ASHLAND CLIMATE Without the use of medicine cures nine cases o*ut of ten of asthma. This is a proven fact. A shland D aily The Tidings Has Been Ashland's Leading Newspaper For Nearly Fifty Years malalta germs Cannot survive three months ii the rich ozone at Ashland. Pure domestic water helps. (In tern atio n al News W ire Service) VOL. XLVIII. Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Volume 4 3. ASHLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1924 NO. 29 GIANTS VICTORS IN OPENING GAME, 4 TO 3 S. A. PETERS ENTERS PARK BOARD RACE ' TEM PEST DUE IX NATIONAL PASTIM E, IS PREDICTION J« ---------- a WASHINGTON, Oct. 4.— a Judge Kennesee Mountain i a Landis in exonerating Frisch, a Young and Kelly, the Giant a players, in connection with a the O’Connel-Dolan scandal, a declared th at baseball is a bigger than the men in it . ---------- XX and promised fu rth er investi- Citizens Bank Employe Is a gations. after the world Last Minute Aspirant on a series. City Ticket a Baseball leaders are un- l a animous in their agreem ent NINE OUT FOR COUNCIL a th at the national pastime is a due for a tem pest of founda- F u ll L ist o f C andidates W ho W ill XX tion-shaking proportions. Be F or V oter to Selcet From Is G iven xx a a a a a a a a BRAVE UNIT IS a Speaks At Un­ a President veiling of First Division xx Memorial a a NEVER BE FORGOTTEN a C oolidge O utlines a Foreign P o l­ a TAKES 12 INNINGS 10 booze boat DECIDE CESSE GAME 11 Thirty, Including Women, Are Captured With Senators Bravely Fight and Tie Score in the Ninth; Bonded Liquor 40,000 Washington Fans Litter Grounds With Cush­ ions in Their Enthusiasm; Nehf Pitched Air-Tight BACKBONE OF PLOT Ball; A Clean, Hard-Fought Contest. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a MANY TAKEN IN BRITISH Women Workers Fight to Use Maiden Instead of Their Husband’s Name Coast Guard M akes W holesale Capture and Prisoners Are Taken to New York icy o f L ettin g A m ericans D e­ cid e Own P lans Score : 12 Senators........ 0 0 NEW YORK, Oct. 4— Thirty" Giants ...........0 1 prisoners, including two women, ASHLAND W INS 40 TO 0 WASHINGTON, Oct. 4— Stand- At the last m inute before going IN PRACTICE GAME ing in the shadow of the gray to press, a petition for S. A. Pe­ ters. Jr., who is employed at The The Ashland football team won Citizens Bank, was filed to place from the Applegate team last Mr. P eters’ name on the ballot evening by a score of 40-0. The as a candidate for membership on Applegate team had never play- the park board. The other can- ed before and very few of them didate for this place will be Frank ; ha d even seen one, so th a t the Jordan. ' game was a walk-over for Asli- This is the list of candidates up land. It was played more to give to 2 P. M. Saturday afternoon: p ra c tice ,to the team s than any­ Mayor— C. H. Pierce and O. thing else. Glen Hale is the cap­ H. Johnson. tain of the Applegate squad and City Recorder— G ertrude Biede has a good team lined up if they and Hazel Emory. play more. T reasurer— G. G. Eubanks. P ark Commission— Frank Jo r­ dan and S. A. Peters, Jr. Councilmen— J. H. E frd y , E. E. Phipps, H. G. W olcott, W. M. W right, R. L. Burdic, T. S. Wiley, S. D. Taylor, R. E. Detrick, and S. A. Peters, Sr. HOLßS READING lü K ö ’ s M yer is NO SU R PR ISE S COME OCT FOR TH E CITY ELECTION slate, war and navy building, President Coolidge this afternoon dedicated the magnificent monu­ ment to the memory of 5,000 dead of the F irst Division of the A.E.F. and took occasion tb outline his foreign policy, with the declara­ tion of opposing all alliances and combinations which will tend to keep the United States from charting its own course in world affairs. “ ^ e do not propose to let any other combination of powers make up our minds for us,” , he declar- — * «■» • ►, ed. “ I am in favor of treaties conforming to the American pol­ icy of independent.” He predicted a revival in Eur-j ope as a result of the Dawes plan and declared Americans would reap a benefit in a larger m arket in Europe. Lauding the deeds of the F irst Division, the president declared them to have perform ed “ a deed never to be repaid and never t o ’} be repudiated.” The unveiling of the monument was a brilliant mil­ itary affair, with hundreds par-j < ticipating. i i 3 4 0 0 0 1 o 0 0 6 i 8 9 10 11 12 J 0 0 1 0 0 1— 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2- 4 were captured aboard a British The batteries were: steam er off the JersAy coast by Giants—Nehf and Gowdy. the coast guard and brought to New York w ith 'th e jr ship. Senators—Johnson and Kuel. The boat bad 10,000 cases of liquor, valued at $500,000,. Pro­ WASHINGTON, Oct. 4—Forty thousand Washington hibition agents declared the cap­ fa ture uncovered a gigant’c smug­ ans, assembled for the opening game of the series, went gling plot. ? wild when the Senators battled gamely in the ninth and tied the score, two to two. Two home-runs by the Giants, Kelly and Terry, con­ stituted the total Giants’ score at the second half of the ninth, with Johnson hurling masterful hall up to the b ninth, leaving struck out 10 men. Nehf also was pitching aii-tight ball. Coining up one run behind in the ninth, Bluege of the j Senators singled through short, after Judge had fanned s w itc h C u t, T i d i n g B a ltim o r e ! 1? 1’ f i r 8 t O l , t I > e c k i n P a u g h doubled against the left-field Am i O hio T ra in i„ D itch ; a ! h‘n,‘e> «coring Bluege with the tying rim. Bud and John­ P osse A lter Vandals son were out. It took several minutes to clear the field ot cushions which the enthusiastic W ashington fanfs had AVISTON, 111. Oct. 4. — With thrown onto the field. the aid of bloodhounds, a 'la r g e FASI MAIL TRAIN; 2 OF C O KILLED SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4— The I reading of the Lord’s Prayer in XX i the schools of California was de- XX d a re d unconstitutional by United posse joined in the manhunt this Victory came to the Giants in XX States A ttorney General Webb to- morning for the persons who cut the 12th inning, when Young X« I day. a switch, causing the wreck of pinch-singled to center with the XX of a fast mail train on the B alti­ basses filled, followed by Kelly’s XX THREE EXPELLED DUE more and Ohio Railroad company. sacrifice fly. The rem aining XX The engineer and fireman were TO C O L L E G E HAZING — — ■■ i W ashington tally was furnished XX killed and 15 passengers on the DOIÌLS STEVEN’S The regular army will have a McNeeley’s double and H arris' XX rain were seriously injured. Eight recruiting officer here b e g in n in g s,n6’« in lile 12tli »Her Jackson SALEM, Oct. 4. — Following XX the hazing of H arry Minto and coaches went in the ditch. The October 6th for a few days, nc- 8taked Shir ey to two bases on a NEW YORK, Oct. 3.— Comp­ XX Jack Spong here Tuesday night. citizens, enraged at the coward­ cording to the following announce-1 i niuif. President and Mrs. troller-G eneral J. R. McCarl XX Salem school officials today ex­ ly action of the wreckers, eager­ ment received by the chamber of l Coolid.te were there and the started something when he in­ XX pelled John Drager, Donald Kel­ ly flocked to join the posse this commerce: den t m ade a p a rie t th ro w to th e sisted that women employed by morning. XX ly and Vernie Perry, high school The Sardine Creek correspond­ the government m ust sign their “ On October 6. 1924. I am p la te a t th e ev en in g . XX students, who were said to be ent of The Medford Tribune gives sending Sergeant Grover C. Gwen, husband's names, prefixed by a XX responsible for the affair. the following account of a forced “ Mrs.,” rath er than their maiden An.-, y R ecruilirg Service, from EX-SERVICE MAN DOES XX TRAPPER MAKES BIG Minto and Spong were said to i landing which Mr. and Mrs. Joe NOT GET F R E E LICENSE th-J recruiting station in Med­ XX have been kidnapped a3 they Barrows, who left here last week names on the payroll. RECORD ON COYOTES ford, Oregon, to your city for u K ---------- XX Nationally known feminist who XX emerged from a local theater, for an aerial honeymoon, had to X X An ex-service man itiner- XX period of six days on recruiting have taken up the discussion be­ XX loaded into an automobile and make. PORTLAND, Oct. 4. — W. C. duty for the Regular Army. Sergi. XX ant salesman of ties or XX lieve the Federal official would be XX taken to the country districts, Snyder, government trapped, Owen will bo authorized to ac­ XX some other such article ap- XX Quite a little excitement was satisfied to let the m atter drop, XX where they were left to find their caused Friday evening by an a ir­ shattered all records when he re­ cept for enlistm ent qualified ap­ XX plied at the city recorder’s XX XX way home. Young Minto has been plane alighting in a field at the but not so with them, the issue ported a bag of more than 300 plicants for Infantry and Field XX offid? ihl3 morning for a XX XX confined to his bed since yester­ Sleepy Hollow farm at the mouth is raised and they are determ ined prejudice. And Miss Doris Ste­ since August 1. He works in Artillery for service in the Haw­ XX free permit to sell his mer- XX XX day as the result of exposure, of Sardine creek, but it was only to thresh it out to the b itter end. vens, member of th a t party, her Harney county under the direc­ aiian Islands, and the Eighth XX chandise in this city, claim- XX Comptroller had self a m arried Woman using hei tion of Stanley G. Jew ett of the XX and physicians said he was forced to alight by some radiator i , . At „„ first ,__ the , ____ _ ___„ Area (Texas and O klahom a), XX ing that some United States XX , but one local opponent, a „ nurse maiden name—=she is the wife o. Portland office of the United XX threatened with pneumonia. trouble which caused the motor Cavalry and Field A rtillery, Fort XX court had pasied a law mak- XX Elizabeth’s Hospital who l Dudley Field Malone— has sonu States biological survey. XX Spong suffered little as a result to heat. The parties driving it at St. . , , , ,, , . , > . * XX D. A. Russell, Wyoming, Engin­ XX ing this mandatory. , „ . , , * m arried last May, kept on work- tilings to say on the situation XX of his experience. Mountain trails become auto­ eers and Field A rtillery, Camp XX City A ttorney Briggs hap- XX proved to be newlyweds on th eir ing, . . , 1 _ and trying to retain her own McCarl would like the m atter mobile roads for Snyder, who XX George Hug, superintendent of honeymoon trip from Ashland to , Government n . Lewis, W ashington and for a few XX pened to be in the office and XX J 1 I name in records in- closed,” Miss Stevens asserts. XX the Salem schools, said today th a t Crescent City where the bride is * . , , , used a light automobile of 1915 other branches and stations. Men XX stated he had never heard XX . . . . , . . “ It is working out to his dis model to take him along his trap XX tlon. » the three boys involved in the engaged in J teaching school. Mr. stead of having it changed to her husband’s. Miss Ruth Hale, advantage. , T he fu rth er the case line. Even with the use of the accepted by Sergt. Owen will be XX of such a law and th a t the XX hazing had confessed their part Barrows, the bridegroom, is from president of the Lucy Stone goes the more clearly will show car, it takes him a week to go furnished transportation by him XX city council of Ashland had XX SHASTA INDIANS in the affair. It is likely Yhat near Los Angeles, and as soon as to Vancouver B arracks, W ash­ XX discussed this question about XX expressed at the time the inaccuracy of the statem ents around his route Once. PLAN A POW WOW they will appeal their cases to the Mrs. Barrows finishes her term League, ington, which is the Recruit De­ XX a year ago, but had decided XX th a t organization’s approval of rendered by him on points of Skins and scalps of exactly 300 pot for Oregon and Southern XX not to pass an ordinance XX school directors for final hear­ of school, about a month, they the m arried nurse’s purpose and law. REDDING, Cal.. Oct. 4. — ing. coyotes and 12 bobcats were W ashington. A fter final examin­ XX granting free license to ex- XX expect to journey south. They gave reasons why a woman has a “ Our attorney found th a t the checked over by Mr. Jew ett, who W hile white men are turning to were obliged to rem ain over Sun­ rig h t to her own name if she de­ citations used by McCarl were, in declared th at the record had ation and enlistm ent at Van­ XX service men, who will have XX fairs and rodeos for en tertain ­ REDWOOD HIGHW AY W ILL day while the trouble was ad ju st­ XX to pay the regular peddler's XX sires. fact, proof of the opposite con­ never been equalled in the north­ couver B arracks, the men are m ent, the Indians in the n o rth ­ ed, and flew gaily on th eir way NOT RE NEGLECTED, BUT XX license of $200. The ex- XX sent out to the organization and Sees McCarl in H ole tention. ern p art of the state are turning west. From the fact th a t the station for which they enlist.” > W ILL SOON B E IM PROVED Mo.nday morning. X X service man was peeved and XX But the punitive snowball is “A deputation will wait upon northw est is the center of popu­ strongly to powwows. Two pow­ X X stated he could get around XX growing larger. Mr. McCarl goon. ’. wows have been helt} already t h i s } The fears of many local peo­ ENGINEER ESCAPES lation of the world, as far as coy­ X X this by having his mer- XX “ Like all authorities which are otes are concerned. Snyder has season at Montgomery Creek, an­ ple th at the Redwood highway BOILER EXPLOSION Down in W ashington Miss SHENANDOAH TO FLY XX chandise delivered by mail, XX WEED, Cal., Oct. 4. — Elmer Alice Paul and the N ational Wo­ acting against Time, McCarl will been dubbed the w orld’s cham ­ other at Burney and two a t Baird. is to be neglected are dissipated CLOSE TO OCEAN ON X X which the city council can- XX The W intun Indians are now by an announcem ent from the lo­ lluse, Southern Pacific firem an m an’s P arty, have risen in prd- lose. So will the D epartm ent of pion coyote trapper. JOURNEY UP COAST X X not of course control. XX m aking preparations for a pow­ cal highway departm ent office at Weed, had a narrow escape test against Com ptroller McCarl’s , S tate.” of Harney countyetaoinshrdluet XXXXXXXXXXXXXXÍIXXXXXXXXXX wow to be held on Stillw ater this morning. The present road from death when an explosion oc­ LAKEHURST, N. J., Oct. 1.— Creek, and it is to last four days, is to be put in excellent condition, curred in an engine which he wras The route over which the dirigible HUNT W ILD H O RSES IN COUNTY UNIT SYSTEM firing in the roundhouse. beginning on October 17th. They according to Engineer J. Shenandoah may fly when it NEVADA FOR T1IE ARMY G. MUST BE CONTINUED One piece of the engine went have spent nearly $1000 build­ Bromley, the 3tate taking over leaves here for the Pacific coast through the roundhouse roof. The ing a m onster dance platform , WINNEMUCCA, Nev., Oct. 4. next Tuesday were made public the m aintenance from the coun­ SALEM, Oct. 4. — A county which is covered. This powwow try, says the G rants Pass Cour­ door was blown pen, flames rush-1 — Wild horses are being hunted at the naval air station here. which has adopted the county un­ will be the biggest of the series ier. The funds th a t are available ing from the open door. W eather conditions, will deter­ and trapped in the ranges and it system of school adm inistration Huse was standing close to the { and will be altended, it is ex­ will be devoted to reshaping, re- mine which route Commander desert north of Winnemucca for m ust continue under th a t plan pected, by Indians of the W intun, ' surfacing, ditching, lim iting wid- door and his clothing was in­ Zachery Lansdowne will take the use of the American army. W hile out hunting yesterday T he Lithians of this- city have until the legislature can provide from here to F ort W orth but the P lt and H at Creek tribes as well , ^ plaeing of wooden stantly aflame. Otheç employes A band of steeds recently cap­ afternoon with another boy ihem with a remedy, in the opin­ issued a challenge to other social- assisted him in putting out the tured in the McDermitt district as by a good many w ite peo br jd geg, repairing culverts and route thence to Seattle, Wash., ion of A ttorney General Van whose name is not known, Johnny booster clubs of Southern Oregon flames. His arm s were seriously are being pastured and tamed on pie. and back to Lakehurst will not such work. In other words, the Freem an of this city accidentally W inkle, who has advised J. A. to meet them on the football the R einhart ranch, near this city, be changed by the barometer. ; state will recondition the present burned and he sustained other shot himself in the hand. He was field, according to members of Churchill, state superintendent of burns about the body. Leaving F ort W orth the dirig­ and will soon he turned over to ■ road sufficient to put it in ser- ta k e n im m ediately to the hospi­ the local club who are recruiting public instruction, th at under the ible will fly over Abilene, Mid­ the cavalry branch of the army. ' viceable condition and m aintain LOCAL MAN IS tal and the hand had to be am ­ a team which will be formidable existing statu te no nrovision ex­ land, Barstow, Van Horn and El Although they have been h unt­ it for the next few years. GIVEN A TRANSFER putated at the wrist. He is re st­ when they walk onto the field. ists for w ithdraw ing from th e Paso, Texas, Tucson and Yuma. ed for their hides for many years By state m aintenance, the road ing as well as could be expected. Big Chief Bighorn Jam es F. county unit plan once it lias been A riz.; El Centro, San Diego, Los thousands of wild horses still will be* kept in the best of con- Four Oregon Coast A rtillery The attorney genera! The boy was sitting down and Chinook of the Cavemen, G rants I adopted. } dition as the work is cared for officers, two of whom are P ort­ upon getting up the gun explod­ Pass, was in the city Friday even- j points out in his opinion that the Angeles, Monterey, San Francisco range the vast open places of Ne­ vada. DUNSMUIR, Cal., Oct. 4. — by the local office of the high­ land men, have bgen assigned to ed, ju st how is not known, but ing and when informed th a t the legislature may enact an enabl- and E ureka, Cal.; Astoria, Ore., and Seattle and Tacoma, Wash. Mr. Bromley the F irst Battalion, 509th Coast The D unsm uir Associated Garage way departm ent. local football aspirants-w ere lo o k -' ing clause, which would author the bullet tore his hand. The only scheduled stopping on B utterfly Avenue was gutted states th a t trucks, a scarifier, A rtillery, an tiaircraft, 19th Corps, Jimmy B rainard, who is at the :ng for somebody’s scalp, quickly ize the electorate to discard the by fire early Thursday evening. blades and a caterpillar tractor, Organized Reserves, which is al­ hospital as a result of being run responded th at, while tne Cave- system should it prove unsatis- places are Fort W orth San Diego and Seattle, where mooring masts Effective work by the fir© de­ as well as other road machinery located to Portland, for service over by one of the Ashland-Klam­ men did not have a regular team,* factory. have been erected. The flight ex­ partm ent and the fact th a t the will be sent here and kept on the in time of emergency. It is understood here that ath Falls stages yesterday, is re ­ he was certain they would not building was of corrugated iron highway, work going on at all The officers are Major Martin ported as resting comfortable to­ let th e Lithians carry off th e Klam ath and Lincoln counties are pected to require approximately 1 17 days. prevented the spread of the fire times to keep the road as smooth W. Hawkins, 859 Castle avenue, day. Southern Oregon championship both contem plating attem pts to SHANGHAI. Oct. 4. — The as a boulevard. W ork, instead Portland, assigned, as battalion into a serious conflagration. w ithout making them scrap for overthrow the system, recently Chihili second arm y has been bad­ of being in term ittan t, will be done The b’aze started in the stor­ commander; Lieut. Drew Clerin, M inisterial A ssociation—» ' AVIATOR IS K ILLED it. adopted in those two counties. ly defeated and is in flight to ­ age loft and is believed by the daily. W here gravel is needed 193 East 17th street, Portland, The Lithians are said to have The Rogue River M inisterial; DAYTON, O., Oct. 4. — Cap­ ward Jehol with Chang Tso Lin’s proprietor, A. L. Davies, to have it will be added. The large assigned to B attery B; Capt. W il­ tain B urt Skeet of Selfridge Field more than enough volunteers to Association will meet at Medford forces in hot pursuit. Mr. liam McK. Briggs, 77 G ranite was killed this afternoon when make up a good team. The club been set. Davies’ loss is $4,000 rocks will be taken out. Monday a t the Presbyterian RAY GREGG A R RESTED Heavy rains halted the Kiangsu Bromley expects to get orders w ith insurance of $18,000. street, Ashland, assigned as B at­ his plain fell and exploded d ur­ will m eet a t the Ashland hotel church. This association takes in general offense, but desultory Thirteen automobiles were within the next two weeks to talion A djutant; Capt. Claud C. ing the Pulitzer races. Lieut. Wills at 6:45 Monday evening to talk Ray Gregg has been arrested all of the churches of Jackson fighting continues. The Neh- burned. J- C. W agoner, owner of start work and this will be done Cruson, 208 6th street, Cottage over this and other questions. won the Pulitizer prize. and placed in the city jail, as a and Josephine conntle, and \ radq; ' a'r ,"e„ ™ th e building, and is off on a hunt- immediately so as to have it com­ Grove, assigned to B attalion suspect in a stolen car case, ac­ Urge crowd I. eipected to be prea- Bpraad dlM„ Mtl„n ln lha KI, n s. in g trip. pleted by spring. H eadquarters and combat train. f h e T id la g ’g A ds B rin g R e su lts E very ad has a m essage. cording to the local police. ent. su army. — — « W ith only a few hours re- u maining in which to file a » petition for a place on the XX city’s November election » (a fte r the w riting of this » a rtic le ), as the time lim it is XX this afternoon when the city XX recorder’s office closes, no XX surprises in the form of new XX candidates developed Satur- XX day morning. XX Saturday morning the only XX candidates in the field were XX the ones which had been XX previously announced in XX The Tidings. The only va- XX cancy for which a candidate XX had not filed was the va- XX cancy for which a candidate XX had not filed was the va- XX cancy which will be when XX the term of Mrs. Vaupel ex- XX pires. It was thought th a t XX she would file during the XX afternoon for reelection. XX There were nine candidates XX this morning for the six XX vacancies in the city coun- XX cil. Mrs. Barber, present XX member, announced she XX would not file for reelect- CITY COUPLE FORCED TO E E Ï LITHIANS Ï0 PLAY FOOTBALL GAMES GUTTEDBYFIRE T