the week-end with Mrs j ntd Qp°ds a t Detricks. 000 cash plus a fairly good sea- j er of good, Ranch for sale. State between G raniteville and th e Cleveland’s parents, r. and Mrs. gational church Monday evening. Snowpoint Mine, was blazing with cash price, full particulars. D. F. son for truck crops, potatoes, rice Visiting Relatives— and small fruits, will put the J. E. Flfield. The public ls cprdially Invited. undiminished fury. It was re ­ Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. Mis3 Doris Bagley of Portland south into a very comfortable po­ 5-4 sat. ported a t the headquarters in ty p e w rite r/ls in Ashland visiting with her sition. General sentim ent through- Cllff Payne makes Nevada City today th a t the fire WANTED— 3 good Jersey cows. aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. tables. was apparently of incendiary or­ Must be reasonably priced. Also j W. Nims. She is well known igin.* Several buildings on the old young hens. Send prices to The here and has a good many friends Purchases Property— Quinn place, now occupied by th e K lam ath General Hospital, Klam­ We m inister to hum anity at both ends of the life line. to greet her. The Beaver Realty Company family of J. Lewis, are th reaten ­ ath Falls, Oregon. Our second floor is Stork headquarters. Mrs. W. E. Moor, I 29— 2 reported the sale of the E. S. W il­ graduate nurse, is in attendance at each arrival. Our price ed« Cascade Pound Paper1, 2 lbs.,' is >4.00 per day. No extras. lis property at 715 Pennsylvania The Central House fire in Ta- WANTED— Experienced waiit-1 61c— c sale next week, McNair' The Southern Oregon Clinic,' hoe forest was reported under ress a t Nelda Cafe. avenue to C. T. Morris. We board the aged and the invalid, giving needed per­ 29— 1 Bros. sonal care and do all in our power to make life pleasant for who have their headquarters inj control. our guests. Our price is >15.00 per week an up, depending FOR SALE— An excellent Vic- Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. Nite. Medford, have opened a branch A lnrge quantity of unusually upon care. num erous records. office in the F irst National Bank valuable tim ber Is being destroy­ tro la and 18— 2 R eturn H o m o - In our living room are blooming plants, canary birds, Building in Ashland, with the ed by two fires in Plum as Na­ Reasonable price; apply 140 Or­ Mr. and Mrs. D. Perozzi have gold fish, cabinet of curios from “ all over,” lots of books, ange St. 29— tf Buys Property— idea of carrying on the work tional Forest. The fire which leading papers and magazines, and Victrola with cho’ce rec­ returned home from Portland here. The Carson Fowler Lumber for two days has been burning ords. On our diet trays will be found the best the m arket FOR SALE— 1923 Ford R un­ affords. Company has purchased through where they have been visiting The Clinic is composed of Dr. over the H utehinson Lum ber F o r E v e r y C a r about. Also choice two milk cows, th e Beaver Realty Company the friends and relatives for several R. W. Stearns, Surgeon and /Gy­ Company property near the cheap. 455 Mt. Ave. Phone 341. weeks. They took Miss Lucile property located at the corner of necologist; Dr. R. E. Green, Plum as-B utte line, today was re­ Perozzi to Eugene to enter school 29— 2 F irst and A streets. Diagnosis and Internal Medicine, ported much improved. The con­ and went to Portland from there. ■*r and Dr. R. W. Sleeter, Pediatri­ flagration in the Swayne Lum ­ Nyal get acquainted sale next ber Company holdings, however, W atch our ads and handbills cian and O bstetrician. Each man reek. E lharts. 29— 1 is still sweeping through virgin for bargains— c sale— next Thurs. is doing general practice even tim ber. It was expected to be F o r E v e ry C a r though the group plan is m aking Frl., and Sat. Property Sold— under control by night. it possible for the m embers of the The Ed Haldfleld property on Of the fire still burning in clinic to specialize as stated above. Now Market— E ast Main street has been pur­ LAST TIMES TODAY Dr. R obert W. Stearns who Shasta N ational Forest, the Cold A new m eat m arket has been Springs blaze, which has been chased by W. H. Paul. The deal came from Iowa, graduated from started a t the B utler building on burning for several days, was was reported by the Beaver Real­ Fourth street by Mark True and the Iowa S tate University, and practically surrounded today and ty Company. B urt Roberts. The building has from the N orthw estern Medical F o r EVfery C a r school, since which tim e he has ■ meQ were beln& removed. The been recently renovated and re ­ practiced in Medford. He has had Nosony Creek flam es- however,! Complete line of new ready-to- painted and a first class m arket A C hance T o K n e w Q u a lity M e rc h a n d ise Post-G raduate work at th e Har-I were reported advancing rapidly 1 w ear Suits and O’Coats. We are will be established there. tailors and can fit you. — Paul- vard Medical school and with the last night. No word had been A C h an ce T o S a v e On Q u a lity M e rc h a n d ise received from th ere a t the forest sorud’s. 26— tf Mayo B rothers at Rochester, Mrs. C. O. Holman has opened headquarters in Quincy today. Six W A TC H FO R FU R T H E R ANNOUNCEM ENT renovating and rem odeling p ar­ Minn. During th e war he served SUN. & MON. Save >10.00, walk upstairs to lors a t 435 B St., in connection at Camp Lewis and in the U. 9. small fires are burning in the F o r E v e ry C ar forest w ithout doing serious dam­ Orres tailor shop. 17— tf ’with her high grade dressm ak­ General hospital at F ort Ontario, Toilet Goods— age. Books and ing. F irst class alternations, tail­ N. Y. Drug Sundries Stationery To L a k e - The fire which late yesterday Dr. Ralph E. Green from Iowa, or style, on ladies’ and gents’ Mrs. Emma Oeder went to the is a graduate of Rush Medical, was threatening the towns of In- Lake of the Woods Friday to stay clothes. Old garm ents made like college. A fter a year la the St. « « and Belta Vlata- Shaa 0 new. F irst class service. Phone F o r E v ery C ar w ith Mrs. R obert Vining while Mary’s Hospital at Milwaukee, he' 81111 waa buralDg. ‘od8y but 467-J. 26— wed-sat. ' the towns were out of danger. Mr. Vining goes to Portland and spent 18 months studying in Three farm houses and a ra il­ Beattie on a short business trip. Europe, returning to the Rush Deal Closed— road trestle were destroyed in Medical college as an instructor the fire yesterday. Dance, H ot Springs, Sat. Nite. x The deal has ju st been closed of medicine. Before coming to on the Allie R. K arberg prop­ 28— 2 erty on Nob Hill which has been Medford he was consultant and Monday L ast Night— F o r E v e ry C ar purchased by Guy T. Applewhite. surgeon for 13 years in th e Cres­ The F rank and King show, Hotel Redecorated— ton Hospital of 78 beds. which is playing a t the local The Ashland Hotel dining room The sale was reported by E. E. Dr. Ralston W. Sleeter is also Armory, will end their playing Phipps. has been redecorated and new from Iowa, and graduated from here Monday evening, after which lights installed, which greatly improves the appearance of th e Mitchels, Auto tops, curtains, the Iowa State University Medical they will go to W ashington for F o r E v e ry C ar room. O ther improvem ents are Pa,nGn& and upholstery work, College. He hag practiced in an engagem ent. •ontem plated. 282 H- Maln- 22— 6t Rockford, Iowa, for 15 years w here ho conducted his own p ri­ vate hospital. He has attained Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ R eturns— several post-graduate courses at H. H. E lh art returned this ity Bread, from the oven over the H arvard Medical College. F o r E v e ry C ar the counter, 8 and 12c. 22— 6 afternoon from Roseburg where The Southern Oregon Clinic he has been spending several days O c to b e r 5 th , 1924 If you have plants, bulbs on business. L ittle Billy E lh art has the best of x-ray and labora­ kbrubs, trees or seeds and have accompanied him as far as Sar­ tory equipm ent for diagnostic S p e c ia l S u n d a y D in n e r no way of delivering them a t the dine Creek and is visiting his work which will be available at civic club house for their rum ­ grandm other, Mrs. Kimball, there. all times. The office will be -T3 open every afternoon from 2 until mage sale on tho ten h and elev­ F o r E v e ry C ar If you w ant to save, get one of 5, except Sunday and communi­ 12:00 to 2 5:30 to 8 enth of this month, call Mrs. Nininger, I53R or Mrs. Pierce, Paulserud’s suits and overcoats. cation with any of the doctors 26— tf can be had by calling 238-R.— 147-J. 29— 1 Adv. Consomme Royal Have Returned— Briggs Family Returns— Mr. and Mrs. J. N. D ennis have A S H L A N D M E N B U Y City A ttorney W. M. Briggs, Hearts of Celery wife and two children returned returned home from a three week M E D F O R D F E E D ST O R E Stuffed Olives F o r E v e ry C ar - - - S aturday morning from Louis­ trip at the Salem state fair and ville, Ky., where Mrs. Briggs and other points north. They rep o rt­ A. C. Crews and Wm. Hobbs, Fried Chicken, residents of Ashland, have p u r­ children have been visiting. ed a very enjoyable time. (Country Gravy) chased the business and leased W hile on the eastern trip, Mr. Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. Nite. the building of the Lee W atkins Briggs visited in Chicagdt Mem­ Baked Ham, 2 8— 2 Co. Feed Store, 397 South F ro n t phis and other cities. (Sweet Potatoes) street, and took possession yes- F o r E v ery C ar .terday. Mr. Crews, senior mem­ R o a s t C h ick e n Sweat eream to r whipping and To Broadcast S p e e c h - B urton K. W heeler, United ber of the firm , has been con­ softs»— -«Iso fresh m ilk, always (Italian Style) oa lee a t the Plaza. 239— tf States Senator of Montana, will nected with the Ashland Mills for Arbutus speak In Portland. Tuesday, Oct. several years, is well acquainted Mashed Potatoes 7. His speech will be broad­ with the feed business and is a To Klamath Falls— Vanishing A large num ber of Ashland casted and all parties wishing to citizen of the highest type. Mr. Corn (Au Gratin) boys and Coach Hughes and B. C. hear him are to tune in a t 9 Hobbs has been a resident of Ash- Cream Forsythe left this m orning for p. tn. C lu b S a la d K lam ath Falls where they will No agent In Southern Oregon Lemon - Pie - Loganberry w itness the G rants Pass-K lam ath 50c—tw o fo r 51c R eg. p ric e 60c—2 fo r 61c can write better Auto insurance Falls game which is to be played or at lower rates than the Staples Coffee Iced Tea Milk there this afternoon. Agency. < ► 1 I Local * P erso n al fiotes b i i i CO VERED WAGON 7 THREE FORESTS HAVE FIRES IO THFSOUTH C O N V A LESC EN T HOME MEDICAL CLINIC TO At LEEDOM’S TIRES ALWAYS Strömberg Carbure- tors- “The Fighting Blade” Farran-Oid Fan Belts ' NYAL Get Acquainted SALE Warren Gear and Pinions ELHART’S Detroit Springs Thermoid Brake Lining Washburn Valves Dr. Oeser and Son OESER’S ASHLAND SERVICE STATION 30 by 31-2 Cords $ 8 .2 5 Timkin Bearings Hotel Ashland Hand and Head Gaskets Here’s a mystery play that IS a mys­ Tire Rod Bolts and tery! Our hat’s off Bushings to you if you solve it. Bobbed-hair ladies American Hammer­ ed Rings who want to stay bobbed, stay away from this picture. It’s a hair-raiser! SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER The PLAZA USED CAR BARGAINS Nash Touring ......... $850 Good condition, good rub­ ber, good top, excellent motor, never been abused F o r d S e d a n ................ $400 Has R uckstell axle, good rubber, engine in good condition, w orth more .money. F o r d T o u r i n g ............$125 Automotive Shop Agencies: Dodge and Chevrolet Do you still shiver around the stove and suffer discomfort when a sudden cold snap comes, like your grandparents had to? They could not do any better! But, now-a-days steam, hot water and va­ por heating systems offer economical tomfort and health protection, at far less cost in fuel and work. Heat by Radiators has advantages that make for an increase in sale or rental value. The added worth of radiator heat is much greater than it costs. Radiators make it no longer necessary to live in “ the room where the fire is.” Every room can he independently heated. In unused rooms the heat can he turned off; yet promptly turned on again at any need. All these advantages are secured with a mini­ mum amount of firing attention and fuel consump­ tion. In fact, the fuel saved, will, in a few years, pay for having radiator heat installed. Let us plan this economical comfort for you. p Ä NEXT JERRY O’NEAL Heating 207 E. Main W EEK ONE CENT SALE 3 DAYS ONLY—Thurs., Fri., Sat. Jonteel Leedom’s Tire House “E N J O Y W A R M T H AND C O M FO R T ” 75c M enu 75c Special Auto Accident Policy for >5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo Purchased Property— of conrse. 34-tf N. E. Bond and wife have p u r­ A PPETIZER chased the S. A. Arnold property Glass of Suncrush Orange To Play K. Falls— on the Pacific Highway ju s t ou t­ SOUP Chicken Noodle The high school football eleven side the city limits. They have SALAD of G rants Pass will play K lam ath moved on the property and are Shrimp w ith Mayonnaise Falls today. They have been proceeding w ith improvements. RELISH drilled steadily for the past week They will build a modern bunga­ Ripe Olives Dill Pickles Choice of— and are in good condition for the low and install a w ater and light­ game, according to the G rants ing system. They are from Baked Young Oregon Turkey, C ranberry Sauce Pass Courier. A large num ber of K lam ath Fall«. The deal was re ­ Fried H alf Spring Chicken, G. P. rooters are also going over ported by the E. E. Phipps Real­ A La Maryland. Roast Chicken with Dressing th e m ountain to root for the ty Company. Veal Porterhouse Steak, team . Cream Gravy Snowflake Potatoes In Ashland— Sugar Corn L et ns fill your pall with Swifts Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ashley of T-Biscults and Toast Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than Chicago are in Ashland- for a few DESSERT sh o rte n * ^ . Goes fa rth e r and ls Choice of— m ore nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf days and are a t the M. C. W heel­ Pum pkin Pie er home on North Main street. F ru it Home-made Jello with Whipped Cream Bask<*t Dinner— W hile in Ashland the couple ac­ Chocolate, Vanilla or Straw ­ There will be a basket dinner cidentally met Mr. and Mrs. Bert berry Ice Cream. the C hristian Church tomorrow Moses, who they knew in New Coffee Tea Milk noon, to be followed by a church York. They are touring the coast 12 NOON TO 8 P. M. m eeting in the afternoon. Every­ and state th a t A shland is the one is asked to be present as some “ finest spot th a t they have seen vary im portant business te to , y e t ” They a re thinking of locat- i lug here. * - rs*.- - I VAI,VOLINE OIL The Ashland Service Station Cold Cream Face Powder 50c Cocoa Butter Lemon Cream ................... 2 fo r 51c 35c Rexall Shaving Cream ............................ 2 f o r 36c 50c Puretest Peroxide, 16 oz............................ 2 fo r 51c 50c Milk of Magnesia, 16 oz............................ 2 fo r 51c $1.00 Symphony Lawn Stationery............. 2 fo r $1.01 50c Lord Baltimore Linen ............................ 2 fo r 51c 50c Cascade Pound Paper ............................ 2 f o r 51c $2.25 Maximum Hot Water B o ttle ........... 2 f o r $2.26 35c Guaranteed Tooth B ru sh ........................ 2 f o r 36c 10c Creme Oil Soap ...................................... 2 fo r 11c 50c White Pine Tar DENTAL CREME Large Tube 50c, 2 fo r 51c 2 fo r 51c McNAIR BROS.