MttWtò iUtLŸ ftbíÑtí» fuga T I D I N G S ^aa Proved herself during her terfb a* a fcMmber of the ¡All the information we could get relative to it was from to win, We’ll win.” PALOMAR FOREST Of course there is a reverse council, should be encouraged to seek offices, regardless the Hudson Bay Company. Peter Skeen Ogdon, an offi- FIRE CONTROLLED ( E stablished in 1 8 7 6 ) “E n g 'ish ” to the psychology fac­ of how many others may also be seeking the same office cer of the Company, who had led a party of trappers tor. Some tim es the “ under dog,’’ P ub lished E v erj E ven in g E xcept Sunday by Six competent councilmen can, and will, be selected through that region, represented that portions of it were wins ju st to show th at he’s been SAN DIEGO, Oct. 3— The for­ THE ASHLAND PRINTING 0 0 . from the list of candidates who have announced, but we desert-like, and that at one time his company was so under rated. And some observers est fire situation in the Palom ar B ert R. Greer .......................................................................................... Editor regret that Mrs. Barber did not continue in her earlier pressed for the want of water that they went to the top are inclined to believe th at Andy m ountain is improved and the George Madden Green ..................................................... Business Manager Smith who has to wear an extra intention to run for reelection. of the mountain, filled sacks with snow, and were thus large sw eater to conceal all the Marines have the Descanso fire OFFICIAL CITY PAPER ..................................................... Telephone 3» able to cross the desert. He also stated that portions of tricks he has up his sleeve, is under control. E ntered a t th e A shland, Oregon P o sto ffice as Second C lass M ail M atter FOSTER AND CAFXTMOTB the country through which we would have to travel, were using ju st this plan to produce Subs- iption Price, D elivered in City William Z. Foster, an avowed Communist, ie the One Month ........................................................................................... 8 .65 Infested by fierce and warlike savages, who would attack another winner at California. His team may ju st fight Its head ofT Three Months ........ ............................................................................... 1.95 didate for president of the so-called Workers’ Party. every party entering their country, steal their traps, way­ to show th a i hasty remarks about Six Months ..................................................................................—...... 3.76] . .. ,, One Year .................................... ........................................................... 7.60 an interview the other day he said of La Follette: lay and murder the men, and that Rogue river had taken it are untrue. B y Mail and R ural R outes He represents the capitalistic system just as its name from the character of the Indians inliabitating One Month ............................................................................................ $ .85 1.95 Three Months ................ ...................................................................... much as do the other candidates. Only he reflects its valleys. The idea of opening a wagon road through There Is wisdom In reading ads. Six Months ................... ........................................................................ 3.50 the sentiment of the little capitalist, the element such a country at that time, was scouted as preposterous. One Year ................................................................................................ 8.50 in America which strives to rise from the em­ These statements though based on facts, we thought DISPLAY .ADVERTISING RA TES ploye to the employer class. Single insertion, per inch ............................................................ 8 .30 might be exagerated by the Hudson Bay Company in their Beats Electric or Gas Y early C ontracts The Welfare of Foster, who is a negligible quantity or rather a neg­ own interest, since they had a line of forts on the Snake One insertion a week ................................................................... .27 a .25 A new oil lamp th at gives an Two insertions a week ................................................................... ative quantity, is seeking to do the same thing which he river route, reaching from Fort Hall to Vancouver and This Community First .20 Dally insertion ................................................................................ amazingly brilliant, soft, white accuses those “ capitalists’ ’that h(j says La Follette is were prepared to profit by the immigration. One thing R ates for L egal and M iscellaneous A dvertising The F irst National Bank is light, even better than gas or F irst insertion, per 8 point line ................................................. 8 .10 part and parcel of this com­ representing are trying to do. Foster is not content to which had much influence -with us was the question as .05 Each subsequent insertion, 8 point line ................................. munity. Every dollar de­ electricity, has been tested by the remain a worker, but he aspires to be a leader, an employ­ to which power, Great Britain or the United States, would, 1.00 Card of Thanks ................................................................................. U. S. Government and 35 leading posited a t this home-owned • 02% er of voters, although he will never have any except the eventually secure a title to the country, was not settled, O bituaries, per line .................................................... .................. home-controlled Bank is put universities and found to be su­ to work for the good of this perior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. W HAT CONSTITUTES ADVERTISING deluded Communists as his employes. and in case war should occur and Britain prove success­ section. It burns w ithout odor, smoke or “ All future events, where an admission charge is made or ful, it was important to have a way by which we could The welfare of this com­ noise— no pumping up, is simple, collection taken is Advertising. m unity is uppermost in any No discount will be allowed Religious or Benevolent orders. Town Topics says a frivolous little maid who had a leave the country without having to run the gauntlet of clean, Bafe. Burns 94 per cent air transaction at this bank. penniless suitor married a serene, greyhaired millionaire the Hudson’s Bay Company forts and falling a prey to and 6 per cent common kerosene DONATIONS We are for Ashland and vi­ No donations to charities or otherw ise will be made In advertis­ merely for a little change. cinity— first— last and all (coal oil). Indian tribes which were under British influence. ing or job printing— our contributions will be in cash. The inventor, V. M. Johnson, the time. (To be Continued) is offering to send a lamp on 10 OCTOBER 4 Win at any cost has always been the policy of the day’s FR EE trial, or even to give ALL ARE INVITED:— Come ye, and let us go up to the m oun­ upon playing. This year it will New York Giants, and they have done this, bnt at the one FR EE to the first user in tain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach 1 be different with the press and First National each locality who will help him us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths.— Isaiah 2:3. cost of the American baseball fans’ respect. A SH L A N D D A IL Y NEW LAMP BURNS 94% AIR PRAYER: — “ Ju st as I am, w ithout one plea, But th at Thy Mood was sheid> for me, And th a t Thou bid’st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.” OCTOBER 5 PEACE WITH ALL MEN:— Follow peace with all men, and holiness, w ithout which no man shall see the Lord.— Hebrews 12:14. PRA Y ER:— We would, O Lord, ‘by Thy grace, exercise ourselves to live as far as possible in peace with all men. Pioneering in Southern Oregon by C. B. Watson (Continued from Thursday) WINNING TALK BEÏÏER SPIRIT THAN KNOCKING 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. — The first great impetus in the settlement of Oregon How big a factor is psychology was given hv the immigration of 1843, which came by the in football? SHOULD NOT DELAY THE SURVEY An answer to this query may The council has made the right move in starting the *way of Fort Hall, Boise and the Columbia river. Raw­ be w ritten in the results of the preliminary survey to determine the best site for the pro­ lings’ history says: “ This great rain of hardy pioneers 1924 season of the Pacific Coast conference. posed dam in the Ashland Creek watershed so as to create come to Americanize Oregon, contained-875 persons, 295 football Does the “ under dog” fre­ of whom were men over sixteen years of age.” On May sufficient storage for city water. quently lose in Football simply The work which the council authorized at the special 2, 1843, the first American government on the Pacific because he has th a t title? session Thursday evening must be done now or it would coast was organized at Champooig,* on. the Willamette In years gone by the Cali­ fornia Bears have been heralded have to wait until next May because of the winter’s snows. river a few miles below where the capital rf the state now as the Coasts ' ‘w onder” eleven. All were unanimous in believing that the complete stands. At that meeting there were 102 votes cast and O ther team s including Stanford survey should he made, hut some of the members were the advocates who favored the stars and stripes carried is recent seasons have been ac­ hesitant about asking the voters of the city to appro­ the day by a majority of two. That fall the “ Great Im­ corded by the experts only an outside” chance if any with the priate funds which would have to be expended by the in­ migration” cited above added nearly one thousand people “ pupils of Andy Smith. coming councilmen. Some felt the question should be put to the population of Oregon. From this time on the pop­ This year for the first time in to a vote of the people after the new council is in office. ulation increased very rapidly and spread out over the many moons thi3 situation is They also held there was no haste Iteeause of the fact that Willamette valley toward the south until the Callipooia practically reversed. Andy Smith the Canyon Road fund had a balance which might carry mountains, that separated it from the Umpqua country himself, adm its C alifornia’s out­ was reached. Each succeeding year added increasing look is “ d ark .” W riters and ex­ the work through the winter. perts for the first time are ac­ The Daily Tidings feels that the people of Ashland numbers until in 1846 a party of fifteen men from the cording Stanford better than an want to know the facts about the necessary improvements Willamette valley explored the Umpqua country. Among even chance for victory Novem­ to insure sufficient water supply for the city, that the them was Phillip Peters who settled on Deer creek in ber 22 in the annual “ big game” between the two ancient rivals. people of Ashland want a comprehensive, expert survey 1851. Prior to this, however, in the spring of 1848, Levi O ther conference team s th a t of all possible sites made, that the people of Ashland want Scott with his two sons, William and John, settled in the meet the Bears are hearing and to vote on the aj> »ropriation of funds for this survey. Umpqua country, Levi Scott at Elk creek and his sons having it drum m ed into them that It would seen-- that the best procedure would be to in the Yoncalla valley near by. The next year Jesse Apple- the Bruins “ are not so much” and In tu rn the California squad for estimate the amoi it of money which will be needed to gate, J. T. Cooper, John Long a n d ------- Jeffery settled the first time in a long while is make the proper kind of survey of the situation and let in the same neighborhood. Prior to all these settlements noting its deficiencies in big type. the people determine as quickly as possible whether this was that of Warren N. Goodell, who located a claim There i3 at least one firm b e­ where the present town of Drain now stands in 1847. liever in the efficiency of “ win­ appropriation shall be made. ning psychology” as opposed to The balance in the Canyon Road fund, onlv a few Thus was commenced the first settlement in the country “ losing ta lk .” hundred dollars, which will be almost depleted by the south of the Callipooia mountains by common consent be­ In a recent interview Captain one survey ordered by the council at the high elevation longing to that great expanse'of mountains and valleys Lawson of the Stanford squad ex­ point, would not seem to be anything like sufficient to designated as Southern Oregon. From this beginning the pressed the belief th at Stanford’s th e r disastrous past record was handle the surveys and investigations, unless these are country filled up very rapidly, largely, for a time by ra due in p art to this factor. overflow from the Willamette. permitted to drag and be delayed. “One reason,” he was quested These rapidly growing settlements were not of trap­ as saying,” Stanford team s have The work of .course can he held down to the amount of the balance in the Canyon Road fund, but The Tidings pers, hunters or miners, but men looking for homesites not won more games in the past few years is because the news­ believes the people of Ashland want quicker and more and lands to till. By 1851 the settlement of the Umpqua papers have freely predicted Stan­ complete work than these few hundreds of dollars will valley had proceeded so far as to call for a separate ford defeats. If the men read county government. By an act of the territorial legisla­ forecast after forecast, year after permit. The council would no doubt be commended for get­ ture January 6, 1852, in the words of Rawlings’ history, year, it is bound to have a de­ ting this appropriation voted and the ball rolling as “ Lane county wa8 deprived of all of its territory south p ressin g and discouraging effect of its present boundaries.” quickly as possible. Returning now to the year 1846 we must give nar­ rative to an event that has had a wonderfully stimulating A SPLENDID CIVIC SPIRIT effect upon the growth of the country south of the Manager E T. Allen of The Ashland Hotel this week Umpqua. had a large printing order, which, because of peculiar cir­ The immigrant train of 1843 was the first to bring cumstances, an eastern printing firm could have done i| their wagons through to the Columbia river and they cheaper than The Tidings could do it for. Manager Allen is just like the rest of us humans—he found the trip so hard that the Applegates who were with AT THE VINING wants to make a profit from his business venture in our that train, concluded that a better route ought to be Tues., Wed., Thurs., Oct. city, but he has adopted a broad policy by which to ac­ found further south. Their determination to try for such 7*8-9—25c and 50c complish this. That policy is that while the city and the a route was an act shorn of all selfishness and undertaken city’s advantages, combined with his talent and ability ’with the motive and urgent desire to save the flood of Special Musical Score to supply the hotel demand, are building up his business, coming immigrants from the horrors they had suffered. he wants to assist in the upbuilding of other businesses Especially had the trip down the Columbia impressed them with the desire to save others from its terrors. In in this city, which he has selected for his home. If the same policy were to be accepted by many others the spring of 1846 a company of fifteen men was organized Sally Ann in Ashland, thus stopping or curtailing the constant out­ for the purpose of exploring for a more southerly route flow of money which should remain in this city, every from Fort Hall into Oregon. This company consisted of BREAD business and every profession in the city would profit Lindsey Applegate, Jesse Applegate, Levi Scott, John mutually and the city would become more prosperous than Scott, Henry Bogus, Benjamin Burch, John Owens, John th e best that can be m ade from th e best m aterials Jones, Robert Smith, Samuel Goodhue, Moses Harris, even the most optimistic anticipates. David Goff, Bennet Osburn, William Sportsman and Wil­ liam Parker. This company was organized in the upper TAKE YOUR CHOICE Lithia Bakery When this issue of The Tidings is read by most of our Willamette valley and after gathering all the information they could they started south through a country notor­ readers, the time limit for candidates to file will have expired and the lists will he definitely decided from which iously hostile to the white man. The following extract is « taken from the diary of Lindsey Applegate, and is quot­ you can select at the November election. Look them over, folks. They look like a splendid ed so far as to meet the requirements of our present pur­ There is no sentiment in bunch, none of them dangerous or incompetent and all pose. Quotation follows: • business. When making “ From what information we could gather from old competent to handle the city’s affairs. Of course, you will a purchase, the uppermost think some particular ones are more capable and more pioneers and the Hudson Bay Company, the Cascade thought is progressive. These are the ones for whom you should mountains to the south became very low, or terminated QUALITY AND vote, for Ashland is steaming up for prosperity and where the Klamath cut the chain; and knowing that the PRICE growth and needs the most capable and the most progres­ Blue Mountains lay (in a direction) east and west, we concluded that there must be a belt of country extending Use Shell Gasoline and sive city dads an> other officials. east toward the South pass of the Rocky mountains Oils and be convinced. SHOULD BE ENCOURAGED where there might be no vast, lofty ranges to cross. So, While The Daily Tidings agrees entirely with Mrs. in 1846, we organized a company to undertake its explor Barber that the race for council has brought out some of ation, composed of the following persons: (The names are Service the best men in the city as candidates, we do disagree given above.) Each man was provided with a saddle with her attitude that, because good men are running, she horse and a pack horse, making thirty animals. Station has withdrawn from the race. “ A portion of the country we proposed to traverse BOULEVARD ând SHERMAN Competent, interested persons, such as Mrs. Barber wa§ at that time marked on the map ‘unexplored region.’ COVERED MAC IV. & N. public opinion expecting Stanford Bank Ashland, W hen you s ta rt the hunting season tomorrow, you should wear a pair of our Weyenberg Real W et W eather High Top Boots the kind which will weqr longer and give you max­ imum protection against water. Oregon “Service W orthy of a Strong, N ational B an k.” introduce it. W rite him to-day for full particulars. Also ask him to explain how you can get the agency, and w ithout experience or money make 8250 to 8500 per month. Bring in that Old Electric iron OVERLAND Shoe Shop and trade it in on a new one The Ford Car furnishes convenient and reliable transportation at a price you can comfort­ ably afford to pay. Unequalled facilities for quality man­ ufacture on a large scale make possible values in the Ford which are unsur­ passed in the automotive industry. $1.05 Allowed on any iron you bring in, whether it is burned out or not. A New E d iso n ................................................... $5.00 Less Allowance ................................................. $1.05 ♦ Net to You .......................................................$3.95 : Murphy Electric Shop H A R R IS O N Brothers, Garage Forti, Lincoln, Fordson D ealers Frank & King’s The above sk etch w as m ade from an actu al photogra]di Stolen First and Then Wrecked Thieves stole this limousine and in the furious chase by the police which followed, the car was hurled over a precipice to destruction. Theft Insurance makes good your loss when your car is stolen. Don’t take chances. The automobile thief is clever. Call on th is agency o f the H artford F ire Insurance Co., for a ll form s o f Au­ tom ob ile Insurance. Comedians in the Armory T O N IG H T uYou Tell ’Em Because I Stutter” TOM ORROW N IG H T uThe Call of the Woods” MONDAY N IG H T uOh, Doctor!” Billings Agency Bstab. 1883 Prices 10 and 25c. Reserved Seats 50c Real E state & Real Insurance 41 E. Main St. Phone 211 Vaudeville Between Acts SPECIAL SALE ON Cotton Blankets Size 60x78 Hemmed with Fancy Striped Ends 95c SPECIAL Army Goods Store Biggest Little Store in Town 95c ; fi