, PAGfc H i M >■111 T À- TIDING« 4 ■■ /'»idaj , October 8, 1024 J whi,e the watchman was eating er Landis after the world’» series be made, though it takes time J There is wisdom in reading ads. !1 «nch at a down town cafe. Two in New-York last fall. Almost any good man who can «1 J j b a r s on the south side Of the Jail »Treynor repeated his story kick at ail can be made into a let h i n Z T 4 and PriS° Der there Was Clear eviden<* of good punter if he drills hard en­ A D aily C hronicle o f th ose w ho com e and go, and even ts of let h.m9elfdown_by an im provised J tam pering,” said Dpeyfuss’ 8tate- ough and long enough. Such a blanket rope The prisoner w as, m en. which declared th a t bo.h ' man local Interest serving a six m onths sentence, ohn McGraw, m anager of, the ■ ean be made to do. We are work- having been convicted befo re'Ju s­ Gtants and Dolan were warned at | ing along this line with Tebb tice Em m itt last July.— Klam ath the time to keep away from other Snider, Liebe and McCart. Stated Session Front Yreka__ Falls' News. ______ clubs.” H llla h Tem ple W. R. Ridley was over from ‘Second, we have no one out­ Masonic Hall Vreka yesterday evening visiting . ,, Dreyfuss said when he learned standing, fast, shifty or terrific APf’ETIZER Friday evening October 3. Rou-, with relatives here. * Complete line of Ashland Can- of Traynor being approached he Glass of Suncrush Orange smashing back. By outstanding tine business. Refreshments. ______- aed Ooodfl at Detricks. 9 4-tf ‘ suspected th a t Manager Mc­ I mean a man who i3 a constant SOUP P. B. HERMAN, Potentate Chicken Noodle Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. Nite. GRANTS Graw had put Dolan up to the th reat to the other team. Such SALAD ' PASS LIBERAL W H DAY, Recorder. trick, his object probably being a man makes an ordinary back- 28— 2 Shrimp with Mayonnaise ON E X H IB IT BUILDING 27— 2 o get Traynor dissatisfied and j field good. I have seen backfield RELISH H as R eturned— make trouble on our club or force, men become stars themselves be­ Ripe Olives Dill Pickles Fi om Yreka— Mrs. H attie Silsby has returned t driV® COnducted for funds us to trade the third basem an.” Choice of— cause they were working along­ Baked Young Oregon Turkey, v i L i n Z with o n rei l , ! ° ,‘i; ,,e erection the exhibit Dr. Lucas and wife of Yreka ? to Ashland Ashland after after visiting At the hearing before Commis­ side a man of this calibre. Cranberry Sauce building in G rants Pass has re­ sioner Landis, the statem ent said were in Ashland yesterday visit- atives in Vancouver, B. C. Fried Half Spring Chicken, “ Third, there is no lack of m a­ suited in the raising of $11,000 Dolan said he had merely “ told lug people here and doing some ______ A La Maryland terial hère, and of good sized men, shopping. Roast Chicken with Dressing Complete line of new ready-to- for the structure, $1000 mofe Pie he ought to get more money but we do most woefully lack in Veal Porterhouse Steak, wear Suits and O’Coats. We are than was needed and which will in 1924 and denied anyone had speed. An outstanding team must Cream Gravy be refunded pro ra ta among the Best m ilk— L ininger’s Dairy, tailors and can fit you. — Paul- prompted him .” have speed. I'd rath er have a Snowflake Potatoes subscribers, says the Grants Pass 10c quart. Phone 396R and 369J. ser ud’s. 26— tf Sugar Corn team of medium sized fellows Courier. Following the success, 26— tf T-Biscuits and Toast who are fast than a team of hus­ in the subscription drive, bids are DESSERT At Office— kies who are slow and bulky in Choice of— From H ilt— Dr. G. C. Phetteplace, who has being asked for the construction action. Take Notre Dame for in­ Home-made Pumpkin Pie Mrs. M. W. W agner of Hilt been confined to his home with of the building. These bids will F ru it Jello with Whipped Cream stance. It was speed, not heft was in Ashland yesterday visiting illness for the past two weeks, has be opened next Mojiday morning Chocolate, Vanilla or Straw ­ th at brought fame to Knute with friends and doing shopping. recovered and is again in his of­ at 10 o’clock at the Chamber of Cream. Rockne’s team last year. My Coffee berry Ice Tea Commerce office. The building fice. Milk LOS ANGELES, Oct. 3— Elsie football team requires speed all must be completed within 60 days 12 NOON TO « p . M. Save $10.00. walk upstairs to, the time and we won’t have much a fte r the award of the contract. I wKe of j L T b Orres tailor shop. 17__tf Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. Nite Prices It is niannod that «1 a aaa fe of Jack B°yle, the author, is of it this year. It is planned th at the $10,000 28— 2 Tn a local hospital after an a t­ “ F ourth, the m aterial we have be made to cover the cost of the Visiting H e r e - tem pt to commit suicide. Elsie is raw and green, even the vet­ building and the furnishing of Mrs. Grace Luman and Mrs. In A shland— said Jack showed more affection erans being deficient in the foot­ Elm er Leslie of Medford were in Miss Ada Brewster, home dem­ it, 30 local organizations will not toward his pet bear than he did ball th a t I play, but we have been Ashland yesterday visiting with onstration agentx spent yesterday be called upon for that. sThe to her. drilling them and they are slowly Mrs. Lum an’s mother. in Ashland conducting a class in main contract will call for the coming around. The boys here millinery for the Upper Valley basement and building. A ddition­ are all willing. Show them what al contracts will be made for w ir­ DEBATE POLITICS Mitchels, Auto tops, curtains, Community club. you want and they will give all OF LA FOLLETTE IN ing, pumbing and beating instal­ painting and upholstery work. they have. The boys here will PORTLAND OCT. 10TH lation, each being on separate 382 E. Main. 22— 6t From H ornbrook— fight, I ’ve seen enough of them to b’ds. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eller of know th a t.” PORTLAND, Oct. 3.— The Mc- The am ount subscribed toward Duck H unting— Hornbrook arrived in Ashland Cam ant - K roner jo in t debate is R. E. Detrick left today for a Thursday and are visiting for (he building will be" returned to Classified Ads Bring Results duck hunt In the K lam ath Lake several days with Mrs. E ller’3 sis­ the subscribers, through ren t re­ going to be, Senator I. L. P a tte r­ ceived from the Chamber of Com­ son, chairm an of the Republican region. He will be gone until ter, Mrs. Carl McCune. merce and State Motor associa­ state central committee, as ac­ Sunday. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY tion. In this way the subscriptions credited second for McCamant, Many At Sm oker— FOR S J L E or EXCHANGE— and Kelly Loe, representative of Cliff Payne makes Hall Trees. About forty or fifty men from r c ’.’y fccoom? loans to the Cham­ the La Follette campaign com­ for Victrola— rifle, shot gun or ber of Commerce. The Chamber Ashland attended the Elks smok­ m ittee, have at last agreed upon equal value, 8 gal. roof paint, R eturned To P ortland— er which was held in Medford last of Commerce will m aintain its Misses Geisbeck and Edith night. They reported th a t a good office in the building and the mo­ the time, the place, the referee heating stove, toilet, chemicals for Rhodes, who have been visiting program was given and the even­ tor association will also have Its and the stated propositions of same, 2 lamps, 22 rifle, etc., 705 Penn Ave. 28— 3* desk there. The upkeep of the the debate. Oct. 10th. with the Rev. and Jrs. J. C ing was enjoyed by all. The main points to be debated building will be cared for by the M ergler for some tii . have re- ■ FOR RENT— 7 room furnished are: chamber. turned to their home Portland To South— 1. Was the position of Senator modern residence, close in. Phone Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Judd left 28— 2* La Follette during the war inimi­ 265-J. If you want to save, get one of Tuesday for Modesto, California, DREYFUSS IN FAVOR to the best interests of the Paulserud’s suits and overcoats where they will visit for some CALLING OFF SERIES cal WANTED— APPLE PICKERS, nation? 26— tf time and then go to other points also used apple boxes, Staples’ 2. Was the German language PITTSBURG, Oct. 3.— Calling R ealty Agency, 71 E. M#in. 28— 1 south. They will spend the win­ Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. Nite. te r in California. off the w orld’s series would “ not circular, sent out over the name FOR SALE — Good Universal 28— 2 be too far to go to get the rig h t of E rnest K roner, m anager o{ the La Follette and W heeler cam­ coal heater, good as new, 244 resu lts” of baseball’s latest scan­ At A shland— H ere Today— paign, an improper attem pt to Hargadine. 28— 2 Miss Georgeanna Clift and Mi3s dal, it was declared by Barney Carl Ringer, of Madera, Cali­ appeal to race prejudices or an Dreyfuss, the owner of the P itts­ .75 FOR RENT— 4 room furnished fornia, is in Ashland today visit­ Fannie Stoops enjoyed a pleasant burg Pirates, who issued a state­ appeal for votes on the ground Sunday in Ashland visiting with apartm ent: good garage; adults ing with old friends. Sargeant ment declaring Jim m y O’Connel th a t La Follette sympathized with friends and relatives. Miss Clift only, 1101 Blvd. 28— tf Ringer is well known by form er and Coach Cozy Dolan of the New Germany during the w ar? Does is employed at Klam ath Falls. • 1 hat rival any usually s o h i members of the old 65th C. A. C. York Giants, accused of offering Judge McCamant still hold the from $19.75 to $25.00. Among those he visited here were position th a t a candidate who so­ Yes, U, Tel, Um, K istlers Qual­ a bribe to have a game with John Endera, and E arl Bennett. licits votes on such an issue is not ity Bread, from the oven over Philadelphia throw n last S atu r­ qualified to be president? Newest in wool sport ami 22— 6 day, were “only the goats.” No agen t in Southern Oregon the counter, 8 and 12c. 3. Is the position of Senator Dreyfuss, whose team for a street dresses can w rite better A uto insurance time threatened to win the pen­ La Follette in his proposal to curb Visit School— or a t low er rates than th e Staples the veto power of the supreme Misses Josephine Barber and nant in the National league, de­ A gency. court unsound and a menace to Ruth Aitken made a trip to North clared th at Dolan last year ap­ • * • proached Pie Traynor, stellar personal liberties, to ¿he safety All goods guaranted at the lc Phoefllx yesterday and visited the — - permanence - ...... school where M argaret Dougher­ third baseman of the Pirates, and of property or to the sale next week, McNair Bros. he was informed “advised T ra y -' of our form of government? ty is teaching. Thejr report that ' ♦ • • ♦♦♦♦ » 0 , Miss Dougherty was very inter­ nor to hold me up for $15,000 L eave For B erkeley— salary for 1924.” Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hitchcock, ested in her work and had a very 11487972 Dreyfuss said he made charges who have been visiting in Ash- nice school. against Dolan before Commission- Vid for the past week, left this Sweet cream for whipping and m orning for Berkeley where they rill visit relatives. Mr. Hitch- coffee— also fresh milk, always OREGON HAS 239__tf •oek was form er school superin­ on ice a t the Plaza. IiO G S ll 1 p G F S O n e l l N n te> Q “¡ OVIJC41 q u o t e s SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER T O N I G H T ! 75[ Menu 75l Frank & King’s Comedians After Sixteen Weeks in Medford << in the Armory The White Slave Traffic” PREFERRED A PET One N ight O nly 10 and 25c. Reserved Seats 50c Vaudeville Between Acts The PLAZA This Weather Calls for Winter COATS There .is no better stock to select from and no better coats are made for the mon­ ey than Sterling coats. Silk Dresses $19 Will you see them Saturday at Today — Tomorrow . R IC H A R D SMALL VOTE DIGEST PQT.Tj tendent in Ashland and has a Grass F ire— treat number of friends here. The fire departm ent responded (Continued from Pago 1) yesterday noon at 12:30 to a call Imogene Wallace, piano classes pin September 25. For infor- to the F. H. W alker home due to eludes scattering votes for vari­ latton^ phone 210-J or w rite Miss a grass fire there. Mrs. W alker ous candidates which are not Wallace, Central Point. 13— tf had been burning some trash and enum erated, are shown as fol­ the fire got away from her. No lows: damage was done. t Hotel CotumWa— Among those registered at the lotel Columbia are J. R. Nash, ttw aukie. Ore.; W. R. Ulen, ortl< nd, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. C. | Frayer, San Francisco; G. W. trard, San Francisco; Wm. A. »re and wife, Detroit, Michi- Mr Cooper and W ife, De- oit, Michigan; Fred L. Cay, eman, Montana; Clyde Bun- rt. Bozeman, Montana, E. R. 11 and wife, Oakland. Get my prices before you buy tar Fall clothes— Paulserud’s. 26— tf tatlonery, Toilet articles and idries a t the lc sale, McNair’s. el A shland— Ä Special Auto Accident Policy C alifornia ............... Colorado ........... T h i for $5.00 a year. Phone 21. Yeo ........... of course. 24-tf Illinois ......... Indiana ........ ........................ To Play Applegate— The Ashland high school foot­ ball squad will play the Applegate team at the local grounds this afternoon at three o’clock. This is the union high school in th at district and has a very good team. There will be no game tomorrow We deliver the goodf -Detricka 94-tf Ri'turn Home— Mrs. Della Blodgett and nep hew, Lawrence Shutts, who have been visiting here for some time, have gone to California where they will stay for some time be­ fore returning to their home in Chicago. They have been visiting with Mis3 Blanche Hicks, local librarian. ’hose stopping at the Hotel dund from quite a ' stance are C. M. H ittinger Portland, ine; Mr. and Mrs W. E. Mhton Portland, .uaine, Mr. Mrs. C. Bonnlster, Vancou B. C., and Mr. and Mrs. W.. Let us fill j o u r pail with Swifts Enm inger and child, Roches- Silver Lea: lard. Costs less than shortening. Goes fa rth e r and is , more nutritious. Detricks. 94-tf 1CEL AND CURL LAST ÏBR after a Golden Glint Many A ttend Caves— Mlnvada. poo. ky at Crescent City— turday at 2:45 the Medford I school football team will st a t the Medford field, the snt City, Calif., high school first inter-scholastic of the Season. Crescent is a county high school and a medium heavy team . The lord team has been drilling "and everything points to a game. The Ashland team io game next Saturday. e. The attendance at the Oregon Caves this summer has failed to reach the total expected at t h e ' first of the season but has been heavier than ever before. A to­ tal of 16,211 had visited the caves up to Thursday, with a fair num-1 ber going through every day. Forty-three visited the resort on | Sunday and yesterday a num ber of cars were seen on the road there. Lumber is now being re-«| ceived at the caves for the new cottages which are to be built.__ G rants Pass Courier. ton Dancing School, Mem- E scapes Jail— Hall. Open dally. A fter- A. Bolla, convicted bootlegger, 2 to 3. evening 7 to 9. escaped from the county jail 307-tf Tuesday night at K lam ath Falls, ............... T - , » - « » Minnesota .... q j ' jqc Nebraska ...... ....................... New Jersey — ' ' l 5 “ U s a Y o r k .......................... ¿ d « Oregon ........... Pennsylvania ......................581596 W ashington ..................... West Virginia .......... State unknown .................. 10 ßi7 9 324 3 072 TOTAL VOTES ................. 397,522 IN PORTLAND, Oct. 2. — Here is the football situation a t Cor­ vallis direct from Coach Paul Schissler, new coach of the Oregon Aggies: F irst, we have no punter. That is not fatal, for a punter can Davis 6,124 853 F8.325 3,218 1,868 5,526 3.719 1,197 2,981 12,979 9,937 389 12,267 ’18,880 12,508 1,864 7,564 1,461 1,599 118,259 La Follette 38,926 1,065 22.919 1,718 3.3S1 5,011 13,134 872 3,105 21,846 9,820 468 16,863 3,340 1,620 5,779 1,070 10.773 2,656 164,366 Total for State 91,703 6,175 101,074 13,378 14,902 30,676 41,839 5,226 21.390 95,172 55,327 2,341 89,750 33,860 21,039 18,617 18,078 20,989 '7,483 689,019 at popular prices Every one represents marvelous values at $ 1 9 95 $2500 $ 2 9 75 $3250 $35°° $37 $42,5° $45°° $ 4 7 50 BLADE’ • • » A rare drama told in a story of love and hate, craft and cun­ ning, dash and dan­ ger, thrills and sus­ pense. We are specializing in popular priced coats this season and whatever the price you’ve planned to spend, you’ll find a smart, new model here! I’ ine, rich fabrics: Bolivia«, Orniandales, Downey Wool, Chin Chilla, Suede Cloth, Angora, “ C ut” fabrics and tine sports materials, with beautiful collars of squirrel, opossum, wolf, Viatka squirrel, Moufflon and all the smartest furs. They’re the best coat values you’ll find at their popular prices. See them now! 10° coats for Girls and Misses 3 to 16 years. Made of the latest fabrics some fur trimmed. P riced.........$4.48 to $22.50 DON’T FAIL Sweaters $8.98 Io attend the BIG SALE al Johnson’s J ew elr y Store Mohair Wool Sweaters made in the late Fail styles; come in Tan, Blue, Grey, Rust. Trim ­ med with contrasting colors. COLD NIGHTS REMAND WARM FLANNELETTE NIGHTWEAR Women’s Warm Gowns Made of excellent quality flannelette. W hite and colors. Priced ................. $ 1 .1 5 to $ 2 .4 « Brushed Wool Sweaters Any article in stock at your own price. An unusual opportuninity and it only lasts a short time. in new Fall Styles. Priced 3.9«, $0.0«, $7.9« Blanket Values 66x80 Cotton Blankets. P air $4.9« extra One P a tte rn s" niade of ChIna Cotton, Children’s Sweaters W e are showing a most complete line, all sizes for boys and girls. DON’T FAIL Butterick Patterns Made with the “ Deltor” t H . . . . i i I . I , 70x80 Wool and Cotton P air $ « .6 3 Made in plaid patterns. Pink. Blue, Tan and E.R.IsaaCÄCß, ‘The Q uality Store” Women’s Silk Hose $1.25 Pair Guaranteed to give Satisfaction , ......................................... ♦ ................».