Aâflwm ßAHt «tbtíroB FACT Classified Column CkLuiified Column Rates One cent the word each time. To run every Issue for one month or more, H e the word each time. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS OR. HAWLEY— /.bove office. Phone 91. S o e ie ty Tidings A WORD TO THE WISE DR. C. W. HANSON Dentist At the clubhouse of the Civic, Special attention given to pyor- Every fall there is a T hrift Sale— FOR RENT ___________ rhoea. Office upstairs in Beaver Does your family need clothing? FOR RENT— 7 room furnished, Block. Phone 178-J. 233-tf. i ° o you yearn for food or flowers, Would you grab some wonderous modern residence, close in. Phone bargains 265-J. 28— 2* DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Pyac- tice lim ited to eye, ear, nose ano j n utensils for your household— FOR RENT— 4 room furnished th ro at X-ray including teeth. j n adornm ent for your person? apartm ent; good garage; adults Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 tc only, 1101 Blvd. 28— tf 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, I Dash you to the Civic Club house Ore. On the tenth of this October, FOR SALE On the ten th and eleventh DR. E. B. ANGELL— Chiropractic You will find w hat you are seek- FOR SA L E — Good Universal and Electro-Therapy. Office lng. coal heater, good as new, 244 phone 48; residence 142. First Hargadine. 28— 2 Do not fail in your attendance, National Bank building. Treasures lure from every table, FOR SALE o r EXCHANGE— At the T hrift Sale in October. MONUMENTS for V ictrola— rifle, shot gun or! * * * equal value, 8 gal. roof paint, ASHLAND GRANITE CALENDAR OF EVENTS heating stove, toilet, chemicals for MONUMENTS Monday, Oct. 6. Ashland Study same, 2 lamps, 22 rifle, etc., 705 Blair Granite Co. Club holds first m eeting of the Penn Ave. 28— 3* PENNISTON, Manager year at the home of Mr3. J. W. Office 175 E. Main McCoy on Oak street. Roll call, To Trade for Portland Property. .. Chinese W ar Notes.” 2:30. Res. Phone 444-Y About two acres of splendid Tuesday, Oct. 7. Civic Club full bearing fruit, principally 4NY GIRL IN TROUBLE— May meets at club house at 2:30. In ­ Cherries, Peaches, Apples and communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army a t , h . I ‘’.n,Kr,am Ev'!ryone is Berries, good house and barn, urged to attend. owner moving to Portland, wants W hlteShleld Home, 565 May- W ednesday, Oct. 8. Ju n io r High to exchange for property there. fair Ave., Portland. Oregon. Circle P. T. A. meets at Junior Value a t $4000.00 all clear of High School. PLANING MILL encumberences, see BEAVER Thursday, Oct. 8. Ladies Elks REALTY CO. for fu rth er infor­ JORDON’S SASH AND CABINET Club meets in club room for regu­ mation. WORKS, Cor. Helman and lar card party. F irst meeting of. 26— 6t Van Ness. 19^tf year. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 10 Another Bargain TRANSFER AND EXPRESS 5-room modern house 1 1-2 Whittle Transfer & Storage Co. and 11. Civic Club will hold an- mfkl rum m age sale at club house. blocks from high school. Price for SERVICE. Don’t forget to donate anything $1500.00, for quick sale. 1-2 cash Experienced movers and pack­ you may not need. balance long time, 6 per cent. ers of household goods. Deal­ • • • 5 room modern house, lot ers In coal and wood. Phone Do You Know?— 100x150 Garage, chicken house. 117. Do you know th a t the City of Price $3100, for quick sale. Good Office 89 Oak St. near Portland has already booked terms a t 6 per cent. See W. W. Hotel Ashland twenty-five conventions for the Robison, 63 N orth Main St. T ?L . POWELL— General Trans- co“ ing ye?r? Do you know th a t most of thi3 MISCELLANEOUS fer— Good team and motor large representation from all over trucks. G x)d service at a rea- MISCELLANEOUS— Swiss W atch­ the country will pass through eonab?e price. Phone 83. m aker, W atch repairing done Ashland? reasonable and guaranteed. Close Do you know th a t many other FEHIGE-ROACH tim ing on railroad watches. thousands of tourists are likely T ransfer — Express — Storage Maurice A. Lassen, 217 N. Main. to make Ashland a stopping place 26— 6* Hauling — Dray work of all during the coming season? ____ kinds. Quick motor service. Dry Do you know th a t it behooves GET YOU STOVE repaired at , wood of all kinds. Phone 410-R every property owner in Ashland Eagle Foundry. Boch Magnlto 375 B. St. 112-tf to put th e best foot forw ard in a Rad la te r and Stoves for sale. 140 determ ined effort to beautify the FLORIST Oberlin St. 306-1 mo.* city in the way of well-kept SAY IT WITH FLOWERS PIANO instruction, by exper lawns, blossoming shrub3 and From ienced teacher. Beginners prefer­ plants, in planting trees and in red, Mrs. H S. Aikins. Phone I Hutt'her A Benson, Floral & Seed m aint a jning a t all tim es a clean, 3— lm o , C°-. tem porary location 399 attractive andixbeautiful city and 441J. Mountain Ave. Cut flowers and go obta in not only deserved per- Goats Bred by registered floral designing. Phone 118. 9-moj sonal credit but reputation th a t buck, with 8 1-2 qts. milk strain, will put Ashland on the map for low charges. Goat Farm 2 1-2 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS all time? miles south on Pacific Highway. Do you know th a t the women G. W. Milam 14— 1 mo.* of the Civic Club are asking do­ Independent WANTED: — Plain sewing, Candidate for County School nations of trees, shrubs, plants 25-6* Superintendent of Jackson Coun- i and seeds to be disposed of at 400 Liberty St. , their coming T h rift sale to en­ ty, Oregon. WANTED: — Wells to drill, able you to assist in this m atter, for short time only, am passing as well as to help provide funds th ru with drilling machine. Ad­ ; for the m aintenance of the club dress Box X care of Tiding3. th at it, too, may show forth a 27— 3* proper public spirit. v * * For a smooth shave ! I*. T. A. Council Meets— and quick service go The Parent-T eacher Council to the Shell Barber held a meeting at the Public Li­ brary at 2:30 yesterday a fte r­ Shop. Ladles and noon, with a very good atten d ­ children get your hair SALEM, Oct. 3. — Governor ance. Reports were given by the bobbed and marcel Pierce, in a proclam ation issued presidents of the three circles, led. today, urged Oregon citizens to Mesdames Berg, GeBauer and W. A. SHELL, Projj. observe Fire Protection week, . Ruger. Each one told of the pro­ >32 A. St. Ashland, Ore October 5 to 11. gress of their individual circle, ‘‘The waste of property by especially mentioning the mem­ burning in the United States d u r­ bership drive which is being con­ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT ing 1923 reached a total higher ducted in the schools. Mrs. A. In the County Court of the than any recorded since 1906, C. Joy then gave an excellent talk S tate of Oregon, for Jackson when the San Francisco conflag­ j on the Boys and Girls club work, ration occurred, the aggregate County. reviewing the success of the In the M atter of the E state of values destroyed approximately clubs at the county and state $508,000,000, and in addition D. F. Jackson, Deceased. fair. She stated th a t a good Notice is hereby given th a t the there wa3 serious loss of life by many children are eager to go undersigned, adm inistrator of the fire,” the proclamation read. into club3, but there are not ‘‘Our own state bore its pro­ above estate, has filed his Final Aeoount in said county court, and portionate share of this huge toll, enough club leaders. She urged th a t Monday the 20th day of Oc­ notw ithstanding the preventabil- th at all who find it at all pos- ALL TO OßSE tober 1924, at ten o’clock a. m., and the court room of said Court, a t Jacksonville, Oregon, has been appointed, by the Court, as the tim e and place for hearing ob­ jections to said Final Account, and the settlem ent thereof. Date of first publication, Sep­ tem ber 13, 1924 B. E. Smith, A dm inistrator. 11— 5 Sat. TH E SOUTHERN OREGON CLINIC 1st N ational Bank Bldg. Medical Surgical Obstetrical Diagnostic X-ray R. W. Stearns, M. D. R. E. Green, M. D. R. W. Sleeter, M. D. Office hours 2-5 p. m. Phone 238-R ity of most fires. “ Since the m ajor portion of ILIOUSNESS the loss of human life and ma­ Inactive liver, sour stomach, sick headache, costiveness, terial w ealth could have been destroy both mental and avoided by reasonable precaut­ physical efficiency. ions, it is evident th a t we can, Tlese disorders easily yield to by concerted action, prevent the continuance of this large and un­ C H A M B E R L A IN ’S TABLETS necessary burden. Pleasant and effective— o n ly 2 5 cent» “ Civic bodies of all kinds, in­ cluding cham bers of commerce, women’s clubs and business or­ ganizations, school officials, the American Red Cross, Boy Scouts and other organizations, are en­ deavoring to curtail the toll of preventable fire and they should be accorded unanimous coopera­ tion. “ I hope th a t the churches, ’ through sermons and addresses, and the newspapers by editorial attention will join hands to im -! pre3s upon the public the econ- ■ on>ic and hum an aspects of the i situation created by our willful ■ * burning. American efficiency should not tolerate such a read­ ily eliminable drain - upon our m aterial resources.” sible to do so, be club leaders and help this worthy cause. Mrs. Joy will be glad to talk any time to any one and explain the work. Mrs. Louis Dodge, chairm an of better films, gave an outline of the work on this subject. Mr. H urst has always cooperated with the as£ociation and has done all th a t he has been able to do to get good films here. A splendid list has been booked for this win­ i ter, and the P. T. A. will make an effort to advertise them and encourage attending these better pictures. Mrs. Nims reported th a t the party to the teachers had been postponed until October 17. It was voted to send Mrs. Dodge, I sta *e vied^-president of the P. T. A., as a delegate to the conven­ tion in October with all expenses paid. • • • Entertain« Junior Officers— The Ju n io r C hristian Endeav­ or officers were entertained Tues­ day evening of this week at a delightful six o’clock dinner by th eir superintendent, Miss Estel- la M. Hays. Plans for the coming year were talked over and the goals they hope to reach were explained. The regular m eeting for Ju n ­ ior Endeavor will be next Sunday afternoon at four P. M. The mis­ sion study for the year will be China. x * * • To Speak Tuesday— Miss Grace Cham berlain, vice- president of the Oregon Federa­ tion of W omen’s Clubs will occupy the program hour at the Oct. 7 m eeting of the Civic Club, giving her impressions of the wonder­ ful Los Angeles m eeting which she attended as an officer from Oregon. Many others than members of the club, will be interested to hear this address, and a cordial invitation is extended to every one to attend this program . The afternoon is given over entirely to this report and th e members are anticipating it with a great deal of pleasure. The commit­ tees for the T hrift Sale to occur October 10 and 11 will be an ­ nounced the first of the week. • * * Reception— The home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H o s le y on T h i r d street was the scene of a very pleasant inform al'reception in honor of th eir son, Mr. Don Wells and his recent bride Thursday evening. The couple arrived from P o rt­ land, the home of the bride, this week. The bride is a very a t­ tractive and accomplished young lady, form erly Miss Beatrice Lhanom. The gathering ^consisted of relatives and other neighbors and form er friends of Mr. Wells, eighteen in number. The event was in the form of a surprise on the happy couple The cozy bungalow* was tastefu l­ ly arranged and decorated with beautiful flowers. Five hundred was enjoyed unti4 a late hour, when delicious refreshm ents were served. The guests, after wish­ ing the young couple all the bles- PORTLAND, Oct. 3. — John S. Coke, United States district a t­ torney in the N inth district, has wired his resignation to President Coolidge. L etterheads. statem ents, t o your order a t the Tidings Office. We have a good job printing de­ partment. tf sfngs of success the world could these services in the Congrega- Sunday school 9:45 a. in. Morn- bestow on them , adjourned to tional church. ' ing worship 11:00. Communion th eir num erous homes. Many , Service and baptism of infants. beautiful and useful presents The Baptist Church Jun io r C. E. 4:00 p. m. Senior Methodist Episcopal Church were tendered the bride. "W hat Made the Walls of Jer- i C. E. at 7:0o. Evening service at S. J. Chaney, Minister Mr. and Mrs. Wells motored to ico F a ll? ’’ Theme for morning | 8:00. Tha Sunday School will meet Klam ath Falls where Mr. W ells! service. The evening will be an Fall Rally Supper at 6:00 Wed Classes are provided evangelistic service. Good music. nesday, Oet. 8, for members and is engaged in the barber busi-j at 9:45. ness, &nd where he has a new for all ages and all are welcome. A place for real spiritual quick­ ’friends. home prepared for his bride. Mrs. There were 268 present at the ening. The Bible school meets Roy Hosley, the groom’s m other Sunday School hour last Sunday. at 9:43. Next Lord's day, is ra l­ C h u rc h o f C h ris t and Mrs. Lena Breeding will a c -: At the morning church service ly day. If you are a member of Great service last Lord’s Day. company them, returning Satur­ the pastor will speak and the the school come if you can. If Big bible school and nine ad­ Sacram ent of the Lord's Supper not and you are not attending ditions to the church. day. Baptis­ • * * will be adm inistered. There will elsewhere, you are invited and mal services at both morning and be special music. “ Who Won the will be cordially welcomed. We j evening service. Entertain At Dinner— or Out - Running have a Bible study in Genesis The home of Mrs. W. H. Mo- Olympics? Next Sunday morning after O thers” will he the pastor's sub­ Tuesday evening. 7 p. m., follow­ Bible school a program of “ Re- w att was the scene of a very de­ lightful dinner party given ject for the evening church ser­ ed by a prayer band. Wednesday 1 ligious Journalism ” will be pre­ Thursday evening in honor of Mr. vice. There will be an opening evening midweek prayer meeting. sented in the sermon. ’“ The and Mrs. C. J. Day who are here song service led by the orchestra Other services announced from Church Paper and The Church from Honolulu. A delicious d ip -, and the chorus choir. “ Having I pulpit. ’ Member", a paper on “ Journal- ner was served and a pleasant ! a Good Time” is the topic for R. C. Miller, Pastor • ism,” w ritten for this occasion evening followed. Mr. and Mrs. i the Epworth League meeting at j by Mr. Green of the Ashland Tid- Day have traveled extensively and 6:15 Sunday evening. All are I ings will be read also. This ser­ Trinity Episcopal Church are now on their way home_after cordially invited to all the m eet­ Vicar the Rev. P. K. Hammond vice is to emphasize the import- a trip to Europe. They told in ings at the Methodist church. Holy Communion at 8 a .m. j ance of the Re’igious Journal to a very interesting way about Church School at 9:45. Morning I the membership of the church. many of their experiences. F irst Congregational Church Service and Sermon at 11. Even­ 1 Lets Go. The C. E. society is boil­ The guests of th e evening were W. Judson Oldfield, Minister ing Service and Sermon at 7:30. ing with interest and energy. Messrs, and Mesdames. Wiiliam Boulevard and Main street. Strangers and visitors most cor­ They meet at 6:30 p. m. Evening Day, D. P. Blue, G. J. Day and ! Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with dially welcomed. sermon “ Christ Preem jnent In the host rn d hostess, i»»r. and Mrs. classes for all grades and ages. His Church.” W. H. Mowatt. Bring your Bible. Morning ser­ F irs t C h u rc h o f C h ris t S cien tist Cor. 2nd and B St. * » ♦ vice at 11; subject “ A Double Pioneer Ave., South Paris Style Hint— Aspect of The Kingdom of Sunday service at 11 o’clock. MEEKER IS ENJOYING PARIS, Oct. 4.— The “ tbnsil- Heaven.” Junior Christian En­ Subject of lesson “ U nreality.” AIR TRIP TO OHIO itls” style is the newest wray to deavor at 5 p. m. Christian En­ Sunday School at 10 o’clock. adapt the fashionable scarf which deavor at 6:8.0. Evening service W ednesday evening meeting at NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Oct. shows no signs of losing its pupu- at 7:30; subject “ Parables T urn­ 8 o’clock. 3. - - Lieutenant Oakley Kelly larity. ed To Account.” Prayer meeting Reading Room open daily from and Ezra Meeker, grand old mau Finding an original and sm art every W ednesday evening at 7:30. 2 until 5 P. M., excepting Sun­ of the Oregon trail days, hopped way to w ear the article continues The subject for the next week is days and holidays. off at S o’clock this morning for to be an im portant problem for “Obedience to The Commandment I Dayton, Ohio. Meeker declared the Parisienne. One would almost The Proof of Discipleship.” The Presbyterian Church before the hop-off that he was think th a t every possible w*ay had public is cordially invited to all J. C. Mergler, Minister ' feeL'ng fine and enjoyed the trip. been discovered w’hen here comes along the ton3ilitis swathing, which looks like something dif­ ferent. It goes aro«5d the throat once or twice, with the ends brought around, forming a kind of cravat in the front. For these B elo w y o u w ill f in d th e c o rre c t G u id e ,'* p re p a re d by th e S h er» chilly Summer days it is not at all p a in t , v a rn is h , e n a m e l o r s ta in w in - W illia m s C o m p a n y as a de» amiss, and no m atter if it were to use o n y o u r floors. p e n d a b le h e lp in a ll fin is h in g as hot as it ought to be, what T h e s e re c o m m e n d a tio n s are w o rk . See t h e c o m p le ts “ G u id e " ta k e n fr o m th e “ H o u s e h o ld woman would not suffer to be a t th is s to re . beautiful? AT THE For Shabby Floors At Ashland— Miss Georgeanna Clift and Mi3s Fannie Stoops enjoyed a pleasant Sunday in Ashland visiting with friends and relatives. Miss Clift Is employed at K lam ath Falls. TO STAIN n TO PAINT porch MORTON 1 homelike ] EZEZnS HOSPITAL Our expert doctors and surgeons, 240 East Main St. Burton K, Wheeler Vice President S .W hkc tru th t the n c c cnan.cl nau C o n o r ie F lo o r F in is h ; f U>*-» durable S-W an<* Paine Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “In the Heart of Town” excellent food, and quiet surroundings • bring you real health. V MM FMM S T R U T ,S A N FRANCISCO, CAUF. announces annual Bargain Æuâscrlptlon o ffer $1206.20 in Prizes! S1.00 qpHE Ashland Electric Supply * Sta loci ti* forw hircu -- [lo u t TO ENAMEL Uw t»»odxct nntwro brio**1 — _ _ . ■ t‘i Pa■ ni i ln in io i (w»°«l) FOR YOUR ÓLD IRON on the purchase of a $5.00 Edison Electric Iron. NET $3.95 FOR YOUR OLD COFFEE POT on the purchase of a $6.75 Edison Hotpoint Perco­ lator. NET $5.75 Bring in—No m atter how old or dilapitated p,od»rodn«< nanu-a^l^L .05 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR U. S. DISTRICT ATTY. WIRES RESIGNATION Satinilaj*, October 4, 1024 O reg o n ’s B e st N ew sp a p er The Portland Telegram is second to none in the Pacific Northwest for complete, up-to-the-minute, depend­ able news. This is Election Year and you will especially need FIRST reliable un­ prejudiced news of your State, the Nation and the whole world. The Telegram has provided for nation-wide representation bureaus with leased wire service in order to assemble the pertinent movements of State, Government and National politics. But not only in the political field is The Portland Telegram of value to its readers, but for news of the markets and financial w o r 1 d, sports, fashions, household inter­ ests, theaters, movies, the radio, for constructive editorials, book reviews and good fiction. Take advantage of The Telegram’s Bar­ gain Subscription Price of only $3.75 for the entire year—delivered to you by mail. Hundreds will subscribe to The Telegram. Be­ come one of our live wires and earn 75c on every subscription, a Diamond Point Fountain Pen and one of our valuable prizes. 1st 2d 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Prize—5 Tube Cabinet Radio complete............... $220.20 Prize—Gold .............................................................. 150.00 Prize—Console style Brunswick Phonograph.. $115.00 Prize—Gold .............................................................. 100.00 Prize—Gold .............................................................. 75.00 Prize—Gold .............................................................. 60.00 Prize—Gold .............................................................. 50.00 Prize—Merchandise order .................................... 50.00 Prize—26 pieces, chest of Community s ilv e r... 40.30 Prize—60 pieces Imit. Bavaria C hina............... 40.00 3 0 M ore C ash PR IZES! Compare the number of prizes (forty) and total amount of prizes ($1206.20), also the unusual commission of 75c on each order, with any other newspaper campaign held in this terri­ tory, then decide to join The Telegram’s Bargain Day workers. W rite to the Circulation Manager, Portland Telegram S p ecia l E xtra Free—One Diamond Point Fountain Pen To Agent Sending 10 or More Subscription Orders WILL SPEAK AT T h e A s h la n d WINDOW GLASS Armory all sizes and grades. Wednesday, October 8, 1924 Hall's Catarrh